《幸福国的故事》这部迷人而精巧的短篇集,具备多克托罗代表长篇的重量和回响,包含各种情绪和声音,有力描绘了美国人的灵魂图景,堪称杰作。 —————— 美国文学大师 E.L.多克托罗 短篇小说代表作 细说“美国梦”的背面 —————— 多克托罗的天赋和想象力令人惊叹……他已成为美国神话的伟大记录者。 ——乔伊斯•卡罗尔•欧茨 多克托罗遵从伟大的美国小说的传统,通过《幸福国的故事》,重新审视了美国梦。这些故事,展示了他作为叙述者的灵巧。 ——《洛杉矶时报》 好的短篇小说是一部被熬成速食肉汤块的长篇,也可能仅是折射出一个世界的一滴水。老巫师多克托罗的这部美国灵魂快照集,似乎接近这一理想的状态……多克托罗对他的人物非常尊敬,善于在看似寻常的人生中发现不寻常的故事。 ——《泰晤士报》 —————— -
如果达尔文不只提出进化论,还发现了DNA? 如果戴姆勒既发明了汽车,又造出武装机甲? 如果1914年第一次世界大战爆发的真相,不是教科书告诉你的那样? 这是你所不知道的、未曾发生的历史—— 殊死搏斗的两大阵营已悄然改变。谁会取胜?是崇拜大机器的德奥同盟国,还是将生物改造成工具和武器的英法俄协约国? 在战火纷飞的年代,落难王子&英姿少女在阿尔卑斯之巅不期而遇。问题是:他们会选择给机器上油,还是给怪兽喂肉? 第一次世界大战前夜,欧洲列强分为两大阵营全副武装,预备决一生死。德奥同盟国拥有巨舰大炮和钢铁战争机甲,咄咄逼人;英法俄协约国拥有超级生物技术,培育合成生化兽作为武器。利维坦号是一艘巨大的生物飞艇,也是英国舰队中最训练有素的巨兽。 亚历山大•费迪南德,奥匈帝国的王子,目前正在逃亡当中。他的帝国抛弃了他,王子头衔名存实亡。他身边只有一台饱受战火蹂躏的风暴机甲和一小队忠心耿耿的追随者。 德琳•夏普,一介平民,女扮男装混进英国空军服役。她是位了不起的飞行员,但女儿身的秘密随时可能会暴露,被逐出军队。 大战即将来临,阿列克和德琳的命运线以最意想不到的方式交汇——他们都登上了利维坦号,展开神奇的环球冒险。 这场冒险之旅将永远改变他们的命运。 -
【《八月之光》是理解和评价福克纳整个创作生涯的关键】 《八月之光》是福克纳的代表作之一,在作家营造的“约克纳帕塔法世系”中占有重要位置。故事主要分两条线索。第一条线索是关于乔•克里斯默斯的悲剧性故事。小说的另一条线索是关于莉娜•格罗夫的喜剧性故事。小说通过描写杰弗生镇十天的社会生活,体现了人类“心灵深处的亘古至今的真实情感、爱情、同情,自豪、怜悯之心和牺牲精神”。 旅途并不漫长,我一边不停地抽烟,一边重新阅读威廉•福克纳的《八月之光》。福克纳是我最忠实的保护神。——加西亚•马尔克斯 ★威廉福克纳是美国文学史上最具影响力的作家之一,1949年诺贝尔文学奖得主。 ★《八月之光》是福克纳的代表作之一,在作家营造的“约克纳帕塔法世系”中占有重要位置。小说以多重叙事角度和情节结构闻名。 ★著名翻译家、福克纳研究专家蓝仁哲译本,译笔平实、简洁、雅致,很好地传达了原著神彩。 ★文后附有《<八月之光>的光谱》,对《八月之光》的写作背景、艺术手法、隐喻意义等做了高屋建瓴的介绍。 -
《幽灵舰队》内容简介:随着人类向外星球的扩张殖民,宇宙正在变得越来越危险,三个种族的外星人正准备结盟对付人类,一场大战迫在眉睫。幽灵旅——殖民防卫军的特种部队,是人类最强的防卫力量,他们由死去之人的DNA克隆而成,身体强壮、反应敏捷,生来就是战士。 雅列·狄拉克,一名特别的“幽灵旅”战士,他诞生的目的,就是充当叛徒查尔斯·布廷的记忆容器,找到他背叛的理由。谁知传送的过程竟然出了差错,雅列产生了自己的意识。而布廷的记忆也随着战争的激化渐渐苏醒,一善一恶两个灵魂在他的体内不断交战,威胁人类的巨大阴谋也渐渐浮出水面…… -
《绞河镇的最后一夜》内容简介:1954年,厨师多米尼克和儿子丹尼在伐木营工作。一天晚上,当厨师与身形魁梧的印第安女人简摸黑做爱时,他的儿子、少不经事的丹尼误闯进来,听到激烈的床板声和呻吟声,以为父亲遭到熊的袭击,于是用铁锅狠狠地打了“熊”,简意外身亡。父子二人被迫踏上了逃亡之路。简的情人警官卡尔开始长年不辍地追查他们的下落。 他们被迫从库斯县逃到了波士顿、佛蒙特州南部,甚至到了加拿大的多伦多——心怀仇恨的卡尔一直穷追不舍。他们唯一的保护者,是一位从事过圆木漂流的伐木工人凯彻姆,他给这对父子提供了无私的帮助。 小说的故事情节横跨五十年,带有强烈的自传色彩,是约翰•欧文的最新作品,反映了美国社会半个世纪的变迁。 -
这部作品的素材取自作者13年吸毒期间的札记。作者运用超现实主义手法,用世界上“最肮脏、 最污秽、最令人作呕的语言,表现了人在吸毒后所产生的幻觉”。《赤裸的午餐》一出版,即遭查禁,法官判定这部作品是“淫秽的、下流的、不道德的……是诲淫的、赤裸裸的色情作品”,是“一个患精神病作者的胡说八道”。 -
《应许的祈祷》是卡波蒂创作生涯中最后一部长篇小说,是他根据自己的日记和亲友来信写就的一篇真人真事的报道。在这部如临终遗言式的小说中,他以前所未有的坦率,塑造了一大批社会名流,如女作家科莱、温莎公爵夫人、偶像明星蒙哥马利·克莱夫特等为原型的上层人物,并以犀利的笔触,刻画了那个时代上层社会和社会底层各色人等的群像,反映了当时的社会风貌。 -
Something Like Summer
Love, like everything in the universe, cannot be destroyed. But over time it can change. The hot Texas nights were lonely for Ben before his heart began beating to the rhythm of two words; Tim Wyman. By all appearances, Tim had the perfect body and ideal life, but when a not-so-accidental collision brings them together, Ben discovers that the truth is rarely so simple. If winning Tim's heart was an impossible quest, keeping it would prove even harder as family, society, and emotion threaten to tear them apart. Something Like Summer is a love story spanning a decade and beyond as two boys discover what it means to be friends, lovers, and sometimes even enemies. -
《惊悚时分》系当今美国炙手可热的惊悚、悬念小说家迪恩·孔茨的作品。作者在这部作品中将悬念发挥到了极致。小说容量极大,用25万字写了不到48小时内发生的故事,节奏非常紧凑,出人意料的变数一个紧接着一个。更难得的是,作者没有去单纯地编造恐怖、凶残的场面以换取读者的尖叫,而是祥述了充满智与勇的斗争,特别是细腻的心理分析更见精彩,同时赋予了通俗小说不俗的文学美感。一部悬疑节奏掌握得恰到好处的小说,堪称纸上的《越狱》或者《二十四小时》。 -
