

  • Cognition

    作者:Margaret W. Matlin

    "Cognition" provides readers with a clear, balanced, and highly engaging coverage of the field, along with extensive pedagogical support and numerous applications to everyday life. The seventh edition includes a new Individual Difference in Cognition feature that shows the relevance of cognitive psychology in their careers. Readers will find up-to-date discussions of important research and theories. It arms psychologists with the latest and most comprehensive overview of cognition on the market today.
  • Mating in Captivity

    作者:Esther Perel

    One of the world’s most respected voices on erotic intelligence, Esther Perel offers a bold, provocative new take on intimacy and sex. Mating in Captivity invites us to explore the paradoxical union of domesticity and sexual desire, and explains what it takes to bring lust home. Drawing on more than twenty years of experience as a couples therapist, Perel examines the complexities of sustaining desire. Through case studies and lively discussion, Perel demonstrates how more exciting, playful, and even poetic sex is possible in long-term relationships. Wise, witty, and as revelatory as it is straightforward, Mating in Captivity is a sensational book that will transform the way you live and love.
  • 与心对话


  • 与焦虑者对话


    《与焦虑者对话》内容简介:告别焦虑 走进心灵春天。焦虑本身是一种情绪,生活中每个人都会有,但焦虑过度就成了一种心理疾病,给我们的健康带来极大危害。据WHO统计,目前,全球有近4亿人患上了焦虑症,位居所有心理疾病之首,而得到治疗和控制的却只有1%。中国也有调查显示,约有4.1%的人在一生中会患上焦虑症,如果得不到及时处理,40%~50%的患者会出现抑郁症状,甚至会自杀。总之,克服焦虑已经刻不容缓,而《与焦虑者对话》提供的心理操控术、传统文化、中医、心理疗法等为我们提供了克服焦虑的金钥匙,打开了进入心灵春天的入口。
  • 如何赢得友谊及影响他人


    《如何赢得友谊及影响他人》在世界出版史上创造了奇迹,许多青年企业家、业务员、家庭主妇、学生、热恋中的情侣都争相阅读。这的确是一本能让人惊喜、使人思想更成熟、举止更稳重的好书。也是人一生中最重要的一本书。 卡耐基在书中以人性为基础。分析和阐述了处理人际关系的3大技巧、使人喜欢你的6大方法、领导他人的12种技巧、说服他人的9大原则,这一套人际关系学令读者怦然心动,也使世界人类的相处之道为之一新,能够帮助读者最大化地挖掘自我潜能。
  • 你不可不知的88个心理定律


  • 战胜强迫症


    《战胜强迫症:治疗师指南·战胜强迫症:自助手册》分两部分:《战胜强迫症:治疗师指南》这一部分,包含了大部分的心理治疗程序。另外,《战胜强迫症:治疗师指南》也提供了各种各样的临床材料,您在实施治疗程序时可以参照。《战胜强迫症:治疗师指南》的目的是协助临床医生对正在实施的具体治疗计划进行系统的顺序管理。因此,它强调每次治疗的相关性、实际信息和练习。同时还介绍了在具体的治疗程序中可能出现的典型的问题,提供了解决这些问题的建议。因此,当浏览案例时,您可能需要回顾相关的个别章节。 《战胜强迫症:自助手册》包括了八章的内容。分别是第一章:认识强迫症、第二章:识别强迫症、第三章:认识强迫症的认知行为疗法、第四章:设计治疗计划、第五章:暴露治疗计划模式、第六章:获取治疗计划的最大价值、第七章:将你所学到的东西扩展应用到日常生活中、第八章 保持成果等内容。
  • 欢迎你的危机


    《欢迎你的危机》适用于在生命路上艰难行进的每一个人!不论你是莘莘学子、辛苦的业务员、苦寻教育途径和助人方法的教育者或工薪阶层,还是正为生活所困且在新环境中艰难前行的疲惫心灵,《欢迎你的危机》都有开启心智的解答和切实可行的方法提供给你,只要照做就是了! 危机常常会把人们推到某个交叉口,自此不是每况愈下,就是峰回路转,就看你怎么行动。这本书,旨在帮你远离迷茫,积极笃定地选择,成为步出危机的胜者!作者利用自身直觉启发读者的直觉能量,将正面的观念与力量用暗示的方法输入读者的潜意识里,让人们遇到危机时,可以藉由内心的力量及时地拉自己一把。 这不是一本单纯的励志书籍,有别于其他同类书籍的是:作者会点出危机的规律,和其在生命中不断出现的科学性,并以专业人士的宏观视角设计出一系列应对危机的练习,让不断面临危机的每个人可以藉由练习,带领自己顺利走出危机,走到生命的另一个更高境界!
  • Evil

    作者:Roy F. Baumeister

  • 做女人要有心机


  • 寻找失去的快乐


    《寻找失去的快乐》内容简介:在热闹喧嚣的都市生活中,我们可能有这样一个共同的困惑:物质生活的质量越来越高,精神压力却越来越大;面对的诱惑越来越多,内心的快乐却越来越少;工作中的应酬越来越频繁,身体状况却令人堪忧。为什么我们的生活好了,心情却不好?如何有效地化解这些矛盾和问题,让我们重新找回自己的快乐呢? 《寻找失去的快乐》从故事和案例引申,采用国学结合心理学的手段,旨在帮助所有的读者找到开启心灵的钥匙,从根本上解决人们的困惑和不自知,从而走向和平、喜悦和宁静的内心。
  • 时间与人格心理学探索


