

  • The Shipping News

    作者:E. Annie Proulx

    In this touching and atmospheric novel set among the fishermen of Newfoundland, Proulx tells the story of Quoyle. From all outward appearances, Quoyle has gone through his first 36 years on earth as a big schlump of a loser. He's not attractive, he's not brilliant or witty or talented, and he's not the kind of person who typically assumes the central position in a novel. But Proulx creates a simple and compelling tale of Quoyle's psychological and spiritual growth. Along the way, we get to look in on the maritime beauty of what is probably a disappearing way of life. (from Amazon.com)
  • 小人物,大英雄


  • 永别了,武器


    美国青年弗瑞德里克・亨利在第一次世界大战后期志愿参加红十字会驾驶救护车,在意大利 北 部战线抢救伤员,并与英国籍护士凯瑟琳・巴克莱结识并相恋。 在一次执行任务时,亨利被 炮 弹击中受伤,在米兰医院养伤期间得到了凯瑟琳悉心护理,两人陷入了热恋。亨利伤愈后重 返前线,随意大利部队撒发退时目睹战争的种种残酷景象,毅然脱离部队,和凯瑟琳会合后 逃往瑞士。结果凯瑟琳在难产中死去。� 海明威根据自己的参战经历,以战争与爱情为主线,吟唱了一曲哀婉动人的悲歌,曾多次被 搬上人银幕,堪称现代文学的经典名篇。
  • Moon Palace

    作者:Paul Auster

  • Housekeeping

    作者:Marilynne Robinson

    A modern classic, "Housekeeping" is the story of Ruth and her younger sister, Lucille, who grow up haphazardly, first under the care of their competent grandmother, then of two comically bumbling great-aunts, and finally of Sylvie, their eccentric and remote aunt. The family house is in the small Far West town of Fingerbone set on a glacial lake, the same lake where their grandfather died in a spectacular train wreck, and their mother drove off a cliff to her death. It is a town "chastened by an outsized landscape and extravagant weather, and chastened again by an awareness that the whole of human history had occurred elsewhere." Ruth and Lucille's struggle toward adulthood beautifully illuminates the price of loss and survival, and the dangerous and deep undertow of transience.
  • 色史


    ◎禁書史上最深情自剖的一部作品!沒看過亨利•米勒,就不要討論情色文學!亨利.米勒的作品被譽為懺悔文學的典範,西洋現代文學的另一高峰。本書《色史》是他的小說體自傳之一。描寫作者32歲時認識女友摩娜,拋家棄子,立志當專業作家的一段歷程。同時也描述他任職電報公司的見聞,以及他的生活百態。 米勒暴露自我、青史留名的代表性始於《北回歸線》和《南回歸線》,這兩書的美國版問世後,毀譽摻雜,有「神奇驚人」、「一流」、「出色」的稱譽,亦有「猥褻」、「無恥」、「駭人聽聞」的評語。 《色史》一書是他主要生命史《殉色三部曲︰色史.情網.夢結》的第一部。本書寫於正值第二次世界大戰時期的美國加州,1949年於巴黎首次出版。對此卓越的作品,作家勞倫斯.杜雷爾(Lawrence Durrell)說︰「米勒這幾本自傳體作品,如果達成了之前他對讀者的承諾,那麼他將名列這個時代的三四位偉大人物之一。」 《周末評論》Ben Ray Redman:「古往今來最卓越、最真實原創的作者之一。」 《紐約客》:「當米勒這位善講故事者大展身手時……,他是無以倫比的,以猥褻卻又道學的方式,無所不用其極地讓維多利亞時代被人笑死。」 《國家》:「米勒永久地摧毀了人類道德、社會、政治方面的偽善根基。」
  • 布考斯基煮了七十年的一鍋東西


