梦是通往无意识的捷径。佛洛依德《梦的解析》后,又一国际释梦大师关于梦的诠释 梦,形态万千。梦是什么?我们又为什么会做梦?梦是能揭示我们潜意识中隐藏着什么?或只是纯粹随意的大脑活动呢?深受国际心理大师弗洛伊德与荣格影响,结合20多年的从业经验,国际知名释梦专家伦诺克斯对300个梦境镜头的权威分析,为你破解梦的密码,解开人类奥秘中让人叹为观止的部分。 -
本书是国内第一部阐述绘画治疗理论及实际操作的专著.虽然是专著,但由于结合治疗的实际操作,因而具有一般学术专著没有的可读性、实用性.本书介绍了绘画治疗的理论基础,以房、树、人,以及家庭为线索,阐述了绘画心理治疗的过程,并结合理论讨论了许多生动的个案分析.本 -
◎ 生活裡,總會遇到慌亂、碰到孤單,這時我們常習慣把部分的自己壓抑下去,不知不覺中丟掉了內在真實的一部分。符合社會期待做罐頭,是安全的選項,而做自己,需要勇敢與行動…… ◎ 專為想要好好活出自己的人而寫的書。 ◎ 給年輕人在生涯發展上的指南書。 ◎ 隨書贈送「雨過天青」自信卡精華版 ◎ 林祺堂、黃錦敦 做罐頭,不但符合社會期待,還可以成為穩定社會的力量; 做自己,則可以同步內在的流動力量,活出生命的美麗,為世界增添色彩。 作者哈克原本在社會的期待下就讀清大電機系,大三那年卻毅然決然傾聽自己的聲音,前往美國馬里蘭大學攻讀心理諮商。返台後,於大學從事諮商輔導工作,看著一個個年輕的生命,為滿足父母期待準備公職考試,而忽略了內心深處那個真實的自己,因此想藉由本書告訴大家如何找到自己的定位,如何讓真實與社會所期待的自己並存。書中他以自己多年累積的深厚心理諮商技巧,教我們如何以真實的自己為底、如何與外在的世界有機的互動,又如何讓自己活得自由又精采! -
《微表情读心术》书分为上中下三大篇。为您提供了人际关系中简单实用的心理操纵与生存博弈的策略和技巧,有效利用他人心理,迅速掌控他人思维方向,从而掌握人际交往的主动权,取得事业上的成功,尽享辉煌的人生! -
Vision Science
This book revolutionizes how vision can be taught to undergraduate and graduate students in cognitive science, psychology, and optometry. It is the first comprehensive textbook on vision to reflect the integrated computational approach of modern research scientists. This new interdisciplinary approach, called "vision science," integrates psychological, computational, and neuroscientific perspectives.The book covers all major topics related to vision, from early neural processing of image structure in the retina to high-level visual attention, memory, imagery, and awareness. The presentation throughout is theoretically sophisticated yet requires minimal knowledge of mathematics. There is also an extensive glossary, as well as appendices on psychophysical methods, connectionist modeling, and color technology. The book will serve not only as a comprehensive textbook on vision, but also as a valuable reference for researchers in cognitive science, psychology, neuroscience, computer science, optometry, and philosophy. -
自从2007年实行全国硕士研究生入学考试,心理学、教育学、历史学专业课考试取消以往由各研究生招生单位自主命题、自主阅卷的方式,改行全国统一命题、统一考试以来,我们在去年出版的《全国硕士研究生入学统一考试备考指南:心理学专业基础》基础上,根据最新修订的考试大纲和考生反馈的信息,再次组织专家对去年的试卷进行了全面的分析,出版了最新修订的《全国硕士研究生入学统一考试备考指南:心理学专业基础(2008最新版)》,并应广大考生所需,配备了这本《全国硕士研究生入学统一考试备考指南:心理学专业基础实战练习》,以帮助考生更好地复习,更充分地准备考试。 《全国硕士研究生入学统一考试备考指南:心理学专业基础实战练习》精选了大量的真题,这些真题主要是从各大著名高校的心理学院或心理系(如北京师范大学、北京大学、中科院心理所、华东师范大学、西南大学、华南师范大学、华中师范大学)研究生考试的历年真题中筛选出来的。我们的专家仔细分析了历年考试的特点,对与命题者和考试大纲最关注的知识点有关、出现频率最高的真题,进行了归类整理,并提供了详细答案,由于同类的真题往往会出现重复的现象,所以本书就不再提供试题的出处。在此基础上,我们的专家仔细分析了去年考试的特点,就命题者最关心的问题,精心设计了各章节的练习题和三套模拟试题。这些练习题目在最大程度上,精确地反映了考生应该掌握的知识重点、考试的侧重点和命题者最关注的问题,是考生考前巩固复习成果,检验复习效果最有效的工具。 -
为什么某些建筑能够让我们感到快乐、兴奋或者宁静?是什么使得建筑令人愉悦?格朗特?希尔德布兰德在《建筑愉悦的起源》中既提出了这些具有普遍性的问题,同时也提出了一些比较特殊的问题:“当我们选择一座居住建筑的基地,或者建造一栋房子,或者为建筑做出景观抉择、或者选择工作地点、挑选一家餐厅或者在餐厅中挑选一张餐桌、以及规划一个假期的时候——有没有什么特征可以确保让我们提高满足度?”为了回答这些问题,作者对那些依然保留着明显吸引力的建筑和建筑群进行了研究分析——这些研究对象跨越了五个洲,穿越了五千年的历史。本书探索了这些物理环境之所以能够让人产生这样的反应的原因,并且把我们在建筑中感到愉悦的理由部分的归因于本质上与生存相关的元素,从不言而喻的庇护所到在复杂环境中发现的秩序——或者是明确的秩序中的复杂性所带来的美学上的满足。 尽管这种研究方式与环境决定论和量化的客观性有关,但是这两种方法都不是占主导地位的,相反的,本书研究的是有可能对建筑评论和创造起到帮助的材料。它假设那些(无论是在环境还是在感受中)能够让我们喜爱的特征与那些能够增加我们的生存机会的东西是密切相关的。它分析了六种原型,并且用自然的和建筑的实例来加以说明。 当不断进步的技术让我们有能力创造越来越复杂的建筑和场所的时候,它对我们与环境之间最基本的关系进行了反思。 -
