Over 1,000 of the best images selected from the online photo journals found on one of the fastest growing and liveliest digital communities: fotolog. With digital cameras and camera phones, millions of people are obsessively documenting their daily lives. The fotolog phenomenon transcends national borders, language barriers, and age gaps. From hotblooded (and sometimes hot-headed) teenagers in Brazil to cool silver surfers in Iceland, doctors, lawyers, dentists, mothers-to-be, and great-grandfathers, all these people have one thing in common: they communicate with images. Organized into themes with quotes and commentaries, this book guides us to the best of the millions of images and multitudes of words found in the fotolog archives. fotolog.book shows us how we see our world, rather than images that newspapers deem newsworthy, images that marketers hope will be money-making or galleries judge to be Art with a capital A. It shows us what the fresh eyes of hundreds of ordinary men and women find beautiful, funny, moving, or extraordinary. Over 1000 color illustrations. fotolog is a registered trademark of fotolog, Inc. -
white room
轰动一时的男体写真集,老色狼篠山紀信摄影。99年小开本再版见:http://www.douban.com/subject/2296622/ -
本书是一本中国行为摄影,其中包括洛齐的行为是摄影的本质;卡曼斯的新摄影:行为着的中国当代艺术;黄岩的中国山水――纹身等。 -
《中国西藏风光》主要内容:在世界第三极的西藏,众多的美妙和神奇都趋向于极致。巍然傲立的雪峰,浩瀚如镜的明湖,七彩眩目的阳光,延绵不绝的草场,辉煌玄妙的寺庙以及质朴淳善的人们,等等,任择一二便可成就为憾人心魄的华美篇章。这本精致的摄影画册将为您展现令人魂牵梦萦的西藏如画风光。 -
The Best Camera Is The One That's With You
A beacon of creativity with boundless energy, Chase Jarvis is well known as a visionary photographer, director, and social artist. In The Best Camera Is The One That’s With You, Chase reimagines, examines, and redefines the intersection of art and popular culture through images shot with his iPhone. The pictures in the book, all taken with Chase’s iPhone, make up a visual notebook—a photographic journal—from the past year of his life. The book is full of visually-rich iPhone photos and peppered with inspiring anecdotes. Two megapixels at a time, these images have been gathered and bound into a book that represents a stake in the ground. With it, Chase underscores the idea that an image can come from any camera, even a mobile phone. As Chase writes, “Inherently, we all know that an image isn’t measured by its resolution, dynamic range, or anything technical. It’s measured by the simple—sometimes profound, other times absurd or humorous or whimsical—effect that it can have upon us. If you can see it, it can move you.” This book is geared to inspire everyone, regardless of their level of photography knowledge, that you can capture moments and share them with our friends, families, loved ones, or the world at the press of a button. -
早稲田大学大学院で美術史を学んでいた学生時代に、個展〈人間の土地〉で輝かしくデビューした奈良原一高(1931―)。その後も、知性に裏付けられた多種多様な技法とテーマの映像で知られている。 -
ドキュメンタリーから超現実主義的写真までの幅広い作風をこなし、浪華写真倶楽部と丹平写真倶楽部の指導者であった天才・安井仲治は38歳で夭折する。彼の作品こそ、日本の現代写真の原点である。 -
Sarah Moon / Sarah Moon, 12345 (Slipcase)
