你知道吃饭太快会让人发胖吗? 你知道压力会让人暴饮暴食吗? 你知道心情和想法会影响我们的消化吗? …… 美国营养学家马克•大卫经过数十年的研究,得出了一个令世界营养学界震惊的发现:健康不在于吃什么,而在于怎么吃和吃饭时的心情。 《胖是因为你吃饭太快》通过与人体内部的“营养专家”攀谈,发现了吃饭时的节奏、压力、心情与肥胖之间的奇妙联系: ●消化是从大脑开始的,这被称作“头期消化反应”。消化工作的30%-40%都要归功于这一反应。所以,吃饭速度太快或者注意力不集中,就会使新陈代谢的能力大打折扣,肥胖也就在所难免了。 ●在压力状态下,人类的神经系统会自动进入应急反应状态——心跳加速、血压上升、呼吸加快……更重要的是,消化系统会关闭,体内就会囤积大量的脂肪。 ●人体内与愉快感相关的化学物质——脑内啡不仅仅是愉快分子,它还能刺激脂肪消耗。可见,放松心情和计算卡路里一样重要。 -
《心理健康关键概念手册》共分三部分内容:第一部分主要介绍了在心理健康与心理健康问题方面存在争议的内容,不但详细地讲述了相关主题的传统精神病学观点,而且列出了对这些观点的批评。第二部分主要介绍了心理健康服务的相关内容,较清晰地描述了心理健康服务有哪些类型,其组织形式如何,以及心理健康专业人员的关注点是什么等等。第三部分将心理健康的多个争议性主题放置于社会背景中进行讨论,介绍了一系列与心理健康与社会相关的主题。 -
悦纳自己的一切:从读本书的那一时刻起,请无条件地、全盘地接受你自己,不管是你的长相还是学识,不管是优点还是缺点。 设计自己的前途:在悦纳自己的前提下,设计你自己的人生之路,包括自己的人生终极目标、长期目标、短期目标和日常规划。 调适自己的情绪:为完成你的人生终极目标,调适自己的情绪、保持心理健康是必要条件。为达此目的,建立良好的人际关系是基础。 保健自己的身体:健康的身体是你事业成功和建立美满家庭,以及过幸福生活的必要条件。为保持你的身体健康,应该全方位地保健自己,包括合理的饮食、适当的锻炼。 梦析自己的内心:梦中的你比醒时的你更加真实,你的梦比尔你了解你自己。通过释梦,你可以随时随地了解你自己的潜意识,在不求助别人的前提下,为自己脱烦解忧。 充实自己的常识:世界正以高速发展着,为适应新形势,就必须提高自己。你最好建立终生学习的理念,不断地充实自己,这样你将永远立于不败之地。 融合自己的世界:人是社会的人。要想在社会中生存并有所成就,你要融合自己于家庭、亲属、朋友,乃至整个社会。你要为他们,乃至整个社会奉献自己的一切。 归位自己的职业:你的一生应该有喜爱的职业。给自己从事各种职业的机会,在三百六十行中总会有你喜欢的。找到它,把你一生的大半精力投入其中,你的生命会因此而辉煌。 磨炼自己的意志:所有的伟人和名人都经历了挫折和痛苦的磨难,不经历痛苦的磨练就不能使自己成为完人。以他们为榜样来磨练自己的意志,你才能愉快地克服任何困难。 珍惜自己的时间:你的生命是由时间组成的,珍惜你的时间就是珍惜你的生命。珍惜自己更深层次的含义是要用“80/20定律”保持“要事第一”,如此,你将拥有整个世界。 情趣自己的爱好:无论你爱好什么都可以,但作为人你总得有所爱好。我以为,尽可能多地做自己喜欢做的事,或者尽可能多地和自己喜欢的人在一起,这就是情趣自己。 完善自己的人格:按照马斯洛的理论,人的欲望有五个层次,最高层次的欲望是自我实现。为了实现它,你应该具备某些素质,比如自信心、为他人奉献、养成好习惯等。 -
婚姻和家庭治疗是一种哲学思想还是一种工具,一种实践的方式还是一种生活的方式?本书描述了优秀的专业治疗师所运用的种种方法,包括那些最好的、完美的或者正确的治疗方法,这是一段段荆棘丛生的婚姻,又是一个个愁云密布的家庭,但最终是帮助您冲破婚姻和家庭的障碍,解决家庭要面对的最常见和最具有挑战性的问题。 -
The MIT Encyclopedia of the Cognitive Sciences (MITECS) (Bradford Books)
This is a fully-searchable, complete text of the MIT Encyclopedia of the Cognitive Sciences (MITECS) on a dual-platform CD-ROM.
