

  • Inside the Black Box

    作者:Rishi K. Narang

    New edition of book that demystifies quant and algo trading In this updated edition of his bestselling book, Rishi K Narang offers in a straightforward, nontechnical style-supplemented by real-world examples and informative anecdotes-a reliable resource takes you on a detailed tour through the black box. He skillfully sheds light upon the work that quants do, lifting the veil of mystery around quantitative trading and allowing anyone interested in doing so to understand quants and their strategies. This new edition includes information on High Frequency Trading. Offers an update on the bestselling book for explaining in non-mathematical terms what quant and algo trading are and how they work Provides key information for investors to evaluate the best hedge fund investments Explains how quant strategies fit into a portfolio, why they are valuable, and how to evaluate a quant manager This new edition of Inside the Black Box explains quant investing without the jargon and goes a long way toward educating investment professionals.
  • Algorithmic Trading

    作者:Ernie Chan

    Praise for Algorithmic Trading: "Algorithmic Trading is an insightful book on quantitative trading written by a seasoned practitioner. What sets this book apart from many others in the space is the emphasis on real examples as opposed to just theory. Concepts are not only described, they are brought to life with actual trading strategies, which give the reader insight into how and why each strategy was developed, how it was implemented, and even how it was coded. This book is a valuable resource for anyone looking to create their own systematic trading strategies and those involved in manager selection, where the knowledge contained in this book will lead to a more informed and nuanced conversation with managers." (Daren Smith, CFA, CAIA, FSA, Managing Director, Manager Selection & Portfolio Construction, University of Toronto Asset Management). "Using an excellent selection of mean reversion and momentum strategies, Ernie explains the rationale behind each one, shows how to test it, how to improve it, and discusses implementation issues. His book is a careful, detailed exposition of the scientific method applied to strategy development. For serious retail traders, I know of no other book that provides this range of examples and level of detail. His discussions of how regime changes affect strategies, and of risk management, are invaluable bonuses." (Roger Hunter, Mathematician and Algorithmic Trader).
  • 高频交易

    作者:(美)艾琳·奥尔德里奇(Irene Al

    以光速旅行,决胜于分秒之间 揭开量化投资的黑匣子,洞悉机构投资者的秘诀 量化投资方法正越来越受到广大的机构投资投资者的关注,其代表者吉姆·西蒙斯在股市下行的2008年中将25亿美元的收益收入囊中。高频交易作为量化投资的重要方法,也引起了海内外投资界的广泛兴趣。据不完全统计,2008年,采用传统低频交易的投资者有70%处于亏损,而高频交易基金经理几乎都在当年实现了盈利。 那么究竟何为高频交易?高频交易背后的原理是什么?量化投资者又是怎样利用这一工具实现惊人的收益呢? 本书作者站在专业的高度,用平实的语言和丰富的图表,带我们走进量化投资的黑匣子,向我们展示了这台复杂的“金融仪器”是如何运作的。书中的内容涵盖了高频交易的方方面面——从形成想法并开发交易系统,到投入资金并进行表现评估——这些详实的信息将让你在如今风云诡谲的市场上更具竞争优势。
  • 高频交易员


    《说谎者的扑克牌》《大空头》作者迈克尔•刘易斯最新作品 英国《金融时报》和麦肯锡2014年度商业类入围好书 美国上市一周,狂销13万册! 2014年苹果电子书店下载,非虚构类第一名! 一场运用网络交易技术与精密算法的大对决 一场抗衡超级金融系统与权贵人士的大挑战 一场直面股市交易内幕与监管之惑的大辩论 千分之十三秒能做什么?你还来不及眨一次眼睛,但对于高频交易员而言,足够完成一次交易。 美国有多少个股票交易所?你很可能以为,只有两家:纽约证交所和纳斯达克。错!今天,美国股市有超过13个公开交易所,此外,几乎各大券商都有属于自己的秘密交易平台,俗称“暗池”。 这是一个隐蔽且被操控的市场,高频交易员利用纳秒级(十亿分之一秒)的时间差,捕捉“猎物”,快速买入卖出,谋取暴利。这是“暗池”里的“游戏”,速度就是一切,为此,他们甚至开山破土,建起了一条有史以来最笔直的数据传输光缆。 一群华尔街的奇异人士发现了这个秘密,他们是一群智力超群的反叛者,他们密谋揭秘金融市场的疯狂,揭露华尔街上那些大银行、股票交易所、高频交易公司赚取暴利的新把戏。《高频交易员》曝光了全球金融市场中不为人知的内幕,对当今世界快速演变的金融工具进行反思,并回答了这样一个问题:到底是谁在操纵市场?
  • Flash Boys

    作者:Michael Lewis

    Four years after his #1 bestseller The Big Short, Michael Lewis returns to Wall Street to report on a high-tech predator stalking the equity markets. Flash Boys is about a small group of Wall Street guys who figure out that the U.S. stock market has been rigged for the benefit of insiders and that, post–financial crisis, the markets have become not more free but less, and more controlled by the big Wall Street banks. Working at different firms, they come to this realization separately; but after they discover one another, the flash boys band together and set out to reform the financial markets. This they do by creating an exchange in which high-frequency trading—source of the most intractable problems—will have no advantage whatsoever. The characters in Flash Boys are fabulous, each completely different from what you think of when you think “Wall Street guy.” Several have walked away from jobs in the financial sector that paid them millions of dollars a year. From their new vantage point they investigate the big banks, the world’s stock exchanges, and high-frequency trading firms as they have never been investigated, and expose the many strange new ways that Wall Street generates profits. The light that Lewis shines into the darkest corners of the financial world may not be good for your blood pressure, because if you have any contact with the market, even a retirement account, this story is happening to you. But in the end, Flash Boys is an uplifting read. Here are people who have somehow preserved a moral sense in an environment where you don’t get paid for that; they have perceived an institutionalized injustice and are willing to go to war to fix it.
  • 解读量化投资

