还记得《飘》中那个让思嘉神魂颠倒的瑞德吗? 《瑞德·巴特勒:再续<飘>传奇》再续《飘》之传奇,看思嘉、瑞德和至爱亲朋乱世情迷人生沉浮。 如同《飘》的第一部续集《斯佳丽》,本作品经由美国文学名著《飘》的作者米切尔遗产管委会全权授权。《瑞德·巴特勒》涉及的背景比《飘》前后延伸了近二十年。小说为瑞德增加了种植园的家人、友人和年少轻狂的岁月,以及在内战期间偷越封锁线的经历,将一个缺陷与优点并重的“男人中的男人”形象塑造得有血有肉,可信可亲。瑞德与思嘉最终的去向在《瑞德·巴特勒:再续<飘>传奇》中将浮出水面。 -
《一位女士的肖像》是美国作家亨利•詹姆斯的早期代表作中一部杰出的作品。故事讲述了女主人公伊莎贝尔随姨妈从新崛起的美国到古老的欧洲增加见识,由于她的天真、自信和独立,她拒绝了两位富足且有地位的贵族沃伯顿和美国富商古德伍德的追求,在梅尔夫人设的圈套下,嫁给了虚伪的奥斯蒙德,铸成了自己的爱情悲剧。《一位女士的肖像》是亨利•詹姆斯最负盛名的一部小说,白面世以来,一直备受评论界的推崇,并深受广大读者喜爱。根据本部小说改编的同名电影,中文译名为《淑女本色》。 -
当你读到《月食》中贝拉凝视着布里同时心里盘算着她是否可能就是自己将来的样子这一幕的时候,你可曾想到是什么让布里变成眼前这个样子? 当布里对她回敬以怒视的时候,你想不想知道贝拉和爱德华家族在她看来是什么样子? 也许没有。 不过即使你曾这样想过,我打赌你也永远猜不到她的秘密。 我越接近布里那不可避免的结局,我就越希望我可以让《月食》的结局能有哪怕些许的改变。 尽管这个愿望有些残忍,我希望你们最终会和我一样喜欢布里。 ——斯蒂芬妮·梅尔 本书讲述了一个名为布里·坦纳的新生的传奇故事以及她所栖身的阴暗世界。小说以新生军团为了接近贝拉和卡伦家族一路行进的征程为线索,将其前世今生都介绍了一遍,其间穿插着大量的新生儿成长过程中那些有关爱、恐惧和行动的细节,以及维多利亚为了复仇在西雅图干的一系列坏事。 -
The Age of Innocence
在线阅读本书 Edith Wharton’s masterpiece brings to life the grandeur and hypocrisy of a gilded age. Set among the very rich in 1870s New York, it tells the story of Newland Archer, a young lawyer engaged to marry virginal socialite May Welland, when he meets her cousin, Countess Ellen Olenska, a woman unbound by convention and surrounded by scandal. As all three are drawn into a love triangle filled with sensuality, subtlety, and betrayal, Archer faces a harrowing choice between happiness and the social code that has ruled his life. The resulting tale of thwarted love is filled with irony and surprise, struggle and acceptance. Recipient of the first Pulitzer Prize for fiction ever awarded to a woman, this great novel paints a timeless portrait of “society” still unmatched in American literature—an arbitrary, capricious social elite that professes inviolable standards but readily abandons them for greed and desire. -
亚当和夏娃的故事在西方家喻户晓,但马克·吐温用日记体写成的《亚当夏娃日记》则以不乏诗意的男女两性间的自然吸引法则,诠释了人类第一对夫妻这一古老传说。上帝无形的律令,撒旦的诱引分明暗示,即使在人类始祖诞生之初,在没有阶级存在、没有物欲和权力欲出现的漫长的社会文明发展进程中,人类也远远不是自由的。 -
《太阳照常升起》内容简介:美国青年巴恩斯在第一次世界大战中脊椎受伤,失去性能力,战后在巴黎任记者时与英国人阿施利夫人相爱,夫人一味追求享乐,而他只能借酒浇愁。两人和一帮男女朋友去西班牙潘普洛纳参加斗牛节,追求精神刺激。夫人拒绝了犹太青年科恩的苦苦追求,却迷上了年仅十九岁的斗牛士罗梅罗。然而,在相处了一段日子以后,由于双方年龄实在悬殊,而阿施利夫人又不忍心毁掉纯洁青年的前程,这段恋情黯然告终。夫人最终回到了巴恩斯身边,尽管双方都清楚,彼此永远也不能真正地结合在一起。 -
The #1 New York Times bestselling follow-up to Eat, Pray, Love --an intimate and erudite celebration of love. At the end of her memoir Eat, Pray, Love , Elizabeth Gilbert fell in love with Felipe, a Brazilian living in Indonesia. The couple swore eternal love, but also swore (as skittish divorce survivors) never to marry. However, providence intervened in the form of a U.S. government ultimatum: get married, or Felipe could never enter America again. Told with Gilbert's trademark humor and intelligence, this fascinating meditation on compatibility and fidelity chronicles Gilbert's complex and sometimes frightening journey into second marriage, and will enthrall the millions of readers who made Eat, Pray, Love a number one bestseller. -
明媚却被光阴耗散的青春,伤痛但依然逐渐成长的心灵 女性版《麦田里的守望者》,《纽约时报》年度十佳作品 真实展现美国精英私立中学的校园生活,幽微洞察青涩少女的内心 莉•斐奥拉是个聪颖、敏感的女孩,她在申请高中学校时被奥尔特的校刊吸引了,校刊上印着奥尔特校园的精美图片:身着羊毛衫校服的英俊少年在礼拜堂中唱着赞美诗,女孩子们穿着百褶裙在刚刚修剪好的草坪上打曲棍球,学生们专注地看着黑板上的数学方程式……这激起了莉对高中生活的无限向往,于是她说服父母把她送到了这所声名卓著且收费昂贵的寄宿学校。莉很快就发现,这里的学生大多非富即贵,依靠助学金就读的莉如同一个局外人,感受到前所未有的压力。她谨慎地与周围的人保持着距离,然后逐渐以自己的方式融入了奥尔特。不料,临毕业前的一次无心之失令她在奥尔特掀起了一场风波,四年来一直小心翼翼不想引人注目的莉一夜之间成了校园里的焦点人物…… 当丑小鸭步入精英学校,她一定会羽化成天鹅吗?在成长的岁月,生活中总有各种难题,关于友谊、成绩、师生关系,还有异性、初恋……这是一个无情地描绘现实的故事,年轻心灵内在的挣扎与喜悦,以及各种又邪恶又天真的想法,刺痛心灵,但也给予我们持续向前的勇气。 -