    *美國當代最偉大的寫實作家 *被時代雜誌封為「無賴的桂冠詩人」 *一個讓美國人為之不屑,歐洲人為之瘋狂的作家! *「破壞平靜的專家,洛杉磯地下世界的桂冠詩人,浪漫地堅持輸家要比贏家更誠實,對於迷失的一群具有怒火般的慈悲。」--新聞週刊書評 說到布考斯基,他是一個很好玩的人,到死也不為美國主流文學承認,天天飲酒作樂,混跡於下層社會,不管多麼卑微不堪的事情,都能變成他的創作題材。但是從他的作品裡卻能感受到一種瘋狂而強悍的力量,一種真正的生命力,有時甚至得把自己毀了才寫得出來。 布考斯基在紐約很受歡迎,「他的書很容易被偷」是最佳明證。其實布考斯基最受人矚目,且影響世人最深的不是小說,而是詩作。他畢生共出版了32本詩集,而這些詩也相當程度地影響了美國的搖滾樂。本書,就收錄了他歷年來最具代表性的作品。
  • 琥珀中的女人


  • 一九一九年


    二十年代成名的美国作家约翰・多斯・帕索斯(1896-1970)的代表作《美国》三部曲以藏而不露的写实风格及大胆的新写作手法,描写了瞬息万变的美国生活,再现了美利坚广阔的生活场景,这是其第一部,全书的十二位男女主人公有一半在本卷中先后登场,作者从每人的童年写起,文笔生动活泼,一直写到第一次世界大战前夕。另有三种短文穿插在各人的故事之间:“新闻短片”由当时的报纸标题、流行歌曲、官方文件等摘录组成,点出时代背景:“摄影机眼”用意识流手法描写作者当时的心情及活动;“人物特写”为摩根、福特、爱迪生、邓肯、威尔逊总统等风云人物立传。 《美国》三部曲之二,前一卷中的人物及本卷中出现的新人在生活及工作中彼此交往,其中一部分在第一次世界大战中先后到了法国。有的负责红十字宣传工作,和同去的室内装饰专家相爱;有的当上飞行员或海军水手,直接参战。最后以1919年巴黎和会作结。
  • 伊甸之东


  • 烦恼的冬天


  • 致加西亚的信(中英对照)


  • Billy Budd

    作者:Herman Melville

    Tor Classics are affordably-priced editions designed to attract the young reader. Original dynamic cover art enthusiastically represents the excitement of each story. Appropriate "reader friendly" type sizes have been chosen for each title--offering clear, accurate, and readable text. All editions are complete and unabridged, and feature Introductions and Afterwords.   This edition of Billy Budd includes a Foreword, Biographical Note, and Afterword by James Gunn.   Aboard the warship Bellipotent, the young orphan Billy Budd was called the handsome sailor. Billy was tall, athletic, nobel looking; he was friendly, innocent, helpful and ever-cheerful. He was a fierce fighter and a loyal friend. All the men and officers liked him...   All but one: Master-at-Arms Claggart. Envious, petty Claggart plotted to make Billy's life miserable. But when a fear of mutinies swept through the fleet, Claggart realized he could do more than just torment the Handsome Sailor...He could frame Billy Budd for treason...
  • Uncle Tom's Cabin

