《恋空(下)》内容简介:雪停了,空气冷而干净,能够遇见你。能够和你共度幸福时光,能够和你的人生联结在一起。我不会忘记,虽然你的体温微笑、大手,所有的东西都不在了,我还是会勇敢走下去。直到重逢盼那天来临。 -
绀野美也子的丈夫卓一是个不懂世事,一味埋头于写诗的人,但他的诗却从未得到发表。绀野美也子为了支持她的丈夫写作,下决心独自成立了一家“北斗出版社”,实际上只有她一个人在工作。 绀野美也为了使出版社能够存在并发展,千方百计去拉名作家为她的出版社写稿,青沼的条件是要绀野的美妇陪他住旅馆,美也子无奈答应了,绀野美也子机智地得到了青沼的书稿,但青沼没有达到目的。为此,青沼决心报复,致使绀野美也子的丈夫卓一出走自杀。 绀野美也子的邻居野见山房子在一次剧团公演时,揭露了青沼的丑恶行为,终于使青沼声狼藉。 -
渡边淳一的《如此之爱》一是部探讨丈夫、妻子、情人三角主题的新概念小说,小说语言通俗、风格平易,既让人思考与深味到人性深层次内的孤独,也揭开了人们去重新认识恋爱在现代意义上的新含义。 -
在时间的缝隙里,在芸芸众生的意识洪流中。各自存在地球一隅的爱德华与伊丽莎自,不惜一次又一次地穿越时空,找寻记忆中的对方。为的,仅仅是相逢的瞬间,彼此倾吐思慕与爱恋的片刻幸福。即使短暂的相聚换来的是生离死别的痛楚与悲伤…… 《狮子心》中,五则沉淀在记忆深处的爱情寓言,时空横跨十七世纪的伦敦、十九世纪的瑟堡和牛津、二十世纪的巴拿马和佛罗里达。一个梦境交织着另一个,一个故事开启了另一个故事。几百年前相逢的记忆,会经过几个世代后才苏醒?深刻的牵绊与爱恋,真的难敌岁月的消磨? 《狮子心》由恩田陆编著。 -
《正午的原野》主要内容:28岁的多纪在父亲去世后继承了扇子店的家业,其弟在一场学生运动的内部争斗中将一名学生打死,而从未有过恋爱经验的多纪却偏偏爱上了死者的父亲。一边是如醇酒般醉人的不伦之恋,一边是富豪子弟狂热的追求,多纪在心灵和肉体之间左右摇摆。 -
改編自片山恭一小說《在世界中心呼喚愛》的愛情電影在日本放映後,創下八十五億日圓的票房記錄,此片亦曾在香港上影。天地圖書出版的原著小說中文譯本,早已登上了暢銷書榜。 「世界上最重要的東西是甚麼?空氣、水和愛。然而空氣被污染了、水被污染了、愛(除了母愛)被污染了。惟其被污染了,我們才渴望得到蔚藍的天空、澄澈的清泉和聖潔的愛。文學反映現實,當下愛情小說折射被污染的愛情固然無可非議。可是事情還有另一個側面——當被污染的愛情已經充斥我們周圍的時候,我們難道還會興致勃勃地觀看文學這個鏡子裡折射的被污染的愛情麼?還有那個必要嗎?《在世界中心大聲呼喊:我愛你》在日本出版以來日益受到青年男女的喜愛,很快刊行二百五十一萬冊,作為純文學作品現已罕見地由暢銷書變為長銷書。究其主要原因,大概恰恰在於作者在愛被污染的今天提供了未被污染的愛,在沒有古典式羅曼蒂克的時代拾回了古典式浪漫。」——中國著名日本文學研究家、本書翻譯林少華 -
写真の里伽子を見ているうちに、いくつかの里伽子がいるシーンが甦ってきた。六年生(高3)になって同じクラスになったことや。ゴールデンウィークの小旅行や。ふたりで泊まったホテルや、いろんなことを。ぼくにはわりに楽しかったり、驚いたりもしたいくつかのことも、里伽子には、なんの意味もなかったわけだな。それはなんだか、すこしばかり淋しいことだった。ぼくはそのとき初めて、里伽子をすごく好きだったことに気がついて、とりかえしのつかないような気持ちになった。作家生活15周年を期して氷室冴子が贈る、土佐、そして東京を舞台にした青春小説の決定版。 -
《挪威的森林》系日本著名作家村上春树的重要作品之一。汉堡机场一曲忧郁的《挪威的森林》,复苏了主人公渡边感伤的二十岁记忆:娴静缅腆、多愁善感的直子,是他动情倾心的女孩,那缠绵的病况,如水的柔情,甚至在她花烛香销之后,仍令他无时或忘;神采飞扬、野性未脱的绿子,是他邂逅相遇的情人,那迷人的活力、大胆的表白,即使是他山盟已订之时,也觉她难以抗拒。悲欢恋情,如激弦,如幽曲,掩卷犹余音颤袅;奇句妙语,如泉涌,如露凝,读来真口角噙香。《挪威的森林》是纯而又纯的青春情感,百分之百的恋爱小说。 -
右岸: 我們之間, 一條愛的河流
辻仁成,跨足文學界、音樂界與電影界的全方位創作者。本書是他與江國香織暌違十年再度聯手譜寫的愛情二重奏,兩人耗時五年,各自寫成兩部波瀾壯闊的長篇,敘說青梅竹馬的茉莉與阿九高潮起伏的人生。辻仁成的《右岸》從阿九的男性角度敘事,江國香織執筆的《左岸》則由茉莉的女性觀點發聲,阿 九與茉莉分別站在「人生」這條長河的兩岸,時而遙望彼此,時而交會傾訴。日本媒體盛讚:「讀完這兩本書,你將深感世界之遼闊,與人生的不可思議。」 我們之間,有一條名為人生的河流過。人生是戀愛的敵人,這裡有時間流過,還有別人在。 阿九自幼歷經家庭變故、崇拜的鄰家哥哥總一郎過世,命運多舛的他不得不遊走異鄉。儘管天賦異秉,擁有預知未來、空中飄浮等超能力,卻也因而嘗盡人世間的悲苦辛酸。而他從未忘記總一郎的妹妹──茉莉,那個自由自在飛舞的鄰家女孩。一封封往返巴黎、上海、東京、福岡的信件,看似輕描淡寫,卻深情地串起兩人之間無可取代的心心念念。 ──人生中有許多河川,妳現在眺望的是什麼樣的水面呢? ──你的存在本身就是個奇蹟,我們能夠像這樣相遇,也是個奇蹟。 ──女人的身體需要鑰匙來開,而所謂的鑰匙就是指那個東西。普通女人或許可以輕易找到擁有鑰匙的男人,可是我的身體比較特別。 ──「就算有一天我不在這個人世,我還是會一直陪在阿九身邊的。如果你在那裡聽見我的聲音,就想起現在烙印在心中的我……」 -
“起风了,努力活下去。” 宫崎骏同名动画电影、山口百惠主演电影《逝风残梦》之小说原著;日本著名作家、新心理主义大师堀辰雄最高杰作。 《起风了》系根据作者亲身经历所创作。1935年7月堀辰雄与妻子矢野绫子赴八岳山麓的富士见高原疗养所住院疗养。同年12月,绫子病故。这段生离死别、刻骨铭心的爱情故事,就成为其代表作《起风了》的基本素材。 堀辰雄以温婉细腻的笔致,描写了身为艺术家的男主人公,陪伴患有绝症的未婚妻在深山中疗养的种种所见所思。在疾病的痛苦中,两人彼此慰藉,于死亡的暗影里寻觅生的幸福。铭肌镂骨的爱与黯然难言的悲始终萦绕其间。对未来的憧憬、对自我的反思、对爱情的思考,人物丰富的内心情感世界淋漓展露。作者对人性主题的深刻探索,令《起风了》成为一部超然生、穿越死、终于爱的文学不朽经典。 -
