

  • 人格与心理治疗/20世纪心理学通览

    作者:(美)约翰·多拉德(John Dolla

  • On Becoming a Person

    作者:Carl Rogers

    The late Carl Rogers, founder of the humanistic psychology movement, revolutionized psychotherapy with his concept of "client-centered therapy." His influence has spanned decades, but that influence has become so much a part of mainstream psychology that the ingenious nature of his work has almost been forgotten. A new introduction by Peter Kramer sheds light on the significance of Dr. Rogers's work today. New discoveries in the field of psychopharmacology, especially that of the antidepressant Prozac, have spawned a quick-fix drug revolution that has obscured the psychotherapeutic relationship. As the pendulum slowly swings back toward an appreciation of the therapeutic encounter, Dr. Rogers's "client-centered therapy" becomes particularly timely and important.
  • How to Read a Person Like a Book

    作者:Gerard Nierenberg

    Decipher the unspoken vocabulary of body language. A tilt of the head, the crossing of legs, the buttoning and unbuttoning of a jacket, and other gestures can speak volumes about what a person is thinking or feeling. By learning to spot hidden emotional, social, and sexual messages, you can tell how a person is reacting to you, respond appropriately, and influence the outcome of any situation. Detect and send messages of friendliness and flirtation. Gain and maintain the upper hand in negotiations and arguments. Determine whether someone is lying, recognize boredom, and overcome defensiveness. By interpreting nonverbal behavior, you can improve your control over job interviews, business meetings, parties, chance encounters, and other everyday situations.
  • 心理发生和科学史


    《心理发生和科学史》一书的目的是通过科学史发展的分析, 证明科学领域的认知过程的机制紧密地对应于皮亚杰在心理发生领域发现的机制。研究者发现 , 除了在皮亚杰的主要著作《认知结构的平衡》中描述的机制, 还有一种史普遍的机制 , 我们称之为 “阶段 (IaIrT)”机制, 这个机制是本书的基石。研究者们的知识建构理论可以说在有东方思想特点的辩证思维方式和在西方占主导地位的逻辑演绎形式主义之间的鸿沟上架起了桥梁。 本书的内容包括: 第一章 从亚里士多德到动量力学 第二章 心理发生和前牛顿物理学 第三章 几何学的历史发展 第四章 几何结构的心理发生 第五章 代数学 第六章 前代数体系的形成 第七章 力学的发展 第八章 物理知识的心理发生 第九章 科学、心理发生和意识形态 第十章 一般结论
  • Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders DSM-IV-TR (Text Revision)

    作者:American Psychiatric

  • How the Mind Works

    作者:Steven Pinker

  • 世界大师思想盛宴 (全28册)


    罗素在书中提供的不是任何抽象的道理,而是他自己的人生感悟的结果,所提供的获得幸福的小窍门也是通过他的“阅历和观察”获得的人生经验之谈,谋求的乃是改善世界的生存状况,表达出世人谋求自由和幸福的心声。 他在该书前半部分论述了人类不幸的诸多缘由,后半部分则论述了幸福的诸多缘由,从而使读者能够对照实行,获得实际效果。
  • 孤立無援的現代人-弗洛姆的人本精神分析


    他是二十世紀著名的心理學家、社會學家和哲學家,人本主義精神分析學說的創始人。在心理學中,他是精神分析社會文化學派的代表人物和集大成者;在哲學中,他又是法蘭克福學派和「西方馬克思主義」的代表人物之一。 弗洛姆的學說核心是代人所遭遇的困境與出路。由於他對現代社會和現代人的熱切關懷、深遂的洞察力和熱情洋溢的文風,所以他的影響遠遠超出了學術的範圍,在各界廣泛傳播。無論在西方或台灣,弗洛姆都是一位知名度相當高,且對現代人的精神生活影響極大的人物。 本書為〈二十世紀心理學大師系列〉的第三本,為介紹二十世紀心理學家弗洛姆生平及思想的導論性著作。
  • 意志力训练手册


    意志力是人类精神领域一个不可分割的组成部分,在我们每个人的生活之中,意志力都发挥着异常重要的作用。 著名人际关系学家史蒂芬·柯维博士在其《高效人的七个习惯》一书中,为我们规划了获取成功所需具备的七大良好习惯:积极主动、以始为终、要事第一、考虑双赢、知己知彼、协同合作、自我更新。人们都知道习惯非常重要,我们也可以列出更多的促使一个人成功的良好习惯,但这些习惯到底怎样养成呢?弗兰克·C·哈多克博士在他的这本经典畅销书《意志力训练手册》中解决了这一问题:习惯固然重要,但这些习惯的养成,离不开一个重要的基石:意志力的培养。 本书不是一本空洞无物的说教书,而是一本全方位培养人的意志力的手册,它从听觉、视礼堂、味觉、嗅觉、神经、手、韧性、注意力、阅读、思维、记忆、想像等方面一一进行训练指导,达到整个身心的融会贯通,使良好的意志力成为一种习惯,成为助你在学习、工作和生活方面取得成功的基石。此书英文版由美国佩尔顿出版公司首版推出后,成为长销不衰的经典,此中译本根据该出版公司出版的第255版译出,是一本广泛适用二个人自我提高与机构培训之用的优秀训练教程。
  • 由心咨询

