Other Voices, Other Rooms
在线阅读本书 When Joel Knoxs mother dies, he is sent into the exotic unknown of the Deep South to live with a father he has never seen. But once he gets there, everyone is curiously evasive when Joel asks to see his father. Truman Capotes first novel, Other Voices, Other Rooms is a brilliant, searching study of homosexuality set in a shimmering landscape of heat, mystery and decadence. -
《新经典高等学校英语专业系列教材•美国文学史》尤其深广的时空跨度,如此规模的英文版美国文学史论著是首次在国内出版。熟知美国学界的最新研究动态,又有亚洲学者的独特视角,同时兼顾史学研究和重点作品的赏析。见解独到,文笔优雅,是国内学人不可多得的一部好书。童明教授在美国加州大学从事教学与研究多年。《新经典高等学校英语专业系列教材•美国文学史》以他的学术积累为依托,专为中国读者而写。既有对美国文学发展历史的宏观叙述,又有对具体作品的细致分析,内容丰富,观点新颖,评价中肯,文笔流畅,是一部让人难以释手的文学史著作,更是一本英语专业师生不可或缺的好教材。 -
《英伦见闻录》是作者根据在英国期间的所见所闻创作的旅游散文、文学札记以及若干传奇故事(背景分别是英国、奥地利和美国),另有一篇关于美洲印第安人性格的杂谈,共三十二篇文章。本书被誉为“美国富有想象力的第一部真正杰作”,是作者获得国际声誉的第一部作品(上个世纪初,中国有过翻译家林琴南的节译本,译名是《拊掌录》)。继本书之后,作者又创作了关于英国见闻的续篇——《庄园见闻录》。这两部作品又与他描写在西班牙最后的摩尔人王国——格拉纳达的皇家城堡的见闻著作《阿尔罕伯拉》一起,组成了华盛顿·欧文描写十九世纪欧洲风物人情的姊妹篇。 美国文学之父的传世佳作 修订版序 01. 作者自述 02. 航程 03. 罗斯科 04. 妻子 05. 英国作家论美国 06. 英国的乡村生活 07. 破碎的心 08. 撰书术 09. 皇家诗人 10. 乡村教堂 11. 寡妇和她儿子 12. 伦敦的礼拜天 13. 伦敦东区的猪头酒店 14. 文学的易变性 15. 乡村葬礼 16. 客栈厨房 17. 幽灵新郎 18. 威斯敏斯特教堂 19. 圣诞节 20. 公共驿车 21. 圣诞前夜 22. 圣诞日 23. 圣诞餐 24. 伦敦古迹 25. 小不列颠 26. 艾冯河畔的斯特拉特福 27. 约翰·布尔 28. 小村引以为豪的人 29. 垂钓者 30. 印第安人的品性 31. 波卡罗克特的菲利普 32. 瑞普·凡·温克尔 33. 睡谷的传说 跋 -
Song of Solomon
Song of Solomon explores the quest for cultural identity through an African American folktale about enslaved Africans who escape slavery by fleeing back to Africa. The novel tells the story of Macon "Milkman" Dead, a young man alienated from himself and estranged from his family, his community, and his historical and cultural roots. Author Toni Morrison, long renowned for her detailed imagery, visual language, and "righting" of black history, guides the protagonist along a 30-year journey that enables him to reconnect with his past and realize his self-worth. -
余华说:"这是一位奇妙的作家,他是为数不多的能够教会别人写作的作家。"他说的正是威廉·福克纳。比起卡夫卡、马尔克斯等来说,或许他的名气似乎稍为逊色,但是他的作品、他的来自灵魂深处的深刻的痛苦,他独特的视角,尤其是他对现实的深刻反思使得他的作品越来越受到人们的关注,本书为他生平最后一部作品,有助于了解福克纳及美国资本主义刚兴起时的社会心态。 -
作品继承把一切作品作为其目标的维多利亚的文艺批评理论的传统,对美国南北战争既阐释又评价,对该时期文学既作评价也对文学作品的社会、经济、政治和独特的根源进行研究。 -
《天才》中的尤金•威特拉起初是一个正直、诚实、颇具才华的青年画家,可是在资本主义社会种种物质享受的诱惑之下,竟然变得思想混乱、利欲熏心、荒淫无耻,终于走进了创作贫乏的绝境。德莱塞无情地揭露了主人公四周的种种现象,使我们相当清晰地看出了尤金•威特拉之流的那些社会条件。同时,他也告诉我们,在空口侈谈自由的国度里,一个有才能的青年要有所作为,势必要进行艰苦的斗争,因为美国的生活方式和天才是不能相容的,一个人无法既为金钱效劳又为艺术出力。 -
Available for the first time in trade paperback--this provocative book is "an anthem sung in praise of man's ego"--from the legendary author Ayn Rand Anthem has long been hailed as one of Ayn Rand's classic novels, and a clear predecessor to her later masterpieces, The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged. In Anthem, Rand examines a frightening future in which individuals have no name, no independence, and no values. Equality 7-2521 lives in the dark ages of the future where all decisions are made by committee, all people live in collectives, and all traces