虽然里面有直接烙印到眼眶的大量精致画幅。作者在画幅旁边的小注,只有百十个字,单句成行,或者叙述行踪,或者点明拍摄背景,或者萌发感悟,点点滴滴,似夜晚的星火,将一本画册点缀渲染成为荷尔德林“诗人何为”的注脚。 《行·影不离》就是作者行行摄摄的结晶。人有很多种生存状态,行走于大地,将眼前景收纳于胸襟,古往今来皆如此。所以摄影不止是一种美景的记录,更是一程精神的痕迹——神将鲜花一路铺展,人将一路的鲜花如之何?品古迹,游乐园,尝美食,闲购物,无论是日本,还是美国;无论是欧洲,还是中东,一个悠闲于学业之余、忙碌于旅途之中的小姑娘,就这样将自己青春中的一段华美贡献在大家眼前。 -
《闪光灯摄影实战手册》主要讲述了:很多人对于外接闪光灯还是一知半解,认为只有光线不足时才需要它。其实不然,只要懂得合理应用,它会给你带来许多意想不到的惊喜,使你的摄影世界变得更为精彩!《闪光灯摄影实战手册》从外接闪光灯的选购和基本应用人手,接着介绍它的TLL与M模式摄影具体方法,以及逆光主体补光、压光、离机闪灯、跳灯等高级应用技法,最后列举了闪光灯在夜景人像、闪灯影棚、水滴、宠物、微距、风景中的应用实例。本手册内容实用,特别适合摄影新手以及有一定专业知识需要提升水平的爱好者,在本手册帮助下,相信你能非常顺利地玩转手中的外接闪光灯。 -
摄影技术、影像处理 -
攝影的魅力,正在於鏡頭外的無限可能!本書收錄網路知名人像攝影師藤原克也超過300張獨具風格的作品,首次分享拍攝心得及後製編修訣竅,每章都有實用滿點的「攝影小秘技」與「Q&A」,引導你思考攝影創作的題材及觀點,注入專屬於你的攝影思維,獨創的寫真風格就在誕生! 如果完全仰賴Model去表現,那麼,作品所能傳達出的攝影人想法,將變得非常稀薄了! 從專業攝影角度切入,以感性賦予作品生命力。 溝通與引導是人像攝影的成敗關鍵,也是職業與業餘攝影師的分水嶺。如何培養「看」的眼力?找到作品的靈魂?遇到創作瓶頸時,該如何跳脫與轉變?本書將給你攝影達人的經驗分享。 主題式人像攝影,獨具風格寫真這樣拍! 「波西米亞」以夏季海邊自然光的拍攝為主,並探討女性服裝造型與道具的運用。 「黑武士」以廣告運鏡的手法拍攝,絕佳展現光影與構圖的張力,並介紹變換機位的攝影技巧。 「京都楓葉」如何融入異地文化與特色,示範人帶景∕景帶人的攝影訣竅,並貼心規劃景點路線。 「槍與新娘」顛覆既定印象的另類婚紗新作,以棚拍、夜拍、外景來傳授人像打光技巧。 「艾雪莉的夏天」無名美少女冠軍比基尼獨家新作,以比基尼、沖浪板為主題,展現火辣撩人的性感姿態,並說明行進動態攝影及定點動態攝影的秘訣。 「SHOT!拍出氛圍構圖」圖解12種氛圍構圖,並示範鏡頭與景深的應用。 首次公開!私家後製風格美學,全面提升後製功力! 藤原派的日系風格與鮮明色調究竟是如何呈現的?秘密收錄50種後製編修風格檔,完美氛圍的調校技巧首度無私公開。 幕後花絮 精彩直擊「攝影師╳人氣美少女」外拍心得。 -
秋山空灵,玉树临风,霜花凋落了满树黄叶,枝头挑起了千盏万盏“红灯笼”,不求世俗喝彩,惟听高山流水和鸣——这是贾克影集中一幅令人感动的作品《秋实》,当然,令人感动的作品在影集里还有很多很多……“不知道是树启发着黄土高坡的人,还是人感召着树,到过陕北的人都会发现,这里的柳树棵棵都像张开的伞一样长在路旁、河边。正月里,这些尚未吐青的柳树撑起它的大伞,与' 伞头'的红伞、黄伞、绿伞呼应着,欢跃的人群与腾起的黄风翻搅着,天地间,黄、红、青、绿、黑、蓝抹成了一块多彩的调色板。” 本书是摄影集,主要以“树”为摄影对象。作者以他丰富的生活阅历、深厚的人文学养和到位的摄影语言,给这些图片赋予了鲜明的文化内涵和人文情怀。 -
Study of Pose
A groundbreaking, in-depth exploration of the movement and flexibility of the human body, featuring 1,000 stunning black-and-white photographs that showcase the unique collaboration between international supermodel Coco Rocha, “The Queen of Pose,” and world-renowned photographer Steven Sebring. Supermodel Coco Rocha’s uncanny ability to strike distinctive, camera-ready poses at an astounding speed has earned her international fame throughout the fashion industry—and made her the muse of celebrated photographer Steven Sebring. In Study of Pose, Sebring and Rocha have documented 1,000 unique poses—theatrical, vibrant, elegant, dramatic, and unlike anything the fashion or art worlds have seen before. Study of Pose features Rocha in a simple white leotard—bending, jumping, sitting, standing, and everything in between. The result is a gorgeous and arresting look at the potential of the human form. Packaged in a beautiful black case with two black satin bookmarks and a four-color bellyband with French folds, Study of Pose is sure to become an essential reference for Rocha’s millions of fans around the world, as well as all models, artists, photographers, and lovers of art and fashion. -
