《教育心理学:实践者-研究者之路(亚洲版)》亚洲背景:对于那些新加坡学校教学以及将心理学理论应用于亚洲课堂感兴趣的人而言,本书中的本土元素,也就是新加坡的背景,使其成为一本独一无二的教材。问题情景:每章均以一个真实的课堂情景作为引子,来引导思考和学习。最新理论:不仅覆盖大量的基础性理论,如皮亚杰、维果茨基、布鲁纳以及班杜拉,也包含当代最新研究成果,如霍华德·加德纳、罗伯特·斯腾伯格以及瑞文·费厄斯坦。行动研究:给出行动研究的实践以及将观察技巧与假设检验的方法结合起来的建议。教师工具箱:提供大量实践性的课程建议以及应用。链接:提供有关最新信息的网络链接以及网址,如新加坡教育部。案例阐释:通过特定的案例对理论及其相关概念进行阐述。现场经验问题:使读者对在广泛的社会、学校以及课堂中所学到的理论作进一步概念化。 -
The Book of Questions
The Book of Questions may be the only publication that challenges and changes the way readers view the world, without offering a single opinion of its own. Posing 265 questions, "The Book of Questions" is bound to provoke hours and hours of thought. -
How do imperceptibly small differences in the environment change one's behavior? What is the anatomy of a bad mood? Does stress shrink our brains? What does People magazine's list of America's "50 Most Beautiful People" teach us about nature and nurture? What makes one organism sexy to another? What makes one orgasm different from another? Who will be the winner in the genetic war between the sexes? Welcome to Monkeyluv , a curious and entertaining collection of essays about the human animal in all its fascinating variety, from Robert M. Sapolsky, America's most beloved neurobiologist/primatologist. Organized into three sections, each tackling a Big Question in natural science, Monkeyluv offers a lively exploration of the influence of genes and the environment on behavior; the social and political -- and, of course, sexual -- implications of behavioral biology; and society's shaping of the individual. From the mating rituals of prairie dogs to the practice of religion in the rain forest, the secretion of pheromones to bugs in the brain, Sapolsky brilliantly synthesizes cutting-edge scientific research with wry, erudite observations about the enormous complexity of simply being human. Thoughtful, engaging, and infused with pop-cultural insights, this collection will appeal to the inner monkey in all of us. -
《我的感觉4:我好嫉妒》(中英双语):本册书描写了一件件让熊宝宝感到嫉妒的事情:妈妈疼爱妹妹、自己的好朋友跟别人玩、别人得到好东西、同学表现比他好……他说出了心中的感受:“嫉妒是一种刺刺的、热热的、讨厌的感觉。”在大人的帮助下,熊宝宝发现嫉妒人人都有,于是他开始寻找让自己不再嫉妒的方法。原来,嫉妒可以用很多的方式排解:可以说出自己的需要,可以去做自己的事,可以加入大家玩耍的行列……换个想法和做法,心情就不一样了,嫉妒的感觉没有了,熊宝宝又高兴地玩去了。 -
生命轮回的前世疗法 -
介绍孤独症的症状表现、临床诊断、最新病因研究成果、药物治疗、各种康复干预措施以及社会支持作用等,适于小儿精神小儿神经科和儿童保健医生、从事孤独症康复和教育训练工作的教师、相关领域的研究人员以及家长等阅读。 -
《焦虑症患者》记录了一个摆脱心理困境的真实个案。如果你是一个有人生高目标的要强者,在事业和其他方面有完美主义追求,经常感到紧张的压力和内心冲突,那么,《焦虑症患者》所写个案将有助于你掌握好指挥自己的策略。一个事业有成的大学教授在高目标压力下患上焦虑症,多方求医却效果不佳。一位心理学家帮助他找到正确的认知,并授以一整套有效方法,最终使他战胜疾病,获得康复…… -
本书主要内容有:尊重病症——灵魂的声音;家庭和童年的神话;自爱及其神话;爱的启蒙;妒忌和羡慕;灵魂与力量;压抑的贡献;身体疾病的诗意等13章。 -
这是一部关于心理治疗学的著作。全书共分11篇35章,约150万字,系统阐述了心理治疗的基础理论和丰富的治疗实践,包括精神分析性心理治疗、催眠治疗、家庭治疗、集体治疗、音乐治疗、森田治疗、意象对话心理治疗、认识同性恋等内容。书中内容全面,涵盖了中西方心理治疗领域各流派的观点和实际经验,融会了整合的心理治疗理念,具有较高的参考价值。适合于心理学专业的医学生、从事心理治疗工作的咨询师、精神科医师、教育工作者以及对心理学有兴趣的人士参阅。 -
《教育心理学(下册)》的一个中心目标就是帮助你们发现自己是一个思想家和学习者。假如你们能理解自己是如何学习的,那么,你们就能更好地理解你们的学生是如何学习的,从而帮助他们更有效地进行学习。在《教育心理学(下册)》中,作者还提供了大量的练习。第四版内容的变化:第三版的许多内容仍保留在了第四版中。两个貌似被删除的部分实际上并没有删掉。第三版第九章的“内容学习”经过修改,被放到了“学习指南和读者”中。第三版第十四章的“通过学生间的相互交往促进学习”被放到了第七章,称作“作为一种社会过程的知识建构”和“创建学习者共同体”;课堂讨论、互动教学、合作学习和同伴指导的内容放到了第十三章中。这些变化为两方面的内容——动机和评估——提供了空间。动机和评估各占两章,还增加了有关影响学习的社会因素的内容,以及提出了教育者们日益关心的问题。 -
《自我结与解》选编了“青春热线”咨询案例中涉及自我的部分,围绕自我信念冲突、自我认同、自我定位等问题列举了典型案例,并在案例后附上专家的精彩点评。《自我结与解》主编陆小娅女士系“青春热线”督导,是“青春热线”的创始人和管理者,有着丰富的心理咨询经验,在心理学、教育学研究和实践中建树颇丰。《自我结与解》案例十分具有代表性,相信每一位读者都会在书中找到自己的影子。 -