《鹿苑长春》是一九三九年美国普利策奖获奖作品,并名列美国一九三九年畅销书排行榜榜首。小说通过小主人公裘弟和他的小鹿的故事,生动地描写了美国南北战争后佛罗里达州垦荒区普通人的劳动、斗争和悲欢离合。作品充满浓郁的乡土气息,迷人的自然风景描写赢得了广泛的赞誉。一九四六年好莱坞将这部小说搬上银幕,由著名影星格利高里·派克担任主演,大获成功。 -
Rage of Angels 西德尼·谢尔顿
Book Description In a man’s world, a woman must use both her brains and her beauty…. Jennifer Parker is brilliant, beautiful and bold. A lawyer, the most glamorous and successful in America, she dominates the court with her sparking intelligence and persuasive charms. When Jennifer falls in love she can hardly believe her luck. Adam Warner is handsome, smart, destined to be the next President of United States – and married…. But then Jennifer finds herself pregnant and abandoned. Although determined not to allow her broken heart to get in the way of her success, she soon realizes the being alone makes her even more vulnerable to those who seek to destroy her…. Book Dimension length: (cm)17.6 width:(cm)11.1 -
情绪的非常时刻:飞刀表演者技艺精湛,利用大家对他的崇拜进行匪夷所思的表演;去看望一位老朋友,对朋友古怪的婚姻感到困惑,却在离开之际获得了人生启示…… 一个个自我封闭的微型世界:无比繁复的百货商场、把游乐推到极致的游乐园、小镇错综复杂的地道迷宫…… 12篇短篇小说,米尔豪瑟在细节中编织细节,把想象的世界和生活的非常状态写得一丝不苟、一尘不染,真实得引人入胜,真切得引人反省。 -
故事发生在1874年的美国犹他州,讲述了一群内战后被废弃的发条人偶士兵,在酗酒成性的老兵迪奇·塔克的帮助下,努力融入人类社会的故事。迪奇教它们钉马蹄、爬梯子、跳舞、炖汤,甚至教它们像人类一样做爱。发条人偶虽然是机器人,却尽可能地想要成为真正意义上的人类。为了达成这个愿望,它们的所作所为看似荒诞可笑,实则感人至深,甚至会让你感受到意想不到的悲伤。 这是一部蒸汽朋克小说,它虽然发生在虚拟世界里,却着眼于人类社会的平等原则。作者把发条人偶、前邦联老兵、美国内战、性、酗酒、幽默、排他主义和种族主义等多种元素糅合在一起,创作出一部短小精悍的中篇小说。 这部小说获 2008 年星云奖提名。 -
And the Mountains Echoed
An unforgettable novel about finding a lost piece of yourself in someone else. Khaled Hosseini, the #1 New York Timesbestselling author of The Kite Runner and A Thousand Splendid Suns, has written a new novel about how we love, how we take care of one another, and how the choices we make resonate through generations. In this tale revolving around not just parents and children but brothers and sisters, cousins and caretakers, Hosseini explores the many ways in which families nurture, wound, betray, honor, and sacrifice for one another; and how often we are surprised by the actions of those closest to us, at the times that matter most. Following its characters and the ramifications of their lives and choices and loves around the globe—from Kabul to Paris to San Francisco to the Greek island of Tinos—the story expands gradually outward, becoming more emotionally complex and powerful with each turning page. Editorial Reviews From Barnes & Noble After his triumphant novels The Kite Runner and A Thousand Splendid Suns, Khaled Hosseini gifts us with a poignant story of love, loss, and recovery across several families and over several generations. Like an intricately woven tapestry, And the Mountains Echoed pulls us into the lives of disparate children, men, and women in Afghanistan, France, Greece, and California, showing us how the choices they and other make resonate over decades. A masterpiece; superlative early reviews. The New York Times - Michiko Kakutani …his most assured and emotionally gripping story yet, more fluent and ambitious than The Kite Runner, more narratively complex than A Thousand Splendid Suns…Mr. Hosseini's narrative gifts have deepened over the years, enabling him