Fear and Trembling/Repetition
Presented here in a new translation, with a historical introduction by the translators, Fear and Trembling and Repetition are the most poetic and personal of Soren Kierkegaard's pseudonymous writings. Published in 1843 and written under the names Johannes de Silentio and Constantine Constantius, respectively, the books demonstrate Kierkegaard's transmutation of the personal into the lyrically religious. Each work uses as a point of departure Kierkegaard's breaking of his engagement to Regine Olsen - his sacrifice of "that single individual." From this beginning Fear and Trembling becomes an exploration of the faith that transcends the ethical, as in Abraham's willingness to sacrifice his son Isaac at God's command. This faith, which persists in the face of the absurd, is rewarded finally by the return of all that the faithful one is willing to sacrifice. Repetition discusses the most profound implications of unity of personhood and of identity within change, beginning with the ironic story of a young poet who cannot fulfill the ethical claims of his engagement because of the possible consequences of his marriage. The poet finally despairs of repetition (renewal) in the ethical sphere, as does his advisor and friend Constantius in the aesthetic sphere. The book ends with Constantius' intimation of a third kind of repetition - in the religious sphere. -
Either/Or, Part I
Soren Kierkegaard, the nineteenth-century Danish philosopher rediscovered in the twentieth century, is a major influence in contemporary philosophy, religion, and literature. He regarded Either/Or as the beginning of his authorship, although he had published two earlier works on Hans Christian Andersen and irony. The pseudonymous volumes of Either/Or are the writings of a young man (I) and of Judge William (II). The ironical young man's papers include a collection of sardonic aphorisms; essays on Mozart, modern drama, and boredom; and "The Seducer's Diary." The seeming miscellany is a reflective presentation of aspects of the "either," the esthetic view of life. Part II is an older friend's "or," the ethical life of integrated, authentic personhood, elaborated in discussions of personal becoming and of marriage. The resolution of the "either/or" is left to the reader, for there is no Part III until the appearance of Stages on Life's Way. The poetic-reflective creations of a master stylist and imaginative impersonator, the two men write in distinctive ways appropriate to their respective positions. -