Misty Dawn
Over the course of his career, Jock Sturges' long-term engagement with his subjects has been a cornerstone of his work. Misty Dawn, one of his primary and most popular muses, is one such subject; he has photographed her for 25 of her 28 years. Lithe, beautiful, classically proportioned, she is the personification of Sturges' philosophy of being at home in one's body. This volume follows her growth from a shy, tomboyish child to a gorgeous, confident young woman. Taken as a whole, this series of images presents a unique, fully realized portrait of a blossoming individual and explores a rare and beautiful relationship between photographer and subject. Misty Dawn: Portrait of a Muse presents iconic images as well as previously unpublished material, mined from Sturges' older contact sheets and newest work. Jock Sturges , born in New York in 1947, received a B.A. in perceptual psychology and photography from Marlboro College in Vermont in 1974 and an M.F.A. from the San Francisco Art Institute in 1985. He has exhibited internationally, and his photographs are in the collections of The Museum of Modern Art, New York, The Metropolitan Museum of Art and the Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris. His previous Aperture books include Notes, The Last Day of Summer and Radiant Identities . -
No animal has captured the human imagination quite like the horse, depicted in media from cave drawings thousands of years ago through countless renderings in paint, clay, ink, even film. Award-winning photographer Tim Flach’s quest to document the horse has resulted in Equus, an intensely moving look at an animal—as solitary subject and en masse, from the air and from underwater—whose history is so powerfully linked to our own. From exquisite Arabians in the Royal Yards of the United Arab Emirates to purebred Icelandic horses in their glacial habitat; from the soulful gaze of a single horse’s lash-lined eye to the thundering majesty of thousands of Mustangs racing across the plains of Utah, Equus provides an amazing and unique insight into the physical dynamics and spirit -
关于POSE,摄影师需要理解的一切;德国专业摄影出版社Galileo年度畅销书;从原理到实践,完全掌握摆姿摄影 这不是一本“1000个pose”的书,而是一本写给摄影师的摆姿书,一本关于“如何让模特完美上镜”的书:怎样从妆容、穿着上优化模特的表现,怎样展示模特的优点,处理其缺点,怎样引导模特摆姿,达到自己想要的效果;还有最重要的,从理论上系统地解析摆姿的原理。最后,用大量的实例讲解如何将所有这些应用到具体的照片拍摄中,从而实现自己的拍摄理念。 -
《光影传奇:迈克尔•格雷科经典人像摄影解密》是一本帮助人像摄影师拍出生动人物肖像作品的指南。世界顶级人像摄影大师迈克尔•格雷科在《光影传奇:迈克尔•格雷科经典人像摄影解密》中以其作品为例,讲解各种人像布光技巧和方法,真实揭示实际创作使用的技术细节及其创作灵感,讲述惊人巅峰之作是怎样诞生的。从技术创新到业务经营,《光影传奇:迈克尔•格雷科经典人像摄影解密》涉及成功人像摄影师的方方面面,诸如相机、布光、胶片、数码拍摄、布光图、彩色和黑白的运用、概念和创意,以及如何与拍摄对象交流以获得其积极配合和如何做好与团队及各环节的沟通。此外,《光影传奇:迈克尔•格雷科经典人像摄影解密》还收录了一些迈克尔与大牌名人合作中的逸闻趣事。 在《光影传奇:迈克尔•格雷科经典人像摄影解密》中,迈克尔•格雷科毫无保留地展示他在成功道路上所积累的秘诀,所传达的信息对于每位人像摄影师都有极为重要的参考价值。因此,请将此书视为你创作旅途中的一个启示和起点吧! -
