这本书是浙江摄影出版社“影人自述”系列丛书之一,作者周密即是摄影网络上著名ID“shishamo”,此书是他的第一本影文集。 -
I'll Be Your Mirror
This large book (492 pages) documents some of the large body of work of photographer Nan Goldin, and was published on the occasion of a major exhibition of Goldin's work at the Whitney Museum of American Art. The photographs span more than two decades, starting from the early 1970s, documenting the lives of Goldin and her friends and acquaintances. Most were taken in Boston and New York City, with many also taken in other Massachusetts towns, Paris, Berlin, Tokyo and a few other locations. Goldin is maybe best known for her ever-evolving collection of photographs that she shows as a slide show called The Ballad of Sexual Dependency – also published as a book in 1986. Her work is unusual in its ordinariness; she captures herself and others at various points, often emotionally revealing, but rarely does she dramatize the events. The titles of the pictures convey much of the relevant information information: · Pat and Denise in the Profile Room, Boston, 1973. · Roommate in her chair, Boston, 1972. · Kenny putting on makeup, Boston, 1973. · Bruce bleaching his eyebrows, Pleasant St., Cambridge, 1975. · David and Bruce after sex, Provincetown, 1975. · Kenny with blue hair, Cambridge, 1978. · Bobby masturbating, NYC 1980. · Suzanne on the bidet, New Jersey, 1983. · Brian on the phone, NYC, 1981. · Self-portrait with Brian having sex, NYC, 1983. · Nan one month after being battered, 1984. · Tommy napping after acupuncture, Cambridge, 1989. · Cookie with Max at my birthday party, Provincetown, MA, 1976. · Cookie in her casket, NYC, November 15, 1989. · Fiona after breast surgery, NYC, 1991. · Siobhan at the Paramount Hotel, NYC, 1993. · Gilles and Gotscho embracing, Paris, 1992 · Gotscho at Johnny Lat's Gym, NYC, 1995. · Piotr with medication, Berlin, 1996. · Self-portrait by the lake, Skowhegan, Maine, 1996. These pictures document telling moments of ordinary people. Some of her friends are gay or lesbian, or transvestites, have AIDS, or at the margins of society in other ways, are included, maybe even centrally, in these pictures, but there's no sense here that these pictures are meant to tell the truth about people on the edges of society. It is true that her friends are neither traditional families living in the city suburbs or Midwestern cities, nor are they African-Americans living in the deep south; they are mostly non-wealthy unmarried whites living in urban centers, especially New York. But that's just Goldin's life, and she pictures people who matter to her. The book contains a number of excellent essays and interviews about or with Goldin, and many of them try to analyze what is distinctive