《心理医生讲述的88个心理故事》主要内容:当前,社会正处于转型时期,人们对物质和精神的追求严重失衡,诸多心理问题在风云变幻的社会中急现。本展精神个体的人类在紧张激烈的竞争中往往忽视或压抑自己的真实感受,精神得不到释放,心理问题就逐渐增多,从而严重影响人们的正常工作和生活。如果你不愿意直面求助他人,不妨从他人的故事中寻找你所需要的解答,在一个个故事中涤荡自己的心灵,让身陷牢笼者摆脱心理疾病的羁绊…… -
《心理健康教育课程设计》随着学校心理健康教育的不断深入开展,心理健康教育课程越来越受到人们的重视。许多地方将心理健康教育课作为学校心理健康教育的主要渠道。不少省、市举行了不同层次的心理健康教育课的大奖赛,开发了各种各样的心理健康教育教材,等等。但是,就目前国内的总体情况而言,理论研究落后于实践,以致出现各种各样的偏向,如学科化倾向、课程化倾向、形式主义倾向以及理想主义倾向等。上面列举的这些问题,至少表明目前的心理健康教育课程有两大问题需要解决:一是心理健康教育课程的理论问题,如心理健康教育课程在学校心理健康教育中的地位和功能、心理健康教育课程与学校新课程改革的关系、心理健康教育课程的理论基础(包括课程论、心理学、社会学)等。二是心理健康教育课程的设计与具体实施策略。对于基层学校的教师来说,当然更关心后者,但是,理论上的认识也是重要的,它为实践提供了明确的指导。《心理健康教育课程设计》的内容框架正是基于这两大需要,而作了系统筹划。 -
Descartes' Error
Since Descartes famously proclaimed, "I think, therefore I am," science has often overlooked emotions as the source of a person’s true being. Even modern neuroscience has tended, until recently, to concentrate on the cognitive aspects of brain function, disregarding emotions. This attitude began to change with the publication of Descartes’ Error in 1995. Antonio Damasio—"one of the world’s leading neurologists" ( The New York Times )—challenged traditional ideas about the connection between emotions and rationality. In this wondrously engaging book, Damasio takes the reader on a journey of scientific discovery through a series of case studies, demonstrating what many of us have long suspected: emotions are not a luxury, they are essential to rational thinking and to normal social behavior. -
心理学是一门科学,而心理学的科学研究是充满挑战性且生动有趣的。心理学的知识来自具体的研究,要通过一套规范的研究程序才能获得。例如,要提出假设,设计一套研究程序或过程从而获得数据或事实材料,再进行精确的数据处理,获取可靠的研究结果的支持,从而验证假设。写心理学教科书必须本着持之有据,言之成理的科学态度,关注心理学家获取知识的思维过程和方法,进而引导读者去体会心理学家是如何提出问题和研究问题的。当然,如果只有数据、统计,没有人,没有活生生的“心理”,心理学研究就会失去意义。心理学还必须有“人性”、“人情”,要与人的心灵世界、与人的心理生活息息相通,并且有助于人的潜能的发挥和生活质量的提高。尤其是在公共课或通识课心理学教材中,更应强调这一点。心理学教学结合生活实际要求我们精选心理学的内容,将那些既能体现科学精神,又富于人文关怀和实用价值的知识,以生动形象的方式呈现出来。通过心理学的学习,大学生们能够经历心理现象的探索,感受心灵世界的丰富,加深对人性的感悟,提升自我的生活质量。 本教材站在新世纪的高起点上,对心理学的内容和呈现方式进行了全面的更新。首先,编者在精心组织教材内容方面狠下工夫,试图用一种新的话语系统来讲心理学。在编写中参考2000年以来翻译引进的经典教科书,并采用国际通行的课程内容。以“基于科学、关怀人性、联系实际”为指导思想,将既能体现科学精神,又富于人文关怀和实用价值的知识传授给学生。 -
Emotions Revealed, Second Edition
"A tour de force. If you read this book, you'll never look at other people in quite the same way again."--Malcolm Gladwell Renowned psychologist Paul Ekman explains the roots of our emotions--anger, fear, disgust, sadness, and happiness--and shows how they cascade across our faces, providing clear signals to those who can identify the clues. As featured in Malcolm Gladwell's bestseller "Blink," Ekman's Facial Action Coding System offers intense training in recognizing feelings in spouses, children, colleagues, even strangers on the street. In "Emotions Revealed," Ekman distills decades of research into a practical, mind-opening, and life-changing guide to reading the emotions of those around us. He answers such questions as: How does our body signal to others whether we are slightly sad or anguished, peeved or enraged? Can we learn to distinguish between a polite smile and the genuine thing? Can we ever truly control our emotions? Packed with unique exercises and photographs, and a new chapter on emotions and lying that encompasses security and terrorism as well as gut decisions, "Emotions Revealed" is an indispensable resource for navigating our emotional world. -
The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work
