

  • Bergsonism

    作者:Gilles Deleuze

    In this analysis of one major philosopher by another, Gilles Deleuze identifies three pivotal concepts - duration, memory, and élan vital - that are found throughout Bergson's writings and shows the relevance of Bergson's work to contemporary philosophical debates. He interprets and integrates these themes into a single philosophical program, arguing that Bergson's philosophical intentions are methodological. They are more than a polemic against the limitations of science and common sense, particularly in Bergson's elaboration of the explanatory powers of the notion of duration - thinking in terms of time rather than space.
  • 康德与柏格森解读


    树的图像可以展示出主导人们认知的模式:井然有序的等级秩序,树枝的多样性从树干的统一性中生长出来,而根部的盘根交错也归于主干。树的譬喻可以归结到统一性、等级体系、线性秩序以及系统的胜利。从赫西俄德撰写的神谱、生物学的物种起源学说、到现代语言学的句型树状图分析--树的譬喻到处都指向形而上的秩序。但是哲学家德勒兹说:"我们已经厌烦树木,再也不能信任树木了……我们已经吃够了它的苦头。整个树状文化就是以它为基础的……只有地下的须根、蔓生植物、野生植物和根茎才是美丽的、政治的、可爱的。" 在这里展现出了与树相对立的模式。哲学家德勒兹,这位如此独特且又富有创造力的并且崇尚尼采的人,会以怎样的形式来论述康德与柏格森呢?令人充满期待。