The Cask of Amontillado
Montresor tells the story of the night that he took his revenge on Fortunato, a fellow nobleman. Angry over some unspecified insult, he plots to murder his friend during Carnival when the man is drunk, dizzy, and wearing a jester's motley. He baits Fortunato by telling him he has obtained what he believes to be a pipe (about 130 gallons) of Amontillado, a rare and valuable sherry wine. He claims he wants his friend's expert opinion on the subject. Fortunato goes with Montresor to the wine cellars of the latter's palazzo, where they wander in the catacombs. Montresor offers De Grave, a wine, to Fortunato; at one point, Fortunato makes an elaborate and—to the narrator's eyes—grotesque gesture with an upraised wine bottle. When Montresor appears not to recognize the gesture, Fortunato asks, "You are not of the masons?" Montresor says he is, and when Fortunato, disbelieving, requests a sign, Montresor displays a trowel he had been hiding. Montresor warns Fortunato, who has a bad cough, of the damp, and suggests they go back; Fortunato insists on continuing, claiming that "[he] shall not die of a cough." During their walk, Montresor mentions his family coat of arms: a foot in a blue background crushing a snake whose fangs are embedded in the foot's heel, with the motto Nemo me impune lacessit (No one attacks me with impunity). When they come to a niche, Montresor tells his victim that the Amontillado is within. Fortunato enters and, drunk and unsuspecting, does not resist as Montresor quickly chains him to the wall. Montresor then declares that, since Fortunato won't go back, he must "positively leave [him]." Montresor walls up the niche, entombing his friend alive. At first, Fortunato, who recovers from his drunken state faster than Montresor anticipated he would, shakes the chains, trying to escape. The narrator stops working for a while so he can enjoy the sound. Fortunato then screams for help, but Montresor mocks his cries, knowing nobody can hear them. Fortunato laughs weakly and tries to pretend that he is the subject of a joke and that people will be waiting for him (including the Lady Fortunato). As the murderer finishes the topmost row of stones, Fortunato wails "For the love of God, Montresor!" Montresor replies, "Yes, for the love of God!" He listens for a reply but hears only the jester's bells ringing. Before placing the last stone, he drops a burning torch through the gap. He claims that he feels sick at heart, but dismisses this reaction as an effect of the dampness of the catacombs. In the last few sentences, Montresor reveals that it has been 50 years since the murder, he has never been caught, and Fortunato's body still hangs from its chains in the niche where he left it. The murderer, seemingly unrepentant, ends the story by remarking: In pace requiescat (may he rest in peace). -
