

  • 财务金融建模


    《财务金融建模》在理论与实践之间架起了一座桥梁,它提供了运用Excel电子表解决一般财务与金融建模问题的具体操作过程,告诉读者每个模型的实现步骤,说明了它们是如何用Excel来求解的。 期待已久的这部标准教科书的第三版继承了财务金融“食谱大全”和使用Excel工具的特点。这也是第一版和第二版之所以备受欢迎的原因。此外它还增加了非常新的内容,这些新章节涉及的主题包括:银行估值、最优化投资组合的Black-Litterman方法、蒙特卡罗方法及其在期权定价中的应用,以及数组函数和公式的使用;其他的章节包括:基本的财务计算、投资组合模型、计算方差—协方差矩阵,以及随机数生成。以上内容经过了修订,并采用了许多全新和已改进的资料。其他涉及领域包括:财务报表建模、租赁、标准的投资组合问题、受险价值、久期与免疫策略、期限结构建模。技术章节涉及的主题包括:模拟运算表、矩阵、高斯一塞德尔方法,以及使用Excel的提示。最后一部分内容涉及本书所需要的VBA技术。 本书光盘中含有各章例题的Excel工作表和习题解答。
  • Agent-Based and Individual-Based Modeling

    作者:Steven F. Railsback,

    Product Description Agent-based modeling is a new technique for understanding how the dynamics of biological, social, and other complex systems arise from the characteristics and behaviors of the agents making up these systems. This innovative textbook gives students and scientists the skills to design, implement, and analyze agent-based models. It starts with the fundamentals of modeling and provides an introduction to NetLogo, an easy-to-use, free, and powerful software platform. Nine chapters then each introduce an important modeling concept and show how to implement it using NetLogo. The book goes on to present strategies for finding the right level of model complexity and developing theory for agent behavior, and for analyzing and learning from models. Agent-Based and Individual-Based Modeling features concise and accessible text, numerous examples, and exercises using small but scientific models. The emphasis throughout is on analysis--such as software testing, theory development, robustness analysis, and understanding full models--and on design issues like optimizing model structure and finding good parameter values. The first hands-on introduction to agent-based modeling, from conceptual design to computer implementation to parameterization and analysis Filled with examples and exercises, with updates and supplementary materials at www.railsback-grimm-abm-book.com Designed for students and researchers across the biological and social sciences Written by leading practitioners From the Inside Flap "Railsback and Grimm provide a needed book on how to develop, code, and analyze agent-based models. They so expertly explain the art and science of modeling that even the most modeling-shy beginner will master the skills. Readers will also gain a deep understanding of the increasing importance of agent-based models for interpreting the patterns of nature and human society."--Donald L. DeAngelis, U.S. Geological Survey "Railsback and Grimm have written a superb introduction to agent-based models. They combine hands-on programming exercises, introductions to some of the core concepts in complex systems, and instruction in model design and analysis. The result is an excellent book that's ideal for both undergraduates and academics."--Scott E. Page, author of Diversity and Complexity "Knitting together ecology, economics, and social systems, this wonderful book will encourage and enlighten novices and experienced modelers alike. It highlights the importance of patterns at every level of the modeling process, the need for clear explication of assumptions, and the benefits of models composed of discrete entities (agents) which interact, evolve, and mimic reality."--Louis Gross, University of Tennessee, Knoxville "This exceptional book offers a systematic introduction to the scientific use of agent-based modeling, including the implementation, testing, and validation of models. Until now there was no good textbook available to teach students the theory and practice of agent-based modeling. Railsback and Grimm provide such a text, one that will likely become a classic in the field."--Marco A. Janssen, Arizona State University "This book is an invaluable guide to agent-based modeling. A significant contribution to the field, it will train the next generation of modelers and teach best practices to existing modelers. Railsback and Grimm have in-depth expertise and experience in developing and teaching agent-based modeling, and are well qualified to write such a book."--Richard Stillman, Bournemouth University
  • Data Analysis Using Regression and Multilevel/Hierarchical Models