to anchor firmly the more maudlin aspects of his tale in genuine emotion and fine-grained details. And so we finish this novel with an intimate understanding of who his characters are and how they've defined themselves over the years through the choices they have made between duty and freedom, familial responsibilities and independence, loyalty to home and exile abroad. The Washington Post - Marcela Valdes Nuance is rare on the bestseller list. In most cases, ambiguity is stripped away to appeal to the greatest number and lowest common denominator. So it always renews my faith when a popular novelist shows a decided preference for moral complexity. It suggests that readers crave more than simplistic escape. Or perhaps it just means that some writers, like Khaled Hosseini, know how to whisk rough moral fiber into something exquisite…Over and over again, he takes complicated characters and roasts them slowly, forcing us to revise our judgments about them and to recognize the good in the bad and vice versa. Publishers Weekly Hosseini’s third novel (after A Thousand Splendid Suns) follows a close-knit but oft-separated Afghan family through love, wars, and losses more painful than death. The story opens in 1952 in the village of Shadbagh, outside of Kabul, as a laborer, Kaboor, relates a haunting parable of triumph and loss to his son, Abdullah. The novel’s core, however, is the sale for adoption of the Kaboor’s three-year-old daughter, Pari, to the wealthy poet Nila Wahdati and her husband, Suleiman, by Pari’s step-uncle Nabi. The split is particularly difficult for Abdullah, who took care of his sister after their mother’s death. Once Suleiman has a stroke, Nila leaves him to Nabi’s care and takes Pari to live in Paris. Much later, during the U.S. occupation, the dying Nabi makes Markos, a Greek plastic surgeon now renting the Wahdati house, promise to find Pari and give her a letter containing the truth. The beautiful writing, full of universal truths of loss and identity, makes each section a jewel, even if the bigger picture, which eventually expands to include Pari’s life in France, sometimes feels disjointed. Still, Hosseini’s eye for detail and emotional geography makes this a haunting read. Agent: Robert Barnett, Williams & Connolly. (May) Daily Beast Wrought with mastery, And the Mountains Echoed is not just a well spun tale, but an accomplishment of the most elusive of literary challenges—the humanization of a war ravaged population in the eyes of the very people complicit in their ruin. San Francisco Chronicle There is an assured, charismatic new maturity to Hosseini's voice. When he hits his stride, the results are electrifying. Boston Globe Hosseini delves into the joys, sorrows, and betrayals that alternately bind and fracture families. Once again, Hosseini's lovingly rendered Afghanistan takes center stage, but in this book he extends his examination to encompass how the Afghan identity affects his characters' decisions and lives in unfamiliar environments. Los Angles Times [Hosseini's] beautifully written, masterfully crafted new book, And the Mountains