Call Me by Your Name
A "New York Times" Notable Book of the YearA "Publishers Weekly" Best Book of the YearA "Washington Post" Best Fiction Book of the YearA "New York" Magazine "Future Canon" SelectionA "Chicago"" Tribune" Favorite Book of the YearOne of "The Seattle Times"' Michael Upchurch's Favorite Books of the YearAn Amazon Top 100 Editors' Picks of the Year An Amazon Top 10 Editors' pick: Debut Fiction (#6)An Amazon Top 10 Editors' pick: Gay and Lesbian (#1) "Call Me by Your Name "is the story of a sudden and powerful romance that blossoms between an adolescent boy and a summer guest at his parents' cliffside mansion on the Italian Riviera. During the restless summer weeks, unrelenting but buried currents of obsession, fascination, and desire intensify their passion as they test the charged ground between them and verge toward the one thing both already fear they may never truly find again: total intimacy. Andre Aciman's critically acclaimed debut novel is a frank, unsentimental, heartrending elegy to human passion. -
纯真年代(全译本),ISBN:9787535434272,作者:(美国)伊迪丝·华顿 著,赵明炜 译 -
What We Talk About When We Talk About Love
Raymond Carver's "What We Talk About When We Talk About Love" Commentary by Karen Bernardo Raymond Carver's short story "What We Talk About When We Talk About Love" takes place in one sitting, or more precisely, one pre-dinner drinking bout. It is told in first person, with one of the four characters referring to himself as "I," but ironically this is the character about whom we know the least; he is merely the mouthpiece for the action, and all we know about him is that his name is Nick and he is married to Laura. His friend Mel is a cardiologist, married to Terri, and initiates the conversation of what love means. This conversation provides the central focus of the story. Mel, Nick tells us, thinks "real love [is] nothing less than spiritual love." He cannot comprehend that his wife's abusive ex-husband, Ed, could possibly have loved her while he was dragging her around the room by her ankles. "That's not love, and you know it," Mel says. "I don't know what you'd call it, but I sure know you wouldn't call it love." Terri, on the other hand, insists that it was. She has led a much less sheltered life and is also much less self-righteous than Mel; she understands that while objectively Ed could be regarded as sadistic, dangerous, and pathological, he operated out of a reservoir of strong emotion that was simply incapable of channeling itself in socially-acceptable ways. This strong emotion, when turned toward other human beings, erupted in violence. This is why he beat his wife and eventually committed suicide. Ed, in fact, functions as a pivotal character in the story even though he is dead by the time the action occurs. He stands out in stark contrast to the little group drinking around the table, for, crazy as he was, he had life in him. Terri seems to look back to her days with Ed with a kind of nostalgia, because for all his crackling violence, she thinks he is more man than Mel will ever be. Mel, for