

  • 感官復甦工作坊


  • Pink Brain, Blue Brain

    作者:Lise Eliot

    In the past decade, we've heard a lot about the innate differences between males and females. So we've come to accept that boys can't focus in a classroom and girls are obsessed with relationships: "That's just the way they're built.""" In "Pink Brain Blue Brain," neuroscientist Lise Eliot turns that thinking on its head. Calling on years of exhaustive research and her own work in the field of neuroplasticity, Eliot argues that infant brains are so malleable that small differences at birth become amplified over time, as parents and teachers--and the culture at large--unwittingly reinforce gender stereotypes. Children themselves exacerbate the differences by playing to their modest strengths. They constantly exercise those "ball-throwing" or "doll-cuddling" circuits, rarely straying from their comfort zones. But this, says Eliot, is just what they need to do. And she offers parents and teachers concrete ways to help. Presenting the latest science from birth to puberty, she zeroes in on the precise differences between boys and girls, erasing harmful stereotypes. Boys are not, in fact, "better at math" but at certain kinds of spatial reasoning. Girls are not naturally more empathetic; they're allowed to express their feelings. By appreciating "how" sex differences emerge--rather than assuming them to be fixed biological facts--we can help all children reach their fullest potential, close the troubling gaps between boys and girls, and ultimately end the gender wars that currently divide us.
  • The Man Who Shocked The World

    作者:Thomas Blass

    Creator of the famous Obedience Experiments and originator of the six degrees of separation” theory, Stanley Milgram transformed our understanding of human nature and continues to be one of the most important figures in psychology and beyond. In this sparkling biography, Thomas Blass captures the colorful personality and pioneering work of a visionary scientist who revealed the hidden workings of our social world. In this new paperback edition, he includes an afterword connecting Milgram’s theories to torture, war crimes, and Abu Ghraib.
  • 心理咨询的过程


  • 异常心理学


  • Immunity to Change

    作者:Robert Kegan,Lisa La

  • 认知语言学导论


  • 自尊男孩手册


    《自尊男孩手册:培养快乐自信男孩的100个建议(家长和教师必读)》作者希望通过这些建议,告诉家长和教师如何: •认识当今男孩子面临的机遇和挑战; •帮助男孩子提升内在力量,顶住同伴群体的不当要求; •调控男孩子的行为,维护和提升他们的自尊; •妥善应对男孩子可能遭遇的各种挫折; •支持男孩子的学习,教会他们自律,帮助他们实现自己的目标。
  • 自尊女孩手册


    《自尊女孩手册:培养快乐自信女孩的100个建议(家长和教师必读)》作者试图通过这些建议,告诉家长和教师如何: •认识当今女孩子面临的机遇和挑战; •帮助女孩子提升内在力量,应对学校、朋友及社会对她们的要求; •调控女孩子的行为,维护和提升她们的自尊; •支持女孩子的学习,教会她们自律,帮助她们实现自己的目标。 所有的父母都希望自己的女儿拥有自尊。自尊可以使她们更加快乐,对自己的生活更加满意,使她们充满自信,确保她们更好地学习、娱乐、爱和沟通。 随着女孩子年龄的增长,她们的自尊时高时低。如果家长们知道女孩子可能在什么时候陷入困境,变得脆弱和易受伤害,并导致其自尊水平低下,他们将能给女孩子提供更大的帮助。
  • 谈话的艺术


  • Understanding Psychology as a Science

    作者:Zoltan Dienes

    What makes psychology a science? What is the logic underlying psychological research? In this groundbreaking book Zoltan Dienes introduces students to key issues in the philosophy of science and statistics that have a direct and vital bearing on the practice of research in psychology. The book is organised around the influential thinkers and conceptual debates which pervade psychological research and teaching but until now have not been made accessible to students. In a clear and fluid style, Dienes takes the reader on a compelling tour of the ideas of: - Popper - Kuhn& Lakatos - Neyman& Pearson - Bayes - Fisher& Royall Featuring examples drawn from extensive teaching experience to ground the ideas firmly in psychological science, the book is an ideal companion to courses and modules in psychological research methods and also to those covering conceptual and historical issues.
  • 心灵拼图


  • Are We Free?

