

  • 大动乱的年代


  • 中国知青史


    《中国知青史:初澜(1953-1968)》是《中国知青史》的前半部分,迄止时间为1953年到1968年。根据官方文献档案与当时的公开出版物,分析和叙述了“文革”前知青上山下乡作为一项正式的国家安置政策出台、演变和形成的过程。作者明确指出了以下三点: 第一,知青上山下乡政策的出台.不仅出于政治与意识形态层面的考虑,而且与建国后几乎每一项政治、经济、教育制度紧密相关,是各种政策施行造成的结果。不能脱离特定的历史背景,尤其是计划经济的背景来看待知青上山下乡的问题。 第二,“文革”前的知青上山下乡是国家劳动力调配工作的重要一环.旨在为无法在城市升学就业的青年开辟新的就业道路。但无论作为一项安置工作,还是以后发展成为一场运动,从指导思想和具体运行机制上,都具有明显的延续性,不能将二者割裂开来,更不能采取肯定前者否定后者的做法。 第三,从广义和狭义两方面明确区分知青。并对他们作出分别研究。狭义的知青特指1962年知青安置成为国家一项专门工作后从大中城市下乡的中学毕业生,其中“文革”期间毕业的“老三届”及其以后陆续从中学毕业的城市青年,通常被人们看作是知青的主体。但从广义来说,知青还应包括家在农村、毕业后又回乡参加农业生产的“回乡青年”。他们才是知青上山下乡的先行者,也是人数最多、付出代价最大的一批人,因此《中国知青史:初澜(1953-1968)》用大量篇幅,列举大量事实,阐述了回乡知青群体与他们的经历。
  • Spider Eaters

    作者:Yang, Rae

    "Spider Eaters" is at once a moving personal story, a fascinating family history, and a unique chronicle of political upheaval told by a Chinese woman who came of age during the turbulent years of the Cultural Revolution. With stunning honesty and a lively, sly humor, Rae Yang records her life from her early years as the daughter of Chinese diplomats in Switzerland, to her girlhood at an elite middle school in Beijing, to her adolescent experience as a Red Guard and later as a laborer on a pig farm in the remote northern wilderness. She tells of her eventual disillusionment with the Maoist revolution, how remorse and despair drove her almost to suicide, and how she struggled to make sense of conflicting events that often blurred the line between victim and victimizer, aristocrat and peasant, communist and counterrevolutionary. Moving gracefully between past and present, dream and reality, the author artfully conveys the vast complexity of life in China as well as the richness, confusion, and magic of her own inner life and struggle. Much of the power of the narrative derives from Yang's multi-generational, cross-class perspective. She invokes the myths, legends, folklore, and local customs that surrounded her and brings to life the many people who were instrumental in her life: her nanny, a poor woman who raised her from a baby and whose character is conveyed through the bedtime tales she spins; her father; her beloved grandmother, who died as a result of the political persecution she suffered. Spanning the years from 1950 to 1980, Rae Yang's story is evocative, complex, and told with striking candor. It is one of the most immediate and engaging narratives of life in post-1949 China.