這是素黑與木子美交換私密性史情書的紀錄,一切,由2003年11月的一個訪談開始,然後催生了後來《東周刊》的「公然好性」專欄。全部共66篇,包括10篇首次發表的交換書信,並收錄兩篇作者互相訪問對談錄,寫在專欄刊登前後。 木木: 我覺得做愛是親近一個人,進入一個人的靈魂的方式。正常的人際交往讓我焦慮,我喜歡在一個更單純的世界裏,用更單純的方式跟人交往,也就是性交往。 素黑: 我覺得做愛是親近一個神。當有人能有足夠的性能量,讓我願意被吸進去,我會毫不考慮跟他做愛。我留戀的,是在性愛上的靈性提升,不貪戀肉體。 -
《职业生涯咨询中的治疗计划》是美国职业生涯咨询方面比较有代表性的教材。在《职业生涯咨询中的治疗计划》中,作者约翰·利普泰克(John J.Liptak)为职业生涯咨询师如何将重要的职业发展理论转化为适用于来访者的治疗计划提供了指导,整合了所有的职业生涯发展理论,并结合到实践当中。为了将职业生涯咨询治疗计划有效地应用于现实生活,作者在书中穿插了具体个案的内容,对一名来访者的整个职业生涯咨询过程进行了追踪,突出了理论与实践相结合的特点。 -
The Logic of Life
http://www.timharford.com/logicoflife/ “Life often seems to defy logic. When a prostitute agrees to unprotected sex, or a teenage criminal embarks on a burglary, or a smoker lights another cigarette, we seem to be a million miles from what we would call rational behaviour. None of this makes sense – or does it? Tim Harford thinks it does. And by weaving stories from locations as diverse as a Las Vegas casino and a Soho speed-date together with insights from an ingenious new breed of economist, he aims to persuade you that we are all, in fact, surprisingly logical. Reading this book, you’ll discover that the unlikeliest of people – racists, drug addicts, revolutionaries and rats – comply with economic logic, always taking account of future costs and benefits, even if they don’t quite realise it. It even explains why your boss is overpaid…” -
The Social Atom
The idiosyncrasies of human decision-making have confounded economists and social theorists for years. If each person makes choices for personal (and often irrational) reasons, how can people's choices be predicted by a single theory? How can "any" economic, social, or political theory be valid? The truth is, none of them really are. Mark Buchanan makes the fascinating argument that the science of physics is beginning to provide a new picture of the human or "social atom," and help us understand the surprising, and often predictable, patterns that emerge when they get together. Look at patterns, not people, Buchanan argues, and rules emerge that can explain how movements form, how interest groups operate, and even why ethnic hatred persists. Using similar observations, social physicists can predict whether neighborhoods will integrate, whether stock markets will crash, and whether crime waves will continue or abate. Brimming with mind games and provocative experiments, "The Social Atom" is an incisive, accessible, and comprehensive argument for a whole new way to look at human social behavior. Mark Buchanan is a theoretical physicist and an associate editor at "Complexus," a journal on biocomplexity. He has been an editor at "Nature" and "New Scientist," and is the author of two prize-nominated books, "Ubiquity: The Science of History" and "Nexus: Small Worlds and the Groundbreaking Science of Networks." He lives in Cambridgeshire, England. The idiosyncrasies of human decision-making have confounded economists and social theorists for years. If