“我每次和你聊天,就会想起你那温柔的眼睛。去年十月你回东京以前迷蒙的泪眼是何等美丽。我真想再看见你的眼睛。 “再次被你温柔的眼神望着的时候,我一定会发抖的,肯定会的。” 这是年轻帅气的河野向心爱的女友道子一往情深的倾诉。 它也把我们带入了一段生死不渝的恋情。高中复读生河野因病住院,与开朗可爱的少女大岛道子相遇,两人一见钟情继而深深相爱。由于分隔两地,他们只有鸿雁传书,以表达彼此深切的思念。道子患的是软骨瘤,一往情深的河野多次到道子的身边陪伴她,支持她进行手术,道子的生命也奇迹般地得以延续。3年后,道子因病惰恶化而逝世。年仅21岁。 本书精选了他们相爱3年间缠绵排恻的154封情书,淋漓尽致地再现了他们相互鼓励、彼此慰藉的纯美恋情,以及徘徊在希望和绝望之间的矛盾、痛苦和挣扎。尤其是道子与病魔抗争的惊人勇气和热爱生命的可贵品质深深地激励了许许多多的年轻人。 本书在日本出版后,销量一举突破130万册,被誉为日本纯爱文学的源头。主人公那种凝视着爱与死的终极恋情使整个日本为之落泪。东京电视台将两人的生死之恋拍成了电视 剧,同名电影由日本影后吉永小百合和浜田光夫激情演绎,创造了当年的票房神话。 -
《恋空(上)》讲述了一段纯真的爱情故事。2000年夏天,平凡的高一女生田园美嘉在一次偶然的机会中与高大帅气的同级男生弘树结识,并开始交往。从来没有好好谈过恋爱的美嘉仿佛被激流吞没一样,陷入了与弘树的美好恋情中,同时也开始了曲折的人生历程。在无可逆转的绝症面前,两个年轻人竭力以青春和爱的力量跨越生与死的阻隔…… -
本书是日本著名推理、惊悚小说家小池真理子情爱小说系列之《琉璃之海》,笔触集中于当代都市女性在爱欲之间的心理挣扎,将现实的残酷与美好新颖呈现,令爱情的浪漫与理智交相辉映。在惨烈的巴士事故失去丈夫的阿萌,与在同一事故中失去女儿的作家遊作相遇,痛苦使两人互相抚慰而产生了爱情。阿萌一直带着丈夫生前与人偷情的疑惑而郁郁寡欢,遊作女儿之死带给他带来沉重的打击,新生的爱情也无法萌发更多生的希望。两人无法摆脱命运的播弄,为寻求极致的爱与解脱,两人最终选择共同携手走向人生的尽头。 -
女患者麻雅和男医生野吕在妇科医院萍水相逢,一年之后,麻雅却与弃医从商的野吕不期而遇,成了他的雇员,并狂热地爱上了他。两人热恋不久,野吕爱上了比他年长十岁的女艺术家,双双出走欧洲,令麻雅无法自拔。深陷于痛苦之中的麻雅遇上了表面放浪形骸,却怀有真情、人生阅历丰富的花甲男人柿村。柿村粗鲁而诙谐地开导了她,使她开始了对爱情的真实思考,重新直面自己的感情与生活。 -
《君空》系日本畅销手机小说《恋空》姊妹篇。以美嘉男友樱井弘树为叙事主角,依旧围绕爱情、亲情和友情展开,主线讲述弘树自从得知自己罹患癌症后所采取的行动和内心活动,从一开始打算让美嘉陪伴自己抵抗病魔,到后来为了使美嘉获得真正长远的幸福,痛苦地选择放手,选择死后成为天空日夜守望着她——这就是书名的由来。为了让痴心的美嘉死心,他又不得不狠心设计分手方式……作为对《恋空》的补充,书中增加对望和弘两个男生间的珍贵友情的描述,对弘的父母及姐姐的形象塑造也更丰满。本书是美嘉在望的鼓励下,通过向弘的家人、同学、朋友详细询问细节后写成。望当时对她说,鼓起勇气把所有事情写出来,去了解事实真相,不要逃避,总有一天会让写的人和看的人感受到重大意义。 -
我在代打上陣的聯誼聚會認識了繭, 後來我們墜入情網…… 以嬌嫩筆觸寫下甜美又帶點苦澀的青春時光──還以為是這樣的八○年代青春小說,卻在倒數第二行(千萬不要先看!)變成完全不同的故事。每個人看完「肯定想閱讀第二遍」的推理傑作! -
Norwegian Wood
在线阅读本书 Book Description First American Publication This stunning and elegiac novel by the author of the internationally acclaimed Wind-Up Bird Chronicle has sold over 4 million copies in Japan and is now available to American audiences for the first time. It is sure to be a literary event. Toru, a quiet and preternaturally serious young college student in Tokyo, is devoted to Naoko, a beautiful and introspective young woman, but their mutual passion is marked by the tragic death of their best friend years before. Toru begins to adapt to campus life and the loneliness and isolation he faces there, but Naoko finds the pressures and responsibilities of life unbearable. As she retreats further into her own world, Toru finds himself reaching out to others and drawn to a fiercely independent and sexually liberated young woman. A poignant story of one college student's romantic coming-of-age, Norwegian Wood takes us to that distant place of a young man's first, hopeless, and heroic love. Amazon.co.uk "I once had a girl, or should I say, she once had me" "Norwegian Wood" (Lennon/McCartney). With Norwegian Wood Murakami, best known as the author of off-kilter classics such as the Wind Up Bird Chronicle, A Wild Sheep Chase and Hard Boiled Wonderland, finally achieved widespread acclaim