吉野耕作,日本著名社會學家。本書從民族主義的角度出發,以實證主義的方法論,對上世紀八、九十年代日本出現的“日本人論”和“國際化”的討論熱潮曇花一現的現象進行了分析。認為“日本人論”和“國際化”是文化民族主義在一定條件下的表現。文化民族主義既是現實的又是歷史的,在當今社會是一個極其重要的社會學范疇。全書深入淺出,舉證精當,是一本對社會學及其相關學科研究人員很有價值的學術譯作。讀者對象:供社會學及其相關學科研究人員使用參考。 -
本书从分析个体生命和聚落村庄入手,展现中国古代“农耕一伦理社区”的生存真相,以及在此基础上产生的社会组织结构和知识体系,解说至今仍在影响中国社会的种种传统观念和行为模式的历史原因。本书独特的视角和叙述方式,为学界讨论传统与现代之间的胶结关系,提供了一个可供争辩和发挥的新文体。 -
本书基于日本社会分层和社会流动研究的成果(SSM),探讨了促进分层变化、流动的历史背景,深入分析了日本社会分层和职业流动的变迁,并预测了新的趋势以及未来的动向。 近年来,社会学分层研究持续升温,以日本一国所作的社会分层研究为例,可资国际社会学分层比较,亦可作为中国当代社会分层研究的借鉴,因之具有很高的参考价值。 本书作者具有良好的社会学背景,其严谨的治学态度,创造性的研究方法使得本书不仅材料翔实、准确,而且角度新颖、视野开阔,结论具有很强的说服力。 -
本书是美国著名社会科学学者查尔斯·蒂利的又一力作。在本书中,蒂利意图阐释的问题是在社会运动过程中,个人与更宽泛的社会和政治领域的关系。作者探讨不平等与去民主化之间、身份与社会不平等之间,以及公民与身份之间的联系。本书将个体之间的互动视为更宽泛的社会过程的基本元素,以表现在个体的互动中是如何掺杂进身份元素的,社会边界是如何建立和转化的,以及持久的社会联系是如何累积起来的等等。本书从多个角度表述了个体间互动是如何影响个人和团体处理事物的方式的,他展示了社会过程中渐进性影响、间接影响、环境影响、反馈、错误、修复个意外结果的作用。社会生活是复杂的,但是本书要表明的是,一旦你懂得如何去观察社会生活,那么它也就不是那么难懂的了。作者是哥伦比亚大学的约瑟夫·伯藤威泽讲座教授,曾在特拉华大学、多伦多大学和密歇根大学任教,并开展研究,在有关政治过程、社会运动以及欧洲史的研究方面颇有建树。出版20多部学术著作,并发表了大量学术论文。 -
什么农村 什么问题
本书大体可以分为四个部分,一是2004年年初写作的题为“农村政策基础研究”的五篇论文,试图以对政策、法律和制度在农村实践过程、机制和后果及其区域差异的研究,揭示农村内部结构的复杂层面,为农村政策研究提供理论基础,从而在农村政策研究和基础理论研究之间建立一个新的研究领域。二是主要写于2004~2006年的一组讨论农民行动逻辑的论文,试图从村民和村庄的角度解释乡村治理中的各种现象。三是写于2005~2006年的一组讨论农村研究中经验研究重要性的文章,是在农村调查研究形成的关于调研方法的一些感悟,及对中国社会科学本土化的期待。四是2001年以来主要由我执笔表述的华中农村研究者的一些研究共识与策略。此外,导论部分是2006年应《中国社会科学》编辑部邀请所写《中国社会科学学术前沿(2006~2007)》的章,试图站在我们的立场对当前中国乡村治理的现状作些归纳,对乡村治理的可能发展作出描述。 -
《电话的社会影响》是一本论文集,涉及众多的研究领域。它涵盖了电话在历史、文学、城市发展中的各个不同角色。提示了电话与女性、地理学、时间的使用以及语言之间的各种关系。《电话的社会影响》洪了科学爱历史学家、技术专家以及新闻工作者们的研究和真知灼见,这部文集的面世是评价电话技术对社会影响的第一次集体性学术行为。 -
增订本序 一九八五年结集前言 前言:为一丝希望写文章 第一部分:《论衡》二十篇(写于八四至八五年) 我对中国前途审慎乐观的原因 从李子树看大陆的产权转变 从「大锅饭」到「大包干」 中国农业制度何去何从? 大搬迁的压力 马克思奄奄一息 城市改革的困难 铁饭碗与国家职工 葛氏定律与价格分歧--评一国二币 外汇管制的谬误 贪污的后患 价格是为谁而被管制的? 没有兄弟姊妹的社会 一币二率的困扰 要一步解决汇率困扰 官商的天堂 知识是维护政制的代价 中国大酒店(之一) 中国大酒店(之二)(附后记) 星星之火,可以燎原 迷途已远,回头非岸,来者可追乎? 作者后记 第二部分:中国会走向资本主义的道路吗?(写于八一年) 一九八二年原序 一九八三年译序 一九八五年结集序 第一章:绪论 第二章:大陆制度改革的困阻 第三章:制度转变的经济理论 第四章:大陆制度改革的费用正在不断下降 第五章:共产主义为何失败了? -
《外国社会学史》一书的初版于1989年问世,现在与读者见面的是本书的第三版。本版在前两版基础上增加了一些新内容,其中主要有20世纪90年代以来的西方社会学综合趋势的新发展,以及进入21世纪以来的俄罗斯府这的新动向。另外,对其他个别章节也作了一些补充。经过上述的修订,本书在内容上更加完整,层次更加清晰。 -
《漂移的社会:农民工张全收和他的事业》讲述了张全收的传奇故事,他想对总理说些什么呢?留给我们思考的是农民工将漂向何方?在深圳,有一家被称为“农民工之家”的公司。凡是想进城务工的农民,只要找到它,无论有没有活干,每个月最少也能保证700块钱收入,医疗保障、意外救治、追讨欠薪等也都由公司来负责。深圳已经有上万名农民工享受到该企业提供的服务,而给他们支起这张保护伞的,是一个仅读过小学的河南农民,他就是被称为“民工司令”的张全收。 -
本书以独特的历史的和批判的视角提供了一篇关于日常生活理论的导论。作者探究了日常生活诸概念从格奥尔格·席美尔的文化社会学,通过1930年代的民意调查项目到米歇尔·德塞尔托等人的当代理论的发展历程。 -
《符号•文化•城市:文化批评哲学五题》主要内容:在目前这个所谓的知识经济时代,现实生活中的种种压力日益增大,《符号•文化•城市:文化批评哲学五题》中人们不仅需要各种有用的知识作为求职谋生的手段,而且需要审美的智慧作为自我救赎的依托。 -
Nations and Nationalism
