

  • Robert Frank:Storylines

    作者:Robert Frank

    Robert Frank is one of the most influential of all post-war photographers. Pioneering a revolutionary approach to photography and filmmaking, he combines autobiographical and poetic elements to produce straight black-and-white images that transcend the specific. Speaking of universal experience, Frank has said, "I'm trying to forget easy photo, trying to make something from within." He adds, "Time moves on and never stops or waits." Often involving a progression through a series of images, his work is structured like a musical sequence, creating storylines that resonate beyond the frozen moment of any single photograph. Storylines accompanies an exhibition highlighting Frank's experimental use of narrative in photography and film. The exhibition consists of his films and photographs, including Polaroids, contact sheets, and recent digital stills. Photographs from locations as diverse as Peru, London, Wales, Coney Island, and Chicago, appear along with several artist's books. Essays by Philip Brookman and Sam Shepard. Hardcover, 9.75 x 11 in. / 240 pgs / 25 color and 225 duotones.
  • 夢是唯一的現實

    作者:Charlotte Chandler

    比起他的夢,費里尼的現實人生甚至更見精采。他將夢境寄託於菲林片格之上,為我們留下豐富的的遺產。「夢是唯一的真實」----費里尼如此描述他的生命主題。本書分三大篇,上篇描述他年幼時受到馬戲、電影及美國漫畫的影響;年少時到羅馬從事漫畫及記者的工作,並進而接觸電台、電影編劇的經過。中篇講述他如成為導演,且逐漸闖出知名度。下篇則著重於費里尼成為大師以後,如何成為一則傳奇。 這本書是作者花了十四年的時間(1980年至1993年費里尼去世前幾個星期)與費里尼對話的成果。費里尼天南地北, 隨興而至,揭露了他外在與私下的不同面貌。