这是一本女人不可不读的快意恋爱书。 作者文字麻辣鲜香,生猛娇俏。不仅叫一堆无病呻吟的文字小资丢盔卸甲落荒而逃,更快刀斩乱麻,“无情”地揭穿爱情中各种虚妄假象,让你—— 直面淋漓现实,拿出勇气,清醒头脑,赢得爱情,收获幸福! 在书中,作者不是盲目告诉你何时爱,怎么爱,而是清晰地告诉你—— 怎么做你才更快乐,爱人才不会变成负担和累赘。 “情商”无关年龄,十八岁的女孩可以在恋爱方面非常老到,四十岁的女人也可能脑子里养金鱼。所以无论谁,请记得最好的恋爱应该像打麻将,要有点游戏精神,自负盈亏,绝不撒赖,愿赌服输,好聚好散! -
身处职场,你需要与老板和同事交往,与客户交涉;回归日常生活,你需要维系亲情和友情……所有的人际圈和行为都在要求你具备高明的“说服术”来打动你必须打动的人,稍有不慎,一句话就能让你“遭遇红灯”,跌入谷底;反之,小小一个表情也能让你收获一笔大订单,赢得佳人芳心。 在这里,职场心理学专家内藤谊人要告诉你的,并非高深莫测的“法术”,而是基于科学的心理学数据、深具可操作性的“生活之术”,简单,但卓有成效!连不善言辞的人也能轻松应用,成为一个人人称羡的“说话专家”! -
《语境中的社会建构》主要基于以下的假设进行理论推演:任何关于世界的描述或解释都无法准确映射、描绘或反映所存事物;我们描述和解释世界的方式是关系的结果;世界建构的重要性在于其社会效用;我们在描述和解释的同时,也塑造了我们的未来;而要造福于我们的未来,关键在于反思我们视之为理所当然的世界。 社会建构论是当代人文和社会科学的普遍思潮。格根堪称当代社会建构论之领军人物,此作亦属社会建构论在社会心理学领域中的典范之作。 -
《心灵活泉》是国际级大师海灵格多年工作的里程碑,《心灵活泉》阐述他发展家族系统排列背后的原理与方法论,并详录他多年排列工作中所获得的洞见,包括对家庭、亲子、两性、疾病、创伤、情绪、精神病、心理治疗、心灵成长等,以及宗教行为、死亡和去世的人对人们的影响以及朝向和解与和平的方法。这是一位助人长者走过一段漫长之路所形成的智慧结晶,提供给想为自己开启一趟全新生命旅程的人。对于想了解海灵格及系统排列的人,《心灵活泉》绝对是必备的经典。 -
30 Lessons for Living
More than one thousand extraordinary Americans share their stories and the wisdom they have gained on living, loving, and finding happiness. After a chance encounter with an extraordinary ninety-year-old woman, renowned gerontologist Karl Pillemer began to wonder what older people know about life that the rest of us don't. His quest led him to interview more than one thousand Americans over the age of sixty-five to seek their counsel on all the big issues- children, marriage, money, career, aging. Their moving stories and uncompromisingly honest answers often surprised him. And he found that he consistently heard advice that pointed to these thirty lessons for living. Here he weaves their personal recollections of difficulties overcome and lives well lived into a timeless book filled with the hard-won advice these older Americans wish someone had given them when they were young. Like This I Believe, StoryCorps's Listening Is an Act of Love, and Tuesdays with Morrie, 30 Lessons for Living is a book to keep and to give. Offering clear advice toward a more fulfilling life, it is as useful as it is inspiring. -
《唤醒敬畏:发生深刻转变的个人传奇》内容简介:孤独、死亡、自由、生命的意义,既是存在主义的四大终极关怀,也是我们每一个人都会面临的生命课题。心理咨询就是助人自助,这个助人的过程有什么媒介吗?怎样才能触发引起深刻转变的契机?世界上最难改变的是人心,人心的转变是咨询师与来访者斗智斗勇,还是什么其他神秘体验?当代存在主义心理学大师科克J.施奈德通过真实的生命传奇,为你讲述艺术疗法及追求人生意义的生命体验,带你用全新的视角去感受真实的生活,无论你是心理工作者还是人生路上的彷徨者,相信《唤醒敬畏:发生深刻转变的个人传奇》都可以带你体验那种神秘的敬畏。 -
《爱的教养:培养孩子的共情力》用11个孩子真实而又令人心疼的故事,揭示世上最好的教养结果,不是成绩有多好、不是运动有多棒,而是让孩子拥有感受爱、付出爱的能力。这就是爱的教养,这种能力就是共情力。社会中出现了越来越多的冷漠的孩子,他们其实就是缺乏共情力的孩子,这样的孩子不容易理解别人,信任别人,亲近别人,他们没有爱别人、接受爱的能力。但其实每个孩子天生就会爱。只要我们用爱去培养他们的共情力,这个世界就将不再冷漠。 -