《江河移民》主要内容简介:异乡人、了无痕迹、沉默面容、情绪像粉尘一样、班船时光、巫山之夜、云安氤氲、云阳弃、巴东笑颜、秭归不归等。 -
A year in the life of our world—2007 remembered in over 350 powerful photos. Reuters photojournalists are continually bearing witness to events as they circle the globe. They submit some 1,500 photos a day, creating an annual archive of over half a million images. This award-winning work pushes the boundaries of what news photography is and can be. Reuters: Our World Now draws upon this unparalleled resource to document a year in the life of our vibrant, troubled, beautiful planet. It offers a fresh take on the year's most memorable events, along with plenty of surprises and less familiar stories. The book's images cover the full range of news reporting—politics, commerce, conflict, the environment, accidents and disasters, faith and festivities, entertainment, celebrity, and lifestyle. Succinct captions summarize the story behind each picture. Sometimes funny, sometimes devastating, always enthralling, these photographs encompass the fantastic diversity of trends, moods, and stories that defined 2007. They represent some of the finest photojournalism of our times. 350+ color illustrations. -
Ashes and Snow
Gregory Colbert's photographic artworks capture extraordinary moments of contact between man and animal. Gregory Colbert has spent thirteen years filming and photographing elephants, whales, birds, and other animals in such places as India, Burma, Ethiopia, Sri Lanka, Kenya, Namibia, Egypt, the island of Dominica, Tonga, and Antarctica. Ashes and Snow, Colbert's lifelong project, is a collaboration with animals in their natural habitat as they interact with human beings. His images attempt to remove the boundaries between humans and other speciesto re-awaken in us an understanding of our shared animal nature. The New York exhibition catalog collects more than 190 images from the U.S. debut of Ashes and Snow on Pier 54 in New York City (March 5-June 6, 2005). The books were printed and bound in Italy; the covers are created out of handmade paper from Nepal which is sealed with natural beeswax; interior pages are printed on handmade Italian paper; each book is hand sewn and tied with thread stained with hibiscus tea leaves. -
Flamboya includes over fifty recent photographs taken across Africa—from Cape Town to Kenya to Zambia—that disregard traditional boundaries of genres and tackle the problematic bond between photography, imperialism, and the colonial imagination. Viviane Sassen’s aesthetic vocabulary suggestively recalls documentary as much as staged photography and relies on a visual economy that invites the formulation of multiple interpretations. Seen through Sassen’s lens, the ethnic Other interrogates the traditional nexus laid between vision, knowledge, and power, which lies at the heart of the history and ideology of photography. -
