

  • 心理咨询与心理治疗案例分析


    《心理咨询与心理治疗案例分析》通过对28个主要案例和数个附加案例的剖析,从各种障碍的心理诊断、成因分析、治疗过程等详细地描述了当代常用的心理治疗方法,这是《心理咨询与心理治疗案例分析》最重要的特色之处。在这些案例的分析中,涉及的疗法包括精神分析、内观疗法、认知疗法、行为疗法、心理疏导、角色扮演、集体疗法、家庭治疗、夫妻疗法、性相关疗法、音乐疗法、多模式疗法等。我们没有过多地渲染疗法的理论基础,而是通过对疗法技术细节的阐释,展现了各疗法的精髓所在。《心理咨询与心理治疗案例分析》的案例是按其标题的拼音字母顺序排列的。 在每一案例中,读者可以看到治疗师与来访者之间的对话,仿佛身临其境,从中细细品味每种治疗方法的过程和治疗师蕴心其中的技术细节。读者不仅在读故事,更主要可以通过细节的描述了解治疗师的思路,理解每种疗法的基本理论和技术处理,尤其是治疗师如何对来访者情绪、情感的敏锐感知和共情的处理及如何重塑他们的认知。读者可以看到在实际工作中治疗师如何生动地针对不同的情景而使用不同的技术进行不同取向的治疗。
  • 快乐人生7步骤


    《快乐人生7步骤》主要内容:我们都希望自己能够快乐生活,快乐工作,与他人快乐相处,但当你问起身边的人“你快乐吗?”大多数人的回答可能是“不知道”或“不快乐”。为什么快乐成了这么难的一件事?怎样才能真正快乐起来呢?想要快乐真的那么难吗? 快乐其实很简单,你要做的只是提高“快乐起点”。有史以来最畅销的励志作者玛西•西莫夫10年潜心研究,再一次给我们带来宛如《心灵鸡汤》一样的快乐阅读感受。100位快乐人士,21个感人至深的故事,7步通向终极快乐的法则,让我们再次感受心灵的盛宴,感叹于人生的奥秘,也一定会让你变得更加快乐起来。
  • 第六感决定你的一生


    在这本资料丰富而又引人入胜的小书中,第六感心灵导师索妮亚·舒奎特将告诉你一个秘密:你需要唤醒你灵感的声音,相信你的心灵震颤(心灵感应)。如果你希望步入心灵世界,体验活力四射、精神振奋的人生境界,以一种更为轻松愉快的方式生活,本书将会告诉你如何实现这一切。 在本书中,索妮亚讲述了现实生活中的一个个真实的故事,展示了人们如何沟通心灵感应,戏剧性地改变人生,使自己的生活步入佳境。你可以看到他们如何行事,如何思考,如何做出抉择,并且以什么样的态度和观点看待世界与人生。以那些六感人为榜样,你也可以激活自己的灵感频道。你的心灵感应将支持你的创造力,帮助你疗治情感创伤,抚慰你忧虑不安的心。它能带给内心的宁静,并且引导你以一种更高级、更和谐的方式生活。为了充分享受生活,获得上天赋予你的安全感、应有的信心和勇气,学会相信运用你的心灵感应吧!
  • 超级冷静


  • 精神病学


    本版教材在继承前5版经典内容的基础上,以生物-心理-社会医学模式为指导,强调从整体水平来看待精神障碍;特别重视基本理论、基本知识、基本技能的培养。在取材范围上,更新了各章病因学、精神药物等方面的最新研究成果。在章节编排上进行了部分改动。精神病学(第六版本科临床七轮)(配光盘)共19章,严格按照教科书特定的内容与形式编写。参加编写的人员均是活跃在精神医学临床、教学、科研第一线的专家学者。为了使读者更好地理解精神病学(第六版本科临床七轮)(配光盘)、增加相关知识与技能、自我检验知识的掌握程度,我们还编写了本教材的配套教材,如《精神病学教学大纲与习题集》、《双语的精神疾病案例集》等。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 第一章绪论 第二章精神障碍的分类与诊断标准 第三章精神障碍的症状学 第四章精神障碍的检查和诊断 第五章器质性精神障碍 第六章精神活性物质所致精神障碍 第七章精神分裂症及其他精神病性障碍 第八章心境障碍 第九章神经症性与分离性障碍 第十章应激相关障碍 第十一章心理因素相关生理障碍 第十二章人格障碍与性心理障碍 第十四章攻击行为、自杀与危机干预 第十五章会诊-联络精神病学 第十六章儿童少年期精神障碍 第十七章躯体治疗 第十八章心理治疗 第十九章精神障碍的预防和康复 第二十章精神疾病相关法律问题 参考文献 附录1中英文名词索引 附录2《精神病学》教学大纲(试用版)
  • 心智的无意识活动