在线阅读本书 Book Description John Gottman has revolutionized the study of marriage by using rigorous scientific procedures to observe the habits of married couples in unprecedented detail over many years. Here is the culmination of his life's work: the seven principles that guide couples on the path toward a harmonious and long-lasting relationship. Packed with practical questionnaires and exercises, The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work is the definitive guide for anyone who wants their relationship to attain its highest potential. Amazon.com According to most relationship books, the key to a solid marriage is communication, communication, communication. Phooey, says John Gottman, Ph.D., author of the much-lauded Why Marriages Succeed or Fail. There's much more to a solid, "emotionally intelligent" marriage than sharing every feeling and thought, he points out--though most couples therapists ineffectively (and expensively) harp on these concepts. Gottman, the director of the Gottman Institute, has found through studying hundreds of couples in his "love lab" that it only takes five minutes for him to predict--with 91 percent accuracy--which couples will eventually divorce. He shares the four not-so-obvious signs of a troubled relationship that he looks for, using sometimes amusing passages from his sessions with married couples. (One standout is Rory, the pediatrician who didn't know the name of the family dog because he spent so much time at work.) Gottman debunks many myths about divorce (primary among them that affairs are at the root of most splits). He also reveals surprising facts about couples who stay together. They do engage in screaming matches. And they certainly don't resolve every problem. "Take Allan and Betty," he writes. "When Allan gets annoyed at Betty, he turns on ESPN. When Betty is upset with him, she heads for the mall. Then they regroup and go on as if nothing's happened. Never in forty-five years of marriage have they sat down to have a 'dialogue' about their relationship." While this may sound like a couple in trouble, Gottman found that they pass the love-lab tests and say honestly that "they are both very satisfied with their relationship and they love each other deeply." Through a series of in-depth quizzes, checklists, and exercises, similar to the ones he uses in his workshops, Gottman provides the framework for coping with differences and strengthening your marriage. His profiles of troubled couples rescued from the brink of divorce (including that of Rory, the out-of-touch doctor) and those of still-happy couples who reinvigorate their relationships are equally enlightening. --Erica Jorgensen About Author JOHN M. GOTTMAN, Ph.D., is a professor of psychology at the University of Washington and cofounder and codirector of the Seattle Marital and Family Institute. Book Dimension : length: (cm)20.5 width:(cm)13.3 -
我们比较在乎文章的内在逻辑是否严密,是否经得起推敲。有新思想但不太严密的文章比不上没有新思想但也没有漏洞的文章。自然,既有新思想又有可挑剔是完美的,肯定是高水准,但我们的学生为了发表或为了通过考试,必先“大智若愚”求生存,学习“固若金汤”的保守思维,久之,创新的欲望消弭了,“若愚”就成长为“真愚”了。 心理咨询也如此,国外许多理论架构是经不住我们的严推密敲的。譬如,无论“性本恶”还是“性本善”,不管是“现象学”还是“建构主义”,在我国学界都难过哲学关,要想在基础上建设“心理咨询宏伟大厦”恐怕痴心也不敢妄想。然而,就是这些谬论指导下的心理咨询能在国外风起云涌,大行其道。究其原因,关键在于他们的创新原欲不需要经过苛严的“检查官”,可以直接表达出来,犹如野马奔腾,生机盎然。 -
- 1 梦的解析:最佳译本
- 2 李鸿章全传
- 3 淡定的智慧
- 4 心理操控术
- 5 哈佛口才课
- 6 俗世奇人
- 7 日瓦戈医生
- 8 笑死你的逻辑学
- 9 历史老师没教过的历史
- 10 1分钟和陌生人成为朋友