Since the 1970s the cognitive sciences have offered multidisciplinary ways of understanding the mind and cognition. The MIT Encyclopedia of the Cognitive Sciences (MITECS) is a landmark, comprehensive reference work that represents the methodological and theoretical diversity of this changing field.
At the core of the encyclopedia are 471 concise entries, from Acquisition and Adaptationism to Wundt and X-bar Theory. Each article, written by a leading researcher in the field, provides an accessible introduction to an important concept in the cognitive sciences, as well as references or further readings. Six extended essays, which collectively serve as a roadmap to the articles, provide overviews of each of six major areas of cognitive science: Philosophy; Psychology; Neurosciences; Computational Intelligence; Linguistics and Language; and Culture, Cognition, and Evolution. For both students and researchers, MITECS will be an indispensable guide to the current state of the cognitive sciences.
System requirements: Compatible with Windows 95, Windows NT (16MB of RAM available to Acrobat Reader; 10MB hard-disk space); Windows 3.1 and 3.11 for Workgroups (12MB hard-disk space); Macintosh and Power Macintosh (8MB of RAM available to Acrobat Reader, Apple System Software version 7.1.2 or later, and 12.5MB hard-disk space). -
本书编译了301名外国著名心理学家生平的条目,每个条目介绍了他们各自的主要经历及其有关心理学的主要著述和贡献。 本册工具书共收录299条词条。 -
我们跟随拉康回归主体的真理,从幻象迷离的想象界来到法则森然的象征界,却蓦然发现我们只不过是一个无意识的主体,是由能指任意穿越的空隙,我们徒劳地寻找能表征我们欲望的能指,结果却被能指捕获、去势、分割、撕裂并被扔回真实之深渊,笛卡尔、康德所构想的那个能认识和征服外在未知领域的英雄式的”我思”主体已被彻底瓦解了。 本书是关于介绍“拉康主体性理论及其当代效应”的专著,具体包括了:形象认同与自我的形成、结构主义氛围或“语言论”转向、菲勒斯能指与俄狄浦斯情结、文本的策略、能指理论与主体逻辑、意识形态与主体建构、漂流的欲望哲学等方面的内容。 -
我一生中读过最好的书之一,十几年前在一个小书店找到。我想它影响了我人生,淘书、读书的确是件妙不可言的事。 可惜这本书的印刷实在太糟,后来还出过一本,漂亮了很多,我送给了一个朋友。 奇怪的是,这里和当当网上都找不到这书,以后我来掏钱再版它! -
本书采用心理控制论,分析了现代人因强大的物质欲与精神需求欲的对抗而产生的心理危机。 -
《奈特人体神经解剖彩色图谱》不仅涵盖Frank H.Netter博士所有原创的局部神经解剖学和系统神经解剖学丰富而精美的绘图,而且介绍了目前对人类大脑、脊髓和周围神经系统许多区域的日益深入的研究。《奈特人体神经解剖彩色图谱》还通过CT、MRI的方法对脊髓和脑干作了横切、矢状与冠状扫描,并对照插图进行重点学习。与这些区域相关的详细文字描述可参阅有关神经解剖学教科书。我们用简明清晰的图标和文字介绍每张插图的主要部分和要点,特别为临床医师提供了在诊治神经科病人时所涉及的与临床相关的基础部分。通过这些精美插图并结合简洁的图标与文字描述,《奈特人体神经解剖彩色图谱》展示了局部和系统神经系统的基本成分、组成和功能。 -
《心理剧与心理情景剧实务手册》内容简介:怎样才能有效地进行心理健康教育呢?《心理剧与心理情景剧实务手册》对有效地开展心理健康教育提出很多可行的方法。《心理剧与心理情景剧实务手册》一方面深入探讨心理健康教育课程与一般学科课程的联系与区别,另一方面,也提供了一些心理健康教育课程的教案实例,便于有关人员参考或选用。 -
The Mind and the Brain
In his work treating patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder, Dr. Jeffrey Schwartz made an extraordinary discovery: by focusing their attention away from negative behaviors and toward positive ones, his patients were able to make permanent changes to their own neural pathways. In The Mind and the Brain Schwartz explores this power -- the power of the mind to shape the brain. Through research and case studies, he demonstrates the brain's ability to be drastically rewired, not just in childhood but throughout life -- a paradigm-shifting discovery that could transform the treatment of every neurological dysfunction, from dyslexia to stroke. Schwartz's landmark book challenges the idea that we are merely biologically programmed automatons and proves that we have the power to shape our brains and, consequently, our destiny -- a revolutionary insight that continues to provoke debate among those who care about the future of man's role in the universe. -
