映画『洋菓子店コアンドル』に主演し、パティシエ役に挑戦した女優の蒼井優が、自らこれまでに蓄積したスイーツ情報を厳選し、紹介する書籍「蒼井洋菓子店~大好きスイーツ・ベスト88~」がマガジンハウスより発売されることになった。 劇中の画像でも見られるように、パティシエのコックコートがお似合いの蒼井さんだが、自他ともに認めるお菓子好き。今回発売されるスイーツ情報本、その名も「蒼井洋菓子店」では、そんな彼女がこれまでに実際に足を運んだり、取り寄せたりして蓄積した様々なスイーツの情報、大好きなパティスリーやとっておきの味を惜しみなく紹介する! “蒼井優とスイーツ”と称して蒼井さんのお母さんの手作りバナナケーキのことや、映画でのパティシエ体験について語るほか、“幸せスイーツテイスティング”では、行列ができるスイーツやお取り寄せスイーツを彼女が本気で試食! “エレガントなスイーツマナー”の章では、崩れやすいミルフィーユを美しく食べるコツなどを紹介する。インタビューに加え、オフショットも満載。スイーツを前に幸せそうな蒼井さんの笑顔にドキッ! -
故郷、諏訪の春から夏にかけた田んぼを中心とした風景、人々を撮影した写真集。 -
《荒野传奇:中国野生动物精彩图片选(A卷)》是一部中国境内野生动物(除昆虫外)的图片集,集中展示了2009年《中国国家地理》“荒野传奇”摄影大赛中的优秀图片。按照拍摄侧重点和视角的不同,分为“哺乳动物”、“爬行动物”、“两栖和鱼类”和“除昆虫外的无脊椎类”四个部分。 -
Digi+Girls Kishin No.4 栗山千明
映画「バトル・ロワイヤル」「キル・ビルVol.1」に出演し、大きな経験を経て十代の最後を迎えた"永遠の美少女"栗山千明。そんな今の彼女の本質を、篠山紀信があますところなく捕らえた最新の写真集。 -
Woman in the Mirror
Richard Avedon redefined portrait and fashion photography in the 20th century. In the 1940s Avedon burst onto the fashion scene, infusing his photographs with touches of realism and the fantastic. His images were among the first to replace the stiff poses of the past with energetic action scenes that commanded the pages of Harper's Bazaar and Vogue magazines from the mid-'40s through the 1980s. He took his models out of the studios and brought them to cafes and casinos, posing them with well-dressed escorts. His models nuzzled elephants, stood amongst circus performers, and leapt like gymnasts. As his career progressed, Avedon developped a deceptively simple studio portrait style, which he would continue throughout his life. With uncompromising directness, he portrayed his subjects against a white background, with no extraneous details to distract from the essential specificity of face, gaze, dress, and gesture. This challenging innovation, coupled with the artist's intense interest in his subjects and mastery of his craft, resulted in mesmerizing portraits, among them Marilyn Monroe, Anna Magnani, Suzy Parker, Tina Turner, Stephanie Seymour, and many more. -
本书以图文并茂的形式,介绍了世界绘画摄影大师高更的生平事迹,并收录了他的绘画作品以供读者参考。 -
Purple Anthology
When those in the magazine industry need inspiration, they look to Purple. It has influenced countless other magazines and spawned trends that have trickled down through all levels of culture. To celebrate its fifteenth anniversary, this volume brings together the best in fashion, art, and culture from Purple’s illustrious history. Purple revolutionized fashion photography in the nineties by commissioning fine artists to