

  • 疯狂

    作者:皮特·厄雷 (Pete Earley)

  • 康复是一场旅行


  • The Number Sense

    作者:Stanislas Dehaene

    Our understanding of how the human brain performs mathematical calculations is far from complete, but in recent years there have been many exciting breakthroughs by scientists all over the world. Now, in The Number Sense, Stanislas Dehaene offers a fascinating look at this recent research, in an enlightening exploration of the mathematical mind. Dehaene begins with the eye-opening discovery that animals--including rats, pigeons, raccoons, and chimpanzees--can perform simple mathematical calculations, and that human infants also have a rudimentary number sense. Dehaene suggests that this rudimentary number sense is as basic to the way the brain understands the world as our perception of color or of objects in space, and, like these other abilities, our number sense is wired into the brain. These are but a few of the wealth of fascinating observations contained here. We also discover, for example, that because Chinese names for numbers are so short, Chinese people can remember up to nine or ten digits at a time--English-speaking people can only remember seven. The book also explores the unique abilities of idiot savants and mathematical geniuses, and we meet people whose minute brain lesions render their mathematical ability useless. This new and completely updated edition includes all of the most recent scientific data on how numbers are encoded by single neurons, and which brain areas activate when we perform calculations. Perhaps most important, The Number Sense reaches many provocative conclusions that will intrigue anyone interested in learning, mathematics, or the mind. "A delight." --Ian Stewart, New Scientist "Read The Number Sense for its rich insights into matters as varying as the cuneiform depiction of numbers, why Jean Piaget's theory of stages in infant learning is wrong, and to discover the brain regions involved in the number sense." --The New York Times Book Review "Dehaene weaves the latest technical research into a remarkably lucid and engrossing investigation. Even readers normally indifferent to mathematics will find themselves marveling at the wonder of minds making numbers." --Booklist
  • 內在小孩


    《零極限》修•藍博士與全球實際執行清理最久的KR女士,一起對談影響我們一生最重要的內在小孩(潛意識)! 原本我期望讀了書可以獲得幸福或奇蹟降臨,但讀著讀著,卻感受到自己終於從期待、執著、審判等感情中解放,覺得和內在自己有更密切的關係和愛。 荷歐波諾波諾這套神奇的夏威夷療法,透過四句話來清理我們的資訊(記憶),讓我們回歸到零、回歸到靈感的狀態,因而解決我們所遭遇的問題。 荷歐波諾波諾認為,所謂的「問題」,不過是「內在小孩」重播出來的記憶而已。只要你為問題負百分之百的責任,與自己的內在小孩建立起親密的關係,他必定能給你意想不到的幫助,讓你的人生更加圓滿,進而遇見「真正的自己」。 繼《零極限》《零極限之富在工作》之後,修•藍博士與KR女士在本書中以對話的方式,探討內在小孩的重要性:告訴我們如何傾聽自己的內在小孩、如何愛自己的內在小孩、如何取得內在小孩的信任
  • 心理学家教你相面术


    面孔是一本书,人们从中可以读到许多有用且有趣的东西! 本书从解剖学、行为学和心理学的角度,阐述了行为、心理和社会经历等因素如何影响面部形态的形成,进而归纳出一套系统、科学的解读面孔的方法——划区解读法: 眼睛的形状反映出性格类型; 瞳孔的大小与情欲强弱有关; 眉毛的形态反映惯常的情绪状态; 鼻子的形状是心智模式的标志,而大小又与性能力相关; 嘴唇和口部形态反映处世态度与容忍度; 下巴与颌部暗示着争强好斗或软弱可欺; …… 正如苏格兰诗人所说,思想和感情的利凿一直在雕刻着我们的面容。学会解读面孔,你将会看到每个人在各自的面孔中所记下的关于他的生活的一切!
  • 别让常识骗了你