《最后一堂生死课》内容简介:生是什么?死是什么?不知死,焉知生?在生死之间,如何活得更有意义?《最后一堂生死课》探讨:生从何来,死往何去,生死之间应做何事?引领我们从死亡恐惧中关照自己,觉察出活着的意义。 《最后一堂生死课》对从中西哲学、心理学与宗教的生死观,到死后世界、前世今生的种种讨论,精粹出其中的精华;并提供了悲伤处理、安宁疗护、临终病人的濒死历程、告别式等问题的讨论与建议。关于生前死后的种种生死学课题,就是《最后一堂生死课》的内容。 作者辜琮瑜以开放性的角度,从生活的体验中提供面对生死的种种可能,引领读者找到与建立自己的生死观。 -
《心理学常识速查速用大全集(案例应用版)》是当今的时代,都市寄居者梭在地下蛇形的铁轨、纠缠在糟糕的人际关系之中、岁月也在催促着人们老去……面对日益膨胀的社会压力、面对日益融烈的生存竞争,不快乐渐渐成为了普遍状态,我们都开始寻找:如何找固那个恬静的自己,如何平衡欲望与悲悯的冲突…… 如果有一个开阔的心境作为出口,如果能够破除自己的心魔,那么很多事情就会迎刃而解。为此,京师心智等编写了这本《心理学常识速查速用大全集》,献给广大读者朋友。 我们相信,《心理学常识速查速用大全集》能让您在心理学的殿堂中流连忘返,帮助您快速、轻松地掌握心理学基础知识,抓住看透人心的要诀,准确把握自我性格,缓解心理压力,妥善处理人际关系,有效提高生活品质。 -
《改变你一生的怪诞行为心理学》内容简介:为什么我们会在超市里疯抢自己不需要的东西?为什么有些人能从一个人的笔迹中看出他的品性?为什么心情不同的时候,时间的长短也不一样?……你以为经过思考就一定能做出正确的决策吗?你以为深信不疑的记忆就一定真实存在吗?你以为商品物美价廉就一定会占到便宜吗?学会驾驭非理性,做生活掌舵手!《改变你一生的怪诞行为心理学》运用心理学知识,对生活中常见却百思不解的现象进行分析,从而让我们重新认识自己和他人,在自我认知和现实生活之间建立一座桥梁。 -
The Whole-Brain Child
Your toddler throws a tantrum in the middle of a store. Your preschooler refuses to get dressed. Your fifth-grader sulks on the bench instead of playing on the field. Do children conspire to make their parents’ lives endlessly challenging? No—it’s just their developing brain calling the shots! In this pioneering, practical book, Daniel J. Siegel, neuropsychiatrist and author of the bestselling Mindsight , and parenting expert Tina Payne Bryson demystify the meltdowns and aggravation, explaining the new science of how a child’s brain is wired and how it matures. The “upstairs brain,” which makes decisions and balances emotions, is under construction until the mid-twenties. And especially in young children, the right brain and its emotions tend to rule over the logic of the left brain. No wonder kids can seem—and feel—so out of control. By applying these discoveries to everyday parenting, you can turn any outburst, argument, or fear into a chance to integrate your child’s brain and foster vital growth. Raise calmer, happier children using twelve key strategies, including • Name It to Tame It: Corral raging right-brain behavior through left-brain storytelling, appealing to the left brain’s affinity for words and reasoning to calm emotional storms and bodily tension. • Engage, Don’t Enrage: Keep your child thinking and listening, instead of purely reacting. • Move It or Lose It: Use physical activities to shift your child’s emotional state. • Let the Clouds of Emotion Roll By: Guide your children when they are stuck