shoot fashion editorials. What resulted was a raw, improvisational aesthetic, which continues to exert its power today. Many of our most promising artists contribute to Purple’s pages, including Terry Richardson, Juergen Teller, Jack Pierson, Richard Prince, John Currin, and Vanessa Beecroft. Among the celebrity muses who appear regularly are Kim Gordon, Chloe Sevigny, Kate Moss, Catherine Deneuve, and Vincent Gallo. Along with images, the book also presents essays by such renowned writers as Glenn O’Brien, Gary Indiana, and Dave Hickey. These texts further the book’s larger purpose: to chart the development of art and fashion during the past fifteen years. This is the ultimate deluxe collection for serious fashion, art, photography, graphic design, and magazine aficionados. -
Henri Cartier-Bresson
Henri Cartier-Bresson reveals--as only a few great artists have done consistently--the variety and richness of human experience in the twentieth century. This second volume of Aperture's Masters of Photography series confirms the genius of the photographer who--with the new, smaller, hand-held cameras and faster films--defined the idea of "the decisive moment" in photography. Cartier-Bresson's imagery is intimate but utterly respectful of his subjects. In his travels throughout the world, he has captured glimpses of individual lives in scores of countries. Taken together, Cartier-Bresson's works constitute a personal history of epic scope. This volume presents forty-two of the artist's photographs, each recognized as a masterpiece of the medium. In addition, Cartier-Bresson offers a brief statement about what drives his work. Hardcover, 8 x 8 in./96 pgs -
本书为新生代学者、专栏作家夏佑至先生近年艺术评论文字的结集,为“独立阅读书系”第二辑之一。 本书重现了摄影历史上最有争议的人物、事件和作品,质疑了照片与真实的关联,并且探讨了摄影这种艺术形式的内在特征。随着数码相机和互联网的普及,大众传媒与摄影都发生了巨大变化。本书的另一部分就是对这一变化的观察和总结。正如传统视觉艺术在摄影的冲击下趋于边缘,数码相机的普及也将改变传统摄影。视觉生产和传播的权力正从媒体、政府和艺术家手中向大众过度。本书是对这一新的视觉生产和传播方式的描述。 1887年,闪光摄影第一次被发明出来。那次闪光只持续了十分之一秒,却是革命性的。通过摄影,黑暗庇护的世界被强加给我们的视觉。世界从此在相机面前变得苍白、平面、无处躲藏,并越来越快地以照片的形式被分解、传播和重构。而今,搭载在手机上的又小又薄的数码相机和数码摄像机的普及,大大加快了强制分解、传播和重构世界的进程。——夏佑至 -
《数码摄影技艺丛书:摄影构图》是“数码摄影技艺丛书”系列图书中的一本。摄影创作是艺术表达的手段之一,摄影师通过摄影的方式来表达所思所见的大千世界,通过摄影画面来展示自己的创作意图。简言之,摄影构图就是摄影师把所要拍摄的对象,根据自己的创作构思和所使用的摄影器材,运用最富有表现力的形式,在画面中进行最充分的表达。因此,成功的摄影作品都是内容与形式的完美结合。精良而有创意的构图形式,对画面起着决定性的作用。 《数码摄影技艺丛书:摄影构图》通过研究摄影构图的各式法则,从理论和实践两部分探讨了如何更好地在方寸之间展开对形式美的表达。每一部分又分5个章节。 -
