《潜意识的意义:精神分析心理学(上)》内容包括:弗洛伊德与古典精神分析学的创立、古典精神分析学的转向、自我心理学的建立、自我心理学的发展、客体关系学派的建立、客体关系学派的发展、客体关系理论的新进展等。 -
Experimental Psychology
UNDERSTANDING PSYCHOLOGY RESEARCH, Ninth Edition, takes an example-based approach to the fundamentals of research methodology. Organized by topic--such as research in human factors, learning, thinking, and problem solving--the text helps you connect the concepts of sound methodology with their practical applications. Because the authors use dozens of carefully selected real-world examples, you can see for yourself the issues and problems that can occur in conducting research. More importantly, you can develop a sense of how to anticipate and adjust for problems in your own research. -
《如何有效地助人:会谈与咨询的技术》试图超越传统的狭义心理咨询的范围,将该模型推广运用于各种类型的助人关系,具有普遍的适用价值。这是一部关于心理咨询的基本原理和实用技巧的专业读物,在美国很受学生欢迎。全书以心理咨询的人际关系模型为框架,该模型以生态论和系统论为基础,包含三个维度:咨询关系及其发展、咨询的技术和技巧、影响咨询关系的因素。第一章探讨心理咨询与现实社会生活之间的关系,强调个体、家庭、社区及宏观社会文化背景作为整体的相互影响。第二、三、四章探讨如何建立有效的咨询关系,强调这种关系是咨询取得效果的前提。第五、六章慨述主要的理论观点。第七、八、九章探讨如何使用相应策略促成来访者的改变,从而达到咨询的目的。第十章探讨影响咨询关系的诸问题。 -
《情商沟通》情商在人们的日常交往中扮演着一个至关重要的角色,这一点可谓众所周知。然而,如何把这些特殊的技能运用到我们的日常生活呢?其实不难——情商和沟通领域的知名专家珍妮·赛格尔在这里为我们提供了实用而即时的指导。结合自己最新的研究成果以及生活实例,珍妮·赛格尔博士分层次地为我们展示了如何运用五种基本情商技巧来增进我们在职场、家庭以及生活中方方面面的人际关系。 -
《心灵与境界》内容简介:以学术的普及为旨归,以思想的撒播为内涵,以学术的讲演为形式,搭建人文、经济、管理、法律各平台,再现国内一流学者的学术讲演现场。 -
Neuro Web Design
Why does someone decide to buy a product online or register at a website? Psychologists have known for years about the nonconscious forces that persuade people to take action. Neuro WebDesign applies the research on persuasion and decision making to the design of websites. Neuro WebDesign explains psychological research on social validation, reciprocity, fear of loss, contrast and other principles in an easy to understand way, and then goes on to show how to implement these powerful ideas. For example, why are customer ratings so important at a website, and what are the critical elements to include to make them even more effective? Does the order in which you provide choices have an unconscious effect on which one is chosen? Some books describe research; some books give advice on web design, but Neuro WebDesign combines the research on non-conscious decision-making and persuasion with web design advice. -
Introduction to Psychology
Co-written by an author who garners more accolades and rave reviews from instructors and students with each succeeding edition, INTRODUCTION TO PSYCHOLOGY: GATEWAYS TO MIND AND BEHAVIOR, International Edition attracts and holds the attention of even difficult-to-reach students. The Twelfth Edition's hallmark continues to be its pioneering integration of the proven-effective SQ4R learning system (Survey, Question, Read, Reflect, Review, Recite), which promotes critical thinking as it guides students step-by-step to an understanding of psychology's broad concepts and diversity of topics. Throughout every chapter, these active learning toolsutogether with the book's example-laced writing style, discussions of positive psychology, cutting-edge coverage of the field's new research findings, and excellent media resourcesuensure that users find the study of psychology fascinating, relevant, and above all, accessible. -
梅内盖蒂 本体心理疗法
《梅内盖蒂 本体心理疗法》讲述了:抑郁症、精神分裂症、药物依赖症、毒瘾,甚至是癌症,在目前的医疗手段下,无论是药物还是手术,都可能无法令人满意的治疗效果。然而,近年来流行于欧美的一种全新的心理疗法,对这些病症有着非常明显的疗效,使大批病人得以治愈或病情得到控制,这种神奇的疗法是——本体心理疗法。三个体心理学是从物质生活到精神生活的各个方面对人进行全面剖析的一门科学,旨在探索人的内心世界深层次的活动,即无意识活动。它是梅内盖蒂在长期从事心理治疗实践的基础上,从哲学高度将本体认识论同临床心理学进行结合形成的一种新的心理学理论。本体心理学因其三发现而能够更加容易地找到人的心身疾病的原因,使人恢复健康。 -
《这样的女人最聪明-改变女人一生的16堂幸福课》是女性生活及素质提高的完全宝典,从女性的生活、工作、娱乐等方方面面入手,分别针对女性所面临的各种切身问题做出详尽而细致的叙述,内容丰富、知识广博,涵盖了服饰打扮、气质修养、交际处世、工作成就、婚姻家庭、休闲娱乐、身心保健等多方面的内容,实用性强,为全面营造女性的幸福生活提供了有效的保障。使广大女性朋友学会生活和自我保健,真正领悟幸福的含义,解除生活中的疑问和烦恼,排除生理和心理上的不适,达到身心健康的目的,做一个真正的时尚女性。 -