in his native Japan. The novel sold upwards of 4 million copies and forced the author to retreat to Europe, fearful of the expectations accompanying his new-found cult status. The novel is atypical for Murakami: seemingly autobiographical, in the tradition of many Japanese "I" novels, Norwegian Wood is a simple coming of age tale set, primarily, in 1969/70, the time of Murakami's own university years. The political upheavals and student strikes of the period form the backdrop of the novel but the focus here is the young Watanabe's love affairs and the pain (and pleasure) of growing up with all its attendant losses, (self-)obsessions and crises. The novel is split into two volumes and beautifully presented here in a "gold" box containing both the green book and the red book. Young Japanese fans became so obsessed with the work that they would dress entirely in one or other colour denoting which volume they most identified with. And the novel is hugely affecting, reading like a cross between Plath's Bell Jar and Vizinczey's In Praise of Older Women, if less complex and ultimately less satisfying than Murakami's other, more allegorical, work. He captures the huge expectation of youth, and of this particular time in history, for the future and for the place of love in it. He also saturates the work with sadness, an emotion that can cripple a novel but which here underscores the poignancy of the work's rather thin subject matter. --Mark Thwaite Amazon.com In 1987, when Norwegian Wood was first published in Japan, it promptly sold more than 4 million copies and transformed Haruki Murakami into a pop-culture icon. The horrified author fled his native land for Europe and the United States, returning only in 1995, by which time the celebrity spotlight had found some fresher targets. And now he's finally authorized a translation for the English-speaking audience, turning to the estimable Jay Rubin, who did a fine job with his big-canvas production The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle. Readers of Murakami's later work will discover an affecting if atypical novel, and while the author himself has denied the book's autobiographical import--"If I had simply written the literal truth of my own life, the novel would have been no more than fifteen pages long"--it's hard not to read as at least a partial portrait of the artist as a young man. Norwegian Wood is a simple coming-of-age tale, primarily set in 1969-70, when the author was attending university. The political upheavals and student strikes of the period form the novel's backdrop. But the focus here is the young Watanabe's love affairs, and the pain and pleasure and attendant losses of growing up. The collapse of a romance (and this is one