    意识活动是心智研究之中最困难的问题之一,而科学界对心智的无意识活动仍然研究得较少。人类的有意识活动与无意识活动相对比,犹如冰山一角,在人脑单一的有意识活动背后,同时进行着众多无意识活动,构成了人们“熟能生巧”的行为或对外界刺激的自动反应。 本书强调了心智的无意识活动是有规律的,并着重讨论对无意识活动的自然科学研究。全书分八章,综述了心智和脑的研究状况,介绍无意识活动,并分别从心理学、神经生理学和脑动力学角度来研究无意识活动。 “意识与脑科学”丛书: 《脑与心智》 《心智的无意识活动》
  • 金星女火星男为什么会相撞


  • 神经症


    在心理学的各种学派中,我倾向于人本主义心理学关于神经症的理论,我认为Andras Angyal的整体观和冲突观较为可取。总之,一个人怎样看人性,他就会以相应的观点态度去看神经症病人。人性是不可穷究的,神经证也同样是不可穷究的。这样说来,我的这本小册子当然是零碎而肤浅的。因此,我诚恳地期待着读者的批评和指正。(许又新于1993年5月23日)--Teven.cn
  • Neuroeconomics

    作者:Glimcher, Paul W., P

    Neuroeconomics is a new highly promising approach to understanding the neurobiology of decision making and how it affects cognitive social interactions between humans and societies/economies. This book is the first edited reference to examine the science behind neuroeconomics, including how it influences human behavior and societal decision making from a behavioral economics point of view. Presenting a truly interdisciplinary approach, Neuroeconomics presents research from neuroscience, psychology, and behavioral economics, and includes chapters by all the major figures in the field, including two Economics nobel laureates. Carefully edited for a cohesive presentation of the material, the book is also a great textbook to be used in the many newly emerging graduate courses on Neuroeconomics in Neuroscience, Psychology, and Economics graduate schools. This groundbreaking work is sure to become the standard reference source for this growing area of research. * Editors and contributing authors represent the acknowledged experts and founders of the field of Neuroeconomics and include Nobel laureates Vernon Smith and Daniel Kahneman, making this the authoritative reference for the field * Presents an interdisciplinary view of the approaches, concepts, and results of the emerging field of neuroeconomics relevant for anyone interested in this area or research * Full color presentation throughout with carefully selected illustrations to highlight key concepts
  • 心理障碍自我疏导治疗


  • Meditation for Dummies

    作者:Bodian, Stephan

    The popular guide-over 80,000 copies sold of the first edition-now revised and enhanced with an audio CD of guided meditations According to Time magazine, over 15 million Americans now practice meditation regularly. It's a great way to reduce stress, increase energy, and enjoy better health. This fun and easy guide has long been a favorite with meditation newcomers. And now it's even better. For this new edition, author Stephan Bodian has added an audio CD with more than 70 minutes of guided meditations that are keyed to topics in the book, from tuning in to one's body, transforming suffering, and replacing negative patterns to grounding oneself, consulting the guru within, and finding a peaceful place. The book also discusses the latest research on the health benefits of meditation, along with new advice on how to get the most out of meditation in today's fast-paced world. Stephan Bodian (Fairfax, CA and Sedona, AZ) is a licensed psychotherapist and the former editor-in-chief of Yoga Journal. He has written for Fitness, Alternative Medicine, Cooking Light, and Tricycle and is the coauthor of Buddhism For Dummies (0-7645-5359-3).
  • Handbook of Self-determination Research

