蜷川實花 上海 2010
今世界で最も刺激的な街「上海」 蜷川実花のフィルターを通して余計なセンチメンタルは排除され、俳優「安藤政信」が上海の街、現地の女性や雑技団らと交錯していく。 ハッピーなスピードとノワールで彩られた「蜷川妄想上海」 写真雑誌『PHOTO GRAPHICA』の別冊特別号として刊行。 オール中国・上海ロケによる完全撮りおろし写真集。 -
A Shadow Falls
Nick Brandt's portraits of some of the last surviving large mammals of East and Southern Africa reveal soulful beings who bear the individualized imprint of a life in nature. His new book reproduces 57 never-before published images in stunning tritone plates at large size. Photographer Nick Brandt has made it his mission to portray the last survivors of what were once vast populations of large mammals in East and Southern Africa. Brandt photographs lions, cheetahs, gorillas, zebras and elephants with a gripping style. To make these photographs, Brandt takes long, difficult trips into the field, negotiating with the human bureaucracies that control access to the wild subjects he seeks. He uses none of the apparatus of the wildlife photographer; rather, nature is his art studio, where majestic subjects sit for his lens. Mary Ellen Mark describes these photographs as both 'epic and iconic'; Jane Goodall remarks that, 'they inspire a sense of awe at the beauty of creation and the sacredness of life'. "A Shadow Falls" reproduces 57 never-before published images in stunning, over sized tri-tone plates. A text by Brandt about the fate of Africa's large animals is complemented with an introduction by philosopher Peter Singer. -
《DSLR乐学堂:出色照片的构图与构成》中记录了框架中的要素和演绎美丽风景的办法及找寻摄影场所的路标。我们现在就开始进行一次为找寻摄影场所而拍摄的旅行吧。只有掌握了“构图与构成”,才能拍摄出优质的照片。您一定会因为拍出来的照片和看的景色不一样而失望的经历吧?明明是在相同的地方取的景,可拍出来的照片却有天壤之别。 为什么会出现这样的结果呢?这并不是因为相机型号或是单纯的拍摄手法的问题,而是因为在照片的“构图与构成”上存在着差异。 -
Open See
Open See is the first part of a vast project by Jim Goldberg, documenting the exodus of refugees, immigrants and victims of human trafficking coming from countries ravaged by war and economic crises to remake their lives in Europe. Since 2003, Jim Goldberg has made photographs, films and Polaroids annotated by the subjects who tell the tales of their journeys, gathering manuscripts, notes, ephemera and recording their stories. These individuals are the victims of crises, in Europe and throughout the world--economic refugees from poverty-stricken regions, forced laborers, kidnapped sex slaves or persons duped by financial mirages. Many of them have left communities devastated by AIDS or totalitarian regimes, in the hope of more security and prosperity in Europe. Beginning in 2003 in Greece, as part of a Magnum Cultural Commission, Goldberg has photographed these populations and their distress. He became interested in the countries of origin of these migrants (and their living conditions there): countries such as Ukraine, India, Bangladesh, Liberia, Senegal, Mauritania and Democratic Republic of Congo. More generally, the work looks at the problems of globalization and addresses questions of racism and cultural persecution. Despite these sad realities, these individuals endure, and their stories are full of hope and heroism. -
《HDRI手册:高动态范围影像处理技术》将揭开HDRI的神秘面纱,全面介绍HDRI(高动态范围影像)技术,详解其在影像创作上的应用。通过《HDRI手册:高动态范围影像处理技术》的学习,将掌握利用HDR影像处理软件,把多张不同曝光的照片混合成一张更大动态范围的照片,再现人眼在现场动态观察到的场景效果。 《HDRI手册:高动态范围影像处理技术》不仅为广大数码摄影师及摄影爱好者提供了全面的高动态范围影像技术指导,是这一群体的必备手册,也可作为影像处理技术专业人员的参考用书。 -
《分类摄影50讲》内容简介:从当代摄影的分类方式来看,可以有许多种类型,而每一类型的摄影总有其独特的表现技巧和观念色彩。因此,如果能够深入领会某一类型摄影的基本特征,结合相应的技术技巧,就一定能够很快地登堂入室,获得意想不到的成功。《分类摄影50讲》中,我们将当代常见的摄影类型以五大类、50讲的形式分门别类介绍这些不同类型摄影的核心特征,从而可以帮助摄影爱好者领悟其中的奥秘,享受其中的乐趣。 这五大分类为:以目击世界为天职的纪实摄影,以引领潮流为荣耀的时尚摄影,以走入自然为基础的风景摄影,以释放心灵为对话的人像摄影,以微观体验为乐趣的小品摄影。通过通览全书,你可以领略世界摄影的种种极致与可能;你也可以选择其中的某一章节,探索你所喜爱的拍摄秘籍,曲径通幽处自有意想不到的收获。书中涉及的历史缘由可以帮助你了解摄影的艰辛历程;书中披露的摄影技巧有助于你掌握更多拍摄的精髓;书中揭示的名家摄影观念,更有助于你从更高的视野领略摄影的奥秘。尤其是在当代摄影高速发展的今天,摄影的入门也许并非难事。但是要想在高手如林的当代摄影领域一显身手,却需要从技术技巧到观念色彩来一番革命。因此,无论从那一角度看,这本荟萃了当代名家摄影作品和技巧观念的书籍,都可能成为你不可多得的良师益友。 -