his part, presents the story's central question -- what is love -- because like the rest of the group he is imbued with a sense of loss, of regret, of unutterable sadness, for reasons he can not quite describe. He feels instinctively that it has something to do with love, and he's right in a way; it has everything to do with passion. The little group sees in alcohol a way to inflame the passion they once felt for living, or the passion they think they should feel. Mel notes that as much as they love each other, if they were all married to someone else, it would make no difference in their lives; one empty person is as good as another. In fact there is in fact no passion in these people; the alcohol makes it worse, and at the end, when Mel says the gin is gone, Nick concludes the story with the words: "I could hear the human noise we sat there making, not one of us moving, not even when the room went dark." They can't move because they suddenly realize the fact that none of them have ever moved; their lives have always been, and will always be, empty and dark, and they no longer have gin to cover this up. -
The Silver Linings Playbook
Pat Peoples has a theory that his life is actually a movie produced by God, and that his God-given mission in life is to become emotionally literate, whereupon God will ensure a happy ending which, for Pat, means the return of his estranged wife Nikki, from whom he's currently having some 'apart time.' It might not come as any surprise to learn that Pat has spent several years in a mental health facility. When Pat leaves hospital and goes to live with his parents, however, everything seems changed: no one will talk to him about Nikki; his old friends now have families; his beloved football team keep losing; his new therapist seems to be recommending adultery as a form of therapy. And he's being haunted by Kenny G. There is a silver lining, however, in the form of tragically widowed, physically fit and clinically depressed Tiffany, who offers to act as a go-between for Pat and his wife, if Pat will just agree to perform in this year's Dance Away Depression competition ...'Utterly original and a real word-of mouth classic' Daily Mail 'Delightful ...A smart, touching, quirky read' Scotland on Sunday -
《译文名著精选:嘉莉妹妹》讲述:嘉莉到芝加哥探亲,在火车上结识了推销员杜洛埃,她不堪工厂的艰苦生活,和杜洛埃同居,从而结识酒店经理赫斯渥。赫斯渥迷恋她的美色,竟盗用公款和她逃到纽约,过起同居生活。嘉莉因偶然的机会登台演出,渐渐获得成功,赫斯渥却逐步潦倒。两人分手,赫斯渥最后自杀。 -
“我爱暮光,更爱不朽!”——后暮光时代,欧美讨论最热烈的校园爱情小说,勇夺各大排行榜青少年文学冠军宝座!版权售出30多个国家,系列热卖超过二百万册,攻占纽约时报书榜55周,蝉联冠军宝座15周,每秒持续刷新记录中!美到令人心碎的主角,刚刚萌芽的恋情,不能说的暗黑秘密,还有神秘的不朽者……自《暮光之城》之后,一部足以成为经典的现代传奇! 一场可怕的车祸夺去了十六岁的艾娃·布鲁姆的一切,她失去了家人以及所有的快乐。来到阳光明媚的加州,艾娃开始看到妹妹的鬼魂,并且拥有了奇怪的能力:她可以看到其他人的气场,听到他们的思想,并通过触摸了解对方的一切。她渴望从整个世界逃离,但是一个英俊迷人的转校生突然出现,并且卷入了她看似平静的生活。 爱上达蒙很危险,因为他似乎隐藏了极大的秘密。但如果这就是上天注定的命运,你又怎能从中逃脱? -