    作者:Baer, John (EDT)/ Ka

    Do people have free will, or this universal belief an illusion? If free will is more than an illusion, what kind of free will do people have? How can free will influence behavior? Can free will be studied, verified, and understood scientifically? How and why might a sense of free will have evolved? These are a few of the questions this book attempts to answer. People generally act as though they believe in their own free will: they don't feel like automatons, and they don't treat one another as they might treat robots. While acknowledging many constraints and influences on behavior, people nonetheless act as if they (and their neighbors) are largely in control of many if not most of the decisions they make. Belief in free will also underpins the sense that people are responsible for their actions. Psychological explanations of behavior rarely mention free will as a factor, however. Can psychological science find room for free will? How do leading psychologists conceptualize free will, and what role do they believe free will plays in shaping behavior? In recent years a number of psychologists have tried to solve one or more of the puzzles surrounding free will.This book looks both at recent experimental and theoretical work directly related to free will and at ways leading psychologists from all branches of psychology deal with the philosophical problems long associated with the question of free will, such as the relationship between determinism and free will and the importance of consciousness in free will. It also includes commentaries by leading philosophers on what psychologists can contribute to long-running philosophical struggles with this most distinctly human belief. These essays should be of interest not only to social scientists, but to intelligent and thoughtful readers everywhere.
  • The Undiscovered Self

    作者:C.G. Jung

    In The Undiscovered Self Jung explains the essence of his teaching for a readership unfamiliar with his ideas. He highlights the importance of individual responsibility and freedom in the context of today's mass society, and argues that individuals must organize themselves as effectively as the organized mass if they are to resist joining it. To help them achieve this he sets out his influential programme for achieving self-understanding and self-realization. The Undiscovered Self is a book that will awaken many individuals to the new life of the self that Jung visualized.
  • 建构扎根理论


    《建构扎根理论:质性研究实践指南》讲述了扎根理论是具有高度影响力的处理质性资料的方式,其创立于1960年代,被西方社会科学界公认为是过去四十多年中,质性研究发展中最重要的,却也是最受争议的方法论基础之一。 在《建构扎根理论:质性研究实践指南》中,作者引导读者接触在社会研究中使用扎根理论的技术,为那些对这个领域还陌生的人提供了清晰的、循序渐进的指导。《建构扎根理论:质性研究实践指南》通篇使用了许多精选的例子,描画出了扎根理论的奠基人格拉泽和施特劳斯所提出的扎根理论图景之外的另一种景象。作者认为,扎根理论必须从其实证主义源头那里继续发展,把过去20年来由建构主义者所提出的很多方法和问题融人进来,使其成为一种更加细致和更具反思性的实践。因而《建构扎根理论:质性研究实践指南》对于学生、研究新手以及经验老道的社会科学家,都是一种基础性的阅读。
  • 一分钟看透他人心


    《一分钟看透他人心》从外貌特征、言谈话语、行为举止、衣着打扮、生活习惯、兴趣爱好、社交场合等方面对看人识人做了详细的剖析与介绍,内容广泛,条理清晰,让你在轻松阅读的同时,还能够获得有益的人生经验与技巧。 俗话说:知人知面不知心。人心犹如一潭深不可测的湖水,口是心非之人随处可见。从古至今,无数人发出过这样的感叹:识人难,识人心更难!而要想在这种复杂的人际关系中立于不败之地,就需要了解别人的真实心理。
  • The Art of Loving

    作者:Erich Fromm

  • 彩色图解心理学

    作者:于海娣 编

    《彩色图解心理学》综合了心理学、行为学和医学等各个领域知名专家的最新研究成果,简明而系统地介绍了心理学的历史、认知心理学、发展心理学、社会心理学和变态心理学等各个分支学科在发展过程中的重要理论和基础知识,更有大量生活实例、现实资料和精美图片的充分辅助,使读者在解决日常问题的同时,了解心理学原理,并引发深入的思考。 心理学是一门探索心灵奥秘、揭示人类自身心理活动规律的科学,具有重大的理论意义和实用价值。它的研究范围涉及人类活动的各个领域,对人的生存和发展有着深远的影响。无论是生活中的衣食住行,还是工作中的为人处事,都离不开心理学,都需要心理学知识的帮助。掌握了心理学知识,就能更好地了解自己、读懂他人、认识社会,生活中的各种疑难问题也会迎刃而解。
  • Lie to Me

    作者:John Lawrence Ketchu

    The Mexican government has established a clandestine organization to facilitate the emigration of its citizens into the United States. John Bodie discovers a printing plant that is secretly printing identification cards and documents for the illegal immigrants on a national level. It also houses and trains these individuals in obtaining social security, welfare benefits, health care, education and employment. He must overcome the resistance of the local police chief and his good friends with the top secret Terrorist Activity Control Team. In the process of his investigation, one of his close friends is killed, a police officer loses his life, and his intimate friend is hospitalized along with his long-time colleague and a member of the federal secret organization. A plan is formulated to infiltrate Sonora, Mexico, and destroy the furtive emigration headquarters without creating an international incident. A most interesting and timely novela]