Nationalism is one of the most powerful forces in the modern world, yet it is surprisingly little studied and only imperfectly understood, either by its adherents or its opponents. Its irruption into the modern world is often explained as a resurgence of primitive, atavistic instincts, or as a delusion fostered by a few theoreticians, politicians or propagandists. The present volume interprets nationalism in terms of its social roots, which it locates in industrial social organization. A society that aims for affluence and economic growth, Professor Gellner argues, depends on innovation, occupational mobility, mass media, universal literacy, and education in a shared, standard idiom. Taken together these transform the relationship between culture and the state. The functioning of the society depends on an all-embracing educational system, tied to one culture and protected by a state identified with that culture. The principle one state, one culture makes itself felt, and political units which do not conform to it feel the strain in the form of nationalist activity. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title. Table of Contents About the Authors vii About this Edition viii Editor's Preface to the First Edition R. I. Moore, Founding Editor ix Acknowledgements for the First Edition xi Introduction John Breuilly xiii 1 Definitions 1 State and Nation 3 The Nation 5 2 Culture in Agrarian Society 8 Power and Culture in the Agro-literate Polity 9 Culture 11 The State in Agrarian Society 13 The Varieties of Agrarian Rulers 14 3 Industrial Society 19 The Society of Perpetual Growth 23 Social Genetics 29 The Age of Universal High Culture 34 4 The Transition to an Age of Nationalism 38 A Note on the Weakness of Nationalism 42 Wild and Garden Cultures 48 5 What is a Nation? 52 The Course of True Nationalism Never did Run Smooth 57 6 Social Entropy and Equality in Industrial Society 62 Obstacles to Entropy 63 Fissures and Barriers 72 A Diversity of Focus 73 7 A Typology of Nationalisms 85 The Varieties of Nationalist Experience 94 Diaspora Nationalism 98 8 The Future of Nationalism 106 Industrial Culture - One or Many? 110 9 Nationalism and Ideology 118 Who is for Nuremberg? 125 One Nation, One State 128 10 Conclusion 131 What is not being Said 131 Summary 133 -
Re-envisioning the Chinese Revolution
Popular memories of the revolutionary past have become a political and cultural force in China. Traumatic memory and active criticism make up part of this wave, but so does nostalgia for collective responsibility and for feelings of freedom and progress. Re-envisioning the Chinese Revolution is the first comprehensive study of contemporary memories of China’s revolutionary epoch, from the time of Japanese imperialism through the Cultural Revolution. Path-breaking in its scope, the research in this volume carefully