An Introduction to the Psychology of Hearing
Now available in a fifth edition, "An Introduction to the Psychology of Hearing" is the leading textbook in the field of auditory perception also known as psychoacoustics. The fifth edition has been thoroughly updated, with more than 200 references to articles and books published since 1996. The book describes the relationships between the characteristics of the sounds that enter the ear and the sensations that they produce. Wherever possible these relationships are specified in terms of the underlying mechanisms. In other words, the goal is to impart an understanding of what the auditory system does and how it works. Topics covered include the physics of sound, the physiology of the auditory system, frequency selectivity and masking, loudness perception, temporal analysis, pitch perception, sound localization, timbre perception, the perceptual organization of complex auditory 'scenes', speech perception, and practical applications such as hearing aids, cochlear implants, and high-fidelity sound reproduction. The book starts from basic principles, and does not assume prior knowledge about hearing. Research results are not just described, but are interpreted and evaluated. The book includes extensive references to recent research so that those interested in a specific area can readily obtain more detailed information. It is designed for advanced undergraduate and graduate level courses in psychology, speech and hearing sciences, and audiology. It will appeal to researchers and professionals involved in sound and hearing, such as audio engineers, otologists, hearing-aid designers, audiologists, and hearing aid dispensers. It provides emphasis on the mechanisms underlying auditory perception with key concepts clearly explained. -
The Spectrum of Consciousness
This article describes the so called Human Consciousness Project , a "master template" of the various stages, structures, and states of consciousness reflecting the "Perennial Philosophy" of mankind consisting of variations of the world's great wisdom traditions. (compare: "The game of Order"). To the possible corruption of this 'holarchy' the author suggests not getting rid of holarchy per se, but arresting (and integrating) their arrogant 'holons' to overcome the historic and collective derailment in our modern psychology. -
本书从学习、思想、大脑、和社会与文化的角度,探讨了心理语言学的各个层面。作者以平实的语言和翔实的例子考察了母语的习得,第二语言的学习,以及语言与心理和大脑之间的关系这三个与语言学习密切相关的问题。 本书着重于心理语言学与语言学习相关的理论和问题探讨,在理论、研究和实践方面都有广泛的应用性,为语言学,应用语言学以及心理学领域的相关研究者和读者提供了一本优秀的汇集心理语言学领域最新研究成果的概要性著作。 ------- 目录 《西方语言学视野》总序 《心理语言学导论》导读 原书目录 前言 表格列表 插图列表 出版者的致谢 第一部分 第一语言的习得 第一章 儿童是如何习得语言的 1.言语产出的发展 2.言语理解的发展 3.语言产出,言语理解和思维的关系 4.保姆式语言与对儿童的话语 5.模仿,规则学习和纠错 6.抽象词汇的学习 7.语言学习中的记忆与逻辑 第二章 聋儿与语言:手势语、口语和书面语 1.手势语:一种没有言语的真正语言 2.听力正常人的手势是符号但不能形成一种语言 3.基于语言的手势语 4.像美国手势语(ASL)那样的独立手势语(ISLs) 5.口语法和完全交际法 6.手势语和口语法的争论 7.美国手势语(ASL)的公众认知和聋人自尊心的增长 8.Setinberg 以全面交流为目标的书面语方法 9.一个关于书面语教学的项目 第三章 阅读原则与教学 1.书写系统和言语 2.整词法和语音/解码法的争论 3.一种通用的四阶段阅读法 4.学龄通儿童早期阅读的优势 第四章 野生与被隔离儿童和语言习得的关键期问题 1.Victor:法国Aveyron地区的野生男孩 2.Genie:在隔离的环境中成长 3.Isabelle:和无语母亲一起遭囚禁的孩子 4.Chelsea:从32岁才开始学习语言 5.Helen keller:重新学习的盲聋女孩 6.Oxana和Edik:由狗抚养长成的孩子 7.是否真的存在第一语言习得的关键期? 第五章 动物和语言学习 1.教猩猩学习英语口语 2.教猩猩、大猩猩和猩猩学习手势语 3.教黑猩猩学习人工语言 4.教海豚学习语言 5.教一只非洲灰鹦鹉学习英语口语 6.教一条叫Rico的狗理解英语口语单词 7.结论 8.更多相关信息的网址 第二部分 第二语言的学习 第六章 第二语言学习中儿童与成人的对比 1.一个普遍的认识:儿童学习语言更有优势 2.影响第二语言学习的基本心理因素 3.影响第二语言学习的社会环境 4.存在第二语言学习的关键期么? 第七章 第二语言的教学方法 第八章 双语,智力,迁移和学习策略 第三部分 语言,心理与大脑 第九章 语言,思维与文化 第十章 语言知识的来源:智力,天生的语言概念,还是行为? -