  • Envy Up, Scorn Down

    作者:Susan T. Fiske

    The United States was founded on the principle of equal opportunity for all, and this ethos continues to inform the nation’s collective identity. In reality, however, absolute equality is elusive. The gap between rich and poor has widened in recent decades, and the United States has the highest level of economic inequality of any developed country. Social class and other differences in status reverberate throughout American life, and prejudice based on another’s perceived status persists among individuals and groups. In Envy Up, Scorn Down, noted social psychologist Susan Fiske examines the psychological underpinnings of interpersonal and intergroup comparisons, exploring why we compare ourselves to those both above and below us and analyzing the social consequences of such comparisons in day-to-day life. What motivates individuals, groups, and cultures to envy the status of some and scorn the status of others? Who experiences envy and scorn most? Envy Up, Scorn Down marshals a wealth of recent psychological studies as well as findings based on years of Fiske’s own research to address such questions. She shows that both envy and scorn have distinctive biological, emotional, cognitive, and behavioral characteristics. And though we are all “wired” for comparison, some individuals are more vulnerable to these motives than others. Dominant personalities, for example, express envy toward high-status groups such as the wealthy and well-educated, and insecurity can lead others to scorn those perceived to have lower status, such as women, minorities, or the disabled. Fiske shows that one’s race or ethnicity, gender, and education all correlate with perceived status. Regardless of whether one is accorded higher or lower status, however, all groups rank their members, and all societies rank the various groups within them. We rate each group as either friend or foe, able or unable, and accordingly assign them the traits of warmth or competence. The majority of groups in the United States are ranked either warm or competent but not both, with extreme exceptions: the homeless or the very poor are considered neither warm nor competent. Societies across the globe view older people as warm but incompetent. Conversely, the very rich are generally considered cold but highly competent. Envy Up, Scorn Down explores the nuances of status hierarchies and their consequences and shows that such prejudice in its most virulent form dehumanizes and can lead to devastating outcomes—from the scornful neglect of the homeless to the envious anger historically directed at Tutsis in Rwanda or Jews in Europe. Individuals, groups, and even cultures will always make comparisons between and among themselves. Envy Up, Scorn Down is an accessible and insightful examination of drives we all share and the prejudice that can accompany comparison. The book deftly shows that understanding envy and scorn—and seeking to mitigate their effects—can prove invaluable to our lives, our relationships, and our society.
  • The Optimism Bias

    作者:Tali Sharot

    From one of the most innovative neuroscientists at work today, an investigation into the bias toward optimism that exists on a neural level in our brains and plays a major part in determining how we live our lives. Psychologists have long been aware that most people maintain an often irrationally positive outlook on life. In fact, optimism may be crucial to our existence. Tali Sharot’s experiments, research, and findings in cognitive science have contributed to an increased understanding of the biological basis of optimism. In this fascinating exploration, she takes an in-depth, clarifying look at how the brain generates hope and what happens when it fails; how the brains of optimists and pessimists differ; why we are terrible at predicting what will make us happy; how emotions strengthen our ability to recollect; how anticipation and dread affect us; and how our optimistic illusions affect our financial, professional, and emotional decisions. With its cutting-edge science and its wide-ranging and accessible narrative, The Optimism Bias provides us with startling new insight into the workings of the brain.
  • Evolutionary Psychology

    作者:David Buss

    For courses in Evolutionary Psychology . David Buss, one of the foremost researchers in the field, has thoroughly revised his already successful text with nearly 400 new referencesto provide an even more comprehensive overview of this dynamic field. Using cutting-edge research and an engaging writing style, theFourth Edition of Evolutionary Psychology ensures that your students will master the material presented.
  • Love at Goon Park

    作者:Blum, Deborah

    In the early twentieth century, affection between parents and their children was discouraged--psychologists thought it would create needy kids, and doctors thought it would spread infectious disease. It took a revolution in psychology to overturn these beliefs and prove that touch ensures emotional and intellectual health. In Love at Goon Park, Pulitzer Prize winner Deborah Blum charts this profound cultural shift by tracing the story of Harry Harlow--the man who studied neglect and its life-altering consequences on primates in his lab. The biography of both a man and an idea, Love at Goon Park ultimately invites us to examine ourselves and the way we love.
  • 佛祖也纠结


    《佛祖也纠结:给困顿生活的一帖复活剂》主要内容简介:生活所有的烦恼都是因为工资太少,钱不够用?工作所有的问题都是因为老板没能力,制度不人性?婚姻所有的问题都是因为爱人不体贴,孩子不听话?当人生遇到困境,我们习惯简单归因,头痛医头,脚痛医脚,但你是否仔细想过:一切问题的根源在哪儿? 《佛组也纠结:给困顿生活的一帖复活剂》讲的是如何从困境走向自由。摆脱困境,从来都不只是被动妥协、哪儿疼医哪儿这么简单,而是在种种问题的历练中,形成一种内在的稳定感,让你即使面对狂风暴雨,也能保持内心的平静,不再挣扎、不再对抗。这需要你了解自己最深层的感受,理清自己容易受困的根源,需要你拿出勇气,在日常琐事中大刀阔斧地改变、重生。当你回归自我、接受生活的本来面目时,种种问题的答案自会不期而至,因为打开困顿之门的钥匙本就在我们自己手中!
  • 分心的孩子这样教

