《紫陌才韵:感动中国的9位才女》选取中国现代文学史上9位极具才情的女性,从她们成长、事业、婚恋的人生履历以及各自的文学作品出发,全方位探寻她们人格、情爱及富有传奇色彩的人生历程,展现了她们独特、浪漫、睿智的精神世界,让今天的读者重新感受才女们如水的轻盈与睿智,重温中国女性的细腻与浪漫。 -
茜茜是昔日奥地利皇后,戴安娜是现代英国查尔斯王子的王妃。茜茜在她60岁那年遇刺身亡;戴安娜在36岁时死于车祸。这两个出身寒微、年轻美貌的女子有着非常相似的命运。她们都曾梦想着自已的白马王子,可是现实却无情地打破了她们的美梦。死对于她们是一种解脱。本书对两人失败的婚姻爱情悲剧做了生动描述。对她们努力追寻自我价值,不屈服王室的压力,不断打破宫廷的陈规戒律,走近平民大众的鲜明个性给予赞扬和深切 -
杜月笙 全三册
《杜月笙(上下)(插图版)》由华文出版社出版。 一个地地道道地黑道教父,竟让蒋介石顶礼相待,俯身称师,把一个偌大的上海——卧虎藏龙之处,视为天人之地。他究竟有什么神通,让称霸于中国的洋大人,也不得不向他献媚……。 -
《吴冠中百日谈》内容简介:卜伽丘《十日谈》谈民间事,真情实事,歌颂人性苏醒,发扬了意大利文艺复兴。仿之,我百日谈自己身世,非年谱,非正传,皆此生生活所见所感,啼笑因缘。细心读者当感所谈何指,所感何因,个人乃历史之微粒,然而,踩之者众矣! -
《黄珂》简介:文轩出版是四川新华文轩连锁股份有限公司旗下专业从事出版辅助业务的战略业务单元(SBU),也是全国新华书店系统第一家出版物策划经营机构。在“分享,共贏”理念的基础上,凭借强大的渠道优势、现代化的信息处理系统与标准化的现代企业管理体系,开创出一种崭新的产业模式,深度影响中国出版产业链。 -
《唐骏模式:从普通员工到"打工皇帝"的成功之道》是国内第一本全面分析唐骏职场成功的著作,从他的成功经历人手,对唐骏的核心观点进行了充分的论述。作为没有背景的社会人,唐骏具有哪些成功的核心元素?作为普通员工,唐骏的职业素养和职业观是什么?作为职业经理人,唐骏的管理方式和为人处世是如何做的?这些都能在书中找到答案。《唐骏模式:从普通员工到"打工皇帝"的成功之道》对正在职场上拼博的职业人士、中层领导和职业经理人都有不同的程序的启发,是一本适合职场人士学习研读的读物。 -
关于本书 这是一本关于凤凰卫视新生代主持人、记者、评论员的故事,全面呈现秦枫、令狐列、刘芳、周轶君、胡玲、陈淑琬、尉迟琳嘉、蒋晓峰、张凌云、安东、王若麟、姜声扬、任韧、杨舒、竹幼婷、鲁韬、卢琛等17位凤凰新面孔的奋斗故事,展现他们从小到大的成长之路,以进入凤凰卫视之后的奋斗历程。 曾子墨之外,谁能冷静透视、知性解读世界?闾丘露薇之后,谁是最铿锵的战地玫瑰? 他们曾是怀着瑰丽“电视梦”的少年,如今,他们已经成为行业里的佼佼者,他们用努力和让观众记住他们的名字: 安东•陈淑琬•胡玲•姜声扬•蒋晓峰•令狐列•刘芳•卢琛•鲁韬•秦枫•任韧•王若麟•杨舒• 尉迟琳嘉•张凌云•周轶君•竹幼婷 与您私家分享17位新生代凤凰主播、记者的成长故事,无论对于那些想进入这个行业或同在这行业中奋斗的年轻人们,还是对于那些从事其他行业并拥有梦想的人们,都将是一个很好的借鉴。 -
他,剑走偏锋,在传统的服务业,书写互联网的时代传奇; 他,点石成金,让式微的小生意,3年内两度问鼎纳斯达克; 他,有鹰的眼睛,千里之外,发现最好的猎物; 他,有豹的速度,提前一步,领先全程; 他,奥数神童,放弃哥伦比亚大学数学系,选择了耶鲁商学院MBA; 他,德意志亚洲投资银行最年轻的董事,年薪百万,却激流勇退,选择自己创业。 现在,创业成功的他,又成为红杉中国的合伙人。 他,就是沈南鹏。 -
《破译宋美龄长寿密码》的作者以20多年时间研究中国近代著名女政治家宋美龄官场之外的生活经历,透过其衣、食、住、行等生活历史,揭密性地总结出这位民国第一夫人在养生学方面的成熟经验,并以大量生动鲜活的细节,首次向国内读者揭示宋美龄长寿106岁的内幕密闻,是中老年人研究与思考养生健体,克服疾病与战胜疾病的知识性作品。读者、特别是女性读者通过对宋美龄养生经验折了解与理解,定会在现实生活中大受裨益,并成为健身延寿的可读性极强的参考读物。 -
简介:英文原名∶The rise and fall of Lin Piao:据美国企鹅图书有限公司1976年英文版译出:内部发行:雅普·冯·吉内肯,荷兰学者:本书记述了林彪自1959年出任国防部长至1971年九·一三事件机毁身亡这一浮沉过程。 目录 第一章 危机:1971年9月 第二章 根源 第三章 文化革命 第四章 革命中的革命 第五章 激进派的退却 第六章 中共九大 第七章 战争的威胁 第八章 九届二中全会 第九章 毛主义者反对毛泽东 毛泽东反对毛主义者 第十章 冲突 第十一章 幕后阴谋 第十二章 安定 尾声 -
Bloomberg by Bloomberg
"Lots of entrepreneurs make money.Lots of entrepreneurs who make money write books.Few of those books make you glad they did. This one does." The New York Times Book Review A provocative autobiography by the visionary leader of the worlds fastest-growing media empire "A classic tale of a nimble, customer-focused, entrepreneurial David outsmarting bureaucratic, ossified, corporate Goliaths." Business Week "Michael Bloomberg is the most creative media entrepreneur of our time and, with Bill Gates, perhaps the most successful." Rupert Murdoch, Chairman & Chief Executive, News Corporation "Entertaining, engaging, and informative, Bloomberg by Bloomberg is packed with great advice about how to start a lean, hungry companyand how to keep it that way." Bryan Burrough, coauthor, Barbarians at the Gate "The man with Wall Streets best known generic name has written an autobiography that keeps you up late to finish.The book is full of wonderful insights about Wall Street and about starting and growing a new business." Julian H. Robertson Jr., Chairman, Tiger Management LLC "This is the best insight yet on how one man shook up the entire financial information industry." Richard Branson, Chairman, Virgin Group of Companies 点击链接进入中文版: 我是布隆伯格 -
