

  • 如何与陌生人打交道


  • Unconditional Parenting

    作者:Alfie Kohn

    在线阅读本书 Most parenting guides begin with the question "How can we get kids to do what they're told?" and then proceed to offer various techniques for controlling them. In this truly groundbreaking book, nationally respected educator Alfie Kohn begins instead by asking, "What do kids need -- and how can we meet those needs?" What follows from that question are ideas for working with children rather than doing things to them. One basic need all children have, Kohn argues, is to be loved unconditionally, to know that they will be accepted even if they screw up or fall short. Yet conventional approaches to parenting such as punishments (including "time-outs"), rewards (including positive reinforcement), and other forms of control teach children that they are loved only when they please us or impress us. Kohn cites a body of powerful, and largely unknown, research detailing the damage caused by leading children to believe they must earn our approval. That's precisely the message children derive from common discipline techniques, even though it's not the message most parents intend to send. More than just another book about discipline, though, Unconditional Parenting addresses the ways parents think about, feel about, and act with their children. It invites them to question their most basic assumptions about raising kids while offering a wealth of practical strategies for shifting from "doing to" to "working with" parenting -- including how to replace praise with the unconditional support that children need to grow into healthy, caring, responsible people. This is an eye-opening, paradigm-shattering book that will reconnect readers to their own best instincts and inspire them to become better parents.
  • The Gift of Fear and Other Survival Signals that Protect Us From Violence

    作者:Gavin de Becker

    True fear is often a signal that can save your life. Are you listening? The baby-sitter you've just hired makes you uneasy--what should you do? You sense you are being followed --do you confront the stranger...or run? A fired employee says "You'll be sorry"--should you take him seriously? A person in the elevator you are about to enter just doesn't look right--do you wait for the next car? A date won't take "no" for an answer. The new nanny gives a mother an uneasy feeling. A stranger in a deserted parking lot offers unsolicited help. The threat of violence surrounds us every day. But we can protect ourselves, by learning to trust--and act on--our gut instincts. In this empowering book, Gavin de Becker, the man Oprah Winfrey calls the nation's leading expert on violent behavior, shows you how to spot even subtle signs of danger--before it's too late. Shattering the myth that most violent acts are unpredictable, de Becker, whose clients include top Hollywood stars and government agencies, offers specific ways to protect yourself and those you love, including...how to act when approached by a stranger...when you should fear someone close to you...what to do if you are being stalked...how to uncover the source of anonymous threats or phone calls...the biggest mistake you can make with a threatening person...and more. Learn to spot the danger signals others miss. It might just save your life.
  • Attachment

    作者:John Bowlby

    The first volume of John Bowlby's Attachment and Loss series examines the nature of the child's ties to the mother. Beginning with a discussion of instinctive behavior, its causation, functioning, and ontogeny, Bowlby proceeds to a theoretical formulation of attachment behavior--how it develops, how it is maintained, what functions it fulfills. In the fifteen years since Attachment was first published, there have been major developments in both theoretical discussion and empirical research on attachment. The second edition, with two wholly new chapters and substantial revisions, incorporates these developments and assesses their importance to attachment theory.
  • Music, Language, and the Brain

    作者:Patel, Aniruddh D.

    In the first comprehensive study of the relationship between music and language from the standpoint of cognitive neuroscience, Aniruddh D. Patel challenges the widespread belief that music and language are processed independently. Since Platos time, the relationship between music and language has attracted interest and debate from a wide range of thinkers. Recently, scientific research on this topic has been growing rapidly, as scholars from diverse disciplines, including linguistics, cognitive science, music cognition, and neuroscience are drawn to the music-language interface as one way to explore the extent to which different mental abilities are processed by separate brain mechanisms. Accordingly, the relevant data and theories have been spread across a range of disciplines. This book provides the first synthesis, arguing that music and language share deep and critical connections, and that comparative research provides a powerful way to study the cognitive and neural mechanisms underlying these uniquely human abilities.
  • Snakes in Suits