《论反讽概念:以苏格拉底为主线》是文集第一卷,是克尔凯郭尔的博士论文。《克尔凯郭尔文集》是中国社会科学院哲学研究所与丹麦克尔凯郭尔研究中心的合作项目。它不仅是国内首次系统地直接由丹麦文原文进行翻译的克尔凯郭尔重要著作选集,而且还致力于成为引导这一研究领域的学术经典之作。翻译所依蓝本是最新丹麦文学术版《克尔凯郭尔全集》,它集中了丹麦语言学家和来自世界各地的克尔凯郭尔研究专家的最新研究成果,为中文选集的翻译提供了强有力的参考。 -
本书分为两部。上部共八篇,托名“A的论文”。下部共三篇,托名“B的论文”。全书各篇看似各自独立,分别讨论不同的问题,却是一个具有内在联系的整体。《或此或彼》意在表明:存在的本质即是选择——要么这样,要么那样;不同选择之间不存在一个比另一个更优越。上部中“A”的八篇作品主要讨论审美的人生态度,构成了“此”。下部“B”的三篇作品主要讨论道德的人生态度,提出了人生选择的问题,并涉及了宗教的人生态度,构成了“彼”。 -
《原野里的百合和天空下的飞鸟》是克尔凯郭尔关于宗教人生的陶冶性讲演,他由此成为一个拒绝教学的本真基督徒,他反复提取耶稣登山宝训中的段落——关于原野里的百合不劳作、不织衣和天空中的飞鸟不收获、不积聚,并以其诫喻性作为终结语;《一个女演员的生活中的危机》是典型的克尔凯郭尔式的审美散文,他说的是青春的、偶然的、无常的东西和成熟的、永恒的、本质的东西。 -
The Sickness Unto Death
A companion piece to The Concept of Anxiety, this work continues Soren Kierkegaard's radical and comprehensive analysis of human nature in a spectrum of possibilities of existence. Present here is a remarkable combination of the insight of the poet and the contemplation of the philosopher. In The Sickness unto Death, Kierkegaard moves beyond anxiety on the mental-emotional level to the spiritual level, where - in contact with the eternal - anxiety becomes despair. Both anxiety and despair reflect the misrelation that arises in the self when the elements of the synthesis - the infinite and the finite - do not come into proper relation to each other. Despair is a deeper expression for anxiety and is a mark of the eternal, which is intended to penetrate temporal existence. -
畏惧与颤栗 恐惧的概念 致死的疾病
《畏惧与颤栗 恐惧的概念 致死的疾病》是索伦·奥碧·克尔凯郭尔著作汉语翻译包括了《畏惧与颤栗》、《恐惧的概念》和《致死的疾病》。其中《畏惧与颤栗》、《恐惧的概念》是出自索伦·克尔凯郭尔研究中心的《索伦·克尔凯郭尔文集》第四卷(1997年版),而《畏惧与颤栗 恐惧的概念 致死的疾病》则是出自中心的《索伦·克尔凯郭尔文集》第十一卷(2006年版)。 -
这本日记选的内容主要是根据编年时序,以主人公和父亲的关系,作家保罗的影响,他的婚约,1848年前后的动乱时代和他对教会的攻击这些标志着主人公生活历程中那些像里程碑一样的事件为基础辑录而成。 -
《非此即彼》编辑推荐:早在五四新文化运动之前,尼采和克尔凯郭尔就已进入汉语文化界,但汉语知识人很快就亲近尼采,诠译尼采者趋之若骛,对Kierkegaard一直陌生,未见过有哪位文化名人亲近过他,甚至迄今此人之名的汉译乃显无措:克尔凯郭尔、基尔克加德、基尔克哥、祁克果、齐克果,不知何是。按丹麦文,Kierkegaard意为"教会园地",按音译规则再加寓义译法,当为"基尔克果";其人一生乃依基督信仰克服个体偶在之不幸和近代思想之舛谬的生命之果,带着自己个体偶在不知名何的颤栗和不安,走出了教会园地。可以说,路德把基督教带出了帝国式的教会,克尔凯郭尔把基督教带出了民族国家式的教会("亚伯拉罕的事业与整个民族的大业无关"),以致社团性的基督教信仰重新成为个体性基督信仰("信仰即是这样一种悖论:单独的、个体性的比普遍性的更高")。在如此信仰中,个体的偶在性比历史的必然性更值得看重,无论这历史必然性是黑格尔一马克思的历史发展的规律,还是尼采的永恒复返的巡回。 为什么汉语思想界偏爱尼采,而非克尔凯郭尔?这是否反映出汉语思想的某种结构性气质?在汉语思想者家谱中,据说可以找到与尼采同气质的人 ——庄周,但迄今还找不出一个与克尔凯郭尔同气质的人。若果如此,克尔凯郭尔思想就会滋补汉语思想的体质。可以设想,当年王国维先生读的若是克尔凯郭尔,其《人间词话》的写法就会不同。无论如何,克尔凯郭尔思想之在是对每一当下属己的个体之生存脆弱的痛惜。汉语思想界只知尼采而不知克尔凯郭尔,不仅对现代性思想结构的了解是残缺的,更重要的是,对属己的生存在性的理解是贫乏的。在我看,与克尔凯郭尔交往,更重要的是个体自我理解的更新。 -
《非此即彼》(上下卷)是克尔凯郭尔作为自由思想家的真正的起步之作,它具有典型的复调结构,拥有多种解读的可能性。作者一反欧洲哲学从概念到概念、重注逻辑和推理的传统,摒弃了思辨哲学对于客观真理体系的追求,全书甚至没有真正的“作者”、没有最终结论,他创造性地通过提供“审美的”(上卷)和“伦理的”(下卷)两种不同生活样态的代言人的方式,让他们各自出场对其各自的生活样态进行描绘和展现。 -
- 1 梦的解析:最佳译本
- 2 李鸿章全传
- 3 淡定的智慧
- 4 心理操控术
- 5 哈佛口才课
- 6 俗世奇人
- 7 日瓦戈医生
- 8 笑死你的逻辑学
- 9 历史老师没教过的历史
- 10 1分钟和陌生人成为朋友