【本书目录】 韦斯特解构美国梦 钱满素 韦斯特年表 鲍尔索斯奈尔的梦幻生活 张文译 伤心小姐 施威荣译 难圆发财梦 张文译 蝗灾之日 杨仁敬译 冒险家 张禹九译 西部俱乐部成员 王纪宴译 西藏之夜 张禹九译 波兹镇的波兹先生 张禹九译 骗子 张亦政译 无耻的谎言 王纪宴译 公事公办 段孝洁译 鸟与瓶 段孝洁译 -
《金融家》是美国著名现实主义小说家西奥多·德莱塞(1871一1945)的主要长篇小说之一。它以美国南北战争之后繁荣昌盛的年代为背景,叙述了当时叱咤风云的大资本家典型人物弗兰克·考珀伍德怎样在费城起家,一步步发达,后来又如何大败亏输并入狱,出狱后离开费城去芝加哥寻求发展,通过这一过程揭露了当时费城官商勾结、沆瀣一气、发财致富的现实,反映了一个多世纪之前美国在政治、财经、金融、司法等各方面的状况,栩栩如生地再现了一个历史时代。 -
《坟墓的闯入者》是福克纳晚期的一部“侦探小说”。镇上一个大户人家的儿子被杀,黑人路喀斯受到嫌疑,被抓入狱中。曾得到路喀斯帮助的白人孩子契克(本书就是以他的目光来写)不相信他是凶手。一个偶然的会,他和一个人小伙伴及一位白人老太太卷入案子中。他们从死者的坟墓里发现了另外一具尸体,为排除路喀斯的嫌疑提供了有的证据。同时,契福克用事实说服了种族主义思想严重的、做律师的,终于帮助路喀斯洗脱了罪名。本书通过这样一个案子,揭露了美国的种族歧视问题。 -
惠特曼生当美国独立后约半个世纪,也就是那个资产阶级共和国在新 -
童明教授所著《美国文学史》尤其深广的时空跨度,如此规模的英文版美国文学史论著是首次在国内出版。熟知美国学界的最新研究动态,又有亚洲学者的独特视角,同时兼顾史学研究和重点作品的赏析。见解独到,文笔优雅,是国内学人不可多得的一部好书。 -
In one of his finest achievements, Nobel Prize winner Saul Bellow presents a multifaceted portrait of a modern-day hero, a man struggling with the complexity of existence and longing for redemption. Introduction by Philip Roth -
《北回归线》是米勒的第一部自传体小说,也是他出版的第一本书。此书以回忆录的形式写就,米勒在书中追忆他同几位作家、艺术家朋友在巴黎度过的一段日子,旨在通过诸如工作、交谈、宴饮、嫖妓等超现实主义和自然主义的夸张、变形生活细节描写揭示人性,探究青年人如何在特定环境中将自己造就成艺术家这一传统西方文学主题。1961年经过一场具有历史意义的诉讼,《北回归线》终于在美国出版,米勒成为一个家喻户晓的名字,他被60年代反主流文化誉为自由和性解放的先知。 -
作者通过对赫克贝里·芬和黑人吉姆这两个人物逃亡经历的描述,反映了当时美国社会矛盾中的一个十分尖锐的问题——黑人遭受奴役,并要求自由和解放。 -
本书是马克·吐温的代表作,也是美国文学和世界文学的珍品。海明威曾说:“一切现代美国文学来自一本书,即马克·吐温的《赫克尔贝里·芬历险记》……在它面前,或在它之后,都不曾有过能与之媲美的作品。”这部作品仅在1900年至1974年,便被美国电影界7次拍成电影。此外,英国、英联等国也都多次将其搬上银幕,仅此一点,即足可见这部伟大的作品是如何被全世界人民所喜爱。赫克尔这个勇于反抗和冒险的形象生动地体现了早期症状国人所追求的开拓和创新精神,从而成为世界文学史上一个不朽的典型。 -
《万有文库(第一辑外国)--觉醒》和作者的其他作品 一样,在者在描绘美国南方路易西安那州的克里欧人(Creole)的人和事,克里欧人为法国移民后裔,都为贵族。艾德娜原本置身于法国式的上流社会中,生活的目的只有相夫教子、宴款宾客。在这样的一个社会里,女人的身份是因男人而定位;女人没有自我,而只是某人的女儿、姊妹、妻子、母亲,或情妇。这年夏天,艾德娜全家到新奥尔良南方约五十英里外的格蓝岛度假,邂逅劳伯特,终于燃起自我遥意识,不愿意再因循先生及社会的要求而扮演别人设定的角色。她勇敢的脱离常轨,一心去发展自己的艺术(绘画)潜能,追求自由、独立 -
《圣殿》描绘了一幅被败坏了的南方社会的场景,堪称福克纳揭露和抨击美国南方丑恶现实的最有力的作品。小说情节黑暗狂暴,描写二十年代美国禁酒期间,南方小镇有一帮以金鱼眼为首的私酒贩子,女大学生谭波被男友抛弃后混到这帮人中,惨遭强奸,后又被金鱼眼送进菲斯城的妓院。金鱼眼杀了人,嫁祸于下德温。律师说服谭波庭作证,但她已被金鱼眼的变态性行为磨得精神失常。戈德温还是被死刑,被群众劫出私刑烧死。出逃金鱼眼也终因一桩他并末参与的谋杀案而被判死刑。 如果我们把《圣殿》放在这幅南方社会的大画卷里,我们就会发现它描绘的正是这样一幅被败坏了的现代南方社会的场景。 -
《美国文学史及选读1》编写分为两册:第一册是古代至浪漫主义时期美国文学,第二册是现实主义时期至二十世纪美国文学。我国高等院校(包括师专和教育学院)英语专业在高年级课程中开设有《英美文学史》和《英美文学作品选读》两门课程,讲授《文学史》以伴随《文学作品选读》为宜,二者相辅而行,否则容易形成脱节现象。因此编辑一部文学史和文学作品选读相结合的教材,是有必要的。 -