    作者:米杉 Michel Claeys

    我们“认为”自己是谁,没有任何意义。 _ 我们也许感觉良好或有信心,也许感觉疲惫或压抑,也许感觉到爱或正在拼命地寻求爱…… _ 但,我们不是我们的感受,不是我们的想法,不是我们的身体,更不是我们的姓名、我们的过去、我们的各种角色、我们拥有的或渴求的…… _ “我”是此时此刻的存在,是安排体验生活的意识,而非体验本身。 _ 停下思考 开始感受…… _ _ 有人对人性有很深的体悟,却没有能力和方法协助他人成长;有人热衷于寻找和学习助人成长的技术,却不去认真思考复杂的人性。在《由心咨询》中,我看到了米杉对人性的深刻见解,也看到了他丰富的治疗技术。作为一个心理治疗师,我从米杉的书中得到很多重要的启发;作为一个人,阅读米杉的书使我更加喜爱和信任自己,也更清晰了自己的成长方向和方法。 ——陆晓娅 _ _ 本书凝聚了作者在长期的咨询治疗中总结的实践经验,融合了东西方的智慧,尤其是中国传统中“天人合一、身心合一”的整体健康理念,创设了新的心理治疗范式。在作者发展出的这一系列方法中,强调来访者自身的积极性,咨询师可以运用呼吸、观想、释梦、躯体症状等技术引导来访者觉察、体会被压抑的感受,发现真正的自我,找回选择的主动,获得痊愈的力量。 书中关于释梦的内容易于掌握和实践,放松练习和观想练习的自助性和操作性也较强。作为一份个人成长及内心工作的详尽指导,本书对每一位关注心灵成长的朋友都大有裨益。
  • 5分钟集中力训练


    《5分钟集中力训练》中的9种记忆训练方法——数字转码记忆训练、扑克牌记忆训练、数字记忆训练、词语记忆训练、默写记忆训练、背诵记忆训练、图像记忆训练、圆周率记忆训练、英语单词记忆训练,就可以开启你的右脑,大大提高你的记忆力。 集中力是记忆力、观察力、想象力、思维能力的准备状态。缺乏集中力,各种智力因素,观察、记忆、想象和思维等将得不到一定的支持而失去控制。通过集中力训练,能够改善脑神经的活动,加强大脑对信息的加工处理速度,使大脑和身体相互协调,从根本上提高集中力。 著名大脑潜能开发专家须崎恭彦,将脑力开发、记忆力、集中力的研究成果结合多年集中力培训的实践经验。针对影响集中力发挥的因素,专门设计了20种简单有效的训练方法,不仅能有效提高集中力、记忆力、观察力、想象力和思维力,还能帮助人消除焦虑情绪,提高自信,高效地完成任务。每天只需5分钟,轻松提高集中力。 右脑的记忆能力是左脑的100万倍!天才们都拥有令人惊叹的右脑能力!右脑的能力是每个人与生俱来的,所有人都能成为记忆天才! 人类上只利用了自己大脑能量的10%,这是因为人们在通常情况下,只对自己的左脑加以利用,但那被称为天才的人,却能熟练使用右脑。那么,人们应该如何开启自己的右脑呢?
  • 精神分析的危机

    作者:[美] 埃里希·弗罗姆

  • 社会心理学


  • 心灵、自我与社会


  • The Drunkard's Walk

    作者:Leonard Mlodinow

    In this irreverent and illuminating book, acclaimed writer and scientist Leonard Mlodinow shows us how randomness, change, and probability reveal a tremendous amount about our daily lives, and how we misunderstand the significance of everything from a casual conversation to a major financial setback. As a result, successes and failures in life are often attributed to clear and obvious cases, when in actuality they are more profoundly influenced by chance. The rise and fall of your favorite movie star of the most reviled CEO--in fact, of all our destinies--reflects as much as planning and innate abilities. Even the legendary Roger Maris, who beat Babe Ruth's single-season home run record, was in all likelihood not great but just lucky. And it might be shocking to realize that you are twice as likely to be killed in a car accident on your way to buying a lottery ticket than you are to win the lottery. How could it have happened that a wine was given five out of five stars, the highest rating, in one journal and in another it was called the worst wine of the decade? Mlodinow vividly demonstrates how wine ratings, school grades, political polls, and many other things in daily life are less reliable than we believe. By showing us the true nature of change and revealing the psychological illusions that cause us to misjudge the world around us, Mlodinow gives fresh insight into what is really meaningful and how we can make decisions based on a deeper truth. From the classroom to the courtroom, from financial markets to supermarkets, from the doctor's office to the Oval Office, Mlodinow's insights will intrigue, awe, and inspire. Offering readers not only a tour of randomness, chance, and probability but also a new way of looking at the world, this original, unexpected journey reminds us that much in our lives is about as predictable as the steps of a stumbling man fresh from a night at the bar.
  • 操纵