目录 承担、独立、自由/钱理群 王国维(1877~1927) 王静安先生墓前悼词/梁启超 王观堂二题/陈寅恪 王静安/马叙伦 辜鸿铭(1857~1928) 记辜鸿铭/胡适 辜鸿铭/周作人 回忆辜鸿铭先生/罗家伦 已故的辜鸿铭先生/温源宁 英文门教授辜鸿铭/冯友兰 我所知道的槟城与辜鸿铭有关/凌叔华 刘半农(1891~1934) 忆刘半农君/鲁迅 半农纪念/周作人 刘半农三十年祭/曹聚仁 刘复博士/温源宁 黄侃(1886~1935) 黄季刚/周作人 南京怀旧绝句/吉川幸次郎 关于黄季刚先生/徐复观 附:我的丈夫——国学大师黄季刚/黄菊英 章太炎(1869~1936) 关于太炎先生二三事/鲁迅 记太炎先生学梵文事/周作人 章太炎先生在上海/曹聚仁 钱玄同(1887~1939) 玄同纪念/周作人 钱玄同与刘半农/周作人 钱玄同令兄/曹聚仁 蔡元培(1868~1940) 试为蔡先生写一篇简照/蒋梦麟 蔡元培二题/沈尹默 蔡孑民/周作人 蔡元培校长/冯友兰 闻一多(1899~1946) 闻一多先生上课/汪曾祺 一包热情的闻一多/何兆武 闻一多/何炳棣 刘文典(1889~1958) 刘叔雅/周作人 刘叔雅/张中行 关于刘文典的几件事/何兆武 胡适(1891~1962) 胡适之/周作人 关于胡适/沈尹默 我不大懂胡适/金岳霖 哲人,胡适博士/温源宁 胡适/何炳棣 周作人(1885~1967) 知堂老人/废名 知堂老人三题/曹聚仁 周作人:铁的优雅/温源宁 忆周作人先生/梁实秋 熊十力(1885~1968) 有关熊十力先生生平的只鳞片爪/徐复观 怀念熊十力先生/梁漱溟 怀念熊十力先生/冯友兰 陈寅恪(1890~1969) 谈陈寅恪先生/俞大维 怀念陈寅恪先生/冯友兰 与陈寅恪先生相关的两件事/何兆武 附:记先父陈寅恪教授抗战前后教书生涯/陈流球 吴宓(1894~1978) 胡子先生——吴宓/曹聚仁 吴宓先生,一位学者与君子/温源宁 吴雨僧先生二三事/汪曾祺 附:有关吴宓先生的一件往事/毛彦文 -
《维特根斯坦:走出语言囚笼》主要依据著名的维特根斯坦传记作家瑞•玛克的《维特根斯坦:天才的职责》一书和维特根斯坦本人的著作编著而成。瑞•玛克的维特根斯坦传记,被公认为是将维特根斯坦的思想与生活结合起来加以研究的典范。维特根斯坦本人的大量著作更是我们进入他的思想大厦的直接通道。 维特根斯坦认为,他彻底地解决了哲学问题,或者不如说,彻底地否定了哲学问题,因为哲学问题之所以出现,是由于误解了我们的语言的逻辑,而现在逻辑的本质被彻底澄清了。逻辑规定:我们只可以有意义地言说世界的偶然事实,把它们变成我们语言中的图像;而以往的哲学不清楚我们语言的逻辑,想说一些事实之外的东西,因而其问题不是不能回答,而是无意义的。 -
本套丛书将有丰富多样的题材和更丰富多样的色彩。传奇事变和热点探讨,伟大人物和平民生活,历史追问和现实思考,文字特色和图像魅力,厚重份量和轻松感觉,能够熔于一炉,相得益彰。一个是操“贱业”的“戏子”,另一个是富商巨室的闺秀。一场对世俗和命运的抗争,留下段轰动上海滩的“私奔”佳话。四十五载荣辱与共,生死相依,直至劫难和死亡带来离别。但留下的恋歌仍在人间回响…… -
本书是房龙撰写的各类人物评传,共有30篇。在这些篇章中,作者挑选出世界不同历史时期 的具有代表性的人物,本着人文主义的立场,对其所思所欲和所作所为一一作出介绍评价。 这些人物,有东、西方的圣哲和伟大思想家,如孔子、柏拉图、笛卡尔、伊拉斯谟、托马斯 ・莫尔等,有不朽的文学大师,如但丁、莎士比亚、安徒生、塞万提斯、拉伯雷、莫里哀、 爱默生等,有伟大的音乐、艺术巨匠,如达芬奇、贝多芬、巴赫、莫扎特、肖邦等,有英名 盖世的俄国彼得大帝、英国女王伊丽莎白和美国国父乔治・华盛顿,有名垂青史的探险家南 森、海姆斯凯尔克与巴伦支,等等。在这众多人物面前,房龙以其独特的犀利目光,洞穿重 重叠叠的历史迷雾,审视着他们的身世行迹。一切君主显贵,一切神圣权威,在他笔下无不 还其历史本来面目,而一个个久被尘封的独具个性的人物,抖落岁月厚积的灰尘后,性格鲜 明地跃然纸上,任由其指点评说。 -
《爸爸的心就这么高:钢琴天才郎朗和他的父亲》主要内容:因为郎朗深爱的外公去世了,整个家族沉浸在巨大的悲恸之中。而郎朗的父亲却将消息对儿子封锁了,他怕影响了儿子练琴。似乎在郎国任的心目中,生死亲情都显得不那么重要了,生死亲情都显得不那么重要了,惟有他的儿子和钢琴。一切都得为此作出让步。就连葬礼也得提前一天举行,仅令为了不影响儿子去北京上课。不管亲友们如何怨声载道,他仍是一意孤行。在常人看来这不仅有悖于常理,简直就是大逆不道。 -
这是国内首次系统介绍活跃在国际经济学界的中国经济学家的书,读者可以从中了解他们各自的研究领域和学术观点,同时还可以感受他们的艰难与喜悦的经历,理解他们的追求。 本书对经济学界研究人员和相关人士、经济学专业的学生、对经济学感兴趣的广大读者都是一本难得的好书,同时相关政府部门的政策制定者同时亦可以从中得到有益的借鉴和启示。 -
歌德是近代资产阶级文化高峰时期的典型代表,在西方产生过深刻的影响。《歌德谈话录》是由歌德的朋友艾克曼辑录整理而成的,对歌德作了细致而深刻的描绘,真实地记录了歌德晚年最成熟的思想和实践经验,涉及哲学、美学、文艺理论、创作实践,以及日常生活和处世态度。《歌德谈话录》全译本在我国还是第一次出版,有助于读者,尤其是青年读者,全面了解歌德,走近歌德,提高文学修养,陶冶思想情操,领略人生真谛。 -
My American Journey