    作者:Deci, Edward L. (EDT

    Over the past twenty years an increasing number of researchers from various universities have been investigating motivational issues underlying the self-regulation of behavior. Using either Self-Determination Theory or closely related theoretical perspectives, these researchers have performed laboratory experiments, as well as field studies in a variety of real-world settings, including education, work, parenting, health care, sport, and protection of the environment. In April 1999 thirty of these researchers convened at the University of Rochester to present their work, share ideas, and discuss future research directions. The Handbook of Self-Determination Research is an outgrowth of that important and fascinating conference. It summarizes the research programs of these social, personality, clinical, developmental, and applied psychologists who have a shared belief in the importance of self-determination for understanding basic motivational processes and for solving pressing real-world problems. Eighteen chapters, including an overview of self-determination theory, present the current state of the research in this scientifically rigorous, yet highly relevant, approach to studying motivational problems in various life domains. Researchers from eighteen universities in the United States, Canada, and Germany present concise and up-to-date accounts of their research programs concerned with the self-determination of human behavior. In these chapters, scholars also consider the relevance of the research on self-determination to other areas of inquiry such as coping, self-esteem, and interest. Edward L. Deci and Richard Ryan are professors of psychology in the University of Rochester's Department of Clinical and Social Sciences in Psychology.
  • Civilization and Its Discontents

    作者:Sigmund Freud,Peter

    在线阅读本书 In what remains one of his most seminal papers, Freud considers the incompatibility of civilisation and individual happiness, and the tensions between the claims of society and the individual. We all know that living in civilised groups means sacrificing a degree of personal interest, but couldn't you argue that it in fact creates the conditions for our happiness? Freud explores the arguments and counter-arguments surrounding this proposition, focusing on what he perceives to be one of society's greatest dangers; 'civilised' sexual morality. After all, doesn't repression of sexuality deeply affect people and compromise their chances of happiness? --This text refers to the Paperback edition.
  • Strangers to Ourselves

    作者:Julia Kristeva

    Freud introduced the West to the unconscious, but the last half-century of psychology has reinvented it, argues University of Virginia psychology professor Timothy D. Wilson. In Strangers to Ourselves: Discovering the Adaptive Unconscious, Wilson attempts to explain why there's so much about ourselves that we fail to understand, which can lead to misdirected anger. He points to a revised, post-Freudian understanding of how the mind works: the reason that their own judgments, feelings, [and] motives remain mysterious to people is not repression, as Freud argued, but efficiency so that the mind can process and analyze multiple things at once. Wilson looks at ways that readers can probe their unconscious, suggesting that soliciting the opinions of others is actually more valuable than introspection.
  • Moral Psychology, The Evolution of Morality

    作者:Sinnott-Armstrong, W

    For much of the twentieth century, philosophy and science went their separate ways. In moral philosophy, fear of the so-called naturalistic fallacy kept moral philosophers from incorporating developments in biology and psychology. Since the 1990s, however, many philosophers have drawn on recent advances in cognitive psychology, brain science, and evolutionary psychology to inform their work. This collaborative trend is especially strong in moral philosophy, and these volumes bring together some of the most innovative work by both philosophers and psychologists in this emerging interdisciplinary field. The contributors to volume 1 discuss recent work on the evolution of moral beliefs, attitudes, and emotions. Each chapter includes an essay, comments on the essay by other scholars, and a reply by the author(s) of the original essay. Topics include a version of naturalism that avoids supposed fallacies, distinct neurocomputational systems for deontic reasoning, the evolutionary psychology of moral sentiments regarding incest, the sexual selection of moral virtues, the evolution of symbolic thought, and arguments both for and against innate morality. Taken together, the chapters demonstrate the value for both philosophy and psychology of collaborative efforts to understand the many complex aspects of morality.Contributors William Casebeer, Leda Cosmides, Oliver Curry, Michael Dietrich, Catherine Driscoll, Susan Dwyer, Owen Flanagan, Jerry Fodor, Gilbert Harman, Richard Joyce, Debra Lieberman, Ron Mallon, John Mikhail, Geoffrey Miller, Jesse Prinz, Peter Railton, Michael Ruse, Hagop Sarkissian, Walter Sinnott-Armstrong, Chandra Sekhar Sripada, Valerie Tiberius, John Tooby, Peter Tse, Kathleen Wallace, Arthur Wolf, David Wong Walter Sinnott-Armstrong is Professor of Philosophy and Hardy Professor of Legal Studies at Dartmouth College.
  • The Psychology of Humor

    作者:Martin, Rod A.