《植物之美》内容简介:春华秋实,草长鹰飞,绿肥红瘦,这是大自然再平常不过的变迁,也是生命时时在谱写的传奇。自然摄影大师们的镜头捕捉到了什么?晨光中,一朵刚到社交年龄的虞美人好奇地打量着世界;草原上,孤独的金合欢树再一次目睹了非洲的狂野。獐耳细辛倔强地将花苞从冻土中拱出,铃兰摇动着奶白色的铃铛将春的信息传遍山岗。美国的三花水杨梅迎风梳理着它的长发,好望角的茅膏菜又吃掉了一只可怜的苍蝇。浪漫的薰衣草将普罗旺斯涂成了紫色,顽皮的三色堇躲在墙角扮着鬼脸。轻盈的蒲公英种子一心要乘风飞向未知的远方,胖嘟嘟的牛肝菌只愿老老实实地趴在枯草堆里。用照片传递感动,以光影记录流年,我只愿跌入这自然美景中,不愿回去。 -
《人像•凝视:100幅精彩人像作品解读》精选了权威摄影专业报的头版照片,都是25年来沉淀下来的精品力作,《人像•凝视:100幅精彩人像作品解读》在交待足够的画面信息和拍摄背景之外,还特意邀请部分摄影界专家学者、报社资深编辑对其进行深入浅出的解读。这种单一的声音,有着一定的权威引导功能,但更主要的是希望能为读者的阅读和思考提供线索和切入点。同样,《人像•凝视:100幅精彩人像作品解读》以解剖麻雀的方式来条分缕析,从鉴赏者的眼光来一一点出每张照片的特色甚至技术要点,以便使读者能够读解到更多精要。适合摄影初学者和专业人士阅读。 -
Sally Mann
Children, landscape, lovers--these subjects are almost as common to the photographic lexicon as light itself. But Sally Mann's take on these iconic themes, rendered through both traditional and esoteric processes, is anything but common. Astonishingly original both in image and technique, Mann's work consistently challenges the viewer: in her hands, experiences drawn from daily life are rendered both disquieting and sublime. Now, having studied relationships between parent and child, artist and subject, life and death, Mann investigates the bonds between husband and wife. Exquisitely detailed, intimate, psychologically and emotionally intense, Proud Flesh engages territory most often inhabited by male artists portraying their wives and female lovers, as Mann turns the camera to her husband of 39 years, Larry. Beautiful, textured and provocative, these unprecedented nude studies neither objectify nor celebrate; rather, they go far under the skin to suggest a relationship between man and woman that is profoundly trusting: sensual, sexual, sometimes painful, often indescribably tender and always unblinkingly honest. -
American Music
The impulse to do AMERICAN MUSIC, writes famed photographer Annie Leibovitz, “came from a desire to return to my original subject and look at it with a mature eye. Bring my experience to it…make it a real American tapestry.” Her ambitious idea became AMERICAN MUSIC, a stunning collection of photographs of the musicians, places and people that enrich the landscape of American music. As Rolling Stone’s chief photographer for over thirteen years, Leibovitz created a legendary body of work. Her portraits of some of the world’s most talented musicians capture more than the performer, they convey the art of making music. For AMERICAN MUSIC, Leibovitz traveled across the country to juke joints in the Mississippi Delta, honkytonks in Texas, and jazz clubs in New Orleans “to take pictures in places that mean something.” In her signature