The Photo Book
Since it was first developed by Daguerre in the 1840s, photography has followed an interesting and varied course in its progress from a practical means of documentation to an art form with its own icons, heroes, galleries and collectors. This text contains every sort of photography, all of it arranged in an easily accessible format. Pictures of famous events such as the Royal Wedding and the first landing on the moon are here, next to familiar shots by the masters of photography such as Bill Brandt, Henri Cartier-Bresson, Cecil Beaton and Robert Doisneau. There is fashion, sport, natural history, reportage and society portraiture, as well as social documentary and art. The 500 photographers featured range from William Henry Fox Talbot and Julia Margaret Cameron to Larry Clarke and Herb Rittz, from Robert Capa and Josef Kondelka to Nan Goldin and Pierre et Gilles. Arranged alphabetically, each full-page photograph is accompanied by an illuminating text which gives insight into the work and its creator, as well as cross-references to others working in the same field or the same style. -
Still Time
Expanded from an earlier catalogue of the same title, Still Time accompanied a traveling exhibition featuring more than twenty years of Sally Mann's photography. Still Time celebrates an artist whose acute perceptions and imagination embrace not only the photographs of children for which she is renowned, but also earlier landscapes, and the unexpected, compelling forays into color and abstract photography. The sixty images include abstract platinum prints, Cibachromes and Polaroids, landscapes, portraits of women and twelve-year-olds, and her celebrated family pictures. Paperback, 11 x 9.5 in./80 pgs -
What Remains
Internationally acclaimed photographer Sally Mann offers a five-part meditation on mortality. -
作者的得意新作:200多幅昆虫生态照片,21篇由昆虫激发的性情文字。 卓越网有售:http://www.joyo.com/detail/product.asp?prodid=zjbk516118&ref=SR&uid=168-5556035-8092263 -
《风光摄影圣经(实战版)》可分为三个部分。第一部分为风光摄影知识,内容既包括基础必备摄影知识,如风光摄影器材的选取与使用、光线的运用、风光摄影滤镜等,又在此基础上有所提高,从设计、绘画等领域引入光线、色彩及画面构成的研究成果,并配以大量拍摄实例引导读者观察光线,探索画面中光影的运用,了解色彩对画面的影响,突破原地取景的局限,寻找全新的拍摄角度,可使具备了一定基础知识的读者得到迅速提高。第二部分为风光摄影题材介绍,详细讲解了包括山岳摄影、河流湖泊摄影、城市风光摄影、人文纪实摄影在内的十个常见风光摄影题材的拍摄方法及技巧,极具实用性。第三部分为后期处理部分,这一部分总结了常见的照片拍摄问题,通过详细步骤讲解了常用的风光照片处理技巧,可使读者手中的照片更加精美。 -
艾略特・厄威特从20世纪40年代就拿起了相机,1954年加入玛格南图片社。摄影让他的足迹遍布全球,而他的照片也出现在无数展览与摄影书之中。《艾略特・厄威特:快照集》中收录了超过500张照片,其中很多都从未公开,这本画册为我们打开了一扇独特的窗口,来一窥厄威特的视界。从1959年尼克松与赫鲁晓夫在莫斯科博览会上争吵的著名照片,到玛莉莲・梦露在《乱点鸳鸯谱》拍摄现场的照片,再到许多凭个人兴趣拍摄的照片,厄威特风格狡黠独特,在跨越半个多世纪的时间中,名流或者普通人,怪异的或者日常的,数不清的地点、物件、动物和人,统统被我们时代最棒的摄影师之一捕捉下来。由穆雷・塞尔撰写前言,查尔斯・弗劳尔斯撰写内文,《艾略特・厄威特:快照集》无疑是迄今为止最大最全的厄威特作品集。 艾略特·厄威特(Elliott Erwitt),他的照片比他的名字更容易被人记住。如果说他的名声只限于摄影艺术,那么他的照片早已享誉世界。那张尼克松与赫鲁晓夫在博览会上争论的照片,早已成为冷战的象征之一而被无数报纸、杂志、网络所转载,甚至出现在教科书或历史课试卷上。而另一张,皮靴与小狗,则成为摄影界最脍炙人口的作品,任何一位对摄影略有了解的人,都会与这张作品混个脸儿熟。再说说《快照集》中的第一张照片,如今悬挂在美国的非洲裔美国人博物馆,“white”与“colored”两个分开的饮水池,将种族歧视的千言万语浓缩为一张图像。这张照片也在徕卡相机的百年纪念片中得到演绎。值得一提的是,艾略特·厄威特的作品在这部顶级相机的2分钟影片中出现了两张,仅少于布列松——厄威特也是玛格南中的徕卡M系拥趸之一,《快照集》中几乎所有135的作品都是用徕卡拍摄的。至于徕卡影片中厄威特的另一张,读者可以自己去《快照集》中去寻找。这张照片早已被大众“玩坏儿”,甚至《辛普森一家》也有向大师“致敬”。 幽默,是贯穿厄威特作品的不变主题,就连本书章节的编排,摄影师也玩弄了一下视觉和言语的双关语,这也为《快照集》的中文翻译提出了一个小小的挑战。九个英文动词构成本书的九个主题:Read、Rest、Touch、Stand、Tell、Point、Look、Move、Play。最初选择两个字的中文词与之对应。但考虑到一个英文单词对应中文有不同的意思,后决定采用汉语言单位中最小的独立运用单位——单音节语素与之对应。如Move,有移动、运动之意,也有触动、感动之意,单用一“动”字更加贴切。 这本厚达544页的《快照集》涵盖了厄威特一生的重要作品,它们来自两架相机——一架用于工作、一架用于爱好。两架相机的作品一同向世人展现了人间悲喜剧。厄威特睿智地通过照片向人们展示了悲剧与惨剧,喜剧与闹剧的区别。所以《快照集》中没有饥馑与战争,也没有聚光灯和名利场。有的,只是生活,命运,我们每个人都要面对“命”。那么,何为《快照集》(Snaps)?快门“咔嚓”的声音,也是“人一叩”的声音…… -