among many!) leaves him in a metaphysical shambles: I read Naoko's letter again and again, and each time I read it I would be filled with the same unbearable sadness I used to feel whenever Naoko stared into my eyes. I had no way to deal with it, no place I could take it to or hide it away. Like the wind passing over my body, it had neither shape nor weight, nor could I wrap myself in it. This account of a young man's sentimental education sometimes reads like a cross between Sylvia Plath's The Bell Jar and Stephen Vizinczey's In Praise of Older Women. It is less complex and perhaps ultimately less satisfying than Murakami's other, more allegorical work. Still, Norwegian Wood captures the huge expectation of youth--and of this particular time in history--for the future and for the place of love in it. It is also a work saturated with sadness, an emotion that can sometimes cripple a novel but which here merely underscores its youthful poignancy. --Mark Thwaite From Publishers Weekly In a complete stylistic departure from his mysterious and surreal novels (The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle; A Wild Sheep Chase) that show the influences of Salinger, Fitzgerald and Tom Robbins, Murakami tells a bittersweet coming-of-age story, reminiscent of J.R. Salamanca's classic 1964 novel, LilithAthe tale of a young man's involvement with a schizophrenic girl. A successful, 37-year-old businessman, Toru Watanabe, hears a version of the Beatles' Norwegian Wood, and the music transports him back 18 years to his college days. His best friend, Kizuki, inexplicably commits suicide, after which Toru becomes first enamored, then involved with Kizuki's girlfriend, Naoko. But Naoko is a very troubled young woman; her brilliant older sister has also committed suicide, and though sweet and desperate for happiness, she often becomes untethered. She eventually enters a convalescent home for disturbed people, and when Toru visits her, he meets her roommate, an older musician named Reiko, who's had a long history of mental instability. The three become fast friends. Toru makes a commitment to Naoko, but back at college he encounters Midori, a vibrant, outgoing young woman. As he falls in love with her, Toru realizes he cannot continue his relationship with Naoko, whose sanity is fast deteriorating. Though the solution to his problem comes too easily, Murakami tells a subtle, charming, profound and very sexy story of young love bound for tragedy. Published in Japan in 1987, this novel proved a wild success there, selling four million copies. (Sept.) Book Dimension length: (cm)20.6 width:(cm)13.9 -
- 1 梦的解析:最佳译本
- 2 李鸿章全传
- 3 淡定的智慧
- 4 心理操控术
- 5 哈佛口才课
- 6 俗世奇人
- 7 日瓦戈医生
- 8 笑死你的逻辑学
- 9 历史老师没教过的历史
- 10 1分钟和陌生人成为朋友