

  • 五十米深蓝


  • An Education

    作者:Lynn Barber

    当记者林恩•巴博尔16岁在一个公车站被一个有魅力的老男人请进他的跑车时,她的生活彻底被毁了。她原本是一个朝着牛津大学努力的阳光自信女孩。与这个男人的情人关系意外地得到了她在郊区的传统的父母的支持,也让她走进了60年代初声名狼藉的伦敦西部的半犯罪世界。她深陷堕落,直到有一天她幡然醒悟。 《教育》,做为这一令人入迷的回忆录的开篇,首次在格兰塔杂志上发表时获得了高度评价,英国广播公司正在根据尼克•霍恩比改编的剧本将其搬上荧幕。 根据林恩•巴博尔的回忆录改编的电影《教育》的预演将于10月底发行。 Lynn Barber's true story is now a major film of the same name scripted by Nick Hornby. At 16, Lynn Barber was an ambitious schoolgirl working towards a place at Oxford, when she was picked up at a bus-stop by an attractive older man in a sports car. So began a relationship that almost wrecked her life. Barber's fascinating memoir takes us beyond this bizarre episode, revealing how it left her with an abiding mistrust of men which paradoxically led her to a promiscuous life-style at university until she met her husband-to-be. "An Education" tells how she went on to work for seven years at daring (for the times) men's magazine "Penthouse' before beginning her starry days as the Demon Barber - Britain's most entertaining and most feared interviewer. The book ends with an extraordinarily moving account of the early death of her husband. Her writing is refreshingly frank and funny.