examines the memories of a wide range of social groups, including disenfranchised workers and rural women, who have often been neglected in scholarship. Looking at a variety of embodiments of memories—interviews, films, photo exhibits, museums, and websites—the authors, ranging from anthropologists to film studies specialists, present original research on the idea of “memories as a cultural and political phenomenon.” The result is an unprecedented and illuminating reexamination of the memory of, and occasionally nostalgia for, the Chinese Revolution. Contributors include: Anita Chan, Robert Chi, David J. Davies, Kirk A. Denton, Gail Hershatter, Ching Kwan Lee, Kimberley Ens Manning, Erik Mueggler, Paul G. Pickowicz, Jonathan Unger, Ban Wang, and Guobin Yang. -
對現代人來說,趁著假期結伴出遊,或到國外旅遊,是不可或缺的經驗。拿著數位相機,頻頻捕捉風景名勝,或到著名景點消費,買一點紀念品,似乎才證明了自己曾經到此一遊。然而,在這些形形色色的異地風光中,我們「看到」了什麼,而真正「被看」到的又是什麼,「看」與「被看」之間又產生什麼關係? 英國社會學教授John Urry在《觀光客的凝視》中,帶領我們省視觀光這種社會行為的歷史發展及重大轉變。 何謂「觀光客的凝視」?簡單來說,就是觀光客帶著慾望消費觀光景點的符碼。觀光客的凝視是社會建構而成,自成完整的體系。John Urry指出視覺經驗是觀光旅遊的重要面向,更強調「凝視主體」和「凝視對象」之間社會權力關係的操作與展演。觀光經驗的建構來自符號的消費與收集,觀光客的凝視是符號化的凝視,是浪漫的,是集體的,更是多元而流動的。 這本探討現代觀光文化的重要著作,勾勒出觀光旅遊在過去幾世紀以來的演變流程,從大眾觀光旅遊(mass tourism)在歐洲和北美洲開始流行,到逐漸蔓延至世界大部份地區的整個歷史進程。除了社會學的思考之外,對文學想像與美感經驗分析,更為台灣的跨領域研究提供了另類視角。 -
本书主要论述各类元素的缺乏对幸福感产生的影响,分别讨论健康、生活、金钱、工作、教育、家庭及时尚等等要素,在不同层面参与幸福感形成的过程,以及在现实中,它们又往往存在程度不等的缺失,从而给人们带来不幸的感觉。 你感觉幸福吗?你知道生活中到底有哪些因素在影响着我们的幸福感觉?健康、生活、金钱、工作、教育、家庭还是时尚?本书通过对诸多幸福因素的调查研究,揭露中国人的幸福状况。如果你想了解相关情况,如果你想提升自己的幸福感,那就赶快阅读本书吧。 -
The Decline of the German Mandarins
德国最后的文化贵族已经在二战前被终结了。关于这一代欧洲文人,韦伯做过类比,说他们近似中国儒家学者(Mandarins),其“地位来自教育与学识,而非世袭权力或财富”。关键是:中国学人饱读诗书、珍爱文化,同时具备政治抱负、治国才干。如此进退自如,可谓知识分子理想型。这一代文人都很讲文化民族主义,到了现在,被布尔迪厄通通批为“文化保守主义”一代,并认为他们要对纳粹兴起负主要责任。真是驴唇不对马嘴啊。 -
Going Solo
A revelatory examination of the most significant demographic shift since the Baby Boom—the sharp increase in the number of people who live alone—that offers surprising insights on the benefits of this epochal change In 1950, only 22 percent of American adults were single. Today, more than 50 percent of American adults are single, and 31 million—roughly one out of every seven adults—live alone. People who live alone make up 28 percent of all U.S. households, which makes them more common than any other domestic unit, including the nuclear family. In GOING SOLO, renowned sociologist and author Eric Klinenberg proves that these numbers are more than just a passing trend. They are, in fact, evidence of the biggest demographic shift since the Baby Boom: we are learning to go solo, and crafting new ways of living in the process. Klinenberg explores the dramatic rise of solo living, and examines the seismic impact it’s having on our culture, business, and politics. Though