Through the Lens
For more than 100 years, National Geographic has set the standard for nature, culture, and wildlife photography. Now, in Through the Lens, 250 spectacular images—some famous, others rarely seen—are gathered in one lavish and beautiful volume. Through the Lens is divided into geographical regions—Europe, Asia, Africa and the Middle East, the Americas, and Oceans and Isles—with a special section devoted to space exploration. Each geographical section features an outstanding array of photographs that exemplifies the area’s unique people, wildlife, archaeology, culture, architecture, and environment, accompanied by brief but informative captions. From Barry Bishop’s heroic Mount Everest climb in the 1950s to the glorious wildlife of Asia and Africa, from ancient Maya culture to the Afghan girl found 17 years after her piercing green eyes captivated the world, these are some of the finest and most important photographs ever taken. Featuring master photographers from the late 1800s to today, including Frans Lanting, David Doubilet, David Alan Harvey, Jodi Cobb, William Albert Allard, Nick Nichols, and Annie Griffiths Belt, Through the Lens is an extraordinary photographic celebration of some of the greatest the world has to offer. -
1960年代末、日本の写真表現の枠組を大きく揺さぶった森山大道(1938―)は、季刊雑誌『プロヴォーク』に2号から参加。都市を疾走する彼のカメラワークは、その後も変わらぬ迫力を見せている。 -
零失誤的淺景深、自然不造作的人像照、銳利明亮的動人夜景、風格獨具的街拍照、誘人欲滴的食物、生動可愛的寵物寫真、只要閱讀本書、拿起GF1,好照片俯首即是!好感動唾手可得! Panasonic推出可錄影微4/3系統GF1後,立即掀起台灣攝影師及潮男潮女的瘋狂追求。 這台GF1不僅是攝影達人汰舊換新的首選,使用後的好口碑更讓購買的人數不斷地攀升。 精準的畫質、輕巧的外型、強大的功能,適合剛入門新手也適合專業攝影師。 GF1正引領著愛攝影的玩家們,將攝影和技巧帶往一個全新領域。 熱賣且優雅的 Panasonic DMC- GF1,有女朋友一號之稱(Girl Friend 1),因為其外型輕巧、時尚並且兼具單眼相機性能與畫質,不僅攝影師人手一台當作隨身機,也可以讓一般消費者享受單眼相機般的操控性以及信手拈來就是好照片的成就感。本書即是兼具GF1使用心得以及作者豐富的攝影集;使用報告包括生活、風景、微距、人像、商品…等一一解說,教你利用GF1拍出生活中所有當下的美好。 本書用法 *入門新手可以學會利用GF1及掌握各種構圖法則拍出想要的好照片 *專業攝影師可以認識GF1不同交換鏡頭拍出高人一等的攝影好作品 -
Von Unwerth's newest work is a wild and sexy romp. Long known for her provocative work in the fashion world, here she is the director on the set, creating a sadomasochistic story, told solely in photographs, which delves into sexual obsession. Revenge begins with a trio of young women arriving at the Baroness's estate expecting a relaxing weekend. The Baroness, her chauffeur, and her stablehand soon have them involved in something quite different... -
本套书共六册,收录了乔治·罗杰尔、A·艾林斯塔特、G·P·巴尔贝里等六位世界摄影大师的经典作品。每幅作品均有简洁的评析。从这些题材丰富的作品中,读者可领略到大师们各具独特的摄影风格和对摄影理念的理解、探索。 本书内容丰富,图文并茂,印刷精美,集艺术性、理论性为一体,非常值得一读,从中您定会受益匪浅。 -
《欧洲第一摄影书:数码摄影实践如何拍出好照片》还有大量的照片为例,能够帮助你认识并避免一些常见的拍摄错误。无论你身处何地,都能够发现可拍摄的主题;无论你是毫无目的地在城市中漫步,还是已经预先制定了拍摄计划,你要做的就是随时训练自己的摄影眼光和洞察力。 -
Invasion 68