about her work. For example, Joachim Sartorius writes, "Nan Goldin is not a documentary photographer. To think so—or to limit her to such a category—would be to misconstrue her work entirely. He work is about life itself: About the depths a person plumbs in time. Which explains her irresistible urge to photograph a person time and time again" (p. 322). Goldin herself says, "I don't believe in the portrait. I believe only in the accumulation of portraits as a representation of a person. Because I believe people are really complex" (p. 454). Goldin's lack of obvious style is disarming. Even when the moments she captures are unusual subjects, such as herself after she was battered by her partner, or drag queens performing, or friends of hers sitting on the twin toilets together, she gives little sense of drama to her picture. She seems to play down such possibilities, as if any stylistic quirk would get in the way of the picture. Her ability may even lie in her talent for making the extraordinary ordinary, not in the sense of robbing it of meaning, but in rather in of accepting everything she pictures. Even in the pictures of herself after her battering, there's little sense of outrage, either personal or political. Rather, there's just a need to record what happened, and maybe to show the friends who were with her at that time. That is not to say that Goldin's work in not political. Clearly any work that depicts people who play with or transgress traditional gender roles, the impact of domestic violence, and people with AIDS is inherently political. But her work is intensely personal. There's nothing artful, exhibitionistic or sensationalistic about this work, and it has no didactic message, and this is especially what distinguishes it from the work of other contemporary photographers such as Natasha Merritt or Chris Verene. Indeed, her photographs seem to resist interpretation, either psychological or political. Even when they are aesthetically pleasing, it takes one a while to notice the beauty. This subtlety is bemusing; one might even be tempted to ask what is so special about these pictures. But, speaking for myself at least, as a whole this collection of images is hugely impressive, maybe precisely because Goldin avoids simplistic messages and yet remains very connected with her subjects. This is deeply humanistic work without being saccharine and is a powerful articulation of a life. ——Ftn_Horns-ANAR—— -
吴家林眼中的云南,是一个因平常而非常的世界,吴家林边地行走四十年,独往独来。他的作品有着强烈的个人风格、浓郁的地域特色和极端的中国化,也具有厚重的历史感和文化感;而他道地南方的、日记式的素描又使他的见证有了人类学和社会学意味。 吴家林自然的、朴素的、原生性、草根性的摄影充满生机与灵性,1993年以后,吴家林的作品一而再、再而三地在国际亮相并引起世界影像大师的关注。马克·吕布称吴家林的作品为“治疗淫逸无度的城市病的良药”。2006年,他的作品被列入世界摄影大师系列作品集.袖珍摄影黑皮书《吴家林·中国边陲》在法国出版。 -