each person makes choices for personal (and often irrational) reasons, how can people's choices be predicted by a single theory? The validity of any economic, social, or political theory comes into question. Mark Buchanan argues that the science of physics is beginning to provide a new picture of the human or "social atom," and help us understand the surprising, and often predictable, patterns that emerge when they get together. Look at patterns, not people, Buchanan argues, and rules emerge that can explain how movements form, how interest groups operate, and even why ethnic hatred persists. Using similar observations, social physicists can predict whether neighborhoods will integrate, whether stock markets will crash, and whether crime waves will continue or abate. "The Social Atom" is an incisive, accessible, and comprehensive argument for a new way to look at human social behavior. "Mark Buchanan is] a theoretical physicist . . . Buchanan argues that one of the basic assumptions of economics--namely, that humans make only reasoned, greedy, self-promoting decisions--is a simplification that calls the whole field into question . . . A former editor of the prestigious science journal "Nature," Buchanan witnessed a growing number of physicists write papers about familiar mathematical patterns cropping up in human behavior. This inspired him to write "The Social Atom." His goal is to consider people 'as if they were atoms or molecules following fairly simple rules' and investigate the idea that 'seemingly complicated social happenings may often have quite simple origins, and that we can discover such simplicity by examining how we too may be subject to laws not unlike those of physics' . . . The book asks] readers to move away from thinking of humans as individuals when it comes to social behavior in a group. We are . . . simple atoms that think alike, copy one another and self-organize according to common mathematical patterns."--Russ Juskalian, "USA Today" "Humans mimic other humans, whether they're clapping or buying mobile phones, writes Mark Buchanan in his beguiling behavioral study . . . Yet the same force may influence bigger decisions in life, like whether to have kids, he says. European birthrates slowed so dramatically between 1950 and 2000 that researchers concluded the trend was 'amplified and exaggerated by peer pressure' . . . A theoretical physicist, Buchanan suggests that sociologists should spend less time scrutinizing individual behavior and more time studying the group. 'Think of patterns, not people, ' he urges, arguing that people are the atoms, or building blocks, of the social world. We imitate each other, cooperate, learn and adapt in a giant feedback system. Writing in lean, fluid sentences, Buchanan clicks through examples ranging from the collapse of Long-Term Capital Management to the slaughter at Srebrenica. He shows patterns at work in phantom traffic jams, stock sell-offs and the trails human feet carve through public parks . . . As promised in the book's subtitle, Buchanan explains 'Why the Rich Get Richer, Cheaters Get Caught, and Your Neighbor Usually Looks Like You' . . . Buchanan is] on to something big."