《哈佛教授给学生讲的200个心理健康故事》每章附有哈佛教授的名言,让我们感受到他们的温言细语就仿佛在耳畔:与此同时,还有哈佛精英介绍以及相关名人名言,让我们能从伟人那里学习到成长的经验和强韧心灵的妙方。心理健康是青少年受益一生的财富,青少年要健康成长,本书精心演绎的精彩不容错过。 -
许多年来,广告主、媒介策划人员和市场调查人员一直都致力于测量广告的有效性,运用种种调查方法得出的结果显示:不同广告拥有截然不同的成功率。 由埃里克·杜·普莱希斯和他的同事所进行的研究发现:一则广告能否激发目标受众的情感回应,是预测该广告成功与否的最强有力因素。 在本书中,埃里克·杜·普莱希斯借鉴了心理学家、神经学家和人工智能科学家在人脑思维运作方面获得的最新研究成果,层层剖析,为读者解答了这一问题:为什么在使人们建立深刻的广告记忆,从而加强该广告的品牌购买欲的过程中,情感这一因素如此重要?作者同时参考了拥有多达三万条电视广告回馈信息的Adtrack数据库,来探讨“广告喜好”的真正含义,并指出,在追求广告回报最大化的征程上,这一崭新的情感功能模式将引领广告业进入一个新的阶段。 -
Emotional Intelligence
Book Description The groundbreaking bestseller that redefines intelligence and success. Does IQ define our destiny? Daniel Goleman argues that our view of human intelligence is far too narrow, and that our emotions play major role in thought, decision making and individual success. Self-awareness, impulse control, persistence, motivation, empathy and social deftness are all qualities that mark people who excel: whose relationships flourish, who are stars in the workplace. With new insights into the brain architecture underlying emotion and rationality, Goleman shows precisely how emotional intelligence can be nurtured and strengthened in all of us. Amazon.com The Western cultures esteem analytical skills measured by IQ tests: but there is clearly more to success and happiness, even in technological societies, than IQ alone. Goleman has written one of the best books on the nature and importance of other kinds of intelligence besides our perhaps overly beloved IQ. Recommended. Amazon.co.uk There was a time when IQ was considered the leading determinant of success. In this fascinating book, based on brain and behavioural research, Daniel Goleman argues that our IQ- idolising view of intelligence is far too narrow. Instead, Goleman makes the case for "emotional intelligence" being the strongest indicator of human success. He defines emotional intelligence in terms of self-awareness, altruism, personal motivation, empathy and the ability to love and be loved by friends, partners, and family members. People who possess high emotional intelligence are the people who truly succeed in work as well as play, building flourishing careers and lasting, meaningful relationships. Because emotional intelligence isn't fixed at birth, Goleman outlines how adults as well as parents of young children can sow the seeds. From Publishers Weekly New York Times science writer Goleman argues that our emotions play a much greater role in thought, decision making and individual success than is commonly acknowledged. He defines "emotional intelligence"?a trait not measured by IQ tests?as a set of skills, including control of one's impulses, self-motivation, empathy and social competence in interpersonal relationships. Although his highly accessible survey of research into cognitive and emotional development may not convince readers that this grab bag of faculties comprise a clearly recognizable, well-defined aptitude, his report is nevertheless an intriguing and practical guide to emotional mastery. In marriage, emotional intelligence means listening well and being able to calm down. In the workplace, it manifests when bosses give subordinates