    作者:Andrew Gelman,Jennif

    Data Analysis Using Regression and Multilevel/Hierarchical Models is a comprehensive manual for the applied researcher who wants to perform data analysis using linear and nonlinear regression and multilevel models. The book introduces a wide variety of models, whilst at the same time instructing the reader in how to fit these models using available software packages. The book illustrates the concepts by working through scores of real data examples that have arisen from the authors' own applied research, with programming codes provided for each one. Topics covered include causal inference, including regression, poststratification, matching, regression discontinuity, and instrumental variables, as well as multilevel logistic regression and missing-data imputation. Practical tips regarding building, fitting, and understanding are provided throughout. Author resource page: http://www.stat.columbia.edu/~gelman/arm/
  • Models.Behaving.Badly

    作者:Emanuel Derman

  • 视觉计算理论


  • 从细胞到社会


    本书是复杂性科学方面一本引人入胜的介绍性读物。作者由简到繁地介绍目前复杂性研究中遇到的各种典型系统,从无分化的相干运动集群到上具有内部动力学的单元模型,从相不干动作组的自发形成,到基层组织的出现等,直至动态网络的涌现和演化。通过对这些系统中反应——扩散耦合、主动运动、互相同步和聚类形成等现象的形成机理分析,深入浅出地阐述了复杂系统的重要共性和本质问题。  本书覆盖面较广,但自成体系,对理工科类的大学高年级学生和研究生及相关领域的广大科技工作者都具有重要的参考价值。
  • 电影特技模型制作


    北京电影学院影视特效专业精品教材 凝聚多年模型制作经验,全方位讲解电影特技模型制作技术 ◎ 从制图工艺、材料选择到工具使用方式,全面学习模型制作基础知识 ◎ 详细介绍电影特技模型制作类别,灵活掌握多种模型拍摄用途 ◎ 以制作“致远舰”特技模型作为实例,完整展示电影特技模 型制作流程 本书是关于电影特技模型制作的专业教程。书中对特技模型制作的种类、用途进行了详细介绍,重点讲解了特技模型前期制图的方法、不同材料在特技模型制作中的应用,以及特技模型制作工具的操作方法。作者以具体实例详细阐述了特技模型制作的流程,使读者对特技模型制作有了更直观的认识。 全书图文并茂,制作过程介绍详细,紧扣住了特技模型制作的时代发展轨迹,既能帮助初学者快速入门,又能指导专业人士全面提升模型制作技能。 教材运用了大量案例来阐明特技模型制作的原理,有很强的实践性。另外,还可作为 戏剧影视美术设计专业和影视特技、特效专业方向学生的必备书籍,同时也为影视特技、特效行业提供特技模型设计制作的理论和实践指导。 ——王鸿海,北京电影学院副院长
  • 电影机械模型制作


    北京电影学院影视特效专业精品教材 【编辑推荐】 ★填补空白,全方位系统梳理电影机械模型制作技术与经验。 ★图文并茂,给材料选择、工具运用等实际操作层面提供指导。 ★案例分享,逐步解析草图设计、模型翻制、操作控制等流程。 【内容简介】 本书是北京电影学院美术系影视特效方向的专业教程。书中对电影机械模型的发展历史、基本分类、创作方式和制作流程进行了系统详实的梳理,重点讲解设计思路、技术手段、对不同材料的应用、制作工具的选择以及安全防护。全书条分缕析,图文并茂,重视实际操作。作者专门用了一整章的篇幅, 以大猩猩头部电子机械模型为例,呈现从角色设计、模具制作、内部机械结构制作、外观制作到组装的全过程,并提供了极为清晰的操作步骤,辅以高清彩图展示关键细节。读者可以从中举一反三,学习借鉴。机械模型一直是国内电影工业比较薄弱的一环,需要综合多门学科知识,本书填补了该领域的空白,希望吸引更多的人参与制作。 【推荐语】 本教材运用了大量的案例来阐明电影机械模型的设计思路和制作原理,有很强的实践性。另外,还可作为戏剧影视美术设计专业和电影特技、特效专业方向学生的必备书籍,同时也为电影特技、特效行业提供特技模型设计制作的理论和实践指导。 ——王鸿海,北京电影学院副院长