

  • 灾难心理学


    《灾难心理学》是我国第一部灾难心理学专著,系统地介绍了灾难心理学的基础理论、研究范式以及常用的心理诊断和干预技术;在探索社会安全心理学理论、社会预警系统和灾害预防方法学的基础上,讨论了灾难救援中政府、军队领导者和救援人员的胜任特征、紧急心理危机干预的指导原则;分析了灾难不同时期人们的心理行为特征,特别是孤儿、孤寡老人和伤残人员的心理救援方法,并对救援官兵、灾区干部、后勤保障人员、新闻记者和志愿者等救援群体的压力管理提出了建议;此外,还特别阐述了灾区重建中伤病员的心理关爱,灾区学校的心理辅导,以及企业恢复建设中应注意的问题。 《灾难心理学》可作为高等院校的专业课和选修课教材,也可作为政府、军队和企业等机构的培训教材。
  • 药物治疗与心理治疗

    作者:Michelle B. Riba, MD

  • 交互心灵的建构


  • 孩子是如何学习的


  • 心想事成的世界


    《心想事成的世界》告诉你可以实现梦想的方法。作者说上面的成功人士不是单纯的梦想,而是先把自己的梦想视觉化(vivid)后,通过生动的做梦(dream),最后实现(realization)的“R=VD”(梦想公式)的成功者。这个R=VD公式是作者长时间以来调查无数人的共同点,进行分析的结果,而得出的公式。 《心想事成的世界》中说明可以实现梦想的科学性秘诀,排除不必要的理论或忠告,只说必要的事例和过程。通过《心想事成的世界》中作者的忠告,如果明白不是所有的梦想,都可以实现,也不是所有的人都可以成功的话,那么,就通过这里出现的R=VD的公式,让梦想变成现实吧。 世界化妆品巨头雅诗兰黛的创始人,她本来是连化妆品都用不起的穷光蛋; 希尔顿酒店的CEO康拉德·希尔顿刚开始的时候是个酒店里的男侍者; 李舜臣是个受过高等教育的失业者; 还有成吉思汗是在单亲家庭度过了童年,而且还受到他人的孤立; 拿破伦是个有前科的人…… 他们的共同点是什么呢?就是开始虽然很糟糕,但是结果却很伟大。
  • 九型人格销售攻心术


    九型人格分析法,销售业绩倍增的王者之剑! 名师名嘴,实战实效! 帮您快速锁定客户,攻克目标,打遍天下无敌手! 九种类型客户的破解之道;九种类型销售人员的激励之道 在这个性格混搭的商业社会,从事人数最多的职业大概就是销售/营销,不同性格特征的客户是否曾让你非常头疼? 对唐僧(完美型)这样的客户,你对他拉拢感情、套近乎、托人送礼等等统统没用,除非拿出真经。如果你是类似巴菲特(观察型)的销售员,可能还容易些,因为彼此有相似之处,他会欣赏你的专业和深度。 猪八戒(快乐型)面对曹操(疑虑型)这样的客户,成交的可能性会高吗?如果是换作陈安之(成就型)这样的激励大师、销售专家呢?情况又会怎样? 巴菲特对林黛玉或梁朝伟(感觉型)这样的客户,就似乎拿他们没办法,你是思想家,他们是艺术家,这就是区别。这时也许李云龙(领袖型)型的销售人员更能够适应,因为他的侠骨柔情会被感觉型所欣赏。 本书是九型人格在销售领域的应用实战。 六重识别系统让你快速识别此类客户! 更有九种类型性格的销售人员和客户的行为互动要诀! 只要根据本书对号入座,采用本书的破解方法,对客户对症下药,就会让销售变成事半功倍的易事!
  • 心理咨询师手记


    《心理咨询师手记》通过真实的心理咨询案例,描述了心理咨询从来访接待、分析诊断到咨询治疗的主要过程,向读者介绍了引起心理问题发生、发展、变化以及转归的诸因素。在与来访者之间的心灵互动中,咨询师以尊重、理解、共情、接纳、关怀和疏导帮助来访者走出心理困惑。同时,心理咨询师还会启发来访者加速自身的心理成长,激发来访者心灵的自我完善(保健)能力和心理创伤的自我修复能力。 《心理咨询师手记》适合所有对心理咨询和心理学知识感兴趣的读者阅读。
  • 事件相关电位原理与技术


  • 爱的提醒


    ★ 探讨了婚外恋、离婚、灵魂伴侣和性障碍等关乎现代人切身幸福的议题 ★ 提倡从头脑之爱回归到心灵之爱 ★ 为深陷昏沉无明的现代人提供了一帖清凉的药方 《爱的提醒》主要针对爱、性、亲密关系、婚姻等两性情感的主题进行解析,并探讨了婚外恋、离婚、灵魂伴侣、性障碍等关乎现代男女切身幸福的议题。作者强调从心念出发,破除我执,倡导从头脑之爱回归到心灵之爱,从外在的探求抓取回归到内在的醒悟觉察,从如梦似幻的欲望戏码回归到具体的人生中,为深陷昏沉无明的现代人提供了一帖清凉的药方。
  • 读心术