《睡商:清醒的头脑来自健康的睡眠》作者还指出了与睡眠相关的另一问题,这就是,人们不仅总是把清醒看得比睡眠更重要,而且还认为,人在清醒状态时的身体反应,是判断一个人健康状况的最佳依据。因此,睡眠顺理成章地受到人们轻视。睡眠门诊夜间从不开门,而又有谁会因为夜里失眠去看急诊呢?于是,久而久之,我们忽略了一个显而易见的事实:人的健康状况在很大程度上是由睡眠决定的,甚至可以说,人的总体健康水平与睡眠密切相关。我们必须正确面对这一事实,唯一的办法是:对自己的睡眠状况进行一番检查。我们既可以去睡眠实验室或睡眠中心去检查,也可以在家中通过各种手段监测自己的睡眠。另外,我们还可以多读一些关于睡眠的书籍,你手中的这本《睡商》便是其中之一。只有对睡眠这一重要的生命现象获得更多认识,我们才能学会如何珍惜、把握和调节自己的睡眠。 享受这《睡商:清醒的头脑来自健康的睡眠》,享受你的睡眠吧! -
Matlab for Neuroscientists
Matlab is the accepted standard for scientific computing, used globally in virtually all Neuroscience and Cognitive Psychology laboratories. For instance, SPM, the most used software for the analysis and manipulation of fMRI images in research and clinical practice is fully programmed in matlab, and its use of the possibility to allow for sophisticated software modules to be freely added to the software has established it as the by far dominant software in the field. Many universities now offer, or are beginning to offer matlab introductory courses in their neuroscience and psychology programs. Nevertheless, so far there hasn't been a textbook specific to this market, and the use of the plethora of existing engineering focused Matlab textbooks is notoriously difficult for teaching the package in those environments. This is the first comprehensive teaching resource and textbook for the teaching of Matlab in the Neurosciences and in Psychology. Matlab is unique in that it can be used to learn the entire empirical and experimental process, including stimulus generation, experimental control, data collection, data analysis and modeling. Thus a wide variety of computational problems can be addressed in a single programming environment. The idea is to empower advanced undergraduates and beginning graduate students by allowing them to design and implement their own analytical tools. As students advance in their research careers, they will have achieved the fluency required to understand and adapt more specialized tools as opposed to treating them as "black boxes". Virtually all computational approaches in the book are covered by using genuine experimental data that are either collected as part of the lab project or were collected in the labs of the authors, providing the casual student with the look and feel of real data. In some rare cases, published data from classical papers are used to illustrate important concepts, giving students a computational understanding of critically important research. The ability to effectively use computers in research is necessary in an academic environment that is increasingly focused on quantitative issues. Matlab represents an ideal language of scientific computing. It is based on powerful linear algebra structures which lend themselves to empirical problems on the one hand, while at the same time allowing the student to make rapid problem-oriented progress (particularly in terms of visualization of data points) without having to lose focus by worrying too much about memory allocation and other "plumbing" minutiae as would be required in other, more low-level programming languages such as C or C++. Currently, there are several books that provide introductions to Matlab that are either too generic and fundamental or too irrelevant for neuroscientists and cognitive psychologists who typically face a very circumscribed range of problems in data collection, data analysis and signal processing. Some non-book tutorials and primers that are in use in the community are typically out of date. Matlab versions are usually not backwards compatible. Many commands and functions used in older tutorials and primers, such as "flops" won't work in current versions of Matlab, necessitating a book that is timely and up-to-date. The complete lack of a relevant resource in this area, combined with a clearly felt need for such a text provided the primary and initial impetus for this project. The authors provide such a dearly needed resource adapting and pooling materials that developed for and used in highly rated courses involving the use of Matlab in Neuroscience at the University of Chicago. Two co-authors (PW and NH) have presented their respective work on teaching Matlab at national meetings and two of the co-authors (PW and MB) were awarded the coveted University of Chicago's Booth Prize for excellence in teaching these courses. (http://chronicle.uchicago.edu/070524/boothprize.shtml ). * The first comprehensive textbook on Matlab with a focus for its application in Neuroscience * Problem based educational approach with many examples from neuroscience and cognitive psychology using real data * Authors are award winning educators with strong teaching experience * Instructor's Website with figurebank, additional problems and examples, solutions, etc -
为了击破从洛克经贝克莱发展到休谟那里的怀疑论,推翻休谟对物质实体和精神实体存在的否定,里德追溯到哲学中长期以来盛行的观念体系。为此他逐一考察了五种感觉:嗅觉、味觉、听觉、触觉和视觉。以此为基础他论证说,所谓观念是知识的唯一对象,只是一个未经证实的假设,事实上我们不是首先获得互不关联的观念,然后再做出关于它们关系的判断;自然界不是在分离中展现这些因素的,因此知识最初的材料和单位是判断,不是观念,简单观念是分解判断的结果;表示某种关系的判断总是伴随着感觉,感觉既向我们“暗示”它和心灵的关系,也向我们“暗示”它和外物的关系,因此心灵和外部世界都是真实存在的。 里德认为感觉“暗示”的信念原理之所以被认为是自明的,倒不是由于它们为人们普遍同意,而是因为人的本性的构造导致我们相信它们。里德把这些信念称为“常识原理”,例如心灵外事物的存在,自己心灵外其他心灵的存在等等,都是有教养的人和没有教养的人同样直觉地或本能地相信的常识。它们是一切推理和全部科学的基础。 -
《行为背后的心理秘密》从人们的日常生活和工作实际出发,对自我、健康、人际、爱情、男女的不同特点等方面进行了探讨。语言浅白生动,事例鲜活有趣,从心理学的角度对人们的各种行为进行了解释。希望每一位读者在阅读《行为背后的心理秘密》时能得到智慧的启迪,从而更加从容地处理工作与生活中遇到的问题。 -
The Media Equation
According to popular wisdom, humans never relate to a computer or a television program in the same way they relate to another human being. Or do they? In an extraordinary revision of received wisdom, Byron Reeves and Clifford Nass demonstrate convincingly in The Media Equation that interactions with computers, television, and new communication technologies are identical to real social relationships and to the navigation of real physical spaces. Authors Reeves and Nass present the results of numerous psychological studies that led them to the conclusion that people treat computers, television and new media as real people and places. Their studies show that people are polite to computers; that they treat computers with female voices differently than male-voiced computers; that large faces on a screen can invade a person's body space; and that motion on a screen affects physical responses in the same way that real-life motion does. One of their startling conclusions is that the human brain has not evolved quickly enough to assimilate twentieth-century technology. The authors detail how this knowledge can help us better design and evaluate media technologies, including computer and Internet software, television entertainment, news, and advertising, and multimedia. Using everyday language, the authors explain their novel ideas in a way that will engage general readers with an interest in cutting edge research at the intersection of psychology, communication and computer technology. The result is that The Media Equation is an accessible summary of exciting ideas for modern times. As Bill Gates says, Nass and Reeves show us some "amazing things." -
《谈判要读心理学:直击人心的谈判策略与技巧》是心理学与你的生活系列之一。本套丛书是心理学与你的生活系列第二辑,是为从事营销、管理及谈判工作的读者准备的心理学普及性读物,运用通俗、简练的语言,结合大量的实例,从心理学角度出发,深入浅出地讲解了市场营销与商务谈判的相关知识,为读者提供心理学视野中的营销策略方法及谈判谋略技巧。 -
- 1 梦的解析:最佳译本
- 2 李鸿章全传
- 3 淡定的智慧
- 4 心理操控术
- 5 哈佛口才课
- 6 俗世奇人
- 7 日瓦戈医生
- 8 笑死你的逻辑学
- 9 历史老师没教过的历史
- 10 1分钟和陌生人成为朋友