    作者:Paul Babiak,Robert D

  • Tools of the Mind

    作者:Elena Bodrova,Debora

    As the only text of its kind, this book provides in-depth information about Vygotsky's theories, neo-Vygotskians' findings, and concrete explanations and strategies that instruct teachers how to influence student learning and development. Key changes to this edition include a new chapter on dynamic assessment, separate and expanded chapters on developmental accomplishments of infants and toddlers, preschool/kindergarten, and primary grades and on supporting those accomplishments, and elaborations of Vygotsky's ideas from neo-Vygotskians from Russia. FEATURES: *Written for the beginning student, the book provides a clear discussion of Vygotskian principles including...a historical overview and a complete chapter on the "Zone of Proximal Development," (ZPD). *Each section of the book builds on the other...framework, strategies, and applications of the Vygotskian approach. *The work of Vygotsky is compared in a fair and balanced way with the work of Piaget. *Examples and activities have been class-tested in a variety of classroom environments including a Head Start program, private preschool, and in the Denver Public Schools.
  • 大泡沫

    作者:[美] 丹尼尔•格罗斯

    泡沫,比如20世纪20年代和90年代的股市泡沫,是现代经济生活令人深恶痛绝的特征。美国的投资者一次又一次受到快钱、新技术和过度乐观情绪的引诱而头脑发热。当泡沫破灭时,他们一次又一次证明着自己的愚蠢。因此,金融史也是一部梦想破灭和痛苦反思的悲剧史。 但这是故事的全部吗?现在回顾起来,泡沫是否也有它积极的作用?这种疯狂的经济狂热是否也为机遇、增长和创新打下了基础?泡沫能成为经济的一个有利因素吗? 在本书中,丹尼尔•格罗斯从大量事实中得出了一个令人信服的观点:所有的泡沫都有积极作用。从19世纪的电报狂潮到当今美国对于可替代能源的狂热,从铁路到房地产,格罗斯带我们回顾了这些大胆投资者和先锋所带来的旋风,分析了它们所留下的宝贵财富,从中我们可以看到,通常被认为是灾难的泡沫实际上曾经帮助人们建立了商业基础设施,从而推动了经济的增长。泡沫其实也是重大的科技和商业创新时代中迅速扭转经济的一种方式。可以说,打击金融泡沫并且成功走出阴霾的能力也是经济的韧性和繁荣的秘诀之一。
  • 人体语言

    作者:[美] 朱利·法思特

  • 解梦1001


    本书以自我和他人、活动与状态、日常事务、环境、想象等主题编排,通过对1001种梦的元素和符号的解析,让你学会释梦,从而更深入地了解自己自童年以来的恐惧、渴望、失落和希望。 梦来自于我们自己的生活,来自于我们的思想、情感和我们与世界的交往。无论专家如何解释我们的梦,最终我们必须自己根据自己的个人经验,决定哪一种解释最为可信。 ●日有所思,夜有所梦。但你是否明白你所做之梦的真正含义?你是否发现梦中有你内心最深处的渴望和恐惧? ●精美的插图和详尽的解析,帮助你解开潜意识里的秘密。 ●本书以心理学家的研究成果为基础——包括荣格对梦里隐藏的原型的解析和弗洛伊德对人类本能的解析。 ●从飞翔、裸露、奔跑,到电脑、蝴蝶、火山,本书解析了1001种梦的元素和符号,相关条目可相互参照。 ●送给自己和朋友的最佳礼品书。 ●学会自己解梦吧!
  • Thinking In Pictures

    作者:Temple Grandin

  • Explaining Creativity

    作者:R. Keith Sawyer

    Explaining Creativity is an accessible introduction to the latest scientific research on creativity. In the last 50 years, psychologists, anthropologists, and sociologists have increasingly studied creativity, and we now know more about creativity than at any point in history. It considers not only arts like painting and writing, but also science, stage performance, and business innovation. Until about a decade ago, creativity researchers tended to focus on highly valued activities like fine art painting and Nobel prize winning science. Sawyer brings this research up to date by including movies, music videos, cartoons, video games, hypertext fiction, and computer technology. For example, this is the first book on creativity to include studies of performance and improvisation. Sawyer draws on the latest research findings to show the importance of collaboration and context in all of these creative activities.Today's science of creativity is interdisciplinary; in addition to psychological studies of creativity the book includes research by anthropologists on creativity in non-Western cultures, and research by sociologists about the situation, contexts, and networks of creative activity. It brings these approaches together within the sociocultural approach to creativity pioneered by Howard Becker, Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, and Howard Gardner. The sociocultural approach moves beyond the individual to consider the social and cultural contexts of creativity, emphasizing the role of collaboration and context in the creative process.
  • 临床心理学