在线阅读本书 Book Description The inspiring No.1 New York Times bestseller by the military hero who captured America's imagination and rallied its spirit is now available in paperback. From the son of immigrant parents in Harlem to commander of Desert Storm, Colin Powell himself tells the story of his life that has come to embody the American dream. Colin Powell is the embodiment of the American dream. He was born in Harlem to immigrant parents from Jamaica. He knew the rough life of the streets. He overcame a barely average start at school. Then he joined the Army. The rest is history — Vietnam, the Pentagon, Panama, Desert Storm — but a history that until now has been known only on the surface. Here, for the first time, Colin Powell himself tells us how it happened, in a memoir distinguished by a heartfelt love of country and family, warm good humor, and a soldier's directness. My American Journey is the powerful story of a life well lived and well told. It is also a view from the mountaintop of the political landscape of America. At a time when Americans feel disenchanted with their leaders, General Powell's passionate views on family, personal responsibility, and, in his own words, "the greatness of America and the opportunities it offers" inspire hope and present a blueprint for the future. An utterly absorbing account, it is history with a vision. Amazon.com General Powell may have undertaken this book as a form of paid political test marketing, but it turns out to be a success of an altogether different kind. We don't learn from this book if Powell is presidential material, but his recounting of the various steps of his career give us an unrivaled view of the ins and outs of military bureaucracy and shows how the modern American military, with its consistent emphasis on can-do attitudes and actual results, is a much more congenial place for realizing one's talents than our still-alarmingly pigeonholing general society. From Publishers Weekly From Booklist From Library Journal This is the "story so far," as General Powell tells it, from the Bronx to Vietnam to the White House, from the common to the regal. His account is one of captivating extremes, tales that span from peeling potatoes with the Soviet General Staff to conversing with the Queen of England. When Powell is not working on world crises-Panama, Iraq, Haiti-he's doing normal things like normal people, courting, quitting smoking, fighting calories. As a White House Fellow, National Security Advisor, and then the "youngest officer, the first African American, and the first ROTC candidate" to become Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Powell dealt with "every issue from arms control to Bermuda tax treaties." It's all very personable: Powell's Rules for running a meeting, his political philosophy, working for a chocoholic Defense Secretary, getting caught by Pentagon security with an antique rifle. But will he run for president? No clear answer is given here. For popular biography collections. --John Yurechko, Georgetown Univ., Washington, D.C. From School Library Journal The eminently readable journey of one African American boy from a close-knit neighborhood in the South Bronx through his rise to Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff to civilian retirement. Powell was neither an athlete nor a scholar; his childhood centered around his home, friends, and