At the end of her bestselling memoir Eat, Pray, Love, Elizabeth Gilbert fell in love with Felipe, a Brazilian-born man of Australian citizenship who’d been living in Indonesia when they met. Resettling in America, the couple swore eternal fidelity to each other, but also swore to never, ever, under any circumstances get legally married. (Both were survivors of previous horrific divorces. Enough said.) But providence intervened one day in the form of the United States government, which—after unexpectedly detaining Felipe at an American border crossing—gave the couple a choice: they could either get married, or Felipe would never be allowed to enter the country again. Having been effectively sentenced to wed, Gilbert tackled her fears of marriage by delving into this topic completely, trying with all her might to discover through historical research, interviews, and much personal reflection what this stubbornly enduring old institution actually is. Told with Gilbert’s trademark wit, intelligence and compassion, Committed attempts to “turn on all the lights” when it comes to matrimony, frankly examining questions of compatibility, infatuation, fidelity, family tradition, social expectations, divorce risks and humbling responsibilities. Gilbert’s memoir is ultimately a clear-eyed celebration of love with all the complexity and consequence that real love, in the real world, actually entails. -
《纯真年代》描绘了旧纽约的上流社会风俗,故事背景设在19世纪70年代后期至20世纪初,这是一个关于男性的故事,但女性的故事也嵌入其中,作者通过对埃伦的塑造透视了女性的压抑与反叛。 外国文学经典--原汁原味的英语,适合英语专业大中专生及英语阅读爱好者 安徒生童话 苔丝 哈克贝利·费恩历险记 呼啸山庄 红字 名利场(上下) 爱玛 远离尘嚣 傲慢与偏见 绿野仙踪 小公主 傲慢与偏见 福尔摩斯探案集1:血字的研究 四签名 福尔摩斯探案集2:福尔摩斯历险记 福尔摩斯探案集3:福尔摩斯回忆录 福尔摩斯探案集4:福尔摩斯归来 福尔摩斯探案集5:巴斯克维尔的猎犬 恐怖谷 福尔摩斯探案集6:福尔摩斯的最后致意 福尔摩斯探案集7:福尔摩斯新探案 汤姆·索亚历险记 雾都孤儿 雾都孤儿 劝导 艰难时世 茶花女 外国文学经典:鲁滨逊漂流记 复活 月亮宝石 双城记 小妇人 茶花女 远大前程 远大前程 红与黑 海底两万里 汤姆·索亚历险记 绿野仙踪 绿野仙踪 复活 包法利夫人 海底两万里 基督山伯爵(套装全3册) 红与黑(英文原版) 三个火枪手(套装上下册) 战争与和平(套装全3册) 诺桑觉寺 安徒生童话 大卫科波菲尔(英文版) 小妇人 包法利夫人 远大前程 远离尘嚣 爱玛 名利场 名利场 卡斯特桥市长 二十世纪外国文学精选 简·萨默斯的日记 宠儿(二十世纪外国文学精选) 霍华德庄园 夜色温柔 纯真年代 看不见的人 占有 日瓦戈医生 日瓦戈医生 走出非洲 城堡 宠儿 洛丽塔 看不见的人 洛丽塔(英文版) 日瓦戈医生 看不见的人 了不起的盖茨比 了不起的盖茨比——20世纪百部最佳小说之一、青年人必读的经典小说 大师经典文库 理想国(英文) 马可波罗游记:英文 乌托邦(英文) 培根论说文集(英文) 忏悔录:英文 梦的解析(英文) 道德经(汉英对照) 论语(汉英对照) 孙子兵法 中国人的精神 宽容(英文) 人类的故事 中国的文艺复兴 中国人的精神(英文版) 人类的故事(英文版 房龙著) 梦的解析(英文版)(弗洛伊德著) 理想国 马可波罗游记 乌托邦 培根论说文集 忏悔录 道德经 论语 宽容 中国的文艺复兴(英汉对照) 轻松英语名作欣赏:大话名人 浪漫史诗:鲍蒂卡女王 风云际会:莎士比亚 身后疑云:图坦卡蒙 乱世传奇:圣女贞德 群雄逐鹿:拿破仑 另类成长故事:达尔文 学问人生:爱因斯坦 -
The Age of Innocence
Publisher Comments: With The Age of Innocence, Edith Wharton became the first woman to win the Pulitzer Prize. Set against the old New York of her youth, the novel portrays with unparalleled elegance the grandeur of the aristocratic order and the plight of those who envisioned freedom from its moral conventions. Here is the story of Newland Archer, a man engaged to the beautiful society girl May Welland, but privately longing for a life of genuine passion with the spirited countess Ellen Olenska. Recognized in her time as "a writer who brings glory on the name America," (The New York Times, 1920), Edith Wharton's eminence endures and her triumphant novel remains a compelling account of desire and its consequences. -
本书通过英国驻那不勒斯大使、大使夫人及其情人英国海军上将的所作所为,回溯1799年那不勒斯革命前后数十年的历史。抨击了英国势力和那不勒斯封建王朝的荒淫无度,镇压革命的惨无人道,同情并歌颂了革命。 -
开天辟地的第一天,亚当和夏娃相遇了,于是一场宇宙洪荒的爱情故事也拉开了序幕。而记录整个相爱过程的秘密日记,就像无花果,酸甜而纯稚,从此滋润着后代的心田。 在本书中,马克・吐温以自己特有的语言魅力,用第一人称方式述说了这个发生在伊甸园的故事。在他的笔下,夏娃作为人类的第一个女性,对世界上的一切事物都有着强烈的兴趣,追求美和怀抱爱心是她的天性,但她的这些美德,在亚当的眼里,却只是十足的傻气,因为本书中的亚当是一个现实主义者…… 该书是一个对古老神话幽默而感人的再叙述,充满了作者讽刺性的幽默、敏锐的智慧,以及对于人性缺点细腻、委婉的观察。 本书收录了鲁迅先生为上海湖风书局1931年109出版发行的《夏娃日记》所作的序言,同时配有美国著名画家莱勒孚的54幅优美的插图。图文并茂,为读者增添了更多的阅读情趣。
- 1 梦的解析:最佳译本
- 2 李鸿章全传
- 3 淡定的智慧
- 4 心理操控术
- 5 哈佛口才课
- 6 俗世奇人
- 7 日瓦戈医生
- 8 笑死你的逻辑学
- 9 历史老师没教过的历史
- 10 1分钟和陌生人成为朋友