  • 理性情绪行为疗法


  • 精神分析导论(第二版)(万千心理)

    作者:[英]Jane Milton,Carol

    从本书初版发行(2005年)以来,精神分析在中国经历了近十年的发展,已经发生了实质性的变化,并取得了丰硕的成果。本书初版一直是精神分析学习者的必读书,是中挪、中德精神分析培训项目的指定阅读图书。本次第二版,作者增加了近十年国际精神分析领域的变化等新内容。 第一章我们从精神分析发生的场所开始,病人和其治疗师正处于精神分析的一个疗程的中间阶段。由此,我们将逐步扩展到其他的病人,我们将对临床上精神分析中发生了什么?以及为什么会发生作一个更综合性的概述; 第二章我们将对精神分析理论作一个概述;第三章讲述精神分析的历史渊源;第四章介绍精神分析在不同文化背景下播种、发芽以及扩展的情况;第五章转向有关精神分析评论中一些严肃的问题并就此予以讨论; 第六章把目光转向精神分析研究中的一些复杂的领域;第七章讲述精神分析在咨询室以外的应用的一些方式;第八章从精神分析和其他的心理治疗方式出发试着展现精神分析处在各种心理治疗方式中的地位。最后,在第九章,我们介绍了英国精神分析的培训、职业体系、以及涉及到的国内和国际框架。
  • 无处不在的墨菲定律:为什么越担心的事越会发生

    作者:理查德·罗宾森 (Richard Rob

    为什么你一洗车就下雨?为什么你一次又一次地在同一个地方转错弯?当你遗失某件东西的时候,你总是一次次地在同一个地方寻找,这是为什么呢?为什么在你找了第四次或第五次的时候,它突然在那个地方出现了?……如果你有这些疑问,那么这显然体现了你作为高级灵长类动物能够思考的优越性。 英国的明星科学宅男理查德·罗宾逊的这本《无处不在的墨菲定律:为什么越担心的事越会发生》向我们阐述了这些疑问背后隐含着的科学事实:我们现代人的大脑构成及各部分的职能与数百万年前的原始人类没有任何区别。我们还一直是遵循着丛林时代形成的思维模式来处理事情。《无处不在的墨菲定律:为什么越担心的事越会发生》剖析了墨菲定律在人们生活、工作等方面运行的心理机制,并解答了上述问题。书中语言风趣幽默,读者能在轻松的阅读氛围中了解墨菲定律的神奇之处,进而将其应用于生活的方方面面。 《无处不在的墨菲定律:为什么越担心的事越会发生》适合所有想了解墨菲定律及更多心理学知识的读者阅读、使用。
  • 忘却力


    编辑推荐: 来自日本百万级畅销书作家外山滋比古教授颠覆性的思考理念—— “忘记”是一件好事!只有先经过忘却的整理,让大脑变得井井有条,再摄取新知识,创意思考才能大显身手。 ◎风靡日本的全民脑力活化术! ◎席卷日本大学和职场,销量已突破10万册! ◎日本思考权威教你用忘却力整理大脑——轻松头脑“断舍离”,学习、工作效率加倍! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 内容简介: 我们从小就被灌输了“忘记”不好的观念,记忆力好的人才能获得赞美。其实,大错特错!忘却和记忆一样重要,两者的关系就像呼吸,要先呼再吸,也就是先排除、再吸收。同样,我们应先通过忘却去整理大脑,再去记忆,才能有效深化、活化所获得的知识。 过去知识贫乏,需要强调记忆力的重要。但如今是信息爆炸的时代,如果只知道一味吸收,很容易导致身心的负荷过重。而通过“忘却力”的过滤、整理,适时地舍弃多余的知识信息,就可以让大脑空出更多的空间,以便思路更加清晰。 从现在开始,再也不要认为“忘记”是一件坏事了! 想要书读得更好、工作更有效率,拼命去记的时代已经过去了! 忘却力将帮助你摒除杂念、排遣负面情绪、减轻身心负担,发挥创意、创造个性,迎来无比轻盈自由的人生。 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 媒体报道 颠覆你我的常识!外山老师告诉我们,思考的重点是“遗忘”和“舍弃”,为什么这么说?大学新鲜人和社会新鲜人请务必一读,了解其中的涵义,必定使你恍然大悟。 ──《读卖新闻》 如今我们知道,不管脑子里装有多少知识,也代替不了计算机。然而,作者提醒我们:思考的整理,就是有技巧地遗忘;而遗忘,是为了让想法可以自由产生化合作用。 ──《朝日新闻》 最让人讶异的,无非是作者在20多年前就预见了高度信息化社会的到来,并且提出忘却的重要性和相关做法。畅销,是因为正符合这个时代的需求。 ──《产经新闻》 -------------------------------------------- 东京大学生和职场人强力推荐 .书店里充斥着学习法、时间管理术等讲求效率的指南书籍,我觉得其中,外山老师主张的“忘却力”最为耀眼。 .对于擅长死记硬背的大学生来说,这是忠言逆耳。 .关于“忘却”的说法,令人印象深刻,真是忘不了啊。 .经历了填鸭式教育的我,有着面对专业知识总是囫囵吞枣的坏习惯,该好好反省了。
  • 婴幼儿心理健康手册(第3版)