on a negative emotion, and help them understand that feelings come and go. • SIFT: Help children pay attention to the Sensations, Images, Feelings, and Thoughts within them so that they can make better decisions and be more flexible. • Connect Through Conflict: Use discord to encourage empathy and greater social success. Complete with clear explanations, age-appropriate strategies for dealing with day-to-day struggles, and illustrations that will help you explain these concepts to your child, The Whole-Brain Child shows you how to cultivate healthy emotional and intellectual development so that your children can lead balanced, meaningful, and connected lives. -
《社会心理学(原书第12版)》内容简介:社会心理学已经从曾经的边缘地位进入现代心理学的核心,因为它揭示个体的心理机能,丰富我们社会的灵魂。通过严密的实验和实地研究,社会心理学家证明,要全面了解行为就必须认识环境、内容和文化的重要性。社会心理学不像心理学其他领域那样只强调个体作为分析单位,而是在社会背景中去探索行为。社会心理学家实际上是在经营心理学的“百货商店”,把心理学免费送给大家,使普通大众能够终生享用。 《社会心理学(原书第12版)》适合于心理学专业本科学生及考研生。 -
Women Who Run with the Wolves
'"Women Who Run With The Wolves" isn't just another book. It is a gift of profound insight, wisdom and love. An oracle from one who knows.' - Alice Walker. In the classic "Women Who Run With The Wolves", Clarissa Pinkola Estes tells us about the 'wild woman', the wise and ageless presence in the female psyche that gives women their creativity, energy and power. For centuries, the 'wild woman' has been repressed by a male-orientated value system which trivialises women's emotions. Using a combination of time-honoured stories and contemporary casework, Estes reveals that the 'wild woman' in us is innately healthy, passionate and wise. Thoughtfully written and compelling in its arguments, "Women Who Run With The Wolves" gives readers a new sense of direction, a self confidence and purpose in their lives. -
在这本书中,曼弗雷德考察了一些重大的现代领导力问题。例如:什么造就了领导者?什么是有效领导?什么是无效领导?如果领导者变质,组织会发生什么事情?成功的领导者和失败的领导分别对追随者和组织有什么影响?面对全球化和新市场,组织领导力必须如何响应? 本书中的提到了一些历史上以及当今世界极为知名的领导者,有马其顿的亚历山大、南非传奇国王夏卡?祖鲁、维珍集团创始人理查德?布兰森、通用电气CEO杰克?韦尔奇,在这些人身上,既聚集着光彩、荣耀和丰功伟绩,同时他们也有巨大的性格阴暗面,甚至是可怕的一面。可以说,他们既是英雄,也是坏蛋,对此曼弗雷德都进行了深刻的剖析。 同时,曼弗雷德还援引了其他许多真实案例,这些第一手资料都是来自他本人的精神治疗师经历。作为一名组织领导力临床研究先驱,他曾经近距离接触过大量经理人,这些经理人有些接受过他的访谈,还有的则是常年向他进行心理咨询,接受帮助和治疗。相比名声赫赫的亚历山大和布兰森等人,这些经理人的故事更接近于我们的现实生活,他们的性格和行为表现也具有普适性和代表性。因此,无论我们是组织中的领导者或普通成员,都能从中多少窥见自己的影子,并对自己的行为进行反思,洞悉自己的性格,得到自我提升。 -
The Believing Brain