style, she shares stunning portraits of American greats -- B.B. King, Willie Nelson, Bonnie Raitt, Bruce Springsteen, Beck, Bob Dylan, Mary J. Blige, Jon Bon Jovi, Steve Earle, Ryan Adams, Miles Davis, Etta James, Pete Seeger, Emmylou Harris, Tom Waits, The Dixie Chicks, Dr. Dre, The Roots and many more. AMERICAN MUSIC includes a commentary about the American Music project by Leibovitz, short essays by musicians Patti Smith, Rosanne Cash, Steve Earle, Mos Def, Ryan Adams, and Beck as well as biographical sketches of all the musicians. -
Moon 13
主编&美编 Editors in Chief & Art Director 任航 翻译 Translator pi 特约 Contributors 小娜,袁小鹏,咖小西,Steven Beckly,Tania Shcheglova and Roman Noven,Luk asz Wierzbowsk,Leo Kong,沉玥 TOPIC SHE WAS A FRESH HOLE. Photography by 任航 Model by 小娜 PHOTOGRAPHY WHEN I AM FREE,I WANNA HAVE SEX. Photography by 袁小鹏 ILLUSTRATION 父亲 Illustration by 袁小鹏 PHOTOGRAPHY OUR SEX IS QUITE NORMAL,NOT THAT CRAZY. Photography by 咖小西 PHOTOGRAPHY I WANNA FUCK A BOY LIKE YOU. Photography by Steven Beckly PHOTOGRAPHY HUMP HOLE ON A HOLIDAY. Photography by Tania Shcheglova and Roman Noven PHOTOGRAPHY BLACK HOLE photography by Lukasz Wierzbowski CHIC Leo Kong MUSIC 沉玥 -
《数码摄影心经》通过60节内容。超过300个实例深入讲解了摄影的基础知识以及各种实用拍摄技法。为了让读者的思路更加清晰,作者别出心裁地将拍摄技法分为对焦、拍摄点的选择、色彩、用光、曝光和构图等几大部分,并在每一节中列出最重要的3个知识点,让读者能更有针对性地学习技法知识。美轮美奂的图片加上全新的摄影理念。让提高摄影水平在短时间内即可实现! -
书名中的“烙刻”有被迫和自愿两层含义。这些影像自然已经深深地烙刻在了故人的记忆中;但我们希望它们继续烙刻在新人的记忆中。只是这新旧两种烙刻的本质意义是完全不可同日而语的。 必须说明的是,因为淡化、回避了现代人的观点,使得本书不是一册厚重深刻的读物,它只是把这些堪称“中国现代史缩影”的照片罗列在这里,同时捉洪一些比较真实、鲜为人知的拍摄背景资料。至于这些照片所反映的历史和了川们更深层的真相和意义,只能有待后人来揭示了。叩击记忆的门扇,减缓下该忘却的忘却,留下思想的引子——我们目前只能做到这个程度。 作为编者,我首先要感谢这些照片的拍摄者及相关人士对成书无私的帮助,尤其感谢作者巴义尔在工作之余只用了不到一年的时间就完成了这项“工程”。如果此书还能给读者带来一些阅读乐趣,如果它还有一点现实的、历史的价值,就让我们在回味、铭记这些影像的同时,也稍微留意一下拍摄这些照片们人吧——虽然他们之中有很多人并不是什么知名人士,可能也不属于永久铭记的内容。此书得以面世,我们还要感激、铭记中共中央文献研究室按照出版规定对本书的审查、把关。 -
《魅力四射的数码单反摄影技巧》全面系统地介绍了数码单反(DSLR)摄影的知识。《魅力四射的数码单反摄影技巧》共分为6个部分,分别介绍了数码单反相机的使用方法和摄影基础知识;各式各样的数码单反相机配件;人像摄影、风景摄影、瞬时抓拍以及商品摄影、摇拍和跟拍等高级摄影技巧。 -
Canon EOS 600D数码单反摄影完全攻略
《Canon EOS 600D数码单反摄影完全攻略》内容简介:将官方手册中抽象的功能描述及没有讲清楚的内容,通过实拍测试及精美照片示例具体地展现出来,特别是精选的摄影玩家实际使用经验与技巧,让您感觉身边时刻有“高手点拨”。 详尽讲解了相机的超强性能和外观结构,并通过“快速上手CanonEOS600D”的讲解,帮助摄影新手短时间内掌握相机设置及摄影技巧。同时,对常用菜单的设置方法以及曝光模式、对焦模式、测光模式、光圈、白平衡、感光度、快门速度、曝光补偿、曝光锁定与对焦锁定等实拍设置技巧进行了深入剖析。 倾心点评适合该相机配套使用的镜头,包括3款标准变焦镜头、两款人像摄影最佳镜头、两款风光摄影最佳镜头、两款微距摄影最佳镜头、两款动物摄影最佳镜头、1款“一镜走天下”镜头以及6款副厂镜头。 全面解析人像、风光、动物、花卉等常见题材的拍摄技法。
- 1 梦的解析:最佳译本
- 2 李鸿章全传
- 3 淡定的智慧
- 4 心理操控术
- 5 哈佛口才课
- 6 俗世奇人
- 7 日瓦戈医生
- 8 笑死你的逻辑学
- 9 历史老师没教过的历史
- 10 1分钟和陌生人成为朋友