church. Later, in college, he found his niche. ROTC offered structure and purpose. A recounting of his army career and the support offered by family and friends are the primary focus of this work. Challenges, lessons learned, and opportunities opened by each posting are shared. Commanding officers, selected business contracts, and four presidents are introduced and evaluated, almost all in a positive light. Powell's involvement with and analysis of national and international affairs, from Vietnam to the Clinton administration, are succinctly and objectively recounted. Scattered throughout the book are personal rules of conduct and occasional incidents of particular kindnesses and of racism. Teens are given an opportunity to spend some time with a thoughtful, positive leader. They can share one participant's view of recent history and gain one perspective on our country's current needs. Barbara Hawkins, Oakton High School, Fairfax, VA About Author One of the most prominent figures in American public life, General Colin L. Powell served as the twelfth Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff under both President George Bush and President Bill Clinton. He was a major architect of Desert Storm, the dramatic Allied success in the forty-three-day Gulf War, which began in January 1991. General Powell was born in New York City in 1937 and raised in the South Bronx by his parents, who had immigrated to America from Jamaica. He came up through the New York City public school system and received a commission as an army second lieutenant upon graduation from the City College of New York in 1958. Early in his career, General Powell was stationed in Germany and in a number of posts in the United States, and served two tours in Vietnam, 1962-1963 and 1968-1969. He was also a battalion commander in Korea from 1973 to 1974 and later commanded the 2nd Brigade, 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault), at Fort Campbell, Kentucky, and V Corps in Germany. General Powell was appointed Deputy National Security Advisor by President Ronald Reagan in January 1987 and in December 1987 became National Security Advisor, a post he held until January 1989. He served as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff from October 1989 until his retirement on September 30, 1993. General Powell has received numerous U.S. military awards and decorations, as well as civilian awards honoring his public service, including the Presidential Medal of Freedom, which he was awarded twice. He has also been decorated by the governments of Argentina, Bahrain, Brazil, Canada, France, Germany, Greece, Jamaica, Japan, Korea, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, the United Kingdom, and Venezuela, and received an honorary knighthood (Knight Commanders of Bath) from the Queen of England. Book Dimension : length: (cm)18 width:(cm)11.3
- 1 梦的解析:最佳译本
- 2 李鸿章全传
- 3 淡定的智慧
- 4 心理操控术
- 5 哈佛口才课
- 6 俗世奇人
- 7 日瓦戈医生
- 8 笑死你的逻辑学
- 9 历史老师没教过的历史
- 10 1分钟和陌生人成为朋友