of individualism have been wiped out. Despite such a restrictive environment, the spark of individual thought and freedom still burns in him--a passion which he has been taught to call sinful. In a purely egalitarian world, Equality 7-2521 dares to stand apart from the herd--to think and choose for himself, to discover electricity, and to love the woman of his choice. Now he has been marked for death for committing the ultimate sin. In a world where the great "we" reign supreme, he has rediscovered the lost and holy word--"I." -
American Pastoral
As the American century draws to an uneasy close, Philip Roth gives us a novel of unqualified greatness that is an elegy for all our century's promises of prosperity, civic order, and domestic bliss. Roth's protagonist is Swede Levov, a legendary athlete at his Newark high school, who grows up in the booming postwar years to marry a former Miss New Jersey, inherit his father's glove factory, and move into a stone house in the idyllic hamlet of Old Rimrock. And then one day in 1968, Swede's beautiful American luck deserts him. For Swede's adored daughter, Merry, has grown from a loving, quick-witted girl into a sullen, fanatical teenager—a teenager capable of an outlandishly savage act of political terrorism. And overnight Swede is wrenched out of the longer-for American pastoral and into the indigenous American berserk. Compulsively readable, propelled by sorrow, rage, and a deep compassion for its characters, this is Roth's masterpiece. -
该书是1949届诺贝尔文学奖得主、美国现代著名作家威廉.福克纳后期创作中最重要的作品之一。它既是《斯诺普斯》三部曲的第一部,又是自成一体可以单独欣赏的长篇巨作。作品主要描写了“外来户”斯诺普斯来到法国人湾如何后来居上,逐步控制法国人湾的土地和人民的过程,并由此深刻而丰富地展示了美国南北战争后南方社会从传统向资本主义的剧变。通过本书,福克纳为读者塑了阴险狡诈的斯诺普斯这一独特艺术形象。 今天 -
作为一种文化现象,“后现代主义”大抵成熟于本世纪的五十年代,以美国为发源地,并由此扩展到世界范畴。无疑它已成为西方文化的一个重要组成部分,它在艺术(尤其是诗歌)中,表现出尤为明显的特征。它的反文化、反崇高、意义消解与悬置、大量采用口语入诗等特点,显著区别于现代主义的封闭型诗歌。 近年来,我国文学界对西方现代派诗歌的译介已十分丰富,但对后现代主义诗歌的译介工作还停留在初级阶段,至今尚没有一个较为全面的选本。本书根据《美国当代诗人:40年后的美国诗歌》(马克.斯特兰德编)译出。囊括了黑山派、纽约派、新超现实主义、自白派、垮掉派诗人及重要的独立诗人,大多数诗作系在国内首次译出。 后现代主义诗歌由于其开放的结构,无中心的发散特性,较之现代主义虽隐晦但终究可解的诗歌,更加难以还原到经验的层面上去理解,更加反逻辑反规范,译起来十分艰难。从着手到成书,译者大致耗去了五年的时间,其间不得不中断了自己的诗歌写作。加之译者学识浅陋,后现代诗歌中又大量掺杂了经过解构的大众文化内容,如广告、新闻,和许多无处查询的事件、人物等,其造成的文化上的障碍与隔膜,时时让人感到绝望。在翻译过程中,译者尽量忠实于原文,不加入自己的主观,不改变原诗的形体特征,以求传达出原诗的风貌。 -
Two girls who grow up to become women. Two friends who become something worse than enemies. In this brilliantly imagined novel, Toni Morrison tells the story of Nel Wright and Sula Peace, who meet as children in the small town of Medallion, Ohio. Their devotion is fierce enough to withstand bullies and the burden of a dreadful secret. It endures even after Nel has grown up to be a pillar of the black community and Sula has become a pariah. But their friendship ends in an unforgivable betrayal—or does it end? Terrifying, comic, ribald and tragic, Sula is a work that overflows with life.
- 1 梦的解析:最佳译本
- 2 李鸿章全传
- 3 淡定的智慧
- 4 心理操控术
- 5 哈佛口才课
- 6 俗世奇人
- 7 日瓦戈医生
- 8 笑死你的逻辑学
- 9 历史老师没教过的历史
- 10 1分钟和陌生人成为朋友