關於時間的故事: 快門的生命力
你知道生命中有多少稍縱即逝的"美好時光"嗎? 你知道1秒的快門可以拍下多美麗的景象嗎? 你知道一張曝光正確的照片,背後的關鍵竟然是快門速度? 談到快門,通常的印象是避免拍出模糊的照片,或是決定曝光的要素之一,但真是這樣嗎? --布萊恩‧彼得森,一位享譽國際的攝影名師,帶您領略每一張富有感情、生命力的創意手法,拍出動靜之間的繽紛與美感,讓這些影像讚頌出「動作中的生命」! 我們將帶您解開快門的奧秘,利用快門掌握住拍攝的節奏,拍出富有動感、色彩的動人畫面,而不再只是張張清楚、銳利的平凡照片! ‧從瞬間凍結的高速快門、到富有動感的低速快門,全面解剖應用手法 ‧剖析快門的運用手法,拍出具創造性的影像技巧 ‧使用快門的曝光控制、構圖、與主題,拍出有動感的照片 ‧高段技巧大公開!用偏光鏡、減光鏡表現出截然不同的快門特效 用快門速度創造一個強烈和衝擊力的照片 凍結動作:主題是朝著你接近、左右移動,還是上下移動?該用1/250秒、1/500秒、還是1/1000秒? 用慢快門創造一個富有創意與美感的有趣畫面 打破成規-放慢快門速度/製造雨景:使用1/60秒的快門/搖鏡:1/30、1/15、1/8和1/4秒/使用三腳架,暗示動作的存在/用快門速度「畫圖」/簡單的中途變焦法 光線不足條件下的創意快門 非剪影的逆光主題/黃昏與低光源環境:1秒以上的快門速度/幽靈與天使的拍攝技法 傳授大師級的創新手法與設備 將相機安裝在任何您想像得到的地方/濾鏡的使用--偏光鏡、ND4減光鏡、漸層減光鏡/RAW檔:「反」ND濾鏡/掌握構圖/讓主題佔據整張畫面/替動作預留空間/三分法/對角線的構圖 -
Through the Lens
This is a smaller, gift version of National Geographic's landmark publication, "Through the Lens". "Through the Lens" is a cornucopia of National Geographic's best photographs created since 1890 when the Society first started commissioning photographers to go out into the world and bring images back to its readership. Many of the 250 photographs have been previously published in the magazine but a great number of them are images that did not make the final edit but have great merit on their own. Readers can take a virtual tour around the world to see rice sellers in the Mekong Delta, teenagers in Brazil, duck hunters in Nebraska, and stingrays in the Cayman Islands, to name a few examples. You also move seamlessly back and forth in time, from the days when travellers climbed mountain trails by mule to color-filled lofty airplane rides above the Galapagos Islands with a greater appreciation for technological advancements and the chance to suspend time either way. -
Camera Work
The complete illustrations from all 50 issues of the legendary magazine Camera Work. Selected key texts on avant-garde photography and fine art. With a comprehensive introduction by Pam Roberts, Curator of The Royal Photographic Society, Bath. -
168名中德艺术家、摄影家、作者参与,365件于1989年创作的经典摄影作品和艺术作品.《1989 : 365中德艺术》是第一部以时间和艺术经纬编织的反映当年激烈变化及非同凡响的艺术巨制。 《1989》直接反映发生在1989年的人文记忆。这是一部通过视觉艺术作品的再观察——发生在1989年,中国的、德国的,切实与1989年的时间相关;切实与1989年的重要文化活动、社会生活、人物肖像、自然景观相关的人文艺术作品,被整理和搭建起来,沿着当年日历的顺序,本书的《1989》成为再次重现的艺术的365天。 中国和德国一样与1949年发生了重大的政治关系。同样在2009年纪念建国60周年。同样的1989,不同样的命运转折,使中德两国第一次非同寻常地在一本书中联结在一起。 《1989》创造性地使读者观看同一时间发生的两个场景,它提出在两眼之间可以产生互补的视觉辩证法,它在时间的流动中既看到人文、自然、社会变化的两面场景,又看到两种空间在现实、记忆、思考的穿透中绝非偶然的关联。 近200名中德艺术家、摄影家、作者参与,365幅于1989年创作的经典摄影作品和艺术作品,24幅发生在1949到2009中德两国的历史摄影文献;如此丰富多彩的艺术创作,通过清晰的时间节奏组成其独特的《1989》——这一反映1989年激烈变化及非同凡响的艺术巨制。 530页, 401 张黑白和彩色照片 主编:黄锐 版权所有:思想手设计•计划 赞助:德国联邦政府外事办公室、邓喜红 -
Visual Poetry
A great photograph has the potential to transcend verbal and written language. But how do you create these photographs? It’s not the how that’s important, but the who and the what. Who you are as a person has a direct impact on what you capture as a photographer. Whether you are an amateur or professional, architect or acupuncturist, physician or photographer, this guide provides inspiration, simple techniques, and assignments to boost your creative process and improve your digital images using natural light without additional gear. Chris Orwig’s insights—to reduce and simplify, participate rather than critique, and capture a story—have made him an immensely popular workshop speaker and faculty member at the prestigious Brooks Institute. His engaging stories presented as lessons follow his classroom approach and highlight what students say is his contagious passion for life. In