

  • Migrations

    作者:Sebastiao Salgado

    MIGRATIONS documents the world-altering phenomenon of mass migration. Salgado's images collectively serve as a metaphor for the hundreds of millions of people who, in an elemental struggle for survival, have ruptured their ties with land and tradition in a flight toward other destinies. With his unique vision and empathy, Salgado gives us a clearer picture of the enormous social and political tranformations now occuring in a world divided between excess and need.
  • Street Photography-For the Purist

    作者:Chris Weeks

  • Soul and Soul 1969-1999.

    作者:Kiyoshi Suzuki

    Suzuki, together with fellow photographers Takuma Nakahira and Daido Moriyama cleared the way in Japan for an emotionally involved and personal form of photography. However Suzuki had also a passion for the medium of the book and its special qualities. This quality production, made with love and attention, brings together the two mediums in a worthy tribute to the artist that surveys both his approach to photography and the various book dummies that he designed. -- via photo-eye
  • 摄影名家大讲堂


  • 摄影创作启示录


  • Hellen Van Meene

    作者:Van Meene, Helen

  • Robert Mapplethorpe

    作者:Janet Kardon,Robert

  • Vanity Fair

    作者:Graydon Carter,David

    "Vanity Fair: The Portraits" brings together 300 iconic portraits from "Vanity Fair"'s 95-year history in a remarkable book that captures the image of modern fame--the magical thing that happens when individual talent and beauty (and sometimes genius) is caught in the spotlight of popular curiosity and passion. The photographers--from Edward Steichen and Cecil Beaton to Annie Leibovitz and Mario Testino--are a glittering and celebrated group themselves. Their portraits have become the iconic likenesses of the best-known figures from the worlds of art, film, music, sports, business, and politics. From legends such as Pablo Picasso, Amelia Earhart, Cary Grant, and Katharine Hepburn to the stars, writers, athletes, style icons, and titans of business and politics of today, "Vanity Fair: The Portraits" offers an authoritative roster of talent and glamour in the 20th century.
  • 数码摄影专业教程


    《数码摄影专业教程》中,汤姆·安向您讲述如何从数码摄影和传统胶片摄影中获得最佳的影像效果。带您经历记录影像后的一系列过程,包含软件处理、图像修正及增加图片的艺术效果。此外,这里还提供了一系列有益的、如何转变成为一个专业摄影师的建议,即从创建您的作品选辑到推广销售您的图片作品。 专业的建议 该书的另一个特征是介绍了大量的摄影技巧,这些技巧所涉及的范围非常广泛,从特写到肖像及灯光技术,再到曝光控制都有详尽的讲解。通过拍摄从儿童到城市风景等各种事物,汤姆·安演示了如何将数码技术和摄影技巧相结合,以产生令人难以想像的结果。 数字摄影技术处于激动人心的新时代摄影的最前沿。而数码相机由于其激增的市场销售额,正成为摄影工业增长中最为迅速的一个部分。通过将数码阳机和富于创造性的图像处理软件结合起来,业余摄影师同样可以像专业摄影师那样创作出优秀的图片作品。 精炼、实用、简单——如果您想创作出成功的作品,那么《数码摄影专业教程》会向您提供完成这一正作的所有信息。
  • Better Available Light Digital Photography

    作者:Joe Farace,Barry Sta

    This classic book on available light photography is back, thoroughly updated for digital photography and, for the first time, is packed with stunning, full color images throughout. Creating great images under less-than-ideal lighting conditions is one of the most difficult, yet rewarding, experiences in photography. Challenge yourself, and with this book by your side you won't be disappointed. Photography expert Joe Farace and Pulitzer Prize winner Barry Staver use real-world examples of their own images to give you invaluable advice on how to get the shot right the first time. From practical tips, such as how to deal with inclement weather while shooting outdoors, to detailed information about getting great shots at your cousin's or your client's wedding, to brand new chapters on noise and white balance, you'll find everything that you need to turn your ordinary night and low-light shots into masterful works of art. *Chapters on digital noise, white balance, and RAW image file capture give photographers all of the information they need to get successful available light shots *Case studies and full color images made for real-world assignments provide inspiration for the reader to challenge their abilities *A brand new chapter covering available light photography at weddings helps the family shooter or aspiring pro improve their skills
  • 深田恭子写真集 25才

    作者:撮:ND CHOW

    深田恭子、25歳最後の素顔。まさに待望! 実に6年9カ月ぶりとなる写真集を25歳最後の日に発売。大好きなタイの地で魅せた妖艶&セクシーショットから、激キュートなスッピンスマイルまで、テレビでは見られないレアショットが満載です。女優・深田恭子のリアルな素顔に大接近した貴重なメモリアル作品
  • 现代摄影教程