In 1968, Josef Koudelka was a thirty-year-old acclaimed theater photographer who had never photographed a news event. That all changed on the night of August 21, when Warsaw Pact tanks invaded the city of Prague, ending the short-lived political liberalization of Czechoslovakia that came to be known as the Prague Spring. Koudelka had returned home the day before from photographing gypsies in Romania. In the midst of the turmoil of the Soviet-led invasion, he took a series of photographs that were miraculously smuggled out of the country. A year after they reached New York, Magnum Photos distributed the images, credited to an unknown Czech photographer to avoid reprisals. The intensity and significance of the images earned the still-anonymous photographer the Robert Capa Award. Sixteen years would pass before Koudelka could safely acknowledge authorship. Forty years after the invasion, this impressive monograph features nearly 250 of these searing images—most of them published here for the first time—personally selected by Koudelka from his extensive archive. Though they document a specific historical event, their transformative quality still resonates. A compelling introduction and chronology by three Czech writers provides a nuanced examination of the invasion. -
Patrick Demarchelier
This monograph is the definitive guide to the career of one of the most prodigious fashion photographers of our time. From his earliest work at Harper's Bazaar to his now mythic collaboration with Vogue, Patrick Demarchelier has single-handedly redefined the fashion photograph and the fashion industry along with it. His celebrity portraits have shaped the public personae of figures ranging from Princess Diana to Madonna. Demarchelier is everywhere at once, with a photographic sensibility that is as iconic, incisive and as varied as his subject matter. Published to coincide with the exhibition Patrick Demarchelier: Images et Mode à Paris at the Petit Palais, Paris, and featuring more than 400 of Demarchelier's most telling photographs, this volume provides an invaluable fashion reference point, all the while charting the course of our own cultural obsession with celebrity and beauty. All proceeds go to the charity Police--Action Solidaire. Born outside Paris in 1943, Patrick Demarchelier relocated to New York in 1975, where he began his editorial career with Harper's Bazaar and Hearst Publications. His photographs appear regularly on the covers and in the pages of publications such as Vogue and Vanity Fair, among many others. He was the 2007 recipient of the Eleanor Lambert Award from the Council of Fashion Designers of America. He continues to live and work in New York. -
自由职业摄影者独有的指南——传授有商业价值作品的拍摄和销售技巧 详细阐述了推销作品的多种方式——投稿、图片库、数码媒介和约稿 精辟分析了畅销作者最好卖的作品——透露了能年复一年赚钱的摄影诀窍 例举了自由职业摄影者和图片经销商的成功之道——怎条在市场中获得最大的回报 书中解释了你想了解的一切,它们可使你走上一条赚钱的捷径——怎样从有商业价值的作品中得到最大的机会。 -
Understanding Close-Up Photography
Bryan Peterson is a bestselling author - over 500,000 copies sold! Close-up photography is a perennially popular subject with both amateurs and professionals. This title features 200 illustrations over 160 pages. In his signature style, Peterson explores an ever-popular topic, showing photographers at every level exactly how to capture subjects in exciting, innovative new ways - from animals and plants, to objects found in the kitchen, the supermarket, even the local tip. With full information on equipment, exposure, light and composition and a plethora of innovative tips and techniques, the author takes readers way beyond the usual how-tos.
- 1 梦的解析:最佳译本
- 2 李鸿章全传
- 3 淡定的智慧
- 4 心理操控术
- 5 哈佛口才课
- 6 俗世奇人
- 7 日瓦戈医生
- 8 笑死你的逻辑学
- 9 历史老师没教过的历史
- 10 1分钟和陌生人成为朋友