

  • 新明解国语辞典


  • 代数几何原理


    《代数几何原理》主要内容:A third general principle was that this volume should be stir-contained.In particular any "hard" result that would be utilized should be fullyproved. A difficulty a student often faces in a subject as diverse as algebraic geometry is the profusion of cross-references, and this is one reason for attempting to be self-contained. Similarly, we have attempted to avoid allusions to, or statements without proofs of, related results. This book is in no way meant to be a survey of algebraic geometry, but rather is designed to develop a working facility with specific geometric questions.Our approach to the subject is initially analytic: Chapters 0 and 1 treat the basic techniques and results of complex manifold theory, with some emphasis on results applicable to projective varieties. Beginning in Chapter 2 with the theory of Riemann surfaces and algebraic curves, and continu-ing in Chapters 4 and 6 on algebraic surfaces and the quadric line complex, our treatment becomes increasingly geometric along classicallines. Chapters 3 and 5 continue the analytic approach, progressing to more special topics in complex manifolds.
  • 认识电影(影印第12版)

    作者:[美] 路易斯·贾内梯

    《认识电影》作为电影入门书中的经典之作,用深入浅出的笔触,告诉我们影视传播的手法,并逐项解析其复杂的语言系统与要素。问世几十年以来,此书始终是世界各地影视从业人员和主流专业院校的必备之选,更是电影爱好者不可或缺的手边书。 本书从电影理论的典型视角出发,简明扼要地评论了电影艺术的方方面面。书中提及的影片包罗万象,组成了一道世界各地电影人的经验光谱,其中有我们熟悉的面孔如美国的斯蒂芬•斯皮尔伯格、英国的麦克•李、伊朗的阿巴斯以及中国的李安等。作者对欧美影片和导演了如指掌,尤其对美国影片和美国导演做了全面而详细的介绍。同时,作者也很关注第三世界国家电影,书中广泛涉及了伊斯兰电影、新亚洲电影以及非洲电影。作者以鞭辟入里的分析,新颖独到的见解和纷繁多样的视觉冲击,呈现给读者一个全新的电影世界。 全书围绕电影制作的核心要素组织架构,其中穿插以数百幅精美图片和精辟的说明,再加上缀于各章后的延伸阅读和书末的重要词汇表,让读者在轻松的阅读过程中吸收到最专业的电影知识,从而真正“认识”电影。