    作者:[美] 爱德华•哈洛韦尔,[美] 彼得•

    孩子,你能不能不丢三落四、不磨磨蹭蹭,老实坐一会儿? 你为什么不能像其他孩子那样乖乖的?我该拿你怎么办? 你是不是常常或总是听到别人这样投诉你的孩子?指责孩子不用心,或是要求孩子努力专注,不但对于行为的改善没有任何效果,反而会让亲子关系更加紧张。本书作者提倡务实的优势取向治疗,苦口婆心地告诉父母如何与分心儿童一起成长、协助他们顺利度过学校生活。 “飞鱼”菲尔普斯在9岁那年被发现有分心的问题。他的妈妈知道后很伤心,但是她并没有放弃他,而是通过自己的努力向人们证明了分心的孩子也可以有美好的未来。对于国内第一本“分心”的书,这本书一定能帮助更多的父母把分心变成福气。
  • 3096天


    我放慢腳步,下一秒整個人卻僵住了,一種莫名的恐懼襲上心頭。 「怎麼可能會發生什麼事?」我告訴自己。 但是,接下來的一切發生地太快了……… 一九九八年,十歲的娜塔莎被綁架,並開始長達八年多的囚禁生活。 從等待到絕望,娜塔莎被迫剃光頭髮,半裸身體,像奴隸般的工作為 在不見天日的地牢中,娜塔莎最渴望的是太陽的溫暖,家人的擁抱。 逃出魔掌後四年,娜塔莎首度打破沉默,為自已發聲,記錄那三千多個日子的地獄生活。 1998年3月,10歲的娜塔莎.坎普許被綁架,並被關在一個車庫地下室長達八年半。八年半來,娜塔莎.坎普許在三坪大的黑暗地牢中生活,沒有太陽,沒有月亮。 八年半來,娜塔莎.坎普許不斷的被歐打、羞辱,甚至聽到骨頭被打到斷裂的聲音。 八年半來,娜塔莎.坎普許每天都衣不蔽體,甚至被迫剃光頭髮、半裸著做著奴隸般的粗重工作。 八年半來,娜塔莎.坎普許不止一次的試圖自殺,可是另一個自我又不斷的要她別放棄求生的希望。 八年半來,娜塔莎.坎普許被迫改變原有的名字,甚至要稱呼綁匪「國王」。 八年半來,娜塔莎.坎普許因長期的營養不良與饑餓而骨瘦如柴。 在不斷的惡夢中,2006年8月,娜塔莎.坎普許總算成功逃脫……,綁匪則在第一時間畏罪自…… ◎聯合推薦 精神科醫生、作家/王浩威 台灣的好媳婦/李佩甄 暢銷書作家、名主持人/夏韻芬 名主播、暢銷書作家/張珮珊 部落格作家、心理醫師/貴婦奈奈 知名DJ、歌手/盧春如(Ruby) 知名藝人/傅娟
  • 全日本都在玩的手指识人术


    《全日本都在玩的手指识人术(附赠:指占好运尺)》:懂心理学的人,你们伤不起!《全日本都在玩的手指识人术》让你恋爱运、结婚运、交友运、工作运一目了然!日本亚马逊心理学新书销量第1名!史上第一本融合心理学、指相、识人术的趣味悦读书!!一把尺+五根手指=看出人的真本性!你知道藏在每一根手指里的命运吗?不同的手指组合,还能看出你的行为模式? ★大拇指代表外在人格,象征內心的行为。 ★食指代表自尊心,象征內在的自己。 ★中指代表社會性,象征面对现实的能力。 ★无名指代表艺术天分,象征审美观与感性。 ★小拇指代表潜在个性,象征天生的你。 风靡全日本的手指占卜书!让你恋爱运、结婚运、交友运、工作运一目了然!
  • 爱,不是你以为的那样