Echoed, spans nearly 60 years of Afghan history as it investigates the consequences of a desperate act that scars two young lives and resonates through many others. . . . And the Mountains Echoed is painfully sad but also radiant with love. The Miami Herald Compulsively readable, in large part because [Hosseini] probes his characters' psyches in a nuanced and poetic manner . . . And the Mountains Echoed attains a greater level of complexity than its two predecessors . . . and signals the ongoing maturation of a gifted storyteller. Austin Chronicle Readers' tears may fall by first chapter's end. Introspective and perfectly paced, Hosseini's microcosmic plot spares no expense with sensory details...Hosseini skillfully weaves the tapestry with universal elements: human fallibility, innate goodness, perseverance, forgiveness, sexuality, jealousy, companionship, and joy.... And the Mountains Echoed resonates to the core. Kirkus Reviews After two stellar novels set (mostly) in Kabul, Afghanistan, Hosseini's third tacks among Afghanistan, California, France and Greece to explore the effect of the Afghan diaspora on identity. It begins powerfully in 1952. Saboor is a dirt-poor day laborer in a village two days walk from Kabul. His first wife died giving birth to their daughter Pari, who's now 4 and has been raised lovingly by her brother, 10-year-old Abdullah; two peas in a pod, but "leftovers" in the eyes of Parwana, Saboor's second wife. Saboor's brother-in-law Nabi is a cook/chauffeur for a wealthy, childless couple in Kabul; he helps arrange the sale of Pari to the couple, breaking Abdullah's heart. The drama does nothing to prepare us for the coming leaps in time and place. Nabi's own story comes next in a posthumous tell-all letter (creaky device) to Markos, the Greek plastic surgeon who occupies the Kabul house from 2002 onwards. Nabi confesses his guilt in facilitating the sale of Pari and describes the adoptive couple: his boss Suleiman, a gay man secretly in love with him, and his wife, Nila, a half-French poet who high-tails it to France with Pari after Suleiman has a stroke. There follow the stories of mother and daughter in Paris, Markos' childhood in Greece (an irrelevance), the return to Kabul of expat cousins from California and the Afghan warlord who stole the old village. Missing is the viselike tension of the earlier novels. It's true that betrayal is a constant theme, as it was in The Kite Runner, but it doesn't work as a glue. And identity? Hosseini struggles to convince us that Pari becomes a well-integrated Frenchwoman. The stories spill from Hosseini's bountiful imagination, but they compete against each other, denying the novel a catalyst; the result is a bloated, unwieldy work. Library Journal This bittersweet family saga spans six decades and transports readers from Afghanistan to France, Greece, and the United States. Hosseini (The Kite Runner; A Thousand Splendid Suns) weaves a gorgeous tapestry of disparate characters joined by threads of blood and fate. Siblings Pari and Abdullah are cruelly separated at childhood. A disfigured young woman, Thalia