是一本以提昇國內黑白攝影品質為宗旨的攝影論著,由RIT 美術攝影碩士、國內傑出的影像工作者蔣載榮撰寫。全書以製作「完美底片為經,「高品質」暗房技巧為緯,將神必複雜的Zone Systen(分區曝光顯影系統)的控制方法深入淺出地作了一次紙上的展示。 本書進合了作者十年來的攝影創作和十餘萬字,並經歷六年的製作時間始完成。全書概分為十三章: 前三竟介紹的是是相機、鏡頭、測光錶及暗房的硬體設備;四至九章介紹軟片、沖洗化學及各種放相材料與技巧; 尤以第七章「敏感度測量學」在國內攝影界常屬「科學性」的較強的冷門知識,但它卻是一切控制的基本概念,十分重要; 後面三章介紹Zone System的理論及測試方法,「永久性」保存及展示的概念。對於暗房的「新手」而言,可以養成正確的黑白攝影觀念,減少犯錯的機會; 對於攝影「高手」而言,也可習得正統美國學院要求的黑白攝影技巧,以突破個人的創作瓶頸。這是身為安塞.亞當斯嫡系弟子的作者最直接與完整的技巧報告書,很值得「有心人」一賭為快。 -
Photoshop CS2数码照片专业处理技法
《Photoshop CS2数码照片专业处理技法》作者Scott Kelby是Photoshop User杂志的主编,曾撰写过多本Photoshop方面的畅销书。他一直从事Photo shop专业人员的培训工作,了解Photoshop专业人员及数码摄影师共同关心的问题。《Photoshop CS2数码照片专业处理技法》就是针对这些问题而编写的一本实用教程,其内容组织独具匠心,书中没有介绍大套的理论,而是介绍一些具体的方法和技巧,并针对每个问题详细地列出所有处理步骤和具体的设置参数。读者阅读《Photoshop CS2数码照片专业处理技法》之后,可以了解当今专业人员所使用的照片分类和排序、原始图像处理、照片裁剪与尺寸调整、颜色管理、颜色校正、黑白转换、问题图像处理、多余对象的删除、人像修饰、摄影特效、创建全景图、照片锐化以及照片展示等方面的技巧与方法。 -
本书通过采访当今世界上最重要的50位摄影大师,浓缩出100个关键词,让你分享大师的摄影理念、方法和哲学,从而在最短时间内掌握摄影艺术的精要,是一部催人思考、给人悟性与灵感的摄影书。 -
本书对风光摄影的思想领域进行探讨,结合数码与传统摄影器材的技术特点,详尽讲述风光摄影的理念、构思、创作以及拍摄流程,帮助摄影爱好者从根本上提高风光摄影的技艺。本书图片精美,是摄影爱好者学习的顶级参考书。 -
《品味摄影:摄影用光圣经》主要内容简介:一本极好的书,对不同层次的读者都有益,精美的照片能够激发初入摄影领域的初学者的兴趣,而其中的专业知识对中高级摄影爱好者重新确立摄影的动力来说同样非常宝贵。书中强调了光学应用在摄影中的重要性,包括如何在正确的时间有效利用光线,以及如何确保在极短的时间内在胶卷或像素中记录并体现图像的品质,另外,创作和技巧同样非常重要,书中还讨论了如何选择曝光度,并介绍了关于景深、超焦距调焦、包围曝光以及使用恰当的过滤器等相关知识。 -
《数码摄影构图技巧大全》紧紧围绕如何发现、创造和捕捉“摄影之美”的主题,详细讲解了摄影构图的要素和秘诀,第1章讲解了摄影构图的基本原则和有助于获得完美构图的多项关键摄影技法,第2章讲解了如何引导视线和认识视觉流程图,第3章讲解了如何利用虚实、明暗等数十种对比手法,第4章讲解了黄金分割、井字格、三分法等数十种经典摄影构图模式,第5章剖析了摄影是减法的简洁之美,第6章讲解了色彩的运用和搭配规律,第7章讲解了各种光线的特点和用光的秘诀,第8章讲解了不拘一格的创意手法,第9章讲解了瞬间之美,第10章讲解了如何通过裁剪获得更为完美的构图,第11章讲解了风格和意境之美,第12章通过大量对比例图揭示了一幅好照片是如何诞生的。本书适合摄影爱好者、平面设计师、动漫画家、电脑艺术爱好者等视觉艺术爱好者阅读。 -
Hiroshi Sugimoto
Genius of the large-format camera, the long exposure and the silverprint, New York-based photographer Hiroshi Sugimoto has made pictures that seem to contain whole aeons of time within themselves, and suggest an infinite palette of tonal wealth in blacks, grays and whites. Many of these images have now become a part of art culture's popular image bank (as U2's use of Sugimoto's "Boden Sea" for the cover of their 2009 album, No Line on the Horizon , demonstrated), while simultaneously evoking photography's earliest days: "I probably call myself a postmodern-experienced pre-postmodern modernist," he once joked to an interviewer. This absolutely exquisite retrospective is an expanded edition of Hatje Cantz's 2005 volume. It is the first to feature works from all of Sugimoto's series to date: his celebrated portraits of wax figures, his incredible seascapes that seem to suggest a person's first conscious view of the ocean, the extremely long exposures of theaters which elevate the white, luminescent cinema screen and transform it into a magical image of an altar and the