

  • Group Theory in Physics

    作者:Wu-Ki Tung

  • 物理学中的群论


    本书为《中国科学院研究生教学丛书》之一。 本书是物理类研究生的群论教材。主要内容包括群的基本概念和线性表示理论、转动群、晶体的对称性、置换群、SU(N)群、SO(N)群、李群和李代群。内容详实。每章后均配有适量习题,便于读者切实掌握有关知识。
  • Group Theory and Physics

    作者:S. Sternberg

  • 群论及其在固体物理中的应用


    本书系作者在为研究生讲授群论的讲义的基础上编写的。 全书共分八章。前两章讨论有限群及其表示的基本数学理论;第三、第四章讨论点群在分析晶体宏观性质中的应用;第五章讨论群论与量子力学的关系;第六章讨论空间群的不可约表示及其在能带理论中的应用;最后两章介绍晶格动力学中的群论方法,色群及其表示理论。全书内容详尽,结构完整,特别是针对固体物理学中的问题讨论了群的性质和应用,有助于读者有效地应用群的知识,简洁的处理有关计算问题。 本书可供理科硕士研究生和高年级本科生作教材使用,亦可供有关科研人员参考。
  • 群论


  • The Classical Groups

    作者:Hermann Weyl

    In this renowned volume, Hermann Weyl discusses the symmetric, full linear, orthogonal, and symplectic groups and determines their different invariants and representations. Using basic concepts from algebra, he examines the various properties of the groups. Analysis and topology are used wherever appropriate. This book also covers topics such as matrix algebras, semigroups, commutators, and spinors, which are of great importance in understanding the group-theoretic structure of quantum mechanics. Hermann Weyl was among the greatest mathematicians of the twentieth century. He made fundamental contributions to most branches of mathematics, but he is best remembered as one of the major developers of group theory, a powerful formal method for analyzing abstract and physical systems in which symmetry is present.In "The Classical Groups", his most important book, Weyl provided a detailed introduction to the development of group theory, and he did it in a way that motivated and entertained his readers. Departing from most theoretical mathematics books of the time, he introduced historical events and people as well as theorems and proofs. One learned not only about the theory of invariants but also when and where they were originated, and by whom. He once said of his writing, 'My work always tried to unite the truth with the beautiful, but when I had to choose one or the other, I usually chose the beautiful'. Weyl believed in the overall unity of mathematics and that it should be integrated into other fields. He had serious interest in modern physics, especially quantum mechanics, a field to which "The Classical Groups" has proved important, as it has to quantum chemistry and other fields.Among the five books Weyl published with Princeton, "Algebraic Theory of Numbers" inaugurated the "Annals of Mathematics Studies" book series, a crucial and enduring foundation of Princeton's mathematics list and the most distinguished book series in mathematics.
  • 从一元一次方程到伽罗瓦理论


  • 对称


  • 无法解出的方程


    内容提要 约翰·塞巴斯蒂安·巴赫的音乐、自然界的基本力、魔方、配偶的选择有无共通之处?它们共同的特点是都具有某种对称性。对称性概念为科学和艺术之间、理论物理世界和我们日常生活的世界之间架起了桥梁。然而关于对称的“语言”——数学中的群论——却产生于最意想不到的来源:一种无法解出的方程式。几千年来,在遇到现在所说的五次方程之前,数学家已经逐渐解决了越来越困难的代数方程。但几个世纪过去了,五次方程仍然没有解,最后,两个数学天才彼此独立地发现了它不能用通常的方法解出,群论由此产生。这两个年轻的天才是挪威数学家尼尔斯·亨里克·阿贝尔和法国数学家埃瓦利斯特·伽罗瓦,他们最后都悲剧性地死去。事实上,伽罗瓦(时年20岁)在他致命的决斗前夕,草草地记录了他的证明的另一份简要总结,笔记本的边上有一句话:“我没有时间”。 无法解出的方程的故事是一本关于才华横溢的数学家的故事,也叙述了数学如何为其他学科添光增彩。在这本栩栩如生、曲折动人的书中,马里奥·利维奥以一种容易被人接受的方式展示了,群论是如何解释自然界和人造世界的对称性和秩序的。