Magnum Magnum
Since its founding in 1947 by Robert Capa, Henri Cartier-Bresson, George Rodger, and David "Chim" Seymour, Magnum Photos, the legendary co-operative, has powerfully chronicled the peoples, cultures, events, and issues of the time. Magnum Magnum brings together the best work, celebrating the vision, imagination, and brilliance of Magnum photographers, both the acknowledged greats of photography in the twentieth century—among them Henri Cartier-Bresson, Robert Capa, Eve Arnold, Marc Riboud, and Werner Bischof—and the modern masters and rising stars of our time, such as Martin Parr, Susan Meiselas, Alec Soth, and Donovan Wylie. And it shows the work at a breathtaking scale: the vast page size of Magnum Magnum—12¾ by 15¾—gives the photos an impact never seen before in book form. Organized by photographer, the book harks back to the agency's early days and the spirit that made it such a unique and creative environment, one in which each of the four founding members picture-edited the others' photographs. Here a current Magnum photographer selects and critiques six key works by each of the sixty-nine featured photographers, with a commentary explaining the rationale behind the choice. This groundbreaking publication is at once a permanent record of iconic images from the last sixty years and an insight, as seen through the critical eyes and minds of Magnum photographers, into what makes a memorable photograph. This first edition of Magnum Magnum will become one of the great collectibles—an essential book for anyone interested in photography or the world depicted by it. 400+ photographs in color and duotone. -
这是一本关于马格南图片摄影师们的传记。此书以一种特殊的视角,反映了半个世纪以来,马格南的男女摄影们所目击的种种重大历史事件:战争、饥荒、自然灾害、社会和环境的危机……自从马格南于1947年在美国纽约的现代艺术博物馆成立至今,它的摄影师总是及时出现在世界重大事件的发生地,因此马格南一词已与世界重大事件联在一起。马格南的摄影师们都是些深刻的观察家,他们不但拍摄了世界上最富有的人,也拍摄最贫穷的人,拍摄那些最不受社会关注的人,同时也拍摄著名的人物,从玛丽莲·梦露到切·格瓦拉,从肯尼迪到纳尔逊·曼德拉,从毕加索到赫鲁晓夫。这也是一个多层次的故事书,在某一层次讲到几个摄影师,其中有罗伯特·卡帕、亨利·卡蒂安-布列松和乔治·罗杰,他们聚到一起创立和养育了这个世界上独一无二的摄影师的联合体,克服了种种困难,最终成为最著名的摄影图片社。从另一个层次,又讲到摄影师们自己的故事,生动、丰富地描述了这个当代团体中的男男女女,他们的共同点是热爱摄影和他们对工作的献身精神。当然还有一个层次,那就是关注他们在世界各地的种种冒险故事。他们对危险的反应和他们所承担的任务。这本书没有太多关注摄影本身的谈论,这方面马格南的摄影师们已做出了最好的贡献。 -
In Our Time: The World As Seen by Magnum Photographers
The photographers represented here have all belonged to Magnum, a collective founded in 1947 to give photojournalists artistic freedom and control over thr eight s to their work. Magnum's archives are a repository of the masterpieces of photography of the past half-century. -
这是世界上一群特立独行的人,他们有着敏感的视觉、睿智的头脑、勇敢的精神、执着的毅力、真实的人性……他们持续着图片王国的神话。 马格南——这群人的组织,一个耀眼的名字,一方令人仰望的、群星璀璨的天空,它用平实而又丰富的照片,记录了灾难的痛苦、社会的变革、人类的尊严……向世人展示重大的事件、重要的人物、隐没的部落、消失的遗迹……马格南和马格南摄影师们,犹如世界的眼睛,让我们观察世界,了解世界。 本书从多个层面解读了马格南和马格南摄影师,以及背后的故事,自2001年第一版出版后深受读者喜爱。修订版不仅完善了对原版图书的翻译,而且增补了70多幅珍贵的配图,更加生动、全面、深入地解读了半个世纪以来马格南的历史以及世界的历史——马格南一词已与世界重大事件紧密地联系在了一起。
- 1 梦的解析:最佳译本
- 2 李鸿章全传
- 3 淡定的智慧
- 4 心理操控术
- 5 哈佛口才课
- 6 俗世奇人
- 7 日瓦戈医生
- 8 笑死你的逻辑学
- 9 历史老师没教过的历史
- 10 1分钟和陌生人成为朋友