Existential Psychotherapy
The noted Stanford University psychiatrist distills the essence of a wide range of therapies into a masterful, creative synthesis, opening up a new way of understanding each person's confrontation with four ultimate concerns: isolation, meaninglessness, death, and freedom. -
Identity, Erikson writes, is an unfathomable as it is all-pervasive. It deals with a process that is located both in the core of the individual and in the core of the communal culture. As the culture changes, new kinds of identity questions arise Erikson comments, for example, on issues of social protest and changing gender roles that were particular to the 1960s. Representing two decades of groundbreaking work, the essays are not so much a systematic formulation of theory as an evolving report that is both clinical and theoretical. The subjects range from "creative confusion" in two famous lives the dramatist George Bernard Shaw and the philosopher William James to the connection between individual struggles and social order. "Race and the Wider Identity" and the controversial "Womanhood and the Inner Space" are included in the collection. -
Identity and the Life Cycle
Erik H. Erickson's remarkable insights into the relationship of life history and history began with observations on a central stage of life: identity development in adolescence. This book collects three early papers that - along with "Childhood and Society" - many consider the best introduction to Erikson's theories. -
Introduction to Psychology
The text of choice at schools across the country, by an author who garners more accolades from instructors and students with each succeeding edition, INTRODUCTION TO PSYCHOLOGY: GATEWAYS TO MIND AND BEHAVIOR attracts-and holds-the attention of even difficult-to-reach students. Dennis Coon and new contributor John Mitterer have updated the proven-effective SQ4R learning system (Survey, Question, Read, Reflect, Review, Recite) by harnessing critical thinking to better help students understand psychology's broad concepts and great diversity of topics. Throughout every chapter, these active learning tools-together with the book's example-laced writing style, cutting-edge coverage of the field's new research findings, and superb new media resources-ensure that students will find the study of psychology fascinating, relevant, and above all, accessible. -
《广告宣传的心理战术:广告运作中的攻心战略》简介:广告心理学是广告专业人员及其经营者必备的一门知识,它从研究消费者的行为和心理现象规律出发,探求提高广告效果的有效途径。《广告宣传的心理战术:广告运作中的攻心战略》作者是一位长年从事商业经营的商店业主,《广告宣传的心理战术:广告运作中的攻心战略》是作者多年实践经验的总结,在书中他力求以广告本身为基点,努力挖掘广告运作过程中的心理学规律,并列举了15个能够立刻让客户动心的广告宣传心理策略,因此实用性很强。 -
态度对行为有重要的影响,这也是一直以来人们关注态度研究的原因。本书作者以简洁易懂的语言,对态度及价值观、信念等相关的心理概念进行了研究导向性的阐述。其中涉及的主题涵盖了社会和价格两方面,包括偏见与歧视、贫穷与失业、冲突与暴力、学校与教师、工作与娱乐等。无论你想测量、评价,还是改变态度,都能从这本书中获益。 -
Your Perfect Right