    Research on humor is carried out in a number of areas in psychology, including the cognitive (What makes something funny?), developmental (when do we develop a sense of humor?), and social (how is humor used in social interactions?) Although there is enough interest in the area to have spawned several societies, the literature is dispersed in a number of primary journals, with little in the way of integration of the material into a book. Dr. Martin is one of the best known researchers in the area, and his research goes across subdisciplines in psychology to be of wide appeal. This is a singly authored monograph that provides in one source, a summary of information researchers might wish to know about research into the psychology of humor. The material is scholarly, but the presentation of the material is suitable for people unfamiliar with the subject-making the book suitable for use for advanced undergraduate and graduate level courses on the psychology of humor-which have not had a textbook source. 2007 AATH Book Award for Humor/Laughter Research category! *Up-to-date coverage of research on humor and laughter in every area of psychology *Research findings are integrated into a coherent conceptual framework *Includes recent brain imaging studies, evolutionary models, and animal research *Draws on contributions from sociology, linguistics, neuroscience, and anthropology *Provides an overview of theories of humor and early research *Explores applications of humor in psychotherapy, education, and the workplace *Points out interesting topics for further research and promising research methodologies *Written in a scholarly yet easily accessible style *2007 AATH Book Award for Humor/Laughter Research category
  • Man's Search for Meaning

    作者:Frankl, Viktor

    We needed to stop asking about the meaning of life, and instead to think of ourselves as those who were being questioned by life-daily and hourly. Our answer must consist not in talk and meditation, but in right action and in right conduct. Life ultimately means taking the responsibility to find the right answer to its problems and to fulfill the tasks which it constantly sets for each individual. When Man's Search for Meaning was first published in 1959, it was hailed by Carl Rogers as "one of the outstanding contributions to psychological thought in the last fifty years." Now, more than forty years and 4 million copies later, this tribute to hope in the face of unimaginable loss has emerged as a true classic. Man's Search for Meaning --at once a memoir, a self-help book, and a psychology manual-is the story of psychiatrist Viktor Frankl's struggle for survival during his three years in Auschwitz and other Nazi concentration camps. Yet rather than "a tale concerned with the great horrors," Frankl focuses in on the "hard fight for existence" waged by "the great army of unknown and unrecorded." Viktor Frankl's training as a psychiatrist allowed him a remarkable perspective on the psychology of survival. In these inspired pages, he asserts that the "the will to meaning" is the basic motivation for human life. This simple and yet profound statement became the basis of his psychological theory, logotherapy, and forever changed the way we understand our humanity in the face of suffering. As Nietzsche put it, "He who has a why to live for can bear almost any how." Frankl's seminal work offers us all an avenue to greater meaning and purpose in our own lives-a way to transcend suffering and find significance in the act of living.
  • Self Esteem Issues And Answers

    作者:Kernis, Michael H. (

  • The Scientist in the Crib

    作者:Alison Gopnik,Andrew

    This exciting book by three pioneers in the new field of cognitive science discusses important discoveries about how much babies and young children know and learn, and how much parents naturally teach them.It argues that evolution designed us both to teach and learn, and that the drive to learn is our most important instinct. It also reveals as fascinating insights about our adult capacities and how even young children -- as well as adults -- use some of the same methods that allow scientists to learn so much about the world. Filled with surprise at every turn, this vivid, lucid, and often funny book gives us a new view of the inner life of children and the mysteries of the mind.
  • 心理治疗师培训教程


    《心理治疗师培训教程》以其高度的整合性、实用性和可操作性,力图通过整个培训计划使学员更好地掌握心理治疗的内涵,并在实践中找到最适合自己的治疗风格。这《心理治疗师培训教程》的主要特色之一是需要学员积极地参与而不是被动地接受信息。它用大量的练习、问卷、案例分析为学员搭建起一个轻松的学习平台。 《心理治疗师培训教程》的第一版曾获得1999年美国学院精神医学协会颁发的教育奖,以及2001年美国精神科医师学会颁发的教育创新奖。相信此第二版一定会给心理治疗师们带来更多的惊喜。