《波诺谈波诺》是作为U2乐队旗手的波诺与著名摇滚文化记者、作家米奇卡·阿塞亚斯历时两年的对谈之作。去年在英国推出后,迄今已获得了媒界与摇滚乐迷的广泛赞誉,在销售市场上也成绩斐然。在书中,波诺谈到了他的童年,谈到了U2乐队,谈到了他的献给非洲的歌,谈到了政治,以及对于自身的一些看法。在谈及U2乐队的和平主义行动时,他认为他关于世界的看法没有错,他说,“这个世界比你想象的要更柔韧,它可以弯成一个更好的形状。”“不要让穷人中的穷人把他们的产品放在我们的货架上,这对我来说,不是个慈善问题,而是个正义问题。”说到他自己,他说,“我是个乱涂乱写的人,一个抽烟、喝酒、读圣经的乐手。一个激进的到处兜售思想的人。我下棋,业余时间是个摇滚歌星,唱唱歌剧。”本书在英国推出后,获得了媒界与摇滚乐迷的广泛赞誉,在销售市场上也成绩斐然。 -
Bono on Bono
For the first time ever, Bono—the biggest rock star in the world—tells his life story and speaks passionately about his future. Bono is one of the most influential musicians at work today. Over the past twenty-five years his band, U2, have sold a staggering 130 million albums and collected 14 Grammys. Their success has made Bono one of the most recognisable faces in the world. Here, in a series of conversations with his friend, music journalist Michka Assayas, Bono reflects on his transformation from extrovert singer of a small, Irish, post-punk band into an international rock star. Along the way he speaks candidly about his childhood, his mother’s death, his Christian faith and his difficult relationship with his father, who died recently. Bono also speaks passionately about how he has used his fame as a platform to campaign fervently on a range of global issues and why these issues—which include the IRA ceasefire, Third World debt and, most recently, the growing AIDS crisis in Africa—are so important to each of us. Intimate, humorous and fiercely opinionated, Bono On Bono is Bono’s story in his own words. It will fascinate and challenge fans of U2 and general readers alike.
- 1 梦的解析:最佳译本
- 2 李鸿章全传
- 3 淡定的智慧
- 4 心理操控术
- 5 哈佛口才课
- 6 俗世奇人
- 7 日瓦戈医生
- 8 笑死你的逻辑学
- 9 历史老师没教过的历史
- 10 1分钟和陌生人成为朋友