The thirtieth anniversary (eighth) edition of the most widely recommended assertiveness training book helps readers step-by-step to develop more effective self-expression. Emphasizes equal-relationship assertiveness -- not the all-too-common "me-first" attitude. Packed with detailed procedures, examples, and exercises. The eighth edition is completely revised and updated, and includes new material on what it means to be assertive in the 21st century, living in a multicultural society, making the decision to express yourself assertively, appropriate anger expression, and treatment for social anxiety and phobia. With over one-and-a-quarter million copies sold, YOUR PERFECT RIGHT ranked 5th among all self-help books in a national survey of psychologists, as reported in AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PSYCHOTHERAPY, PSYCHOLOGY TODAY, and THE NEW YORK TIMES. It ranked 12th among the "best self-help books" in a national survey reported in THE AUTHORITATIVE GUIDE TO SELF-HELP BOOKS (1994). -
On Death and Dying
One of the most famous psychological studies of the late twentieth century, "On Death and Dying" grew out of an interdisciplinary seminar on death, originated and conducted by Dr. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross. In "On Death and Dying, " Dr. Kubler-Ross first introduced and explored the now-famous idea of the five stages of dealing with death: denial and isolation, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. With sample interviews and conversations, she gives the reader a better understanding of how imminent death affects the patient, the professionals who serve the patient, and the patient's family, bringing hope, solace, and peace of mind to all involved. -
《克服组织防卫》的主题乃是组织防卫。对于组织中的防卫行为大家其实心知肚明,只是一直避而不谈且有意掩盖,《克服组织防卫》就是要把它们拿出来公开讨论。所谓组织防卫,就是当面对困难或威胁时所产生的一种自我保护反应。组织防卫一旦出现,就会阻断对困难或威胁的深层探究,使得参与者无法发现困难或者威胁产生的根本原因。自我保护反应最常见的有诿过于人、转移话题等等。 -
西方道德心理学观点纷呈、理论众多。近年来,一些新的理论观点和心理学研究大量涌现。本书是作者借助国外道德心理学专家学者的帮助,对近十几年来西方道德心理学的最新发展所做的深入系统的理论评析。既有对价值澄清学派、科尔伯格道德认知发展理论这些传统观点的最新发展的理论思考,如道德判断测验和确定问题测验,也有对最近出现的亲社会行为、领域理论、品格教育、道德同一性、女性主义道德观所做的最新理论探讨。还从家庭道德心理学的视角论述了父母效能训练这种风靡世界的实用道德心理学,从国家和社会的视角展现了英国“个人、社会、健康教育”(PSE)的历史发展。本书内容新颖、视角独特、注重理论研究与实证研究结合,对有志于研究道德教育和心理学的学者们,对广大教育工作者都能引发深刻的理论思考。 -
《拯救心灵:从幼时经历看后天成长》以“源于生活,高于生活”的宗旨,选取了日常生活和工作中的典型实例,从幼时经历展开心理分析,帮助您认识自我、提升人格。全书诣在打破“本性难移”的教条,通过反省与命运抗争,使战胜自己成为可能,活出精彩,活出质量,无愧于我们美丽的人生。 -
抑郁:禁忌等于共有,ISBN:9787801867117,作者:张磊 著 -
《广告心理学》内容简介:“酒香也怕巷子深”;商家要通过一定的方式,让人们知道在巷子深处的好酒,于是他吆喝,“吆喝”便是广告,广告在市场信息传播、品牌建立及销售方面的作用是显而易见的。广告在商品、劳务与消费者之问槊起一座桥粱,沟通商品、劳务与消费者之间的信息来往,这过广告让消费者了解商品、直至购买商品和劳务因此,在一定的意义上,广告所徽的工作其实是“说服”的工作,正如有识之士所指出的,广告战其实是一场心理战。 广告一心理学是把心理学的一般原理运用到广告活动中去、研究受众接受广告刺激的心理过程,研究个性心理对接受广告的影响,并通过对消费者心理的分析,研究广告如何通过刺激使圣众成为消费者并购买商品和劳务,脱科学的理论分析广告活动,指导广告创意。 对广告受众接受广告的心理进行分析,是广告心理学研究的重要内容;使广告有效说服消费者购买商品和劳务是广告心理学研究的任务。 -
The Conscious Mind