史上頭一遭!專業攝影棚拍手法完全公開!甫出版迅速登上Amazon.com攝影打光類書籍銷售第一 從攝影棚到照片成品,完整的教學步驟 本書還有另一個突破性的作法,那就是提供你打光設定的實況照片圖,而不是以描繪或者3D示意圖方式來呈現!本書直接提供整頁滿版的打光架設實境照片給你看,你可以直接看到每一個設備架設的相對位置(可以看到主角、攝影師、棚燈、背景等的相對位置)。另外,還一併提供了側視圖、從拍攝角度看出去的視角示意圖等等的側拍照,讓你實際看到該如何架設打光。 學習專家的打光設定 每一年Scott都會透過「Light It. Shoot It. Retouch It. LIVE!」巡迴座談會,為上千位專業攝影師進行講座教學的活動;而今有史以來的第一次,他將要把這套廣受歡迎的教學模式,化為書本的形式加以呈現!現在每一位讀者都能擁有一本真實呈現實務作業情況的參考書,學習如何拍出讓客戶滿意的效果。這裡要讓您學會: •完整步驟呈現最受歡迎的打光架設形式。 •告訴你如何發揮單燈的所有潛力,讓它的表現超乎你的預期(光這一點就讓本書值回票價)。 •如何在有限的預算內,控制改變打光的效果。 •每張範例照皆完整列出所使用的相機、設備或輸出設定內容。 •介紹專家們實際在使用的後製修圖技巧,讓照片主角看起來更漂亮。 •教你如何對頭髮、眼睛、嘴唇、皮膚以及其他小細節進行修飾處理的秘技,保證能讓處理結果大不同。 •告訴你如何製作出高對比肖像照效果,完全不用額外花錢買特效軟體。 •還有一大堆內幕秘技與好用的訣竅,以及許多不可思議的特效,讓你永遠領先競爭對手一大步! 另外,Scott還會在本書內額外章節內,以離機熱靴閃燈與專用控光設備,示範如何以這些裝備來製作出與棚燈相同的打光效果。本書內容絕對是你前所未見的! -
《百年135相机》是一本讲解传统135相机的摄影器材类图书。书中作者详细讲述了传统135相机的由来,以及135相机发展史上具有里程碑意义的几十款相机。《百年135相机》具有很强的资料价值和收藏价值,是135相机爱好者非常有价值的参考书,对135相机的收藏爱好者也有相当参考价值。 -
Jeanloup Sieff
Jeanloup Sieff was the complete photographer, gifted in every arena of the medium--from fashion and advertising to reportage, portraiture and landscape photography. While he worked for all of the great fashion magazines of his day, including "Elle, Vogue, Esquire, Glamour" and "Harper's Bazaar," and was even responsible for an infamous Yves Saint Laurent perfume advertisement that showed the designer in the nude, he also reported on the death of Pope Pius XII and a Belgian miner's strike; sought out huge, uninhabited panoramas in Scotland and Death Valley; made portraits of dancers with the Paris Opera Ballet and won a host of awards, including France's Grand Prix National de la Photographie. With his characteristic sense of humor and lighthearted approach, Sieff often referred to himself in the context of his commercial work, claiming to be "superficial and droll," and writing that, "My pictures are little black and white pebbles that I dropped on my way to adulthood, meant for leading me back to my adolescence." In fact, left an astonishingly rich collection of works created from the 1950s until the turn of the twenty-first century. He was a prodigiously productive artist overtaken by the speed of the medium and his own success, thus always left short of the necessary time to delve into his astonishing archive. Hence all of the works published in this big, bold, magnificently produced volume have never been seen or published before.
- 1 梦的解析:最佳译本
- 2 李鸿章全传
- 3 淡定的智慧
- 4 心理操控术
- 5 哈佛口才课
- 6 俗世奇人
- 7 日瓦戈医生
- 8 笑死你的逻辑学
- 9 历史老师没教过的历史
- 10 1分钟和陌生人成为朋友