    这是一本让你感到吃惊的书,你会发现,不论是商业交易、感情生活,还是孩子的教育、减肥节食,原来生活中的类催眠无处不在,每个人都会被类催眠,或者去类催眠他人,不管是有意还是无意,甚至,我们还会被自己类催眠了。 如何避免恶意的类催眠?如何更加有效地去影响别人?如何更自觉地调整好自己的心态?本书作者为你解开类催眠之谜…… 本书以令人费解的非理性行为作为楔子导入话题,首先对催眠术、催眠现象、催眠状态进行解读,以使读者对催眠、对暗示有一个大致的了解。接下来介绍几位非专业催眠大师,他们可能并没有系统学习过催眠术,但对催眠及暗示原理的运用,对他人的操纵可谓达到登峰造极的水平。然后,书本将按情境类别,讲述生活中常见的类催眠现象,其中,有现象描述,那些现象都是你十分熟悉的,你在生活中或见过、或听过,甚至就是你的亲身经历;有原因分析,那些分析你可能感到陌生,但一定会认为言之有理。正如催眠术中有自我催眠方式一样,类催眠现象中亦有自己被自己催眠的情况,本书将对此作出解读。最后,书本还将如何应对无形的操纵的有关策略一一道来。
  • 心理诊所


  • Cognitive Psychology

    作者:M. Eysenck

    Cognitive Psychology: A Student's Handbook has become the textbook of choice for students and lecturers in the field. This 5th edition has been substantially updated and restructured in line with new developments in cognitive psychology and the way it is studied at the undergraduate level. Established approaches covered in depth include: experimental cognitive psychology; cognitive science, with its focus on cognitive modeling; and cognitive neuropsychology, with its focus on cognition following brain damage. In addition, this edition includes extensive new material on cognitive neuroscience approaches such as brain-scanning and imaging studies in order to illustrate the principles of brain function. Throughout, this material is fully integrated with the more traditional approaches to create a comprehensive, coherent and totally current overview of perception, attention, memory, concepts, language, problem solving, judgment and reasoning. All areas covered have been extensively revised and updated whilst new introductory and concluding chapters put research developments into context and include new material on consciousness. A comprehensive supplementary package will be free to qualifying adopters of the book as their main course textbook and will include a PowerPoint Lecture Course, Multiple Choice Test Bank and a Student Learning Program. An enhanced package, available to adopters who pay a yearly subscription, will include access to key journal articles and more sophisticated interactive exercises and demonstrations.
  • The Sociopath Next Door

    作者:Stout Ph.D., Martha

    Who is the devil you know? Is it your lying, cheating ex-husband? Your sadistic high school gym teacher? Your boss who loves to humiliate people in meetings? The colleague who stole your idea and passed it off as her own? In the pages of The Sociopath Next Door , you will realize that your ex was not just misunderstood. He’s a sociopath. And your boss, teacher, and colleague? They may be sociopaths too. We are accustomed to think of sociopaths as violent criminals, but in The Sociopath Next Door , Harvard psychologist Martha Stout reveals that a shocking 4 percent of ordinary people—one in twenty-five—has an often undetected mental disorder, the chief symptom of which is that that person possesses no conscience. He or she has no ability whatsoever to feel shame, guilt, or remorse. One in twenty-five everyday Americans, therefore, is secretly a sociopath. They could be your colleague, your neighbor, even family. And they can do literally anything at all and feel absolutely no guilt. How do we recognize the remorseless? One of their chief characteristics is a kind of glow or charisma that makes sociopaths more charming or interesting than the other people around them. They’re more spontaneous, more intense, more complex, or even sexier than everyone else, making them tricky to identify and leaving us easily seduced. Fundamentally, sociopaths are different because they cannot love. Sociopaths learn early on to show sham emotion, but underneath they are indifferent to others’ suffering. They live to dominate and thrill to win. The fact is, we all almost certainly know at least one or more sociopaths already. Part of the urgency in reading The Sociopath Next Door is the moment when we suddenly recognize that someone we know—someone we worked for, or were involved with, or voted for—is a sociopath. But what do we do with that knowledge? To arm us against the sociopath, Dr. Stout teaches us to question authority, suspect flattery, and beware the pity play. Above all, she writes, when a sociopath is beckoning, do not join the game. It is the ruthless versus the rest of us, and The Sociopath Next Door will show you how to recognize and defeat the devil you know.
  • Calculated Risks

    作者:Gerd Gigerenzer