What is consciousness? How do physical processes in the brain give rise to the self-aware mind and to feelings as profoundly varied as love or hate, aesthetic pleasure or spiritual yearning? David J. Chalmers unveils a major new theory of consciousness, one that rejects the prevailing reductionist trend of science, while offering provocative insights into the relationship between mind and brain. Writing in a thought-provoking style, Chalmers proposes that conscious experience must be understood as an irreducible entity similar to such physical properties as time, mass, and space that exists at a fundamental level and cannot be understood as the sum of its parts. Engaging and penetrating, this book adds a fresh new perspective to the subject that is sure to spark debate about our understanding of the mind for years to come. -
《全国高等学校教材•中医心理学(供应用心理学专业及其他专业应用心理学方向用)》在编写过程中,除严格按照应用心理学专业培养目标和课程计划所规定的要求组织教学内容外,特别注意避免与中医基础理论课程教学的重复,避免单纯基础理论的空泛讨论。各位编者充分注意到古代中医心理学思想和现代中医心理学理论在中医各科临床实践中的广泛应用和对提高临床疗效的现实意义,在写作思路中始终贯彻理论阐述与实际操作并重的原则,着重在提高本教材的临床指导价值上下功夫。在具体组织各章节的教学内容时,合理掌握理论阐述的深度和层次,尽量使基础理论贴近临床实际,提高教材的可读性和实用价值。在教学框架设计方面,强调教师易教和学生易学,突出学生实践能力和专业技能的培养锻炼,在要求对中医心理学基本知识、关键技术等有效掌握和了解的基础上,注重学生中医心理治疗综合实践能力的培养。 -
Tricks of the Mind
‘As Europe’s most controversial Ming-bearded mind-botherer and former cha-cha chamption, I offer here an insight into the techniques and thinking which have made me offensively rich and the best thing to happen to television since sliced bread. Improve your memory. Learn how to hypnotize. Read minds. Improve your memory. It’s literally all here.’ Derren Brown's television and stage performances have entranced and dumbfounded millions. His baffling illusions and stunning set pieces – such as The Seance, Russian Roulette and The Heist – have set new standards of what's possible, as well as causing more than their fair share of controversy. Now, for the first time, he reveals the secrets behind his craft, what makes him tick and just why he grew that beard. Tricks of the Mind takes you on a journey into the structure and psychology of magic. Derren also takes a long hard look at the paranormal industry, and looks at why some of us feel the need to believe in it in the first place... Alternately hilarious, controversial and challenging, Tricks of the Mind is essential reading for Derren's legions of fans, and pretty bloody irresistible even if you don't like him that much... ‘Clearly the best dinner-party guest in history – he’s either a balls-out con artist or the scariest man in Britain.’ Charlie Brooker Guardian -
我国就业制度的变革彻底改变了人们的就业意识与就业行为。这一变革促使人与工作岗位达到最佳匹配,因而提高了工作效率,使生产效率倍增;同时,优胜劣汰制度的实施使优秀人才脱颖而出。但是,在新形势下也出现了新的问题,如就业难,无论是白领还是蓝领,都面对职场困惑,明显地感受到来自求职与工作的压力;此外,职业转换非常频繁,跳槽不断,职业不适应状况经常出现;同时,人们对自己职业生涯发展的前途也存在着迷茫感。面对上述情况,组织与领导者如何对员工进行职业生涯的有效管理也就需要重新考虑和规划。 顺应时代发展的要求,本着与时俱进的原则,我们对2000年版的《职业心理学》进行了修订。修订版中增加了“职业心理学概述”、“人的个性与职业的匹配”、“职场中的压力与应对”等新内容,针对职场中存在的相关问题进行分析与解答,其目的是增加本书的实际操作性以及对职场现实问题的反映。 本书首先系统介绍了职业心理学的基本理论,然后着重于介绍职业心理学的应用研究。全书突出理论性,强调实践性,注重经典性,体现新颖性。本书可作为各类大学心理学系、心理学专业的教材或参考书,并可供心理学、医学、教育学、计算机科学工作者和心理学爱好者阅读参考。
- 1 梦的解析:最佳译本
- 2 李鸿章全传
- 3 淡定的智慧
- 4 心理操控术
- 5 哈佛口才课
- 6 俗世奇人
- 7 日瓦戈医生
- 8 笑死你的逻辑学
- 9 历史老师没教过的历史
- 10 1分钟和陌生人成为朋友