fascinating dioramas of scientific display cases, which invite us to travel far into the past. Additions to the original edition are two new groups of works, "Lightning Fields" (2006) and "Photogenic Drawings" (2007). Hiroshi Sugimoto was born and raised in Tokyo, Japan, where he studied politics and sociology at St. Paul's University, later retraining as an artist at the Art Center College of Art and Design in Los Angeles, CA. He currently lives in New York City. -
沖縄・美ら海水族館から生まれた、ちいさなポストカード・ブック 今夏公開の映画「ドルフィン・ブルー」のスチールとあわせて撮影した世界一の規模を誇る美ら海水族館のイルカや魚たちの姿。 クジラの涙、大きな水槽を泳ぐ魚たち、島にかかる虹…… 水の中を泳ぐ海の生き物たちの時間を、美しくもはなかく切り撮りました。 この夏一番の便りを届けたい、川内倫子初めてのポストカード・ブックです。 ※まじゅん…沖縄の方言ウチナーグチで「一緒に」の意味 -
《风景摄影》是美国国家地理学会出品的摄影指南中最受欢迎的一部。您将在《风景摄影》中了解和学习到使用数码相机和数码软件拍摄风景照片的最新信息和技术。您还能再度确认,一个杰出的风景摄影师必须遵守的基本原则,不论他使用胶片还是数码相机。您将学习如何找到最好的角度、最佳的光线、拍出最棒的风景特写。您将随着雷蒙德·盖曼的镜头深入荒原,探寻那些正在消失的雨林的故事。您将揭开布鲁斯·戴尔能够连续四十年拍摄出非凡的风景照片的秘密,还能与乔尔·萨托尔一起体会他选择的摄影对象,他总是那么古怪而又充满才情。最棒的是,您将在书中看到美国国家地理学会摄影师从未公开发表过的部分杰作。 The Ultimate Field Guide to Landscape Photography 美国国家地理学会摄影师教你如何最大限度地运用构图与光线拍出成功的风景照片。你将学到充满哲理性与实用性的操作技巧,用镜头唤醒世界各地的独特风光! -
《想象的时空:杰利•尤斯曼回顾》主要内容:杰利•尤斯曼的摄影作品与我们习惯看到的摄影作品非常不同,它们表现的情景在视觉上似是而非,在逻辑上也不可能发生。但通过打乱表面的事实,尤斯曼使我们从摄影术模仿功能的限制中解放出来。如果不被再现物体形象的观念束缚。我们将会自然地把关注点转入内在的、非线性的思考与感知,从而对尤斯曼变化莫测的影像引起难以形容的共鸣。尽管这些图像锐利而清晰,细部细膩,每一构成单位元素也容易辨认,但不论我们怎样识别,其含义仍然含糊而不明确。尤斯曼摄影的蒙太奇手法如同那些穿越我们知觉防线的梦境,触动了我们的神经,却始终不会彻底显露其意义。 -
The Big Book of Breasts
Some call it the American obsession, but men everywhere recognize the hypnotic allure of a large and shapely breast. In The Big Book of Breasts, Dian Hanson explores the origins of mammary madness through three decades of natural big-breasted nudes. Starting with the World War II Bosom-Mania that spawned Russ Meyer, Howard Hughes's The Outlaw and Frederick's of Hollywood, Dian guides you over, around, and in between the dangerous curves of infamous models including Michelle Angelo, Candy Barr, Virginia Bell, Joan Brinkman, Lorraine Burnett, Lisa De Leeuw, Uschi Digard, Candye Kane, Jennie Lee, Sylvia McFarland, Margaret Middleton, Paula Page, June Palmer, Roberta Pedon, Rosina Revelle, Candy Samples, Tempest Storm, Linda West, June Wilkinson, Julie Wills, and dozens more, including Guinness World Record holder Norma Stitz, possessor of the World`s Largest Natural Breasts. -
《DSLR数码单反实拍技巧大全》详细阐述了数码相机的构造、功能和操作,让初学者迅速掌握使用方法。了解数码单反相机的基础知识!掌握数码单反相机的构图和用光!针对每种构图和光线,从人像、风景、静物拍摄实例进行分析,迅速提升摄影水平。学习各种场景的不同拍摄方法!最全面的摄影指导,涵盖了各种场景的不同拍摄方法,逐个击破实拍难题。 备注:跑焦测试器是一张卡片,请在书内查找。 -
普利策新闻摄影奖代表美国新闻摄影界的最高成就,是全球新闻界关注的晴雨表和风向标。获奖作品加深了美国记忆,是世界文化遗产的重要部分。本书围绕获奖作品,通过“新闻背景”、“作品点评”和“相关链接”,介绍新闻事件和作品的来龙去脉,分析作品的拍摄技巧,以说明作品的获奖理由。 -
- 1 梦的解析:最佳译本
- 2 李鸿章全传
- 3 淡定的智慧
- 4 心理操控术
- 5 哈佛口才课
- 6 俗世奇人
- 7 日瓦戈医生
- 8 笑死你的逻辑学
- 9 历史老师没教过的历史
- 10 1分钟和陌生人成为朋友