National Geographic Simply Beautiful Photographs
"Simply Beautiful" takes readers on a spectacular visual journey through some of the most stunning photographs to be found in National Geographic's famed Image Collection. Award-winning photographer Annie Griffiths Belt culled the images to reflect the many variations on the universal theme of beauty. Chapters are organised around the aesthetic concepts that create beauty in a photograph: Light, Composition, Moment (Gesture and Emotion), Motion, Palette, and Wonder. Beyond the introduction and brief essays about each featured concept, the text is light. The photographs speak for themselves, enhanced by lyrical quotes from scholars and poets. In the chapter on Light, for example, we read these words of whimsical wisdom from songwriter Leonard Cohen: 'Ring the bells that still can ring. Forget your perfect offering. There is a crack in everything. That's how the lights get in. And then the images flow, of light entering scenes via windows, clouds, and spotlights, from above, alongside, and behind, casting radiance upon young ballerinas and weathered men, into groves of autumn trees and island-dotted seas, revealing everything it touches to be beautiful beyond expectation'. To illuminate the theme of Wonder, Belt chose a wish from Andre Bazin: 'If I had influence with the good fairy...I should ask that her gift to each child in the world be a sense of wonder so indestructible that it would last throughout life. This thought is juxtaposed with an exquisite vision in white, a frame filled with the snowy-pure dots and rays of a bird's fan tail. And on it goes, picture after tantalising picture, alive with wondrous beauty'. When she created this book, Annie Griffiths Belt set two goals: to maximise visual delight, and to create a book unique in the world of publishing - one in which many of the photographs could be purchased as prints. She has succeeded on both counts. Many of these stunning images are available for order, and there can be no doubt as to the visual delight. You must open this book for yourself, and take in its radiant beauty. -
《摄影构图与创意表现》的第一章解构图的基本知识。第二章到第五章从不同构图元素的角度告诉您如何能创造出让人眼前一亮的画面,空间、角度、色彩、明暗所营造出的不同画面效果让人叹为观止。第六章至第八章则将构图法则发挥到极致,展现出入像、风景、静物、宠物等主题摄影的无穷魅力。愿《摄影构图与创意表现》给您带来非凡的视觉感受,也成为您报影之路上的良师益友! -
《约翰·弗里曼新概念摄影教程》内容简介:在数字时代下的今天。拥有一台照相机已非罕事,无论你使用的是传统相机还是最新的数码相机,都能在《约翰·弗里曼新概念摄影教程》找到最实用的拍摄技巧。从影像记录开始之初,人类肖像就是最突出的主题。不同的拍摄主题,不同的拍摄环境,不同的摄影器材……翻开《约翰·弗里曼新概念摄影教程》。你会学到最有效的拍摄方法。对于很多人来说。拍摄照片的最大不足之处是对构图欠缺考虑。如何找到正确的拍摄视点。拥有完美的前景和突出的拍摄主体……看看《约翰·弗里曼新概念摄影教程》吧。你一定会提高构图能力。光线是我们生存的基础,如果没有了光线,生活将变得非常黯淡。在摄影中我们可以确定一件事——光线对于一幅好的作品来说是至关重要的,《约翰·弗里曼新概念摄影教程》的初衷是教会你感知和演绎拍摄中的光线区别。 -
to cats
史怀哲博士说"要让生活脱离悲惨的方法有2种,那就是猫和音乐."人们都相信,自己养的猫咪是全世界最棒的猫.即使有时候猫儿们看似无视主人的存在,却永远为猫主人带来幸福. 韩国知名图文作家权润珠为猫儿们拍摄,写绘了一本关于爱猫的图文书,每张猫咪的照片都让爱猫的人爱不释手,每个图文故事都让爱猫的人会心一笑.权润珠希望爱猫的人能因由这本书带猫咪去旅行,不要认为猫儿不懂得看书,其实,猫咪什么都知道. -
The Photographer's Eye
Design is the single most important factor in creating a successful photograph. The ability to see the potential for a strong picture and then organize the graphic elements into an effective, compelling composition has always been one of the key skills in making photographs. Of course, digital photography has brought a new, exciting aspect to design first because the instant feedback from a digital camera allows immediate appraisal and improvement; and second because image-editing tools make it possible to alter and enhance the design after the shutter has been pressed. This has had a profound effect on the way digital photographers take pictures. The Photographers Eye shows how anyone can develop an eye for seeing great digital photos. The book explores all the traditional approaches to composition and design, but crucially, it also addresses the new digital technique of shooting in the knowledge that a picture will later be edited, manipulated, or montaged to result in a final image that may be very different from the one seen in the viewfinder. -
