Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
The Deluxe Edition includes an exclusive insert featuring near-scale reproductions of Mary GrandPré's interior art, as well as never-before-seen full-color frontispiece art on special paper. The custom-designed slipcase is foil-stamped and contains a full-cloth case book that has been blind-stamped on front and back cover with foil stamping on the spine. The book includes full-color endpapers featuring the jacket art from the trade edition and a wraparound jacket featuring art created especially for this edition by Mary GrandPré. -
The Hogwarts Library Boxed Set
A highly collectable hardback boxed set from the world of Harry Potter - containing handsome new editions of Quidditch Through the Ages, Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them (both in hardback for the first time) and The Tales of Beedle the Bard. The Hogwarts Library is an essential collection for any wizard or Muggle home. Eager seekers of wizard learning will find within a treasure trove of magical facts, additional notes from the esteemed Professor Albus Dumbledore, and illustrations from J.K. Rowling. Purchasers can be reassured that two charities important to J.K. Rowling - Comic Relief and Lumos - will benefit from the sale of each set. These editions are exclusively available in this boxed set. -
人生进阶“九步曲”,梦想舞台,步步为赢,张学友、陈奕迅倾情推荐! 从我和Harry第一次合作起,彼此都怀着一份朋友的情感自然交往,不因时间的推移而改变。在娱乐圈,能有这样一段超越10年,真正交心的友情,值得珍惜。——张学友 我一直觉得,Harry是一位会让你很有压迫感的老板,不那么容易造近他,而事实上,他一直在远远地看着你。——薛之谦 我们在一起讨论,他经常细致到某一首歌,某一句词,某一张造型照。有朋友笑话:“哪有这样的老板,事无巨细。”我反驳说:“他不是我老板,是我好朋友。”——张杰 这本书里,每一个章节都充盈着许智伟真挚的情感。正如他所坚们的那样,世界上只有时间和感情是永恒的。他把自己对事业,对生命,对朋友的热爱和感激,倾注在本书的九个Lesson中,从十岁留美到三十岁归国,从人生地疏时跑遍中国75个城市到身处“我型我SHOW”荣光无限的舞台中央…… 是一个怎样的许智伟?他又有着多少近乎传奇的经历?一起来分享许智伟的人生故事吧,相信我们所收获的,不仅仅是他关于目标,关于生存,关于社会责任的阐释和讲述,还有我们自己被梦想照耀的人生。
- 1 梦的解析:最佳译本
- 2 李鸿章全传
- 3 淡定的智慧
- 4 心理操控术
- 5 哈佛口才课
- 6 俗世奇人
- 7 日瓦戈医生
- 8 笑死你的逻辑学
- 9 历史老师没教过的历史
- 10 1分钟和陌生人成为朋友