Sarah Moon is a contemporary photographer of international renown. A former model, she has taken award-winning photos for such magazines as "Vogue", "Harpers Bazaar" and "Nova". The images she has created for several brands, among them Chanel, Comme des Garcons and Cacharel, all share her poetic sense of place and personality. This publication, which includes an example of Moons cinematic work on a DVD, is a personal memoir in pictures, evoking her life, friends and fantasies. Distinguished writers Dominique Edde, Ilona Suschitsky, Magali Jauffret, Alain Fleischer and Robert Delpire provide commentaries on her work in still and cinema photography, drawing out her thoughts on colour, contemporaries, influences and, in her own words, her unique approach to her subject. This is an unparalleled celebration of the vision of a gifted and individual photographer. -
《摄影鉴赏与实践》为高校素质教育和艺术教育的摄影教材,也可供广大摄影爱好者阅读。 全书共有九章,前四章主要阐释摄影艺术的形成和发展、特性和价值、语言和手法、创作和鉴赏等摄影审美的基本问题,后五章分别探讨了五种常见的摄影门类——人像摄影、风光摄影、静物摄影、纪实摄影、新闻摄影的鉴赏和实践。 附录简要地介绍了数码摄影基础知识,以帮助初学摄影者能够迅速掌握数码摄影的要点,投入摄影实践。 -
《我从战场归来》是著名新华社记者唐师曾在1991年海湾战争爆发之时,浴血深入战地,写就的中东战地见闻。带着“记录战争带给人类的苦难”的使命,他在经费紧缺、物质条件极差、生命安全无以保障的情况下,只身辗转伊拉克、约旦、以色列、塞浦路斯……亲眼见证美丽大地沦为焦土,交战国难民垂死挣扎,记者们在纷飞战火中肝胆相照,热血相助……本书多次再版印刷,累计销量百万册,英雄主义的正义和激情影响了整整一代中国人。 -
The 1930s (Decades of the 20th Century)
This series depicts worldwide events of the twentieth century in a novel way. Fascinating black-and-white photographs from the Getty Images collection put images of the power of an event or the zaniness of new trends right before the viewersa?? eyes. The force of wars and political conflicts is just as important a theme in these comprehensive volumes as world-shaking innovations in science and technology. These are accompanied by portraits of great personalities in art, politics, and society. The lives of everyday people with their (at the time) common and not-so-common curiosities also comprise an extensive part of each book: sailing on roller skates in 1929, painted-on nylon stockings in 1947, or a dry cleanera??s where the charge for miniskirts varies according to their length. -
《佳能镜头详测:从入门到精通》是一部全面介绍佳能旗下EF、EF-S镜头基本性能参数、参数分析、技术解剖、测试结果解读、购买指南的专业出版物。该书作者利用专业软件对摄影者常用的17款定焦镜头和15款变焦镜头进行了科学、规范的测试,并配有相应的测试结果、测试图片以及实拍样张。书内还附有佳能镜头推出简表、镜头选购要点、32只常用佳能镜头性能参数总表等,其中“破解MTF密码”尤其值得一读。 《佳能镜头详测:从入门到精通》可供Canon单反相机的入门者和发烧友阅读。 -
广州城中村,ISBN:9789881503817,作者: -
《天地之吻(紫禁城图像)》内容简介:紫禁城,明朝永乐四年(1406)筹建,永乐十五年(1417)开工,永乐十八年(1420)落成。从明成祖朱棣到中国末代皇帝溥仪,历明、清两朝,计24位皇帝在此执政、居住。作为世界上现存规模最大、保护最完整的古代皇宫建筑群,紫禁城的伟大在于它早已凝结为经典图像。 既凝固又变幻的紫禁城图像属于它的创造者,属于近600年来所有见到和想到它的人们。 属于每个人的眼睛和心灵。 -
《摄影构图全攻略》主要内容:对我们大部分人来说,摄影构图往往被蒙上神秘高深的色彩,一些有关摄影构图的抽象阐述,更增添了摄影者对构图的茫然感。笔者作为摄影教育工作者,每天都在接触大量的学生习作,当我们试图运用既有规则对他们的作品作出点评时,常常深感力不从心。是规则出了问题?还是我们的思维方式出了问题? 我们以为,摄影的创作过程是作者传递信息的过程,并表现在以下几方面:第一,你拍摄一张照片想要表达什么主题?这个主题对作者和读者有没有意义?第二,你将以什么对象(主体)来表达这个主题?第三,主体在怎样的环境中或情境中才能充分地表达这个主题?第四,主体在表达这个主题时,是否还需要其他元素的辅助,又该如何选择和安排这些辅助元素?最后,采用什么样的摄影作品的形式来有效地帮助作者传递画面意义并最终使读者理解这个主题? -
《美国新闻摄影教程:获得杰出新闻图片的专业法则(第6版)》以丰富翔实的案例和访谈,对新闻摄影工作予以全方位介绍,内容包括完成新闻摄影任务所需的思想准备和技术准备,如何拍摄突发新闻、一般新闻、人像、体育、插图摄影和图片故事,此外还介绍了如何做好图片编辑工作。《美国新闻摄影教程(第6版)》对与新闻摄影相关的道德问题的分析,对于新闻摄影史的回顾也有一定的启发意义。《美国新闻摄影教程:获得杰出新闻图片的专业法则(第6版)》密切结合新闻摄影的多媒体发展趋势,对多媒体、视频的拍摄和编辑制作予以详细介绍,使摄影记者可以跟上时代的变化和发展。 -
Bites XXL
Giovanni, renowned photographer in Milan’s fashion industry, felt the deep need to produce something lasting along side of his extremely short-lived and fleeting fashion photography. Since his first publication of Bites in 2005 his artworks – hyms to the male sex organ – have sold many thousands times. -
- 1 梦的解析:最佳译本
- 2 李鸿章全传
- 3 淡定的智慧
- 4 心理操控术
- 5 哈佛口才课
- 6 俗世奇人
- 7 日瓦戈医生
- 8 笑死你的逻辑学
- 9 历史老师没教过的历史
- 10 1分钟和陌生人成为朋友