is abandoned by her mother and learns to love herself under the tutelage of a surrogate. Markos, a doctor who travels the world healing strangers, avoids his sick mother back home. A feminist poet, Nila Wahdatire, reinvents herself through an artful magazine interview, and Nabi, who is burdened by a past deed, leaves a letter of explanation. Each character tells his or her version of the same story of selfishness and selflessness, acceptance and forgiveness, but most important, of love in all its complex iterations. VERDICT In this uplifting and deeply satisfying book, Hosseini displays an optimism not so obvious in his previous works. Readers will be clamoring for it. [See Prepub Alert, 11/04/12.]—Sally Bissell, Lee Cty. Lib. Syst., Estero, FL The Barnes & Noble Review Each of Khaled Hosseini's three novels — The Kite Runner, A Thousand Splendid Suns, and now And the Mountains Echoed — begins with a betrayal and then gradually finds its way toward an unexpected redemption. Each includes within its cast of characters at least one orphaned or abandoned child. In all three books, the author exhibits an unabashed didacticism, using plainspoken family dramas to convey the complex recent history and culture of Afghanistan to multitudes of readers in America and around the world. (To date, more than 10 million copies of Hosseini's books have been sold in the U.S. alone.) Yet in each of the books the author's allegiance is above all to the story, from which he has stripped away most stylistic enhancements, reducing his tale to its emotional essence. To Hosseini's detractors, his narrative purity comes off as trite earnestness. To his legions of fans it's a virtue, a hallmark of credibility and consistency. For all these similarities among Hosseini's novels, it's their differences that are more interesting and instructive. By paying attention to those differences, which are chiefly structural, one can follow the evolution of Hosseini's refinement as a storyteller. The Kite Runner traced a more or less straightforward line from the narrator's childhood in 1960s–'70s Kabul to his adult life in Northern California around the turn of the millennium. In A Thousand Splendid Suns, instead of telling a single story from a single point of view, Hosseini abruptly switched characters partway through the novel and started again, ultimately weaving both halves of the narrative together. It was a risk, but it worked: the fracturing of the story mirrored the fracturing of Afghanistan's social structure during three decades of violent instability, from the Soviet invasion beginning in December 1979 through a prolonged civil war, the rise of the Taliban, and American military involvement after September 11, 2001. Hosseini's third book is even more structurally sophisticated. "You want a story and I will tell you one," it begins, but in fact And the Mountains Echoed contains many stories, starting over not just once but many times, as it ranges capriciously through varying points of view and time periods and far-flung locations. Once again Hosseini begins, classically, with a simple family