    《现代摄影教程:摄影基础知识》主要依据现代摄影发展的现状选择相关的教学内容。全书以数码摄影技术为主线,结合讲解传统摄影材料、技术特点及要求,串连了全部基本知识点。全书主要包括四个部分,即:基本摄影器材、摄影基本技术、摄影创作基本方法以及摄影构图。《现代摄影教程:摄影基础知识》在基本理论知识讲解上强调深入浅出,在全面讲解知识点的同时力求尽可能精炼和通俗。《现代摄影教程:摄影基础知识》还将重要的或是较为抽象的知识点都配以范例及作品分析,让读者能够直观、正确地理解与掌握相关基础知识。 《现代摄影教程:摄影基础知识》可作为美术院校艺术与设计专业、高等院校建筑学及相关专业师生、学者的参考书,也可供对此领域有兴趣的读者阅读与参考。
  • Nobuyoshi Araki

    作者:Akiko Miki,Yoshiko I

    Synopsis "The Araki Limited Edition" is limited to 3,000 copies. Each copy is individually numbered and includes foil-blocked, textured pages. "The Araki Limited Edition" is bound in special fabric and presented in a slipcase. Nobuyoshi Araki is the most controversial photographer working in the world today. To his critics, he is no more than a pornographer and a misogynist; to his supporters he is a radical and a revolutionary, a figure who has challenged not just artistic limits, but social limits in post-war Japan. At home, he is a national celebrity. In the West, he is considerably less understood. This is the book that will explain Araki. In its sheer range of text and images, it is also the most comprehensive volume ever to be published on his life's work.
  • 片山瞳×松田美由紀 写真集 私の好きな孤独

    作者:松田 美由紀,片山 瞳

    30.4 x 23.2 x 1 cm
  • 青空散歩


    こんな顔、知らなかった! 小池徹平 3rd写真集 『青空散歩。』いつもの徹平、いつもと違う徹平、ぜーーーんぶ詰めちゃった!! 青空の下、キュートな笑顔とクールな男顔。本音がいっぱいの超ロングインタビューも併載!これ以上出来ない“いまの徹平”がギュッと詰まった永久保存版!! どれもこれも、ホントの小池徹平です。 「やっぱり笑顔が素敵!」から「こんな顔見たことない。ドキドキする!」まで、たくさんの表情を綴じ込めた、まさに「徹平のすべて」ともいえる3rd写真集が完成!青空の下、いろんな顔を見せる彼と散歩しているような気持ちでめくって下さいね!
  • Paul Fusco

    作者:Edward Kennedy,Norma

    Paul Fusco: RFK, published during the fortieth anniversary of Robert F. Kennedy's assassination, is the long-awaited follow-up to Fusco's acclaimed RFK Funeral Train, a body of work heralded as a contemporary classic. This historical new publication features more than 70 never-before-seen images, many selected from the untapped treasure trove of slides that comprise the Library of Congress' Look Magazine Collection. As a staff photographer for Look magazine in 1968, Fusco was commissioned to document all of the events surrounding the funeral. In addition to capturing the thousands of Americans who stood by the railroad tracks to greet the funeral train carrying Kennedy's coffin, he also photographed the mourners gathered at St. Patrick's Cathedral in New York, as well as the dramatic night burial in Arlington National Cemetery. In this volume, newly discovered photographs are presented alongside classic images of the funeral train that have been seared into public consciousness from two previous iterations of the work: a 1999 limited edition and the 2000 trade edition, both long out-of-print. Paul Fusco: RFK provides a new perspective on this legendary photographer's singular achievement. It also helps solidify the status of this classic body of work as one of the great efforts in photographic reportage and an incomparable document of this pivotal moment in U.S. history.
  • Raw格式数码摄影流程完全解析


    《Raw格式数码摄影流程完全解析》全面讲解了与Raw格式数码摄影相关的知识,为采用Raw格式拍摄的摄影师提供了从拍摄到存档的完整工作流程指导。《Raw格式数码摄影流程完全解析》分别介绍了Raw格式的特点,使用Raw格式拍摄的方法,Raw格式文件的下载和导出,常见Raw格式图像编辑软件(Adobe Camera Raw、Aperture等)的使用方法,Raw格式无损编辑流程的建立与选择,以及Raw图像文件的管理与备份方法。
  • 学会创造性观察


  • 广告摄影