--James Pressley, "Bloomberg News" "Likely the "Blink" or "Freakonomics "of 2007, theoretical physicist Buchanan's new book explains how we replicate the behavior of people we admire, and stick close to people with shared fundamental bonds such as ethnic heritage.""--Time Out Chicago" "Everything we think about why we do what we do is wrong because we can't help but think and act like individuals, understanding the world around us with anecdote and simple stories. But as Mark Buchanan brilliantly demonstrates with examples from the world all around us, there's a bigger force at work that explains the world far better. Surprisingly, that force looks a lot like the semi-random statistical model that explained the mysteries of quantum physics a century ago. This is a fascinating glimpse into a new way of understanding human behavior."--Chris Anderson, Editor-in-Chief, "Wired Magazine," and author of "The Long Tail: Why The Future of Business Is Selling Less of More""" "Seldom has a book so infuriated me yet kept me tightly gripped to each page. This is a first-class attack on the smugness of the Humanities by a brilliant provocateur: a disturbing challenge to all of us who think we understan -
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《情绪理解(导读版)》从现代神经科学和生理学的角度提供了充分的见解,帮助我们理解在加工不同类型的情绪信息时。脑是怎样进行工作的。当别人朝我们微笑的时候,是什么使得我们报以同样的微笑?当别人告诉我们他们的考试分数时,我们又是如何通过对方的语气来判别他们考得好还是不好,答案中的隐含信息确保了我们能够顺利地进行社会交往。要弄清这些问题并不简单,但是随着我们越来越多地了解大脑的工作模式,回答这些问题将会变得更加轻松。 -
《压力咨询》是一本从理性情绪行为疗法角度介绍压力咨询的理论和实践方法的书。本书作者之一Albert Ellis是美国临床心理学家,理性情绪行为疗法(REBT)的先驱,他将此理论融合到力咨询中,运用很多详实的个案材料及丰富具体的咨询技术,使本书具备了良好的操作性和实践性。本书内容涉及压力咨询的不同阶段、压力咨询技术、职场压力和团体工作等。本书内容涉及压力咨询的不同阶段、压力咨询技术、职场压力和团体工作等,可以帮助咨询师更有效地应对来访者的压力问题。 本书的另外三位作者均从事压力咨询工作。Jack Gordon是英国心理学会研究员,多年来一直从事理性情绪疗法的训练工作,著有,《克服舒适陷阱》等书。Stephen Palmer和Michael Neenan 分别是伦敦压力管理中心的主任和副主任,从事压力咨询与压力管理的训练工作,并有相关论著出版。 -
《社会心理学新进展》是理学新进展影印丛书中的一本,丛书入选的文章代表了各心理学分支自2000年以来的最新研究成果,同时各册所涉及的主题也全面体现了该分支学科国际的研究动态。在各册图书中,既包括文献综述、对已有研究的质疑,也结合了先进的实验手段、技术和其他学科的综合知识,更多地关注和探索心理现象机制层面的复杂原因。每册均有问题思考,以启发学者们深入思索今后的研究热点和可能产生实质性飞越的突破口。 此套丛书可以作为各高校教师开设心理学新进展课程或专题讲座的教学用书,同时可以作为相关领域的研究人员发表文献综述的内容依据,尤其还适合作为心理学专业英语课程的教材。 -
本书无所畏惧的在尼采的思想里遨游,追寻昔日伟人的足迹,撷取其智慧的灵光,将其一生中的闪光点整理成书。全书分为四卷:卷一,人生的告诫;卷二,天才的感悟;卷三:理性的思考;卷四:疯狂的激情。全书囊括了尼采思想中最具代表性的观点和丰张,包含有很多惊世警言,如“人是应该超越的东两”、“上帝死了”等。 读其书而知其人,明其义而囿其辞。本书对于帮助读者了解尼采有重要的作用。在存在主义的演讲过程中,尼采占着中心的席位:如果没有尼采,那么雅斯贝尔斯、海德格尔和萨特是不可思议的。并且,加缪《西西弗斯的神话》的结论,听来也像是尼采遥远的回音。他是一个幽灵,一个在人生的旅途巾徘徊在理性与非理性之间的幽灵;他是一个天才,一个在人类哲学史、美学史上恣意表演的天才。他是一个孤独寂寞的先哲,一个在冷酷的银河里闪烁的星星。 还有谁能高呼惟有日神与酒神及美好理想与非理性主义的激情碰撞,才能摆脱噩梦的纠缠呢?惟有尼采,他的疯狂近乎癫狂。他的生命的冲动、意志的力量,让无数人彻夜难眠。 -
《催眠术与催眠疗法》主要内容包括:催眠原理探讨、器械催眠和意念催眠、催眠治疗和催眠教育、催眠麻醉和催眠审讯、思维阅读和心灵控制、精神分析和意志力训练、催眠洗脑和潜能开发等。在传统催眠学基础上,书中又溶入了医学理论和宗教实践,使催眠疗法更具有说服力和科学性。 -
- 1 梦的解析:最佳译本
- 2 李鸿章全传
- 3 淡定的智慧
- 4 心理操控术
- 5 哈佛口才课
- 6 俗世奇人
- 7 日瓦戈医生
- 8 笑死你的逻辑学
- 9 历史老师没教过的历史
- 10 1分钟和陌生人成为朋友