tale. In 1952, in a remote Afghan village called Shadbagh, a penniless day laborer is compelled to sell his three-year-old daughter to a wealthy childless couple in Kabul in order to sustain his wife and remaining children. The little daughter, named Pari, has a deep mutual bond with her ten-year-old brother, Abdullah, who until now has been her main caregiver. The grief and guilt that this forced separation inflicts on all the family members will flare up periodically throughout their lives. It will spread over continents, too, since Pari will eventually spend most of her life in France, and Abdullah will emigrate to America as an adult, in 1982. Hosseini's intention is to show how stubbornly a homeland manages to cling to a person, in strange and diluted ways, even after years of dispersion and assimilation. Thus we note that Pari, who has lived in Paris since her adoptive mother moved her there from Kabul when she was six, has twinges of recovered memory of Shadbagh and her unmentioned birth family, "like a message sent across shadowy byways and vast distances, a weak signal on a radio dial, remote, warbled." And we see Abdullah, transplanted to the San Francisco Bay Area, educating his American daughter with lessons in Farsi and the Koran and slaving away in his restaurant, Abe's Kabob House, with its tourist-friendly menu of "Caravan Kabob, Khyber Pass Pilaf, Silk Route Chicken," and - - notes his sharp-eyed daughter — "the badly framed poster of the Afghan girl from National Geographic, the one with the eyes — like they had passed an ordinance that every single Afghan restaurant had to have her eyes staring back from the wall." It's not only these central characters who feel the presence of their origins as if they were gingerly touching an old wound. There is Idris Bashiri, Abdullah's Bay Area doctor, who wrestles with his guilt as a privileged Westernized Afghan when he travels to his hometown of Kabul and sees the suffering of a population ravaged by ongoing privation and war. There is Markos Varvaris, a plastic surgeon and relief worker in Kabul who grew up on the Greek island of Tinos, attempting to bury the pain of his difficult childhood by aiding the disadvantaged in hotspots around the world. And there is Gholam, a thirteen-year-old Afghan boy made cynical by years of displacement in a refugee camp in Pakistan, who returns to his village with his family to find that their land has been stolen by a drug warlord. These are all separate stories, yet Hosseini takes care to connect each of them, in roundabout ways, to the central narrative of Pari and Abdullah's ruptured family. By tracing the paths of many characters from their birthplaces to various diasporas, he has expanded his familiar themes of betrayal and redemption into a narrative edifice that is much grander than the plainer architecture of The Kite Runner and A Thousand Splendid Suns. And he has accomplished this without losing the homespun emotional forcefulness that distinguished those earlier novels. An author with a less urgent calling might be willing merely to manage the brand of his or her