这是一部亨利·米勒的游记,一部关于美国的游记。 可以说,亨利·米勒是一个典型的充满人文情怀的作家,对残破的乡村、对荒芜的沙漠、对被冷落的艺术和被抛弃的艺术精神,以及对任何一个充满永恒真理气息的梦想,都投之以无限的向往和不竭的激情。与此同时,对物质文明的不断扩张和精神家园的不断遭受侵染的冷酷现实,作家则表现出了不自禁的愤懑与难以排遣的压抑。 -
Slaughter House Five
Kurt Vonnegut's absurdist classic Slaughterhouse-Five introduces us to Billy Pilgrim, a man who becomes 'unstuck in time' after he is abducted by aliens from the planet Tralfamadore. In a plot-scrambling display of virtuosity, we follow Pilgrim simultaneously through all phases of his life, concentrating on his (and Vonnegut's) shattering experience as an American prisoner of war who witnesses the firebombing of Dresden. Slaughterhouse-Five is not only Vonnegut's most powerful book, it is also as important as any written since 1945. Like Catch-22, it fashions the author's experiences in the Second World War into an eloquent and deeply funny plea against butchery in the service of authority. Slaughterhouse-Five boasts the same imagination, humanity, and gleeful appreciation of the absurd found in Vonnegut's other works, but the book's basis in rock-hard, tragic fact gives it unique poignancy -- and humor. -
The Waste Land
For ease of reading, this Norton Critical Edition presents The Waste Land as it first appeared in the American edition (Boni & Liveright), with Eliot s notes at the end. "Contexts" provides readers with invaluable materials on The Waste Land s sources, composition, and publication history. "Criticism" traces the poem s reception with twenty-five reviews and essays, from first reactions through the end of the twentieth century. Included are reviews published in the Times Literary Supplement, along with selections by Virginia Woolf, Gilbert Seldes, Edmund Wilson, Elinor Wylie, Conrad Aiken, Charles Powell, Gorham Munson, Malcolm Cowley, Ralph Ellison, John Crowe Ransom, I. A. Richards, F. R. Leavis, Cleanth Brooks, Delmore Schwartz, Denis Donoghue, Robert Langbaum, Marianne Thormahlen, A. D. Moody, Ronald Bush, Maud Ellman, and Tim Armstrong. A Chronology and Selected Bibliography are included. -
The Scarlet Letter
《红字》中讲述的是发生在北美殖民时期的恋爱悲剧。女主人公海丝特·白兰嫁给了医生奇灵渥斯,他们之间却没有爱隋。在孤独中白兰与牧师丁梅斯代尔相恋并生下女儿珠儿。白兰被当众惩罚,戴上标志“通奸”的红色A字示众。然而白兰坚贞不屈,拒不说出孩子的父亲。 The Scarlet Letter, published in 1850, is an American romance novel written by Nathaniel Hawthorne; it is generally considered to be his masterpiece. Set in Puritan New England in the 17th century, the novel tells the story of Hester Prynne, who gives birth after committing adultery, refuses to name the father, and struggles to create a new life of repentance and dignity. Throughout, Hawthorne