

  • London Birth Of A Cult

    作者:Hedi Slimane

  • Robert Frank

    作者:Robert Frank

  • Chaos

    作者:Josef Koudelka

  • 咔嚓 第1辑

    作者:朱强 等

    咔嚓。快门按下的声音。清晰、干脆、果断。将瞬间凝固成永恒。 咔嚓。一种感觉,一种冲动。你之所爱,你之所憎,你之关怀,你之悲悯,人间冷暖,世太炎凉,在瞬间完成。 咔嚓。平凡人见不凡处,寻常事见不寻常。 咔嚓。是时间的切片,是空间的切片。 咔嚓。面对客观世界,反映内心世界。 咔嚓声里,美的不一定是真的,真的不一定是美的。我们渴望和追求美与真的高度和谐,我们强调感性的力量。 这是我们策划出版《咔嚓》人文・民生・摄影丛书的初衷和愿望。
  • Diane Arbus

    作者:Diane Arbus

    "Diane Arbus was no a theorist but an artist. Her concern was not to buttress philosophical positions but to make pictures. She loved photography for the miracles it performs each day by accident, and respected it for the precise intentional tool that it could be, given talent, intelligence, dedication and discipline. Her pictures are concerned with private rather than social realities, with psychological rather than visual coherence, with the prototypical and mythic rather than the topical and temporal. Her real subject is no less than the unique interior lives of those she photographed."--John Szarkowski, 1972, Director, Department of Photography, The Museum of Modern Art "I have never seen pictured like them before, and I am sure I will never see their equal again. They are the product of something beyond the camera, the result of a long, complex and intensely human process. No one can go into the street tomorrow and take a Diane Arbus photograph. That would be merely adjusting a lens and pressing a button. What made her pictures great was everything that happened before she pressed the button."--Douglas Davis, Newsweek, 1984 "Diane Arbus is one of our legends, her monograph a pivotal classic that changed the direction of photography in America. She captures the complexity and the art in reality. The quality that defines her work and separates it from almost all other photography is her ability to empathize on a level far beyond language."--Nan Goldin, Bookforum, 1995
  • 杨德昌电影研究


    楊德昌的電影研究 楊德昌從《光陰的故事》、《指望》,一直到《獨立時代》,雖一貫地掌握其理性分析和社會省察的風格,但在每部作品,都努力地打破其過往的創作空間與駕輕就熟的手法。對於一位電影創作者言,楊德昌這種險著中求突破的精神,真可謂勇氣可嘉。楊德昌在台灣新電影中他是相當重要的代表人物,另一方面則是為由他開展出來充滿知性思辯的現代風格在中國電影脈絡中,仍是一個極有開發潛力的異數。 本書目的不在成一家言,或以楊德昌電影作為一理論試驗場印證當代各家各派的批評分析理論。只祈望以當前有關楊食作品的論述觀點,作一較有系統的陳述和研究開發及整理。也同時透過這些論述,彰顯出楊德昌在創作歷程與作品間的主題變異和風格突破。這無疑是較接近「作者批評」的基本態度。 電影研究雖在國內未成風氣,它應是一個亟待電影熱情愛好者參與的工作。本書或許只是這路徑上的一塊小磚塊,望未來繼者能寫下壯闊的研究成果。 作者簡介 黃建業,廣東東莞人,畢業於文化大學中文系。曾任金馬獎評審,國際影展策劃。現任教藝術學院。舞台劇編導作品有《凡人》、《早餐》、《尋找關漢卿的三個女人》、《天堂旅館》、《專程拜訪》、《大家一起來跳舞》等。著有《轉動中的電》、《人文電影的追尋》、《潮流與光影》等書。