

  • The Siren's Dance

    作者:Anthony Walker

  • Brains

    作者:Dale Purves

    For 50 years, the world's most brilliant neuroscientists have struggled to understand how human brains really work. Today, says Dale Purves, the dominant research agenda may have taken us as far as it can--and neuroscientists may be approaching a paradigm shift. In this highly personal book, Purves reveals how we got to this point and offers his notion of where neuroscience may be headed next. Purves guides you through a half-century of the most influential ideas in neuroscience and introduces the extraordinary scientists and physicians who created and tested them. Purves offers a critical assessment of the paths that neuroscience research has taken, their successes and their limitations, and then introduces an alternative approach for thinking about brains. Building on new research on visual perception, he shows why common ideas about brain networks can't be right and uncovers the factors that determine our subjective experience. The resulting insights offer a deeper understanding of what it means to be human. * Why we need a better conception of what brains are trying to do and how they do it Approaches to understanding the brain over the past several decades may be at an impasse * The surprising lessons that can be learned from what we see How complex neural processes owe more to trial-and-error experience than to logical principles * Brains--and the people who think about them Meet some of the extraordinary individuals who've shaped neuroscience * The "ghost in the machine" problem The ideas presented further undermine the concept of free will
  • 职场超人气对话心理学


    《职场超人气对话心理学》中所介绍的成功人士使用的45个对话法简单易行。每一章结束时,以表格方式对照出好坏说话法的不同,检查自己是否也常说了使自己失败的話。“换个方式说话”让读者可在空白栏中写入曾经让你失败的话语,另一格空白栏写入你改变后的话语。”会说话、说对话,享受如鱼得水的职场生活! 你是否感觉虽然自己工作卖力,却没有懂得如何拍马屁的同事更受赏识?亦或是因为和同事无法和谐相处,导致团队合作产生问题?或者做了很多,却因为沟通不畅而费力不讨好,不禁懊恼不已? 这本书,使每日勤奋工作,却时不时想辞职,过着战战兢兢的日子的无数职场人士们,在努力做事的同时,掌握职场对话心理学,能够通过沟通,使自己更加绽放光彩。
  • 社会认知-人怎样认识自己和他人


    本书系统地总结了近十来年中的社会认知研究,结合各种应用实例深入浅出地阐述了社会认知的基本原理,是一本理想的入门导引。本书被《心理学百科全书》列为社会认知方面的第一本参考书。 目录: 前言 第一章 引论 第一部分 社会认知的元素 第二章 归因理论 第三章 归因理论的运用 第四章 归因理论:偏见、错误及批评 第五章 心理控制 第六章 社会图式 第二部分 社会认知的过程 第七章 注意 第八章 对人记忆 第九章 社会推理 第三部分 维认知元素 第十章 情绪 第十一章 态度:认知与说服 第十二章 行为 跋:未来展望
  • The Vision Revolution

    作者:Mark Changizi

    Primates evolved binocular vision (both eyes facing forward) so that they can see in three dimensions, critical as they jumped from branch to branch. Higher primates developed color vision to better hunt out ripe fruit. Optical illusions succeed because they exploit the limitations of our visual processing. Wrong! All of these beliefs are false, as groundbreaking research by evolutionary scientist and neurobiologist Mark Changizi now reveals. Changizi's research centers on the "why" of human vision. Why do we have binocular vision? Why do we see in color the way we do? Why do optical illusions work? And why are we able to absorb information by reading―a very new invention from an evolutionary perspective―more readily than by hearing, which we've evolved to do over hundreds of thousands of years? The Vision Revolution answers these questions, and proves, with the detailed results of Changizi's fieldwork, that the answers are very different than traditionally believed. A radically new perspective of human vision is now emerging. The Vision Revolution is upon us.
  • The Development of the Person

    作者:L. Alan Sroufe PhD,B

    The definitive work on a groundbreaking study, this essential volume provides a coherent picture of the complexity of development from birth to adulthood. Explicated are both the methodology of the Minnesota study and its far-reaching contributions to understanding how we become who we are. The book marshals a vast body of data on the ways in which individuals' strengths and vulnerabilities are shaped by myriad influences, including early experiences, family and peer relationships throughout childhood and adolescence, variations in child characteristics and abilities, and socioeconomic conditions. Implications for clinical intervention and prevention are also addressed. Rigorously documented and clearly presented, the study's findings elucidate the twists and turns of individual pathways, illustrating as never before the ongoing interplay between developing children and their environments.
  • 寓身认知心理学


  • NLP教练

    作者:[英]约瑟夫·奥康纳(Joseph O'

    《怎样成为一名大师级教练》可以帮助你迈出成为教练的第一步。假如你已经是一名教练,它能极大地提高你的技能;假如你想雇用一名教练,它能告诉你应期待什么;而如果你想教练自己,它将告诉你如何做;假如你在帮助他人追求更美好生活的行业中工作,如治疗、指导、培训和咨询等,它会使你增进能力,开阔视野并更有效率。 这是一本关于教练是什么和如何应用的书,它能在以下方面给予帮助: 假如你想成为一名教练 你已经是一名教练 你想雇用一名教练,希望了解相关情况 你想自我教练 你想在工作环境中应用教练技术
  • 放松与减压手册


