

  • 超越 Java


    Java的存在时间已经超过10年了,在这段时间里它的成就非凡,彻底改变了我们写软件的方法和想法。但是Java已显老态,该是时候让我们想想未来接班人是谁了。   在《超越Java》一书中,Bruce Tate公正而诚实地分析Java的成就,以及为何Java是如此强大的工具。他告诉我们Java如何带领计算机编程领域向前迈进,同时也讲述在哪些方面Java会阻碍我们,在哪些方面Java对我们要做的事而言并不够灵活,在哪些地方因为政治力量而使用Java只会导致复杂度的提升。   作者研究了其他的语言和框架,提出了一些很难的问题:这些语言擅长什么?不擅长什么?其中有没有Java的接班人?它们能够像Java一样主导软件领域吗?未来的工具应该是什么样子?会像J2EE或者Ruby on Rails?说不定更激进,就像Continuation server?Bruce Tate除了与我们分享他自己的观察结果,也访问并概括了许多开放源代码Java和Ruby社区的领导人的看法。   不管你是否同意Tate的结论,你都会发现这本书相当激励人心。不管你继续使用Java还是改用其他技术,这本书都可以帮助你思考写程序的方式、怎样提高生产力、什么东西会阻挠你。这本书可以帮助你开妈认清Java以外的世界,接班人就要出现了。  作者简介:Bruce A.Tate是一位泛舟者、越野车骑士、父亲、作家及Java程序员,住在德克萨斯州的奥斯汀。他写了5本书,包括获得Jolt奖的《轻快的Java》(O'Reilly出版)以及热卖的《Bitter Java》(Manning出版)。他有17年的工作经验,包括在IBM工作、两次失败的创业以及开办了自己的叫做J2Life,LLC的独立顾问公司。
  • R Cookbook

    作者:Paul Teetor

    With more than 200 practical recipes, this book helps you perform data analysis with R quickly and efficiently. The R language provides everything you need to do statistical work, but its structure can be difficult to master. This collection of concise, task-oriented recipes makes you productive with R immediately, with solutions ranging from basic tasks to input and output, general statistics, graphics, and linear regression. Each recipe addresses a specific problem, with a discussion that explains the solution and offers insight into how it works. If you're a beginner, R Cookbook will help get you started. If you're an experienced data programmer, it will jog your memory and expand your horizons. You'll get the job done faster and learn more about R in the process. * Create vectors, handle variables, and perform other basic functions * Input and output data * Tackle data structures such as matrices, lists, factors, and data frames * Work with probability, probability distributions, and random variables * Calculate statistics and confidence intervals, and perform statistical tests * Create a variety of graphic displays * Build statistical models with linear regressions and analysis of variance (ANOVA) * Explore advanced statistical techniques, such as finding clusters in your data "Wonderfully readable, R Cookbook serves not only as a solutions manual of sorts, but as a truly enjoyable way to explore the R language-one practical example at a time." -Jeffrey Ryan, software consultant and R package author
  • 深入浅出数据分析

    作者:Michael Milton

    《深入浅出数据分析》以类似“章回小说”的活泼形式,生动地向读者展现优秀的数据分析人员应知应会的技术:数据分析基本步骤、实验方法、最优化方法、假设检验方法、贝叶斯统计方法、主观概率法、启发法、直方图法、回归法、误差处理、相关数据库、数据整理技巧;正文以后,意犹未尽地以三篇附录介绍数据分析十大要务、R工具及ToolPak工具,在充分展现目标知识以外,为读者搭建了走向深入研究的桥梁。 本书构思跌宕起伏,行文妙趣横生,无论是职场老手,还是业界新人,无论是字斟句酌,还是信手翻阅,相信都能跟着文字在职场中走上几回,去体味数据分析领域的乐趣与挑战。
  • 隨意搜尋