conventional wisdom tells us that living by oneself leads to loneliness and isolation, Klinenberg shows that most solo dwellers are deeply engaged in social and civic life. In fact, compared with their married counterparts, they are more likely to eat out and exercise, go to art and music classes, attend public events and lectures, and volunteer. There’s even evidence that people who live alone enjoy better mental health than unmarried people who live with others and have more environmentally sustainable lifestyles than families, since they favor urban apartments over large suburban homes. Drawing on over three hundred in-depth interviews with men and women of all ages and every class, Klinenberg reaches a startling conclusion: in a world of ubiquitous media and hyperconnectivity, this way of life can help us discover ourselves and appreciate the pleasure of good company. With eye-opening statistics, original data, and vivid portraits of people who go solo, Klinenberg upends conventional wisdom to deliver the definitive take on how the rise of living alone is transforming the American experience. GOING SOLO is a powerful and necessary assessment of an unprecedented social change. -
The Social Animal
#1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER With unequaled insight and brio, New York Times columnist David Brooks has long explored and explained the way we live. Now Brooks turns to the building blocks of human flourishing in a multilayered, profoundly illuminating work grounded in everyday life. This is the story of how success happens, told through the lives of one composite American couple, Harold and Erica. Drawing on a wealth of current research from numerous disciplines, Brooks takes Harold and Erica from infancy to old age, illustrating a fundamental new understanding of human nature along the way: The unconscious mind, it turns out, is not a dark, vestigial place, but a creative one, where most of the brain’s work gets done. This is the realm where character is formed and where our most important life decisions are made—the natural habitat of The Social Animal . Brooks reveals the deeply social aspect of our minds and exposes the bias in modern culture that overemphasizes rationalism, individualism, and IQ. He demolishes conventional definitions of success and looks toward a culture based on trust and humility. The Social Animal is a moving intellectual adventure, a story of achievement and a defense of progress. It is an essential book for our time—one that will have broad social impact and will change the way we see ourselves and the world.
- 1 梦的解析:最佳译本
- 2 李鸿章全传
- 3 淡定的智慧
- 4 心理操控术
- 5 哈佛口才课
- 6 俗世奇人
- 7 日瓦戈医生
- 8 笑死你的逻辑学
- 9 历史老师没教过的历史
- 10 1分钟和陌生人成为朋友