

  • A Thousand Plateaus

    作者:Gilles Deleuze,Felix

  • 哲学与权力的谈判


  • Proust and Signs

    作者:Gilles Deleuze

    The essential work on Proust--now in paperback In a remarkable instance of literary and philosophical interpretation, the incomparable Gilles Deleuze reads Marcel Proust's work as a narrative of an apprenticeship--more precisely, the apprenticeship of a man of letters. Considering the search to be one directed by an experience of signs, in which the protagonist learns to interpret and decode the kinds and types of symbols that surround him, Deleuze conducts us on a corollary search--one that leads to a new understanding of the signs that constitute A la recherche du temps perdu. In Richard Howard's graceful translation, augmented with an essay that Deleuze added to a later French edition, Proust and Signs is the complete English version of this work. Admired as an imaginative and innovative study of Proust and as one of Deleuze's more accessible works, Proust and Signs stands as the writer's most sustained attempt to understand and explain the work of art.
  • 何谓哲学?


    作為1991年法國轟動的暢銷書的《何謂哲學?》,鮮明地詮釋作者德勒茲畢生思考的主題,展現一個從哲學根本觀念切入的新穎視野,亦提供讀者另一個重新思考哲學的起點。「何謂哲學?」哲學是一門創造概念的學科。唯概念並非給定的已知,而是被創造,需要被創造的;愈是被創造,它愈是得以確立。哲學應告訴我們概念之創造性質為何,及其伴隨物為何:純粹內在性、內在平面,以及概念式人物。也明白了哲學不是什麼:它不是凝思,不是反思,不是溝通。哲學不是凝思,因為凝思是事物本身於其概念的創造中被觀看。 它不是反思,因為沒有人需要哲學來反思任何什麼:而哲學在溝通之中亦無法尋得任何終極庇護。
  • Francis Bacon: The Logic of Sensation

    作者:Gilles Deleuze

    Gilles Deleuze was one of the most influential and revolutionary philosophers of the 20th century. Francis Bacon is widely regarded as one of the most radical painters of the 20th century. This title presents a deep engagement with Bacon's work and the nature of art. Deleuze analyses the distinctive innovations that came to mark Bacon's style: the isolation of the figure, the violent deformations of the flesh, the complex use of colour, the method of chance, and the use of the triptych form. Along the way, Deleuze introduces a number of his own famous concepts, such as the "body without organs" and the "diagram", and contrasts his own approach to painting with that of both the phenomenological and the art historical traditions. Deleuze links Bacon's work to Cezanne's notion of a "logic" of sensation, which reaches its summit in colour and the "colouring sensation". Investigating this logic, Deleuze explores Bacon's crucial relation to past painters such as Velasquez, Cezanne and Soutine, as well as Bacon's rejection of expressionism and abstract painting.
  • 欲望.游牧.政治


    《欲望游牧政治--吉尔·德勒兹的政治哲学思想研究》对吉尔·德勒兹的政治哲学思想进行了全面系统的分析。德勒兹将弗洛伊德的精神分析理论与马克思的历史唯物主义相结合,重新界定欲望概念,追溯欲望的历史叙事,他通过对欲望进行历史与政治的分析,建构了欲望微观政治。他的游牧政治则通过追踪逃逸线、生成少数主义和寻找战争机器定位解构现代性的三大组成部分:权力、主体和理性。 德勒兹拒绝对马克思作简单回应,他以精神分裂分析重绘资本主义,以装配理论重构社会构型,以“少数的”革命理论解构阶级革命理论,以控制社会理论推进现代社会批判理论。 时代的理论要为时代的变化作恰切的说明,德勒兹通过哲学的政治化对欲望、情感、文化、战争、战争机器、权力装配等不同方面的深入思考,给我们提供如何重新看待和审视以国家为代表的宏观政治对象及其对立面的全新视角。
  • 德勒茲.巴洛克.全球化


    究極而言,什麼是這個世紀最需要被思考者?答案是創意。但本世紀由於完全喪失了「潛存性」,只剩下「現實性」,早已快速變成一個創意貧乏枯竭且低能的世界。如果有一天,如傅柯所說,將是一個德勒茲世紀,那麼我們將如何面對這個變成一部超級大爛片的世界? 本書輯錄九篇關於法國哲學家德勒茲的專題研究論文,根據研究範圍分為四部份:一、「廢墟」與「迷宮」:班雅明與德勒茲的兩種「巴洛克」;二、品牌與廣告;三、電影與劇場;四、強詮釋學。除了對德勒茲的理論概念本身(巴洛克、疆域美學、概念─事件/問題─平面、影像─符號、差異─重複哲學)進行廣泛深入的理解掌握,同時更將德勒茲的理論概念延伸應用於不同的領域與問題,包括與不同的思想家與思想傳統進行宏觀對話的比較研究與綜合詮釋(班雅明、迦達瑪詮釋學、牟宗三新儒家),並直接切入當代的流行文化議題(品牌與廣告之創意產業議題、全球化之「翻譯」問題)與藝術實踐(電影、劇場、裝置藝術、地景藝術)。 這一系列論文與其說是對德勒茲的「研究」,不如說是對德勒茲的「使用」,嘗試捕捉德勒茲「不合時宜」的「強力思想」,透過「非哲學」的跨領域超連結,抵抗舉世滔滔的「弱思想」。
  • Kant's Critical Philosophy

    作者:Gilles Deleuze

  • Nietzsche and Philosophy

    作者:Gilles Deleuze

    -- Times Higher Education Supplement

    Nietzsche and Philosophy has long been recognized as one of the most important accounts of Nietzsche's philosophy, acclaimed for its rare combination of scholarly rigour and imaginative interpretation. Yet this is more than a major work on Nietzsche: the book opened a whole new avenue in post-war thought. Here Deleuze shows how Nietzsche began a new way of thinking which breaks with the dialectic as a method and escapes the confines of philosophy itself.