    作者:Peter Morville

  • Mind Performance Hacks

    作者:Ron Hale-Evans

    You're smart. This book can make you smarter. Mind Performance Hacks provides real-life tips and tools for overclocking your brain and becoming a better thinker. In the increasingly frenetic pace of today's information economy, managing your life requires hacking your brain. With this book, you'll cut through the clutter and tune up your brain intentionally, safely, and productively. Grounded in current research and theory, but offering practical solutions you can apply immediately, Mind Performance Hacks is filled with life hacks that teach you to: * Use mnemonic tricks to remember numbers, names, dates, and other flotsam you need to recall * Put down your calculator and perform complex math in your head, with your fingers, or on the back of a napkin * Spark your creativity with innovative brainstorming methods * Use effective systems to capture new ideas before they get away * Communicate in creative new ways-even using artificial languages * Make better decisions by foreseeing problems and finding surprising solutions * Improve your mental fitness with cool tricks and games While the hugely successful Mind Hacks showed you how your brain works, Mind Performance Hacks shows you how to make it work better.
  • 团队之美

    作者:Andrew Stellman,Jenn

    一个优秀的软件开发团队面临一个棘手的问题,在这样的团队中工作是一种什么情形呢?如何才能打造一个富有战斗力的团队?一组不能融洽相处的人也能够开发出好的软件吗?当项目关系重大、进度又很紧张的时候,团队领导如何让每个人都能符合既定的要求和日程安排? 本书带你到幕后看一看软件工程历史上最引人关注的团队。通过最杰出的程序员、架构师、项目经理和思想领袖的一系列引人入胜的故事和访谈,你将从资深团队领导的成功与失败中学到经验。
  • 程序员应该知道的97件事

    作者:Kevlin Henney

  • 测试之美

    作者:Tim Riley,Adam Gouch

  • JavaScript: The Definitive Guide, 6th Edition

    作者:David Flanagan

    The book is a programmer's guide and comprehensive reference to the core JavaScript language and to the client-side JavaScript APIs defined by web browsers. The sixth edition covers HTML 5 and ECMAScript 5. Many chapters have been completely rewritten to bring them in line with today's best web development practices. New chapters in this edition document jQuery and server-side JavaScript. Recommended for experienced programmers who want to learn the programming language of the Web, and for current JavaScript programmers who want to master it.
  • Beautiful Architecture

    作者:Diomidis Spinellis,G

    -from amazon Product Description What are the ingredients of robust, elegant, flexible, and maintainable software architecture? Beautiful Architecture answers this question through a collection of intriguing essays from more than a dozen of today's leading software designers and architects. In each essay, contributors present a notable software architecture, and analyze what makes it innovative and ideal for its purpose. Some of the engineers in this book reveal how they developed a specific project, including decisions they faced and tradeoffs they made. Others take a step back to investigate how certain architectural aspects have influenced computing as a whole. With this book, you'll discover: * How Facebook's architecture is the basis for a data-centric application ecosystem * The effect of Xen's well-designed architecture on the way operating systems evolve * How community processes within the KDE project help software architectures evolve from rough sketches to beautiful systems * How creeping featurism has helped GNU Emacs gain unanticipated functionality * The magic behind the Jikes RVM self-optimizable, self-hosting runtime * Design choices and building blocks that made Tandem the choice platform in high-availability environments for over two decades * Differences and similarities between object-oriented and functional architectural views * How architectures can affect the software's evolution and the developers' engagement Go behind the scenes to learn what it takes to design elegant software architecture, and how it can shape the way you approach your own projects, with Beautiful Architecture.
  • Learning Perl, 5th Edition

    作者:Randal Schwartz,Tom

    Learning Perl, popularly known as "the Llama," is the book most programmers rely on to get started with Perl. The bestselling Perl tutorial since it was first published in 1993, this new fifth edition covers recent changes to the language up to Perl 5.10. This book reflects the combined experience of its authors, who have taught Perl at Stonehenge Consulting since 1991. Years of classroom testing and experience helped shape the book's pace and scope, and this edition is packed with exercises that let you practice the concepts while you follow the text. Topics include: * Perl data & variable types * Subroutines * File operations * Regular expressions * String manipulation * Lists & sorting * Process management * Smart matching * Using third party modules Perl is the language for people who want to get work done. Originally targeted to sysadmins for heavy-duty text processing, Perl is now a full-featured programming language suitable for almost any task on almost any platform-from short fixes on the command line to web applications, bioinformatics, finance, and much more. Other books may teach you to program in Perl, but this book will turn you into a Perl programmer.
  • The Productive Programmer