  • The Nice Girl Syndrome

    作者:Beverly Engel

    How women can overcome the pressure to please others and feel free to be their true selves Are you too nice for your own good? Do family members manipulate you? Do coworkers take advantage of you? If any of this sounds familiar, read "The Nice Girl Syndrome." In this breakthrough guide, renowned author and therapist Beverly Engel, who has helped thousands of women recognize and leave emotionally abusive relationships, can show you how to take control of your life and take care of yourself. Engel explains that women today simply cannot afford to be Nice Girls, since "nice girls" are much more likely to be victimized-emotionally, physically, and sexually-than those who are not so "nice." She identifies seven different types of Nice Girls and helps you understand which type might apply to you. She helps you determine whether the Nice Girl Syndrome is keeping you in an abusive relationship or in manipulative situations, and helps you challenge and change Nice Girl beliefs and behaviors that are holding you back. Helps you confront the beliefs and behaviors that keep you stuck in a Nice Girl act as you replace them with healthier, more empowering ones Includes inspiring stories of women Engel has worked with who have found the courage and strength to stop taking abuse and start standing up for themselves "This book will challenge, entertain, and empower its readers."-"Publishers Weekly" (starred review) Written by renowned author and therapist Beverly Engel, who has helped thousands of women recognize and leave emotionally abusive relationships Filled with wise advice, powerful exercises, and practical prescriptions, "The Nice Girl Syndrome" shows you step by step how to take control of your life and be your own strong woman.
  • The Archaeology of Mind

    作者:Lucy Biven,Jaak Pank

    What makes us happy? What makes us sad? How do we come to feel a sense of enthusiasm? What fills us with lust, anger, fear, or tenderness? Traditional behavioral and cognitive neuroscience have yet to provide satisfactory answers. The Archaeology of Mind presents an affective neuroscience approach--which takes into consideration basic mental processes, brain functions, and emotional behaviors that all mammals share--to locate the neural mechanisms of emotional expression. It reveals--for the first time--the deep neural sources of our values and basic emotional feelings. This book elaborates on the seven emotional systems that explain how we live and behave. These systems originate in deep areas of the brain that are remarkably similar across all mammalian species. When they are disrupted, we find the origins of emotional disorders: - SEEKING: how the brain generates a euphoric and expectant response - FEAR: how the brain responds to the threat of physical danger and death - RAGE: sources of irritation and fury in the brain - LUST: how sexual desire and attachments are elaborated in the brain - CARE: sources of maternal nurturance - GRIEF: sources of non-sexual attachments - PLAY: how the brain generates joyous, rough-and-tumble interactions - SELF: a hypothesis explaining how affects might be elaborated in the brain The book offers an evidence-based evolutionary taxonomy of emotions and affects and, as such, a brand-new clinical paradigm for treating psychiatric disorders in clinical practice.
  • Cognition, Brain, and Consciousness, Second Edition

    作者:Bernard J. Baars,Nic

    This is the fully revised and updated second edition of the very sucessful introductory textbook on cognitive neuroscience. Written by two leading experts in the field, thisbook takes a unique thematic approach to introduce concepts of cognitive neurosciences, guiding students along a clear path to understand the latest findings whether or not they have a background in neuroscience. New to this edition are Frontiers in Cognitive Neuroscience text boxes; each one focuses on a leading researcher and their topic of expertise. There is a new chapter on Genes and Molecules of Cognition, and all other chapters have been thoroughly revised, based on the most recent discoveries. New edition of a very successful textbook Completely revisedto reflect new advances, and feedback from adopters and students Includes a new chapter on Genes and Molecules of Cognition Student Solutions available at http://www.baars-gage.com/ For Teachers: Rapid adoption and course preparation: A wide array of instructor support materials are available online including PowerPoint lecture slides, a test bank with answers, and eFlashcords on key concepts for each chapter. A textbook with an easy-to-understand thematic approach: in a way that is clear for students from a variety of academic backgrounds, the text introduces concepts such as working memory, selective attention, and social cognition. A step-by-step guide for introducing students to brain anatomy: color graphics have been carefully selected to illustrate all points and the research explained. Beautifully clear artist's drawings are used to 'build a brain' from top to bottom, simplifying the layout of the brain. For students: An easy-to-read, complete introduction to mind-brain science: all chapters begin from mind-brain functions and build a coherent picture of their brain basis. A single, widely accepted functional framework is used to capture the major phenomena. Learning Aids include a student support site with study guides and exercises, a new Mini-Atlas of the Brain and a full Glossary of technical terms and their definitions. Richly illustrated with hundreds of carefully selected color graphics to enhance understanding.
  • Psychology of Intelligence Analysis