《看不见的长城》主要内容包括:No matter how many times you've been to the Great Wall, you have never seen it like this! Renowned landscape photographer Li Shaobai offers a collection of stunning color images, including fold-out plates, that trace the wall from its eastern end at Dand 。 -
Miroslav Tichý
Few stories in the history of photography are as astonishing and as compelling as that of the octogenarian Czech photographer Miroslav Tichý. With crude homemade cameras fashioned out of cardboard and duct tape, Tichý took several thousand pictures of the women of his Moravian hometown of Kyjov throughout the 1960s and ’70s. These pictures of women going about their daily business are at once banal and extraordinary, transforming the ordinary moments of work and leisure into small epiphanies. Blurred and off-kilter, his photographs have a striking contemporaneity, resembling the early paintings of Gerhard Richter or the photographs of Sigmar Polke. Printed imperfectly and deliberately battered, they evince a surprising retrograde or even antimodernist feeling, which, in the context of the Cold War atmosphere of provincial Czechoslovakia, just before and after the liberalizing moment of the Prague Spring (1968), undoubtedly constituted a kind of oblique political provocation, a nose-thumbing response to the progressive realist perfectionism of official Soviet culture. -
《摄影之友》杂志是国内发行量和影响力最大的摄影期刊。《别上了摄影的当(人像卷)》精选了《摄影之友》杂志实战栏目中关于人像摄影的内容,按用光篇、摆姿篇、情景篇以及创意摄影特别专题进行划分。其中用光篇、摆姿篇主要介绍了人像摄影中常用的摆姿、用光技巧;情景篇则讲解了在各种光线及环境条件下的人像拍摄技巧;特别专题收录了5篇关于创意摄影的精选文章。书中的作者均为一线的职业摄影师,具有丰富的拍摄经验,论是图片质量还是讲解内容都属行业内一流水平。 -
本书讲述了“姿势研究所”内共同分享的那些照片上发生的各种故事和趣事。从基本姿势的拍摄方法到抓拍艺人姿势的拍摄方法,到使用充满灵感的装饰品的拍摄方法,到使用吸引眼球色彩的拍摄方法,再到有故事情节理念的拍摄方法,在这过程中,一个又一个难点迎刃而解。之后我们还介绍把拍好的照片进行润饰处理,使之光彩夺目的方法;其中包括从基本的修正方法到凸显奇思妙想的编辑手法,可以让各位留在相册里的照片更加个性、更加风趣。附书光盘内容为书中实例素材及完成效果图文件。本书适合专业摄影人员、摄影爱好者学习阅读,同时也适合作为摄影专业的学习用书和培训教材。 -
《劳动人民(1950-2010)》内容简介:从1950年7月创刊起,《人民画报》便承担起国家对内对外宣传的重任。这本图文并茂的综合性国家画报,即使在“文革”期间也没有停刊,至今已出版740多期。走过60年的《人民画报》,记录了一个巨变的中国。其内容涉及重大事件、经济建设、人物风采、社会生活、山川风物、历史文明、文化旅游等多个领域,展示了一幅波澜壮阁、色彩斑斓的新中国历史画卷。 -
《埃及(在远古与当下之间的观看)(精)》内容简介:也许埃及的魅力在于她对于自己文化不遗余力的昭示,那些遥远的建筑至今还在顽强地向人类和自然展示它们的存在和继续存在的权利。古埃及的文物和遗迹都是古代埃及人追求永恒的生命的结果。当我们走进埃及,感悟灿烂文明的留存和现实文化的状态时,就像在远古与当下之间行走。远古与当下相互胶着无法分离,于是观看和记录的本身便产生了意义。 -
《边角料:2003-2006上海影像》这本摄影集中,作者用了100多张照片记录了上海2003年至2006年之间的事和人。事,不乏大事,如中国的非典肆虐、美国9-11事件,上海的抗日大游行,伊拉克战争等。但更多的是平凡的琐事,通过作者的镜头,让读者感悟镜头中的温暖、关怀以及情感。 -
かたや、現代日本を代表する写真家。かたや、伝説的存在として知られる写真家・写真評論家。「家」「晴れた日」「旅」など、数々の自信作で迫る篠山に対して、中平は、練りに練った文章で応じる。70年代の熱い息吹に満ちた「幻の名著」、ここに復活。カラー写真も多数収録。 -
第一次拿起相机,你会认为这是用来拍摄物体的。然而,从纯粹的意 义上来说,光线才是相机所要捕捉的物质。这部横跨联合王同拍摄而成的 画册,令人震撼。在这里,风光摄影家弗兰·哈尔索尔对各种构图元素进 行了不懈探索,并创作出了一幅幅杰出的摄影作品。 这本《光与影》不仅介绍了一些风光摄影上的技术性细节,而且阐述 了观察世界的方式,使得它成为一本不可多得且通俗易懂的摄影指南性读 物,对任何有志于从事风光摄影的人士,或者对摄影画面中秀美和壮观之 间透露出的神秘色彩眷念不忘的人士,都会有所裨益。 《光与影》的作者弗兰·哈尔索尔是英国崭露头角的年轻摄影家之一 ,致力于拍摄野生状态的自然风景、丰富多彩的地质地貌和各类不同的生 态环境。 -
- 1 梦的解析:最佳译本
- 2 李鸿章全传
- 3 淡定的智慧
- 4 心理操控术
- 5 哈佛口才课
- 6 俗世奇人
- 7 日瓦戈医生
- 8 笑死你的逻辑学
- 9 历史老师没教过的历史
- 10 1分钟和陌生人成为朋友