explores the issues of grace, legalism, and guilt. Publisher Comments: Hailed by Henry James as "the finest piece of imaginative writing yet put forth in the country," Nathaniel Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter reaches to our nation's historical and moral roots for the material of great tragedy. Set in an early New England colony, the novel shows the terrible impact a single, passionate act has on the lives of three members of the community: the defiant Hester Prynne; the fiery, tortured Reverend Dimmesdale; and the obsessed, vengeful Chillingworth. With The Scarlet Letter, Hawthorne became the first American novelist to forge from our Puritan heritage a universal classic, a masterful exploration of humanity's unending struggle with sin, guilt and pride. From AudioFile In the early days of Puritan Boston Hester Prynne braves the stigma of adultery by wearing the embroidered scarlet "A" on her clothing. Hill's reading captures the story's pathos and gives the reader empathy for the characters while clarifying Hawthorne's views. Hill distinctly portrays each character and reads the narration clearly and swiftly. The pace conveys a sense of urgency and breathlessness. After hearing this novel, readers will understand why it continues to be a classic. P.A.J. -
一九七九年德里罗移居希腊,开始创作他的第七部长篇小说《名字》(一九八二)。作品的背景从美国扩展到国际舞台,但表现的对象仍与美国密切相关,如美国人对待外国人的态度,以及外国人对美国人的看法等。作品分为四个部分:岛屿、山区、沙漠、草原,分别对应希腊库罗斯岛、帕罗奔尼撒半岛、印度和美国堪萨斯。主人公詹姆斯·埃克斯顿是美国东北集团驻希腊公司的风险分析员。东北集团向海外的美国公司提供政治风险咨询,出售风险保险。詹姆斯的妻子凯瑟琳在和丈夫分居后,带着九岁的儿子泰普从加拿大来到希腊库罗斯岛,在美国考古学家欧文·布雷德马斯领导下进行考古发掘。詹姆斯之所以同意到希腊工作,部分是为了能常常看到凯瑟琳和儿子。一次他去小岛看望他们时,听说那里一个没有名字的邪教组织将远处一位老人活活棒杀。不久欧文便发现,被害者往往是年老体弱的流浪汉,而且他们姓名的首字母正好与被害地点的地名相符。如第一个被害者的姓名为米开利·卡利亚姆比索斯,其被害地点名为米克罗·卡米尼。二者的名字均以字母M和K打头。被害人名字的首字母为什么必须和地名首字母相一致呢?好奇心驱使欧文对邪教组织展开追踪调查,不久詹姆斯与独立电影制片人弗兰克·沃德拉也加入了调查行列。最终,欧文在印度某地找到了字母杀人邪教的一个分支,与该分支头目进行长谈,最后还亲历了邪教的杀人过程。 字母杀人的故事是《名字》的主要情节,除此以外还有另外两条线索:一条是詹姆斯与妻子的情感生活以及为了与妻子和好所做的努力;一条是詹姆斯作为美国商人侨居希腊的生活故事,包括他所在的风险咨询公司与美国中情局的瓜葛及希腊民族主义分子对美国干涉希腊事务的抵抗。这三条线索来回穿插,并行不悖,因此《名字》既是邪教故事、凶杀故事、侦探故事、情感故事,也是政治故事。通过表现与揭露美国利用商业来影响、渗透和干涉他国事务的做法,德里罗表达了他对后殖民与后帝国主义时代美国商业文化和政治霸权的批评。作品表明,美国人无论来到哪个国家,都试图通过他们的商业文化控制那里的人民。他们不仅在别国建立起一个又一个的军事基地,还常常以停止经济援助、停止投资要挟对他们表示不满的国家。他们甚至可以无视别国的尊严,在别国,如希腊的领土上向其敌对国土耳其提供大笔的银行贷款。而那些被商业殖民的国家为了自己短期的经济利益常常不得不忍气吞声、俯首称臣,用希腊民族主义者安德里斯·埃里亚兹的话说,就是“拿美国人的钱,按美国人说的做”。因此在他看来,希腊的未来并不属于希腊人民,而是“被攥在美国人手里”。一旦控制了他国的政治与经济命脉,美国人便可以在这个国家耀武扬威,为所欲为。从政治的角度看,《名字》表现了一个“扩张主义的主题……一个殖民主义的主题、一个剥削的主题、一个最大限度利用的主题”。
- 1 梦的解析:最佳译本
- 2 李鸿章全传
- 3 淡定的智慧
- 4 心理操控术
- 5 哈佛口才课
- 6 俗世奇人
- 7 日瓦戈医生
- 8 笑死你的逻辑学
- 9 历史老师没教过的历史
- 10 1分钟和陌生人成为朋友