this accessible and beautifully illustrated four-color guide you will: Discover visual poetry in the creative process Use less to say more with your subject matter Learn to see light, color, shape, and expression Understand what gear is essential Create compelling portraits Make lasting memories of your family and kids Capture the outdoors and adventure Begin the transition from amateur to professional Chris also includes exclusive interviews with such photographers as: Steve McCurry, Chris Rainier, John Sexton, Rodney Smith, Joyce Tenneson, John Paul Caponigro, Marc Riboud, and Pete Turner. -
History of Photography in China 1842-1860
The first comprehensive history of the earliest years of photography in China, combining previously unpublished research with over 150 photographs, many of which are attributed and published here for the first time. Terry Bennett describes the way in which the discovery of photography in China was framed against the tumultuous backdrop of the Opium Wars, the Taiping Rebellion and the opening of numerous treaty ports to foreign trade. From 1842, when the use of a camera was first recorded in China, foreign and Chinese photographers captured the people, places and events of this unsettled period. They were professional portraitists, soldiers and pioneering amateurs, among them: Jules Itier; Pierre Rossier; Lo Yuanyou (the earliest-recorded Chinese commercial photographer); Felix Beato; and Milton Miller. The author, an acclaimed international authority on historical photographs from China, Japan and Korea, sheds new light on the unique historical value of these photographs. The images are drawn from institutional and private collections from all over the world. The text includes extensive documentary notes, valuable listings of early stereoviews of China and biographies of more than forty photographers working in China up to 1860. It also introduces important new detail on the life of Felix Beato. -
中国红色摄影史录(上 下)
《中国红色摄影史录(套装上下册)》包括《中国红色摄影史录(上册)》和《中国红色摄影史录(下册)》。内容简介:解放区摄影概况、《晋察冀画报》的光辉业绩、解放区的其它画报、解放区摄影事业的独特风格及历史意义、解放区杰出摄影人物与英模功臣、解放区摄影名作赏析、解放区摄影大事记、解放区摄影人物及其代表作和顾棣日记摘编等。 -
《美国摄影家眼中的江南(jiangman in American Photographers'Lens)(英文版)》内容简介:Twenty years ago, Frank Su Huang went abroad for study in America. He hoped that hecould bring Chinese traditional arts and culture to foreigners and learn advanced scienceand technology ideas from America. At that time, Lu Lin just began to learn photography,and by now he has served as a bridge for communication between the western and easternphotographic art and culture for two decades. With strong support from relevant organizationsin China and America, in spring 2007, Huang and Lin joined hand in hand for a list of plans,and hatched them out 1 year later as Western America Photographer Invitational Exhibition andSino-US Photographic Culture Seminar. In many artistic activities, American photographersexchanged views with Chinese audiences, and then they took repeated trips to some famouscities in Jiangnan. -
《澳洲情缘(大型公益慈善画册)》由香港著名摄影师KK FONG 操刀拍摄的画册,收集了上百幅以昆士兰黄金海岸风光和维多利亚墨尔本城市风情为背景的明星时装大片,并精选了三百多幅融合了独特澳式浪漫和多元文化内涵的人文风光图片,让读者在感受澳大利亚得天独厚的自然之美的同时,也会由衷爱上这里的天然与和谐。 -
海外留学生竞相追捧的励志偶像 包小柏最为推崇的实力爱将 她的声音褪去了这个时代所以的浮躁 独家曝光对粉丝的真情告白 -
编后记(节选) 编写比较完整的《中国摄影史》,在我国是开创性的工作,困难很多。首先是对史料的收集整理,虽然我国地域辽阔、人口众多、文化悠久,但至今还没有一个专门或兼搞收集、保存、研究摄影史料的机构;更由于历经劫难,各种史料的原件几乎丧失殆尽。编写组的同志虽经几年的努力,但仍深感所占有的史料欠完整、不充实,无论从地域或时序来说,都还有不少的空白。其次是编写组的成员大都是业余从事此项工作的,受时间和水平的限制,对某些已知的史实和现象,也未能作更深一层的分析和研究。再次是本书是集体编写,虽几经集中讨论,但从编写体例、材料使用甚至在个别史实的评述上,也还难免存有一些差异。
- 1 梦的解析:最佳译本
- 2 李鸿章全传
- 3 淡定的智慧
- 4 心理操控术
- 5 哈佛口才课
- 6 俗世奇人
- 7 日瓦戈医生
- 8 笑死你的逻辑学
- 9 历史老师没教过的历史
- 10 1分钟和陌生人成为朋友