constructive feedback regarding their performance. Goleman also looks at pilot programs in schools from New York City to Oakland, Calif., where kids are taught conflict resolution, impulse control and social skills. From Library Journal Scientific data emerging from studies using new brain imaging technologies have yielded fresh understanding of how emotions work and, argues the author, suggest ways to regulate the more negative emotions responsible for the horrendous acts of violence that are the stuff of daily headlines. The book calls for universal adoption of educational curricula that teach youngsters how to regulate their emotional responses and to resolve conflict peacefully. Along the way Goleman summarizes much of the best psychological work of the last few decades on such topics as the importance of learned optimism, the theory of multiple intelligences, the role of innate temperamental differences, and the importance of emotional intelligence in marriage, management, and medicine. Based on good empirical data (unlike many popular psychology books), this fine example is recommended for academic and larger public libraries.?Mary Ann Hughes, Neill P.L., Pullman, Wash. From Booklist If your class valedictorian did not become the soaring success everyone predicted, perhaps his IQ exceeded his EQ. Psychologist Daniel Goleman's latest book is a fascinating depiction of the role emotional intelligence plays in defining character and determining destiny. He has produced an eminently readable and persuasive work that shows us how to develop our emotional intelligence in ways that can improve our relationships, our parenting, our classrooms, and our workplaces. Goleman assures us that our temperaments may be determined by neurochemistry, but they can be altered. We could turn society on its ear if we learned to recognize our emotions and control our reactions; if we combined our thinking with our feeling; if we learned to follow our flow of feelings in our search for creativity. This well-researched work persuades us to teach our children an important lesson: humanity lies in our feelings, not our facts. This is an engrossing, captivating work that should be read by anyone who wants to improve self, family, or world. Patricia Hassler Book Dimension : length: (cm)17.8 width:(cm)11.1 -
简介: ================= 我曾在政治经济学领域获得一项奖励,我以为人们会问我获奖的原因,然而他们却问我什么是政治经济学。 我可能会想到两个答案,他们的区别在于侧重点不同。一个答案是政治背景下的经济学,政治将多于经济学,但多余的部分并不能脱离经济学。例如核能,或外国援助,或军事议案。第二个答案是研究一个经济学家不太熟悉的领域,尽管没有提供解决方案,但有助于找到解决办法或发现问题,即使通常问题本身并不被视为经济学。在跨学科委员会的日子里,除了法学家、人类学家和生物学家,几乎没有一个问题不需要经济学家。经济学家常常获得邀请是基于这样的观点:无论其他方面有多么重要,经济学仍有一席之地。被邀请的经济学家通常会发现,"其他方面"比经济学更吸引人;尽管他为进入经济学领域而付出过"入门费",但他仍能从整个问题研究中获得成就感。 目录: ================= 序 言………………………………………………………………1 第1章经济理性与政策伦理…………………………………1 第2章命令和控制……………………………………………31 第3章为控制自我而进行的亲密竞赛………………………67 第4章伦理、法律与自我控制训练…………………………99 第5章救人可能就是救自己…………………………………137 第6章死亡过程中的战略关系………………………………181 第7章经济学和犯罪行业……………………………………195 第8章什么是有组织犯罪行业………………………………221 第9章战略分析与社会问题……………………………241 第10章什么是博弈论…………………………………………265 第11章军备议案评估的框架…………………………………301 第12章防御成本战略…………………………………………333 第13章谁将拥有炸弹…………………………………………361 第14章核恐怖主义引发的思考………………………………385 第15章作为消费器官的大脑…………………………………411 注释……………………………………………………………435
- 1 梦的解析:最佳译本
- 2 李鸿章全传
- 3 淡定的智慧
- 4 心理操控术
- 5 哈佛口才课
- 6 俗世奇人
- 7 日瓦戈医生
- 8 笑死你的逻辑学
- 9 历史老师没教过的历史
- 10 1分钟和陌生人成为朋友