The Believing Brain is divided into four parts. Part I, “Journeys of Belief,” includes personal narratives of belief, including that of the author; Part II, “The Biology of Belief,” bores into the brain and explains how the mind works to form beliefs, from thoughts and ideas down to neurons firing across tiny synaptic gaps as they talk to one another chemically; Part III, “Belief in Things Unseen” applies my theory beliefs to the afterlife, God, aliens, and conspiracies; and Part IV, “Belief in Things Seen,” examines the role of beliefs in politics, economics, and ideologies, explains how belief confirmation works to assure that we are always right, and then explores the history of scientific exploration, from the world to the cosmos, and how science works to overcome the power of belief. The Believing Brain begins with three personal belief stories. The first story is about a man whom you will have never heard of but who had a profound and life-changing experience in the wee hours of the morning many decades ago that still haunts him to this day and drives him to search for ultimate meaning in the cosmos. The second story is about a man whom you will most definitely have heard of as he is one of the greatest scientists of our age, and he too had a life-changing early-morning experience that confirmed his decision to make a religious leap of faith. The third story is Dr. Shermer’s own passage from believer to skeptic, and what he learned along the way that drove him into a professional career of the scientific study of belief systems. From narrative stories Dr. Shermer turns to an architecture of belief systems, how they are formed, nourished, reinforced, changed, and extinguished, first conceptually through the two theoretical constructs he developed called patternicity and agenticity, and then delve deeper into how these cognitive processes evolved and what purpose they served in the lives of our ancestors as well as in our lives today. Dr. Shermer then bores deeper into the brain, right down to the neurophysiology of belief system construction at the single neuron level, and then reconstructs from the bottom up how brains form beliefs. Then we shall examine how belief systems operate with regard to belief in religion, the afterlife, God, extraterrestrials, conspiracies, politics, economics, and ideologies of all stripes, and then consider how a host of cognitive processes convince us that our beliefs are truths. In the final chapters we will consider how we know any of our beliefs are believable, which patterns are true and which false, which agents are real and which are chimera, and how science