    作者:Harriet Beecher Stow

    Book Description Wordsworth Classics covers a huge list of beloved works of literature in English and translations. This growing series is rigorously updated, with scholarly introductions and notes added to new titles. This novel has earned the title of not only bestseller, but also the first protest novel to have a direct impact on political events. The story follows the life and vissitudes of Uncle Tom, a noble negro, and portrays the humanity of an enslaved black people and the moral evil of their enslavement. From 500 Great Books by Women; review by Erica Bauermeister This is one of those books that everybody has heard about but few people these days have actually read. It deserves to be read - not simply because it is the basis for symbols so deeply ingrained in American culture that we no longer realize their source, nor because it is one of the bestselling books of all time. This is a book that changed history. Harriet Beecher Stowe was appalled by slavery, and she took one of the few options open to nineteenth century women who wanted to affect public opinion: she wrote a novel, a huge, enthralling narrative that claimed the heart, soul, and politics of pre-Civil War Americans. It is unabashed propaganda and overtly moralistic, an attempt to make whites - North and South - see slaves as mothers, fathers, and people with (Christian) souls. In a time when women might see the majority of their children die, Harriet Beecher Stowe portrays beautiful Eliza fleeing slavery to protect her son. In a time when many whites claimed slavery had "good effects" on blacks, Uncle Tom's Cabin paints pictures of three plantations, each worse than the other, where even the best plantation leaves a slave at the mercy of fate or debt. By twentieth-century standards, her propaganda verges on melodrama, and it is clear that even while arguing for the abolition of slavery she did not rise above her own racism. Yet her questions remain penetrating even today: "Is man ever a creature to be trusted with wholly irresponsible power?" From AudioFile Classic nineteenth-century literature can be difficult to read and hear. But this production is an exception. Buck Schirner's characters are so vivid, so well enunciated, that we wish Stowe had created more people for Schirner to give voice to. His characters argue about slavery, lament their fortunes and survive by their wits. He gives each person emotion and depth and reads Stowe's prose with conviction. Indeed, it's hard not to, given the moral force behind her words. The only negative is when Schirner reads in his own voice, which is low and flat. Because of his excellent vocal work, though, the book reminds us that the debate over race and human worth was as vivid in the 1850's as it is today. R.I.G. Book Dimension : length: (cm)19.8 width:(cm)12.6 点击链接进入中文版: 汤姆叔叔的小屋
  • 大街


    本书是美国第一位获得诺贝尔文学奖的作家辛克莱·刘易斯的代表作,问世后迅速风靡欧美国家,一年内重印28次,被称为“20世纪美国出版史上最轰动的事件”。此书还成为了当时堪萨斯州各级学校学生的必读教材。小说以第一次世界大战前后美国一个小镇为背景,描写一位城市女知识分子卡罗尔嫁到小镇上成为一名乡村医生太太后的故事。小说主题新颖,风格别致,洋溢着浓郁的美国中西部地方风情,评论家称此书是美国文学中描述地方风情最出色的文学作品。      小说以第一次世界大战前后美国一个小镇为背景,描写一位城市女知识分子卡罗尔嫁到小镇上成为一名乡村医生太太。起初她满怀热情,企图“改造”这个受传统保守势力束缚的小镇,但遇到巨大的阻力。她的思想与小镇的现实格格不入,以至被迫离开小镇去华盛顿找工作,但最终仍不得不回到小镇上,继续面对她无法改变的旧传统势力。   小说以辛辣的笔触对美国社会现实进行嘲笑和讽刺,因而受到当时保守人士的指责和攻击,并在美国引起巨大争议。可喜的是,《大街》深为广大读者喜爱,一年内重印28次,“大街”一词也因此被赋予特别的含义而收入词典。   本书是最新全译本,并附有较详尽的注释。
  • Memoirs of a Geisha

    作者:Arthur Golden

    A literary sensation and runaway bestseller, this brilliant debut novel tells with seamless authenticity and exquisite lyricism the true confessions of one of Japan's most celebrated geisha. Speaking to us with the wisdom of age and in a voice at once haunting and startlingly immediate, Nitta Sayuri tells the story of her life as a geisha. It begins in a poor fishing village in 1929, when, as a nine-year-old girl with unusual blue-gray eyes, she is taken from her home and sold into slavery to a renowned geisha house. We witness her transformation as she learns the rigorous arts of the geisha: dance and music; wearing kimono, elaborate makeup, and hair; pouring sake to reveal just a touch of inner wrist; competing with a jealous rival for men's solicitude and the money that goes with it. In Memoirs of a Geisha, we enter a world where appearances are paramount; where a girl's virginity is auctioned to the highest bidder; where women are trained to beguile the most powerful men; and where love is scorned as illusion. It is a unique and triumphant work of fiction—at once romantic, erotic, suspenseful—and completely unforgettable.
  • My Antonia