    作者:Neal Ford

    Anyone who develops software for a living needs a proven way to produce it better, faster, and cheaper. The Productive Programmer offers critical timesaving and productivity tools that you can adopt right away, no matter what platform you use. Master developer Neal Ford not only offers advice on the mechanics of productivity-how to work smarter, spurn interruptions, get the most out your computer, and avoid repetition-he also details valuable practices that will help you elude common traps, improve your code, and become more valuable to your team. You'll learn to: * Write the test before you write the code * Manage the lifecycle of your objects fastidiously * Build only what you need now, not what you might need later * Apply ancient philosophies to software development * Question authority, rather than blindly adhere to standards * Make hard things easier and impossible things possible through meta-programming * Be sure all code within a method is at the same level of abstraction * Pick the right editor and assemble the best tools for the job This isn't theory, but the fruits of Ford's real-world experience as an Application Architect at the global IT consultancy ThoughtWorks. Whether you're a beginner or a pro with years of experience, you'll improve your work and your career with the simple and straightforward principles in The Productive Programmer.
  • Learning the vi and Vim Editors

    作者:Arnold Robbins,Elber

    There's nothing that hard-core Unix and Linux users are more fanatical about than their text editor. Editors are the subject of adoration and worship, or of scorn and ridicule, depending upon whether the topic of discussion is your editor or someone else's. vi has been the standard editor for close to 30 years. Popular on Unix and Linux, it has a growing following on Windows systems, too. Most experienced system administrators cite vi as their tool of choice. And since 1986, this book has been the guide for vi. However, Unix systems are not what they were 30 years ago, and neither is this book. While retaining all the valuable features of previous editions, the 7th edition of Learning the vi and vim Editors has been expanded to include detailed information on vim, the leading vi clone. vim is the default version of vi on most Linux systems and on Mac OS X, and is available for many other operating systems too. With this guide, you learn text editing basics and advanced tools for both editors, such as multi-window editing, how to write both interactive macros and scripts to extend the editor, and power tools for programmers -- all in the easy-to-follow style that has made this book a classic. Learning the vi and vim Editors includes: A complete introduction to text editing with vi: * How to move around vi in a hurry * Beyond the basics, such as using buffers *vi's global search and replacement * Advanced editing, including customizing vi and executing Unix commands How to make full use of vim: * Extended text objects and more powerful regular expressions * Multi-window editing and powerful vim scripts * How to make full use of the GUI version of vim, called gvim *vim's enhancements for programmers, such as syntax highlighting, folding and extended tags Coverage of three other popular vi clones -- nvi, elvis, and vile -- is also included. You'll find several valuable appendixes, including an alphabetical quick reference to both vi and ex mode commands for regular vi and for vim, plus an updated appendix on vi and the Internet. Learning either vi or vim is required knowledge if you use Linux or Unix, and in either case, reading this book is essential. After reading this book, the choice of editor will be obvious for you too.
  • CSS Cookbook中文版


    《CSS三剑客之务实之剑:CSS Cookbook》(中文版)(第2版)全书共12章,前十章探讨排版、图片、页面元素、列表、链接、表单、表格及打印等方面的应用技巧,第11章介绍了一些用来解决浏览器兼容性的hack,最后一章列举了几个经典的CSS设计范例。附录提供了CSS属性索引速查表,CSS选择符、伪类、伪元素索引速查表等。
  • SQL Cookbook中文版