works as the ultimate pattern detection device. In the end, all of us are trying to make sense of the world, and nature has gifted us with a double-edge sword that cuts for and against. On one edge, our brains are the most complex and sophisticated information processing machines in the universe, capable of understanding not only the universe itself but of understanding the process of understanding. On the other edge, by the very same process of forming beliefs about the universe and ourselves, we are also more capable than any other species of self-deception and illusion, of fooling ourselves while we are trying to avoid being fooled by nature. -
《布鲁纳教育文化观》是布鲁纳对教育提出了艰巨的任务:除了原有的知识教育,还应关心意义的教育。毫无疑问,这是极其艰难的任务。布鲁纳认为,要解决意义教育的问题,教育界必须认识到,“学校就是文化本身,而不仅仅是文化的准备或热身阶段”。因此,深入思考学校文化,将学校建设成为互助型的学习共同体,不仅是一种教育的乌托邦理想,也是人们和谐相处的文化之道。 -
《世界上最经典的心理学故事大全集(超值白金版)》内容简介:每个人都喜欢看故事、读故事,因为它能带给我们无穷的知识和无尽的智慧;能使我们在轻松的阅读中得到有益的启迪,更深刻地理解和把握人生;能使我们的意志更加坚强,人格越发健全;是我们迷失时的灯塔,也是我们春风得意时的镇一静剂。正如罗斯•斯图特所说:“一个故事能改善与他人之间的关系,怡人性情,使人恍然大悟;一个故事可以使我们沉思生存之意义;一个故事可以使我们接受新的真理,或给我们以新的视野和方式去体察大千世界,芸芸众生。” 《世界上最经典的心理学故事大全集(超值白金版)》(路西编写)汇集了最经典、最发人深思、最耐人寻味的心理学故事,剥去了心理学复杂的外衣,形象而生动地剖析了心理学的原理、规律和方法,揭示了心理学的奥秘。即使不懂心理学的人,也可以通过一个个经典的故事汲取心理学的智慧,破译内心的记忆密码,解读神秘的心理效应;驱除糟糕情绪的困扰,远离亚健康的导火索;洞悉灰包心理的内涵,摆脱阴暗心理的羁绊;摒弃不良嗜好与怪癖,挣脱异常心珲的毒害;跨越畸变的人格障碍,扭转走向歧途的性灵;全力地塑造阳光心态,成功地打造完美个性。 希望你可以在轻松的心境下,和我们一起,读读《世界上最经典的心理学故事大全集(超值白金版)》的故事,悟悟人生,为心灵打开尘封的锁,给心灵找个歇脚的地方,从而体味超越自我的人生圆满。 -
在马里奥•巴特《这样猜透女人心》取得巨大成功之后,男人们应付起女人越来越游刃有余,而不幸的女人,在和男性的沟通中却依旧茫然无措。幸好有“男性管理专家”之称的苏珊娜和康斯坦斯雪中送炭,及时撰写了这本妙趣横生又极其实用的小册子。 对于女人,本书将指点你如何通过男人的简单话语和肢体动作来认清他们——不是认清他们的外表,而是彻彻底底的本质!书中所授的一些实用小技巧,定能迅速减轻你面对异性时的交际压力! 对于男人,如果你不想再因为自己鲁莽的话语和行动而导致女人的恐怖折磨,还等什么,赶紧拿起这本书吧! -
《教育心理学(第8版•双语教学版)》从理论和实践的角度出发,介绍了教育心理学领域内的主要理论、基本概念、基本规律与方法,反映了当前有关的新理论与新进展。它鼓励教师去思考学生如何发展和学习;鼓励教师在教学之前和教学过程中做出决策;鼓励教师思考如何证明学生正在进行学习、正在迈向成功。《教育心理学(第8版•双语教学版)》教会我们如何将教育心理学的理论知识迁移到现实的课堂教学中,帮助我们成长为一个“有意识的教师”。 -
《弗洛伊德的椅子》内容简介:躺卧在心底的椅子上,探寻自我奥秘的温暖体验。“人心像座冰山,只有巨大冰块儿的一小部分露出水面漂浮着。”弗洛伊德•西格蒙德的这种说法,一语道破了天机。表明了人心都有无法透露的“一本难念的经”。因此,在面对自己的时候,时而会感到陌生,时而会感到茫然,时而会感到怅惘。能窥探这一内心深处的透视镜、打开心灵之门的钥匙,正是“精神分析学”理论。 无意识会怎样驾驭我们? 时而怕失败不敢挑战,时而已筋疲力尽却为使自己更趋完美继续通宵达旦;明知会受伤,可是还在重复昨天的日子,我们就是这样。 谁都无法理解这些举动的另一面,潜藏着驾驭我们的无意识。它是什么样呢?那里面自我会是怎样的形象呢} 踏入内心世界的第一步。 读《弗洛伊德的椅子》你会感到就像躺在舒适的沙发上与精神分析学家聊天一样,触动着深藏的自我,是一个亮出内心的压抑、疼痛、伤处,进行调节,了解和治疗的过程。 《弗洛伊德的椅子》将会引领我们踏进精神分析心理学的天地,进行一次精神分析的旅行;对一味地想掩盖伤处的自我,《弗洛伊德的椅子》告诉了我们怎样去了解和面对的方法,如涓涓溪流把我们带入温馨的彼岸。
- 1 梦的解析:最佳译本
- 2 李鸿章全传
- 3 淡定的智慧
- 4 心理操控术
- 5 哈佛口才课
- 6 俗世奇人
- 7 日瓦戈医生
- 8 笑死你的逻辑学
- 9 历史老师没教过的历史
- 10 1分钟和陌生人成为朋友