    作者:Willa Cather

    在线阅读本书 ENDURING LITERATURE ILLUMINATED BY PRACTICAL SCHOLARSHIP The moving portrait of an orphan boy and immigrant girl who find hardship -- and love -- on the American prairie. EACH ENRICHED CLASSIC EDITION INCLUDES: A concise introduction that gives readers important background information A chronology of the author's life and work A timeline of significant events that provides the book's historical context An outline of key themes and plot points to help readers form their own interpretations Detailed explanatory notes Critical analysis, including contemporary and modern perspectives on the work Discussion questions to promote lively classroom and book group interaction A list of recommended related books and films to broaden the reader's experience Enriched Classics offer readers affordable editions of great works of literature enhanced by helpful notes and insightful commentary. The scholarship provided in Enriched Classics enables readers to appreciate, understand, and enjoy the world's finest books to their full potential. SERIES EDITED BY CYNTHIA BRANTLEY JOHNSON
  • 夜色温柔


    《夜色温柔》把衰败作为其主题。小说的绝大部分材料来源于作者自己的经历——酗酒、生活潦倒、妻子的病以及他对自己的恐惧,同时也表达了他对一个更大世界里人们的失望,对他生活的那个花花世界的失望。在这个世界里,到处是餐会、舞会、到处是酗酒、作乐。菲茨杰拉德的大部分生活都是在这样的环境里度过的。小说《夜色温柔》正是他家庭生活和精神生活的写照。在《天堂的这一边》里他极力称爵士乐时代;在《了不起的盖茨比》里他表达了对这个爵士乐时代的依依不舍;在《夜色温柔》里他吟唱的则是爵士乐时代的一曲悲切的哀歌。 外国文学经典--原汁原味的英语,适合英语专业大中专生及英语阅读爱好者 安徒生童话 苔丝 哈克贝利·费恩历险记 呼啸山庄 红字 名利场(上下) 爱玛 远离尘嚣 傲慢与偏见 绿野仙踪 小公主 傲慢与偏见 福尔摩斯探案集1:血字的研究 四签名 福尔摩斯探案集2:福尔摩斯历险记 福尔摩斯探案集3:福尔摩斯回忆录 福尔摩斯探案集4:福尔摩斯归来 福尔摩斯探案集5:巴斯克维尔的猎犬 恐怖谷 福尔摩斯探案集6:福尔摩斯的最后致意 福尔摩斯探案集7:福尔摩斯新探案 汤姆·索亚历险记 雾都孤儿 雾都孤儿 劝导 艰难时世 茶花女 外国文学经典:鲁滨逊漂流记 复活 月亮宝石 双城记 小妇人 茶花女 远大前程 远大前程 红与黑 海底两万里 汤姆·索亚历险记 绿野仙踪 绿野仙踪 复活 包法利夫人 海底两万里 基督山伯爵(套装全3册) 红与黑(英文原版) 三个火枪手(套装上下册) 战争与和平(套装全3册) 诺桑觉寺 安徒生童话 大卫科波菲尔(英文版) 小妇人 包法利夫人 远大前程 远离尘嚣 爱玛 名利场 名利场 卡斯特桥市长 二十世纪外国文学精选 简·萨默斯的日记 宠儿(二十世纪外国文学精选) 霍华德庄园 夜色温柔 纯真年代 看不见的人 占有 日瓦戈医生 日瓦戈医生 走出非洲 城堡 宠儿 洛丽塔 看不见的人 洛丽塔(英文版) 日瓦戈医生 看不见的人 了不起的盖茨比 了不起的盖茨比——20世纪百部最佳小说之一、青年人必读的经典小说 大师经典文库 理想国(英文) 马可波罗游记:英文 乌托邦(英文) 培根论说文集(英文) 忏悔录:英文 梦的解析(英文) 道德经(汉英对照) 论语(汉英对照) 孙子兵法 中国人的精神 宽容(英文) 人类的故事 中国的文艺复兴 中国人的精神(英文版) 人类的故事(英文版 房龙著) 梦的解析(英文版)(弗洛伊德著) 理想国 马可波罗游记 乌托邦 培根论说文集 忏悔录 道德经 论语 宽容 中国的文艺复兴(英汉对照) 轻松英语名作欣赏:大话名人 浪漫史诗:鲍蒂卡女王 风云际会:莎士比亚 身后疑云:图坦卡蒙 乱世传奇:圣女贞德 群雄逐鹿:拿破仑 另类成长故事:达尔文 学问人生:爱因斯坦
  • 他们

