美国当代著名摄影师格里高利·克鲁德逊 Gregory Crewdson作品《黄昏》 Twilight (1998-2002),是他最知名的系列作品,得名于美国哥伦比亚电影公司从1959年至1965年发行的电视系列剧《迷离魔界》(The Twilight Zone),这个剧集汇集了种种都市传奇和诡异故事,以神秘主义和黑暗暴力风格表达人生寓言。"Twilight"这个词汇是指日落后天色变黑之前的短暂黄昏,也被称为"魔鬼时间"。此时有天光和路灯等人造光源的混杂照明和反射,使普通场景笼罩上特殊氛围。 Twilight拍摄于马萨诸塞州,Crewdson带领一个专业制作群体,进入一个小镇和居民们一起工作,电影式的场景,通过道具,置景,化装等手段实景拍摄。作品中处在日落时刻里的场面,由自然光和人工光源混合照明,背景中反复出现的家庭杂物,如肥皂盒、牛奶瓶、清洁剂容器等等,暗示出人们心理上的焦虑、恐惧和渴望。 近几年,Gregory Crewdson 几乎同时在世界上最有名的画廊举办个展,伦敦的 White Cube,洛杉矶的 Gagosian Gallery,纽约的Lurhing Agustine,德国古根海姆博物馆,美国马萨诸塞州的威廉斯学院美术馆在2006年曾策划了一个爱德华霍普(美国绘画大师)和克鲁德逊的双人展,将克鲁德逊的作品做了一个追根溯源的探究。20年的时间里,Gregory Crewdson创作了六组系列摄影,这些摄影作品受到了戴安娜·阿波滋(Diane Airbus),爱德华霍普(Edward Hopper),斯皮尔博格,大卫林奇等一些大导演的影响。在使用搭建模型和利用戏剧原则来进行创作的摄影流派中,Gregory Crewdson堪称先驱。艺术家通过混合传统的纪实摄影方式和虚构元素,使得摄影不再是被动观察和剪辑,而是主动地创造世界。本书包括40幅作品和部分工作照。 -
Gregory Crewdson
Gregory Crewdson's photographic series capture a particularly American state of normalcy--in dissolution. The viewer, at first seduced by what appears to be an idyllic scene, soon discovers subtle off-kilter elements more akin to Film Noir than an NBC comedy. In a work from his Twilight series, yellow school buses are parked outside white wooden houses, and students stand and lounge around in seeming passivity. Something is happening--what, we don't know. The vision is familiar yet unfamiliar, seemingly benign yet threatening. Crewdson goes to great lengths in dramatizing his disturbing suburban scenes, employing elaborate lighting, cranes, props, and extras, espousing a level of behind-the-scenes preparation more akin to the making of a Hollywood movie than the making of a still image. Here perhaps is one place to locate the eerie unreality and narrativity of his pictures, the creepy attention to detail so out of place, in the ordinary settings he evokes. Middle-class reality meets the other side of the normal here--by way of Sigmund Freud. I'm very struck by the still image, and I'm interested in the limitations of a photograph in terms of its narrative capacity to have an image that's frozen in time, and there's no before or after. -- Gregory Crewdson Edited by Stephan Berg. Essays by Martin Hentschel, Martin Hochleitner, Urs Stahel and Stephan Berg. Hardcover, 11.75 x 10 in./200 pgs / 80 color and 100 b&w.
- 1 梦的解析:最佳译本
- 2 李鸿章全传
- 3 淡定的智慧
- 4 心理操控术
- 5 哈佛口才课
- 6 俗世奇人
- 7 日瓦戈医生
- 8 笑死你的逻辑学
- 9 历史老师没教过的历史
- 10 1分钟和陌生人成为朋友