  • 游牧思想


    《游牧思想:吉尔·德勒兹 费利克斯·瓜塔里读本》是法国哲学家吉尔·德勒兹和弗利克斯·瓜塔里的代表性文选。德勒兹是法国当代最重要的哲学家之一,法国20世纪60年代复兴尼采的关键人物,在对尼采的创造性重读中,将其运用到资本主义的批判中来,由此而同瓜塔里合作写成的《反俄狄浦斯》和《千座高原》获得了世界性声誉。德勒兹在哲学、政治学、精神分析学、电影、文学等方面的研究都具有无与伦比的创造性和开拓性,是名副其实的实验哲学家,尼采式的未来哲学家,博识多学的概念大师。在他这里,哲学脱离了原有的范式神话,成了思想无拘无束的游牧高地。
  • 生产(第11辑)

    作者:汪民安,郭晓彦 主编

    《生产》第11辑专题是“情动”(Affect)。“情动”源自拉丁语Affectus,意指激情(passions)、情绪(moods)、感受(feelings)、情感(emotions)等,是西方哲学史上反复出现的概念。20世纪90年代,为摆脱后结构主义和解构主义的局限,人文社会科学经历了一场以此概念为核心的“情动转向”(Affective Turn)。可以说,这一转向有两条线索,一者以“情动”为研究对象,一者以“情动”为研究方法,二者时有交织,如今在文学、艺术、政治、哲学研究领域内也生机勃勃。本专题选入了哲学层面对“情动”的讨论,同时也选入了从情动出发对当代文化、政治、身体等的批判研究。 本辑中重点介绍的人物是当代德国极富影响力的哲学家彼得·斯劳特戴克(Peter Sloterdijk),从其大量著作中选择了论生活方式、犬儒主义、“人类技术学”和全球化的数篇重要文章,并收录了相关学者的评论文章,借此可以展现其思想的大致轮廓以及学界对其思想的认识和接受状况。“访谈”栏目与人物栏目呼应,收录了彼得·斯劳特戴克的两次访谈,以期为读者提供一个了解其核心思想的“内视角”。“文献”栏目收录了德勒兹为吉尔伯特·西蒙东(Gilbert Simondon)写的书评。
  • The Logic of Sense

    作者:Gilles Deleuze

    Considered one of the most important works of one of France's foremost philosophers, and long-awaited in English, The Logic of Sense begins with an extended exegesis of Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland. Considering stoicism, language, games, sexuality, schizophrenia, and literature, Deleuze determines the status of meaning and meaninglessness, and seeks the 'place' where sense and nonsense collide. Written in an innovative form and witty style, The Logic of Sense is an essay in literary and psychoanalytic theory as well as philosophy, and helps to illuminate such works as Anti-Oedipus.
  • 运动-影像


    《运动-影像》是经典学术系列“实验艺术丛书”的最新产品。这本书研究的不是电影史,它是分类学,一种对影像和符号的分类尝试。我们在此讨论第一种影像类型,运动-影像及其主要变型:知觉-影像、情感-影像、动作-影像、符号(非语言学范畴),它们构成了影像的特点。明与暗斗争,明与白色产生关系。质-力量通过面孔表现,它呈现在“任意空间”中,揭示出原初世界,有时在假定为真实的世界现实化。电影大师用各自独一无二的方式创造、创作影像和符号。它们对画家、建筑家、音乐家来说充满对抗性,对思想家亦然。不应抱怨视觉和听觉侵犯了思想,也不应对这种侵犯持乐观态 度;而应当展现出思想如何对既属于运动-影像又属于更深层次的时间-影像的视听符号发生了作用,这样,才能产生伟大的作品。
  • 有生命的影像——吉尔·德勒兹电影影像论研究


  • 德鲁兹


  • 哲学与权力的谈判

    作者:[法] 吉尔·德勒兹

  • 断裂的时间与“异质性”的存在


  • Difference and Repetition

    作者:Gilles Deleuze

    This brilliant exposition of the critique of identity is a classic in contemporary philosophy and one of Deleuze's most important works. Of fundamental importance to literary critics and philosophers,Difference and Repetition develops two central concepts--pure difference and complex repetition--a;and shows how the two concepts are related. While difference implies divergence and decentering, repetition is associated with displacement and disguising. Central in initiating the shift in French thought away from Hegel and Marx toward Nietzsche and Freud, Difference and Repetition moves deftly to establish a fundamental critique of Western metaphysics.
  • Anti-Oedipus

    作者:Gilles Deleuze,Felix

    An "introduction to the nonfascist life" (Michel Foucault, from the Preface) When it first appeared in France, Anti-Oedipus was hailed as a masterpiece by some and "a work of heretical madness" by others. In it, Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari set forth the following theory: Western society's innate herd instinct has allowed the government, the media, and even the principles of economics to take advantage of each person's unwillingness to be cut off from the group. What's more, those who suffer from mental disorders may not be insane, but could be individuals in the purest sense, because they are by nature isolated from society. More than twenty-five years after its original publication, Anti-Oedipus still stands as a controversial contribution to a much-needed dialogue on the nature of free thinking.
  • 哲学与权力的谈判

    作者:[法] 吉尔·德勒兹