    去爱一个喜欢你的人 没什么了不起 去爱一个爱你的人 你什么分数也得不到 去爱一个你不喜欢的人 你一定会在生命中学到一些东西 去爱一个无缘无故责备你的人 你就学会了生活的艺术 爱 就是欣赏你不喜欢和你不爱的 如果在你生活周遭有太多你讨厌或不爱的人、事、物 那是因为你一直在排斥 所以它们才会一再出现 你必须学会生活的艺术,并将它们蜕变成爱 爱 拓展了我们的视野 让我们用另一个人的眼睛看世界 通过相互学习 成全彼此的生命 才是男女相爱的正道
  • 少年我心


  • 漫画心理学


    《图文馆系列:漫画心理学》内容简介:心理学是什么?心理学是关于“心”的科学。准确来说,心理学是一门研究心理现象和心理规律的科学。多数读者都会认为,研讨科学的过程难逃枯燥乏味。但是,由王絮编著的这本《漫画心理学》一改教学式,用漫画的形式、配之以生动有趣的文字深入浅出地讲解什么是心理学、心理学的认知、常见的心理学效应、生活中的心理学现象等,让你一口气轻轻松松读懂心理学。 准备好,深呼吸,心理学的快乐旅程,由此开始。
  • 魅力心理学


    《魅力心理学》力图通过回顾总结有关人体美、文化、演化以及人类吸引力的其他方面的学术工作,独具开创性地为读者提供一种看待身体吸引力的科学视角。长久以来,人类对于关的复杂性都保持着浓厚的兴趣。但直到最近一段时期,与吸引力相关的知识才广泛引起除诗人、剧作家、哲学家和艺术家们以外的人群的关注。 “吸引力”的內涵会随着时代的发展而变化,《魅力心理学》的开篇话题便是讨论进化在这种变化发展中所起的作用。它不但对演化心理学和配偶选择进行了全面概括,还特别地关注了诸如身体对称性、体重、体形比例和青春活力等身体特征。接着,《魅力心理学》从社会心理学的角度对人类关展开讨论,探讨了社会和文化观念对人类审美观的影响。最后,《魅力心理学》重新审视了与身体吸引力有关的“道德”问题,比如容貌歧视、身体意象、进食失调和整形手术。 《魅力心理学》融合了演化和社会学观点。对涉及身体吸引力的许多科学争论进行了独特而全面的概括,为人们加深对美的理解提供了参考。它不但对心理学研究者和学生有所帮助,还应该受到任何一个对身体吸引力科学感兴趣的人的关注。 编辑推荐 《魅力心理学》是由华夏出版社出版的。 媒体推荐 本书每一章开始都引用名人名言,充分展现了与身体魅力相关的文学作品所涉及的宽广领域和深刻内容。这是一种将学术变得更有趣、更易被大众所接受的处理手法。 ——路易斯·G·塔西纳瑞教授,德克萨斯大学 外貌对我们的个人和社会生活都有着深刻的影响。在这本书中,当作者用极具说服力的科学证据阐述身体吸引力的本质和形成过程时,智慧的光芒不断闪现。 ——托马斯·E·凯西,美国诺福克, 弗吉尼亚州老道明大学心理学教授
  • 教学的勇气

    作者:Parker J. Palmer

    許多教師都是因為深深熱愛學生和學術,他們回應內心的召喚,所以選擇教職作為終身志業。然而,教職的工作負荷卻也讓許多教育者逐漸喪失內心的熱情。我們是否有可能重拾初衷,乃至於可以持續做一個好教師所該做的——對學生用心? 在《教學的勇氣》一書中,Parker Palmer帶領教師走入內心旅程,重新將教職工作與學生連結起來,再次發現自己對教學的熱情。本書乃建基於一個基本的信念:優秀的教學不僅止於技術;優秀的教學來自於教師的自我認同與人格統整。 優秀的教學雖有許多不同的形式,但這些教師卻有一個共同點:「他們是真實地投入在課堂中,並深入參與在學生和學科領域之中;他們能夠編織一個複雜的網絡,將他們自己、學生並所研讀的學科緊密連結在一起,使學生們也學會如何去編織屬於他們自己的世界。」這樣的連結並不是靠教師所採用的教學方法來建立,而是靠教師的「心」——人類自我的智力、情感、靈性與意志融會之處。 這本令人期待的書深入探索教學的生命,對於所有教師、教育工作相關人士,以及所有關心教育者,此書更是值得一讀。