    作者:(美)莫利纳罗 著

    SQL 是计算机世界的语言,在用关系数据库开发报表时,将数据放入数据库以及从数据库中取出来,都需要SQL 的知识。很多人以一种马马虎虎的态度在使用SQL,根本没有意识到自己掌握着多么强大的武器。本书的目的是打开读者的视野,看看SQL 究竟能干什么,以改变这种状况。 本书是一本指南,其中包含了一系列SQL 的常用问题以及它们的解决方案,希望能对读者的日常工作有所帮助。本书将相关主题的小节归成章,如果读者遇到不能解决的SQL 新问题,可以先找到最可能适用的章,浏览其中各小节的标题,希望读者能从中找到解决方案,至少可以找到点灵感。 在这本书中有150 多个小节,这还仅仅是SQL 所能做的事情的一鳞半爪。解决日常编程问题的解决方案的数量仅取决于需要解决的问题的数量,本书没有覆盖所有问题,事实上也不可能覆盖;然而从中可以找到许多共同的问题及其解决方案,这些解决方案中用到许多技巧,读者学到这些技巧就可以将它们扩展并应用到本书不可能覆盖的其他新问题上。 毫无疑问,本书的目标是让读者看到,SQL 能够做多少一般认为是SQL 问题范围之外的事情。在过去的10 年间,SQL 走过了很长的路,许多过去只能用C 和JAVA等过程化语言解决的典型问题现在都可以直接用SQL 解决了,但是很多开发人员并没有意识到这一事实。本书就是要帮助大家认识到这一点。 现在,在对我刚才的话产生误解之前我先要申明:我是“如果没坏,就别去修它”这一教义的忠实信徒。例如,假如你有一个特定的业务问题要解决,目前只用SQL检索数据,而其他复杂的业务逻辑由其他语言完成,如果代码没有问题,而且性能也过得去,那么,谢天谢地。我绝对无意建议你扔掉以前的代码重新寻求完全SQL 的解决方案;我只是请你敞开思想,认识到1995 年编程用的SQL 跟2005 年用的不是一回事,今天的SQL 能做的事要多得多。
  • Masterminds of Programming

    作者:Biancuzzi, Federico/

    Description Masterminds of Programming features exclusive interviews with the creators of several historic and highly influential programming languages. Think along with Adin D. Falkoff (APL), James Gosling (Java), Bjarne Stroustrup (C++), and others whose vision and hard work helped shape the computer industry. You'll find advice you can apply to systems you're developing, even if you don't use the specific languages being discussed. Full Description Masterminds of Programming features exclusive interviews with the creators of several historic and highly influential programming languages. In this unique collection, you'll learn about the processes that led to specific design decisions, including the goals they had in mind, the trade-offs they had to make, and how their experiences have left an impact on programming today. Masterminds of Programming includes individual interviews with: * Adin D. Falkoff: APL * Thomas E. Kurtz: BASIC * Charles H. Moore: FORTH * Robin Milner: ML * Donald D. Chamberlin: SQL * Alfred Aho, Peter Weinberger, and Brian Kernighan: AWK * Charles Geschke and John Warnock: PostScript * Bjarne Stroustrup: C++ * Bertrand Meyer: Eiffel * Brad Cox and Tom Love: Objective-C * Larry Wall: Perl * Simon Peyton Jones, Paul Hudak, Philip Wadler, and John Hughes: Haskell * Guido van Rossum: Python * Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo and Roberto Ierusalimschy: Lua * James Gosling: Java * Grady Booch, Ivar Jacobson, and James Rumbaugh: UML * Anders Hejlsberg: Delphi inventor and lead developer of C# If you're interested in the people whose vision and hard work helped shape the computer industry, you'll find Masterminds of Programming fascinating.
  • 时间管理

    作者:Thomas A.Limoncelli

    时间是珍贵的东西,对于系统管理员而言尤甚。没有其他工作会把那么多领域的事情一次推给一个人做。使用者经常以他们的请求干扰你,让你无法完成经理指派给你的长期项目;还有你的计算机就是不听话,总是在最关键的时刻与你耍脾气。尽管你精通职务上的技术,但是仍然发现必须在晚上和周末加班,只是为了满足一些要求。这只会随着时间给自己增加压力。 本书讨论的策略,不但帮你解决日常工作,还有能力处理无法避免的突发状况。作者将自己长期的职业生涯,诸如,支持桌面应用、服务器管理以及安全和软件开发等等,在本书中详实地举例说明。这意味着,你将得到有实战经验的建议,而非象牙塔般、从未在混沌的网络中工作过的陈腔滥调。 在其他技术上,你将学习如何: ·管理干扰 ·消除时间的浪费 ·保持有效的日程表 ·将经常发生的事情变成例行公事 ·专注在手边的工作 ·以客户预期排列优先级 ·文件化和自动化处理以便快速执行
  • C语言核心技术