    小查尔斯·H·泽纳编著的《婴幼儿心理健康手册(第3版)/教材系列/心理学译丛》是婴幼儿心理健康领域最权威的工具书,被视为该领域的参考标准,极富全面性和前沿性。《婴幼儿心理健康手册(第3版)/教材系列/心理学译丛》提供了婴幼儿阶段心理健康的发展、临床和社会层面的综合分析,介绍了基于实证研究的评估和治疗方法,强调亲子关系的重要性,并阐述了早期干预和预防的益处及其在心理健康、基础护理、儿童抚养和福利机构中的应用,从而引领专家及相关从业人员探索婴幼儿心理健康的发展模式,生物、家庭和社会文化风险与保护性因素,以及常见的紊乱与障碍。 正如《美国精神病学杂志》(American Journal of Psychiatry)所评论的那样:“有关0~3岁儿童任何重要或特殊问题,如果你在这里找不到有价值的信息,那一定是这个信息现在并不存在。”从中我们能够看到此书对于从事婴幼儿心理研究工作的专家、学者及相关工作人员、学生的重要性。同时,本书也可供新手父母及关注婴幼儿发展与成长的读者参考使用。
  • 只赢不输

    作者:[丹麦] 马丁·本耶格伽德 [加拿大]

    “只赢不输”是一种完美的状态,它意味着你能够在追求事业成功的同时,把个人生活中的方方面面经营得同样精彩。 每当预定的目标没有完成时,我们总是不自觉地延长工作时间。渐渐地,工作侵占了我们的夜晚和周末,偷走了我们与亲友共享的时光。日复一日,我们在失衡的怪圈中越陷越深,想做而未做的事情越来越多,视野越来越狭窄,健康也亮起红灯。这真的是我们想要的生活吗?日子可以不必这么过! 为了找到一条不必赔上生活也能事业有成的新路,两位作者开始满世界寻找一种新的榜样:一群事业上超级成功,同时又生活得幸福而平衡的创业者们。这25位新生代创业明星在书中站出来现身说法,讲述自己如何在经营事业的过程中提高效率,避免精力和时间的浪费,从而在实现工作游刃有余的同时,更能从容兼顾生活之乐。 你可以继续为了工作而“暂时”放弃其他,或者你可以趁早意识到,只有相信并用心,平衡的生活才会来。“只赢不输”是完全可能的,并正在成为越来越多的人所追随的趋势。
  • 控场

    作者:[美] 菲尔图 著

    控场是一种先进的理论,也是一套实用的技术。 乔布斯、巴菲特、马云、李嘉诚……他们都是控场术的实践者。 控场的终极目标在于向对方的大脑传输想法,并制约对方的行为。控场在人际关系中拥有巨大的改变力量,控场能改变你的内在能量,帮你和别人的大脑之间建立一座无形的桥,你通过这座桥向对方传递你的思想和力量。控场不是洗脑,更不是催眠,而是一种科学的掌控技术。它的有效性已经得到百万顶尖人士的认可。 要实现控场的终极目标,分为三个阶段:1.掌控自己的气场;2.看穿对方的心理;3.掌控对方的行为。通过这三个步骤的实践,你便能有效地掌控谈判气场、识破心理诡计、真正主宰和支配对手!使你在生活和工作中,在人际交往中,从被动变为主动,从隐形人变为真正的领导核心。