  • 高效率学习的心理学研究


    本书是教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目“高效率学习与信息加工”的成果,探讨了高效率学习的本质、特征和心理机制,并构建了高效率学习的信息加工模型,从全新的、科学的视角来理解和认识高效率学习的过程。 作为心理学专业工作者,让作者觉得自己有责任去解决这一既具有重要理论意义又具有重大社会现实意义的问题。因此,在2000年,主持申报了教育部人文社会科学重点基地重大项目“高效率学习与信息加工”,并获准立项。几年来,由作者领导的课题组,分工协作,共同努力,依据信息加工心理学的理论,利用多种方法开展了一系的研究,主要从脑机制、选择性注意、元认知、学习策略、非智力因素和内隐认知等方面探讨了高效率学习的心理机制。
  • 高中生心理学

    作者:郑和钧,邓京华 [等]

    在我国,高中生心理学基本上是一个空白领域,无系统资料可查,无现成的著作可借鉴,散在书刊中的资料也不多见。要完成《高中生心理学》的编写任务,难度是很大的。为保证本书的质量,我们查阅了大量国内外有关资料,并作了一些较系统的调查研究,尽力收集了一些我们所能得到的、反映我国高中生心理特点的第一手资料。在编写过程中,我们坚持以辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义为指导,根据这套丛书的总要求,力图使《高中生心理学》既代表学科发展的前沿水平,又体现大众化、博采众长的特点;既能作为高中生、高中教师和广大家长的良师益友,又能作为学校儿童心理学的教材或补充教材。   本书阐述了高中生心理发展的各个方面,突出了高中阶段个体心理发展的特点,加强了以往儿童心理学的薄弱环节——个性发展的论述,并尽量引用我国心理学工作者对高中生的研究资料,以向读者展现一幅中国高中生心理发展的全息图。但因它毕竟为初始之物,加之我们水平有限,不足之外在所难免,敬请广大读者批评指正。
  • 生活中的心理过招


  • Virginia Satir

    作者:Steve Andreas

    This book provides a detailed analysis of how family therapy pioneer Virginia Satir--one of the greatest therapists of our time--helped people solve problems in relationships. The first section of the book describes 16 key themes in Satir's work--the techniques and ideas she used to move people from their current situations to their desired outcomes. Satir skillfully reframed perceptions and attitudes, and installed useful presuppositions about positive intentions, alternative choices and learnings. She did this using physical contact, exaggeration, and humor. She directly challenged limiting beliefs and overgeneralizations, and used a wide range of hypnotic language patterns to help clients see events in new ways. The second section is a richly-annotated verbatim transcript of a 73-minute videotaped session with Linda, a woman who started out with great resentment toward her mother, but who ended with a deep appreciation and loving understanding of her mother's behavior and attitudes. A follow-up interview with Linda, conducted three years later, shows the permanent impact of the changes Satir had achieved with her. Steve Andreas' insightful commentary reveals the subtlety, precision, and wisdom of Satir's methods, both verbal and nonverbal. Therapists and other professionals who seek positive change in their clients can learn a lot from his book.
  • Necessary Losses

    作者:Judith Viorst

    The Bestselling Classic on Love, Loss, and Letting GoIn "Necessary Losses, " Judith Viorst turns her considerable talents to a serious and far-reaching subject: how we grow and change through the losses that are an inevitable and necessary part of life. She argues persuasively that through the loss of our mothers' protection, the loss of the impossible expectations we bring to relationships, the loss of our younger selves, and the loss of our loved ones through separation and death, we gain deeper perspective, true maturity, and fuller wisdom about life. She has written a book that is both life affirming and life changing.
  • Feminine Psychology

    作者:Karen Horney

    In this collection of papers, many previously unavailable in English, she brings to the subject of femininity her acute clinical observations and a rigorous testing of both her own hypotheses and those formulated by Freud. The topics she discusses include frigidity, the problem of the monogamous ideal, maternal conflicts, the distrust between the sexes, feminine masochism, and the neurotic need for love. Throughout the book, Dr. Horney draws on her experience as a therapist and at the same time consistently evaluates psychological factors within the context of cultural forces.
  • Introducing Evolutionary Psychology (Introducing...)

    作者:Dylan Evans

    This series is renowned throughout the world for its ingenious combination of graphic illustration and intelligent, precise text by leading academics on some of the most challenging subjects around. Drawing on the insights of evolutionary biology, cognitive psychology and more, this is an introduction to evolutionary psychology.
  • Man Against Himself

    作者:Karl Menninger

    In this landmark book, the impulse toward self-destructiveness is examined as a misdirection of the instinct for survival, a turning inward of the aggressive behavior developed for self-preservation. "One of the most absorbing books I have read in recent years" (Joseph Wood Krutch, The Nation). Index.