success, recycling the same magic formulas that initially captivated audiences. Not so for Hosseini, a popular-fiction writer of the highest caliber whose talent is as agile and wide-ranging as his new novel itself. Donna Rifkind's reviews appear frequently in The Washington Post Book World and the Los Angeles Times. She has also been a contributor to The New York Times Book Review, The Wall Street Journal, The Times Literary Supplement, The American Scholar, and other publications. In 2006, she was a finalist for the Nona Balakian Citation for Excellence in Reviewing from the National Book Critics Circle. Reviewer: Donna Rifkind -
《梦想之城(下)》内容简介:珍妮特,特纳家族中最耀眼的传人,在遭遇了一系列人生变故之后,变成了人见人怕的“达西瓦番婆”。她经营妓院,结交权贵,左右逢源,风光无限……她所做的一切,都是为了“复仇”。在复仇之路上,她将会上演怎样一段虐人的故事呢? 摩根,珍妮特的独子,也是当时最年轻的海盗船长。他为爱丽生,却又为恨纠结!当舅父因他而残疾后,他不堪重负,决定与命运抗争!年轻的摩根,能战胜命运吗? 一边是主人公们爱恨交织的人生历程,一边是殖民新地变身纽约州的历史风云,起义军涌起、纵火焚城、九死一生……险象环生的故事,真实再现波澜壮阔的奖国独立战争。 改变了一座城市的战争,能否最终改写两个家族的命运?百年世仇能否化解?深陷爱恨旋涡的众生能否得到救赎?答案尽在《梦想之城》(下)。 -
●普利策奖、国家书评奖双料作品。 ●珍妮弗•伊根凭本书入选2011年《时代》100位全球最具影响力人物 ●苹果教父史蒂夫•乔布斯一生最爱的女人——珍妮弗•伊根,对“时间、命 运与情感”的透析、嘲讽和感悟。 ●如果当初珍妮弗•伊根没有选择对乔布斯放手,今天的结局又会怎样? ●被美国书评界誉为“连普鲁斯特看了也要为之惊叹的小说” ●最具实验性的魔方体“Magic cube”后后现代 “post-post modern”小说。 ●最具脑力、逻辑、时空转换想象力的小说。 ●一本由13个精彩短篇错位组合而成的长篇伤感之作。 ●针对本书最具实验性的第十二章,有人断言:如果该书的写作手法受到追捧,那将预示着西方文明的终结! ●横扫欧美所有重要文学奖项。 这是一本“探讨情感、时间与科技之谜”的人性之作。它分为Part A 和Part B两个部分,Part A 由六章组成,Part B由七章组成。A、B两个部分犹如一张音乐唱片的两面,其中的十三章犹如唱片中的不同曲目,它们相互独立,描写了不同的人生故事,同时又以音乐为主线将不同的人物故事串联起来,展现了音乐产业的发展变化、不同时代的科技与文化现象,突出了在时间的流逝中理想的幻灭、情感的起落与音乐产业的兴衰等主题。这一些在小说书名中似乎难见端倪,相反,这个书名倒让我们感到更加困惑。但是,倘若读完小说,这种困惑就会顿时消散,并不得不佩服作家的独具匠心。 全书用13个既相互关联又相互独立的片段13个“曲目”讲述了一系列有趣的人物的故事:一位身染盗窃癖的女秘书;一位在采访时试图非礼女明星而为此坐牢数年的八卦杂志记者;一位事业上遭受挫败之后铤而走险的前公关经理;一位在事业上走下坡路的唱片公司监制;还有这位监制的老师——一位曾经叱咤风云的唱片业老大;此外还有当年那群中学生中的摇滚明星、如今却落魄成一位清洁工的不得志中年人;一群迷恋摇滚乐的70年代中学生;两个热衷于研究摇滚乐和制作PowerPoint幻灯片的(零零后)少年………这些看似独立而又个性化的人物故事犹如各个精彩曲目散落在全书的十三个章节之中,作者用音乐这条主线巧妙地将这些故事串联起来,展现了整个美国音乐产业的辛酸流变、不同时代的科技与文化现象,一代摇滚青年的青春与理想,在时间的流逝中兴衰、起落与幻灭。所有人的生命,情感,梦想无不刻上了时间“恶棍”的无情烙印。 伊根用《恶棍来访》向读者传达了一个让人慨叹的主旨——时间这条“恶棍”依次造访这些故事里的主人公——青春逐渐消逝,梦想消耗殆尽,在时间这条长河的岸边回望逝去的爱情、友情、遗憾、创伤,不禁令人唏嘘。 ...(展开全部) -
《心是孤独的猎手》是作者麦卡勒斯的第一部长篇小说,也是她一举成名的作品和最具震撼力的代表作。 书中讲述了一个关于孤独的故事。美国南方小镇,漫长沉闷的八月。一个总是温和微笑的哑巴,午夜的咖啡馆里喝着冰啤酒的人们,黑人对于自由的隐忍与矛盾的苦痛,期望改革的人疯狂绝望却又依然坚定前行的决心……这是一个孤独到极致的故事,最深切的爱也无法改变人类最终极的孤独。 -
千年前,善恶双方决战,良善一方的英雄历经千辛万苦,终于抵达传说中的圣地“升华之井”,准备和黑暗势力一决生死。 可是,命运女神没有站在良善这方。 最后,邪恶击溃英雄,一统天下,并自称“御主大帝”,同时建立“最后帝国”,号称千秋万代、永不崩塌。至此,世界随之变迁,从此绿色不再,所有植物都转为褐黄,天空永远阴霾,不间断地下着灰烬,彷佛是浩劫过后的残破荒地。入夜之后,浓雾四起,笼罩大地。 御主大帝如神一般无敌,以绝对的权力和极端的高压恐怖统治着最后帝国。他更以凶残的手段镇压平民百姓,不分国籍种族通通打为奴隶阶级,通称“斯卡”。斯卡人活在无止尽的悲惨和恐惧之中,千年来的奴役让他们早已没有希望,没有任何过去的记忆。 如今,一线生机浮现。两个贵族与斯卡混血出身,却天赋异禀、身负使命的街头小人物,即将编织一场前所未有的骗局,进行一项绝不可能成功的计划。一个小型盗贼集团的首领凯尔西拥有一种“迷雾之子”的神秘力量,他对御主大帝恨之入骨,计划着帮助斯卡人推翻最后帝国。无意中他发现了拥有同样力量的女孩纹,当时她正在贫民窟的盗贼团伙里挣扎求生。于是,他开始训练她,并让她假扮贵族打入敌人内部。纹在假扮贵族的过程中,遇到了自己的真爱--最后帝国最大贵族的继承人伊兰德,一个心地善良、想要改变帝国现状的文弱书生。最终,凯尔西用自己的死唤起了斯卡人反抗的决心,纹、伊兰德他们也靠聪明才智打败了御主大帝。而御主大帝在临死前却说:他们会为此后悔的…… -
《鸽羽》是厄普代克早期短篇小说的代表作结集,共19篇。这部创作于作者风华正茂年代的短篇集,所涉题材都是其青少年时代经历的曲折变形,力图捕捉生活中遭到忽视或不期而遇的“美”,呈现着一种别具魅力的青涩。其中几篇如《A&P》、《家》等,是美国各种文学作品选本中的必选篇目。 -
- 1 梦的解析:最佳译本
- 2 李鸿章全传
- 3 淡定的智慧
- 4 心理操控术
- 5 哈佛口才课
- 6 俗世奇人
- 7 日瓦戈医生
- 8 笑死你的逻辑学
- 9 历史老师没教过的历史
- 10 1分钟和陌生人成为朋友