    作者:Peter Prinz,Tony Cra

    C程序员在编写程序时手头一定要有这本书。在这本书中,C 语言专家 Peter Prinz和Tony Crawford为你提供大量的编程参考信息。全书叙述清晰,语句简洁,分析深刻。本书主题包括: C 语言的语法、GNU编译器选项、标准链接库函数、GDB和make、预处理指令、C99特色和扩充。 本书内容丰富,总共包含21章,能够让你深刻了解C 语言关键概念,比如类型转换、动态内存管理、指针处理等。想知道 GNU make 或 GNU 调试器的细节吗?本书开辟专门的章节来讲解。一书在手,程序开发会更加顺利!Peter 和 Tony 所编写的这本书会成为C语言程序员必备的工作利器! 作者简介: Peter Prinz是积极的研讨会组织者和关键课程开发者,向成百上千的Unix和windows系统开发者授课。作为德国IT公司Authensis AG的主要开发者和合伙人,他拥有计算机电话通信软件的丰富开发经验。Peter也是多本有关c/c++软件开发图书的合著者,其中大多数图书是与Ulla Kirch-Prinz合著的,其中就包括0'Reilly出版的《C Pocket Reference》。
  • Programming Perl

    作者:Larry Wall,Tom Chris

    Perl is a powerful programming language that has grown in popularity since it first appeared in 1988. The first edition of this book, "Programming Perl," hit the shelves in 1990, and was quickly adopted as the undisputed bible of the language. Since then, Perl has grown with the times, and so has this book. "Programming Perl" is not just a book about Perl. It is also a unique introduction to the language and its culture, as one might expect only from its authors. Larry Wall is the inventor of Perl, and provides a unique perspective on the evolution of Perl and its future direction. Tom Christiansen was one of the first champions of the language, and lives and breathes the complexities of Perl internals as few other mortals do. Jon Orwant is the editor of "The Perl Journal," which has brought together the Perl community as a common forum for new developments in Perl. Any Perl book can show the syntax of Perl's functions, but only this one is a comprehensive guide to all the nooks and crannies of the language. Any Perl book can explain typeglobs, pseudohashes, and closures, but only this one shows how they really work. Any Perl book can say that "my" is faster than "local," but only this one explains why. Any Perl book can have a title, but only this book is affectionately known by all Perl programmers as "The Camel." This third edition of "Programming Perl" has been expanded to cover version 5.6 of this maturing language. New topics include threading, the compiler, Unicode, and other new features that have been added since the previous edition.
  • Learning Perl, Fourth Edition

    作者:Randal L. Schwartz,T

    "Learning Perl", better known as "the Llama book", starts the programmer on the way to mastery. Written by three prominent members of the Perl community who each have several years of experience teaching Perl around the world, this latest edition has been updated to account for all the recent changes to the language up to Perl 5.8. Perl is the language for people who want to get work done. It started as a tool for UNIX system administrators who needed something powerful for small tasks. Since then, Perl has blossomed into a full-featured programming language used for web programming, database manipulation, XML processing, and system administration - on practically all platforms - while remaining the favorite tool for the small daily tasks it was designed for. You might start using Perl because you need it, but you'll continue to use it because you love it. Informed by their years of success at teaching Perl as consultants, the authors have re-engineered the Llama to better match the pace and scope appropriate for readers getting started with Perl, while retaining the detailed discussion, thorough examples, and eclectic wit for which the Llama is famous. The book includes new exercises and solutions so you can practice what you've learned while it's still fresh in your mind. Here are just some of the topics covered: data structures, minimal matching, threading, data parsing, references, objects, modules, and package implementation. If you ask Perl programmers today what book they relied on most when they were learning Perl, you'll find that an overwhelming majority will point to the Llama. With good reason. Other books may teach you to program in Perl, but this book will turn you into a Perl programmer.