  • 愛、罪疚與修復

    作者:梅蘭妮.克萊恩 Klein, Melan

  • Diffusion of Innovations

    作者:Musmann, Klaus; Kenn

    New concepts, new ideas, and new objects diffuse through a society in a fairly predictable, multi-stage process over an indeterminate period of time. In recent years many social scientists representing various disciplines have accepted the methods and findings of diffusion research and it has attained legitimacy and prominence. To make these findings more easily accessible, Musmann and Kennedy have compiled a useful and timely bibliography which contains over 2,300 entries, most of which were published after 1970. Relevant articles and monographs in English were located by the compilers through systematic searches of online data bases and printed indexes. A few foreign language citations are also included here. The interdisciplinary nature of the diffusion model has allowed social scientists to document and illustrate social transformations in diverse fields. Recently, the processes of technology transfer and technological change have come under scrutiny by social scientists. Historically, technological innovations have played a major role in the development of advanced industrialized nations. Therefore, their diffusion, even in one society, often involves significant social changes to both habitat and economy, and should be a well-watched barometer. Following an illuminating introduction, thirteen separate chapters provide full bibliographical citations for studies in various disciplines including: anthropology, business and economics, geography, history, psychology, and technology, among others. Another chapter is devoted to bibliography and research methods, and author and subject indexes complete the volume. The most comprehensive document of its kind in print, Diffusion of Innovations should find a place in most libraries, especially those collecting materials in communications, education, sociology, and the health sciences.
  • 做自己的情绪调节师


    《做自己的情绪调节师》介绍关于你是否对目前的人生感到不满?你还让自己陷在这样的困境里吗?许医师给你诚心的建议:观念没有错与对,你绝对有力量改变你的人生、创造属于你的幸福。“当下就是威力之点”,你大可在人生当中优游自在,但你需要先学会“转念”的功夫。 是啊,人生只要换一种心态,换一种生活方式,你就会发现不一样的生活,也就会找到你从未发现的快乐。所以,让我们从现在开始,从你开始觉察的这一刻开始,让我们都来做自己的情绪调节师吧。
  • 说吧 爱情


  • 爱的伤害


    为什么差生自暴自弃,优生也会自杀  为什么低EQ的人容易闯祸,高EQ的人也不例外  为什么相爱的人却常常彼此伤害  为什么强壮的人‘身体也会’‘兵败如山倒’?  其实,没个人都是不同程度的‘情绪伤害者’本书会帮助你走出‘被伤害’的旋涡,中心活得自信而光彩。  赶快学习从坏的情绪中解套出来,因为生命有限,如果你不珍惜,健康会失去,爱也会流走。
  • 成功

    作者:卡斯特(Kast Verena)

  • 变态心理学


    变态心理学,顾名思义,是研究变态心理的一门学科。它主要研究人类各种心理活动,包括认识活动、情感活动、意志活动以及个性心理等方面的异常表现及其原因,并对这些异常进行分类、解释,阐明其发生、发展和转归的影响因素及规律,同时把这些科学知识应用于实际。所以,变态心理学是探索、理解和预测人类心理异常的一门科学。 变态心理学是一门研究异常心理的学科,它系统地阐述各种心理异常和精神疾病的表现、原因和诊断要点,并对心理疾病的预防和治疗提出建议。因此,《变态心理学》既是心理学、精神病学工作者必须阅读和掌握的重要参考书籍,也是心理学系相关专业的必修教材。另外,作为一般的读者,也可能通过它,来正确理解人的心理异常的行为和表现,及时发现生活中可能存在的一些不良因素,以便预防心理疾病的产生。同时,在正确了解心理异常的同时,能给予心理障碍和精神病患者真正的关怀和帮助。
  • 设计心理学


    《Design Psychology设计心理学》试图构建设计心理的理论框架和知识系统,融合了心理学基础知识、贡布里希,阿恩海姆、小林重顺等著名设计心理研究学者的研究成果和作者的一些研究成果。
  • 动物有意识吗?


    《动物有意识吗》主要内容:如果儿子撒谎,如果猫儿有思想,如果大象痛苦忧伤。动物能够思考吗?它们有情感吗?它们对自己是否有所了解?也就是说,它们有没有某程度的自我意识?许多科学家为此争论不休。福尔克·阿尔茨特和伊曼努尔·比尔梅林对这些问题进行了深入研究。他们讲述了许多简直令人骓以置信的动物行为,并根据来自生物学、动物学以及行为研究的最新认识对其进行了审视。最新的研究成果同样证实了两位作者多年以来的实践经验;动物在许多方面的行为,如果不从情感和思维能力的角度考虑,是无法做出合理解释的。 根据这一认识得出的紧迫结论就是:我们必须彻底反思我们对待动物的态度并建立一种人与动物的崭新关系。
  • 中国社会中的日常权威


  • 生命直观