    作者:Richards J. Heuer

  • 梦的指南

    作者:DR.Jayne Gackenbach

    前 言 梦的涵义 第一篇 揭开梦纱 第一章 夜的对话:梦的涵意与力量 第二章 引光:清明之梦学习指南 第三章 审视梦境:歌曲、性与翱翔的刺激 第四章 夜间训练:创造的关键 第五章 夜的幽灵:面对清明梦中的魔鬼 第六章 内心医师:梦可以维护健康吗? 第二篇 解构梦者 第七章 梦的得道者:幽浮、蝴蝶与坐禅 第八章 自相矛盾的梦:解构做梦的大脑 第九章 资格鉴定:清明梦者必备的条件 第十章 探索中的灵魂:迈向纯意识
  • 神经心理学原理


    Α.Р.鲁利亚的重要著作。莫斯科大学出版社1973年出版。科学出版社1983年出版汪青、邵郊、王甦合译的中译本。鲁利亚一生的主要学术活动是研究心理活动的脑机制问题,包括失语症、脑外伤引起的心理障碍的诊断和恢复,脑额叶在心理过程中的调节作用,言语对不同年龄正常和异常儿童的随意运动的调节作用等。到晚年,他在以前工作的基础上创立、发展了神经心理学这一心理学的新的重要领域。本书成书于他逝世前4年。全书分3编15章,从以下3个方面简要阐述神经心理学的基本原理:①脑的功能组织与心理活动──关于脑的功能组织的知识的3个来源; 脑的局部损伤与功能定位的基本原则;脑的3个基本功能联合区。②脑的局部系统及其功能分析──脑的枕部和视知觉的组织;脑的颞部和听知觉的组织;皮层的三级区和同时综合的组织;脑的感觉远动区及运动前区和运动的组织;脑的额叶和心理活动的调节;皮层的中央底部,脑的右半球。③心理过程及其脑机构──知觉,运动和行动,注意,记忆,言语,思维。作者在书中还一再谈到,神经心理学是一门年轻的科学,由于自己的资料不足,所以书中缺少了本来应当具有的以下篇章:深部结构(特别是下丘脑和丘脑)在心理过程进行中的作用;梦和觉醒状态的脑机制;情绪生活的脑基础;非优势半球(右半球)对人的心理活动的意义。
  • Social Psychology

    作者:David G. Myers

    This book helps you in reflecting your students and their world. How many of the students in your Social Psychology course are Psychology majors? Business? Sociology? Education? In the 10th edition of "Social Psychology", David Myers once again weaves an inviting and compelling narrative that speaks to all of your students regardless of background or intended major. Through examples and applications as well as marginal quotations from across the breadth of the liberal arts and sciences, Myers draws students into the field of social psychology. At the same time, Myers is also in tune with the ever-changing state of social psychology research. Boasting over 650 new citations in the 10th edition, "Social Psychology" is as current as it is captivating. It includes Research Close-Up and Inside Story features throughout the book that provide deeper exposure to key research and researchers. Marginal quotations, examples and applications throughout each chapter, and the concluding 'Applying Social Psychology' chapters all ensure that regardless of your students' interests and future plans, "Social Psychology" will engage them. This 10th edition also features the contributions of Jean Twenge, author of "Generation Me" and "The Narcissism Epidemic", further bolstering the direct connection to today's students.
  • 你能看见大猩猩吗?


  • 每天学点销售心理学


  • 社会心理学研究方法


    《社会心理学研究方法》内容简介:社会心理学研究人们极其广泛的社会行为,从个体的社会知觉和判断、对社会现象的认知和情感,到个体间的交互作用和亲密关系;从群体内的人际关系、群体间的合作与竞争,到社会规范的形成和演化;从大规模的社会冲突到跨文化的社会心理比较;等等。为了获得知识、寻求真理,社会心理学工作者秉承实证主义的方法论,从实践到理论,再从理论到实践,不断往复,从而在理论与实际间建立起强有力的联系,使社会心理学的大厦牢牢地建立在实证材料的基础之上。 社会心理学研究的现象如此广泛而多样,促使社会心理学工作者借鉴、探索、发展和使用了多种多样的研究方法,以便获得真实和可靠的实证材料。从调查到模拟,从实验室实验到日常事件记录,从反应时和生理测量到大声思维的原始记录,从因特网和计算机的在线实验到纸笔法的自我报告,社会心理学工作者所运用的研究设计和研究程序之多样、分析策略之精细、测量方法之创新,实在令人目不暇接。然而,在我国还很少有较为全面和综合的有关社会心理学研究方法的书籍。