

  • 传统与变迁


    在从计划经济体制向市场经济体制转变的过程中, 中国沿海发达地区的 农村社会经济和广大农民的思想、心理、行为、思维方式发生了哪些变化? 本书根据大量史料和实地调查 对此作了深入、细致的分析,特别是对“苏南模式”和 “温州模式”的比较研究, 提出了许多启人思索、令人信服的观点。 政策制定、经济管理或社会科学研究 诸多部门的读者,通过本书都将对中国沿海农村社会与经济的走势有一个较全面、清晰的了解。 ――厉以宁 中国是个农业大国, 对中国农村和农民问题的研究, 历来是中外学者所关注的重大课题。 本书首次系统考察了近代以来尤其是1949年后, 随着江浙农村经济、社会结构的变化, 江浙农民的社会心理发生的明显嬗变。 这无论在社会史领域还是在社会学领域, 都称得上是一项富有创造性的研究。 本书的出版, 填补了社会史研究的一项空白, 对认识中国近代社会、认识中国农村, 都将具有积极的意义。 ――蔡少卿
  • 女人的身体 男人的目光


    本书是法国社会学家,巴黎第五大学教授让-克鲁德·考夫曼所著。他善于运用社会学调查的方法,对日常生活中常见的现象进行研究,从中得出自己的结论。目前考夫曼的研究方法和书籍已引起了各国社会学界的广泛重视。 法国杂志《新观察家》评论此书的作者:"同美国人埃尔文·格夫曼一样,考夫曼也是一个热衷于探究日常生活,钻研表面上看似无意义的人。人们漫不经心的习惯却有着深远的意义……。考夫曼主张社会学应从生活的各个角落里去寻找意义。 本书的作者运用社会学调查的方法,选择了海滩裸乳这种日常现象进行社会学研究。本书的作者收集了大量的资料,并在海滩上采访了三百多人,用以研究人们对女性身体暴露程度的看法。书中涉及的下面几个问题:(1)历史的演变。(2)男人和女人的关系。(3)个体与社会之间的关系。(4)构建新规范的真实性。(5)常态构成的现实使日常的民主运作成为问题。 本书的读者对象是社会学研究人员和学生,特别是社会学调查专业的研究人员;对社会学感兴趣的广大读者。
  • 审视自我

    作者:约翰·马雪尼斯 编

    本书是一部社会学研究文集,从三个层面收录了社会学经典、当代和跨文化研究的代表性作品,多方面反映了社会学的多元观点和方法,内容涉及社会学原理、社会问题、女性研究、婚姻家庭、动物权利等众多议题和领域。 经典文献部分选取了主要的社会学大师如马克斯·韦伯、卡尔·马克思、乔治·齐美尔、埃米尔·涂尔干、托马斯·罗伯特·马尔萨斯等人的作品;当代部分主要以当今众多社会学议题、争论和应用为主;跨文化部分重在启发学生对北美社会文化多样性的批判思考,由此扩展出对其他不同文化领域的理解。 本书自推出以来经过不断的修订完善,第6版包括了70多个议题并在前一版基础上充实了许多新的内容,是一部社会学工作者和研究者的重要参考书。另外,本书还提供了相关网址以及教师手册,极大地方便了读者的学习与使用。
  • 现代社会心理学史


  • 宗教教义与社会演化


  • 人类的本性

    作者:(美) 爱得华·威尔逊

  • The Managed Heart

    作者:Arlie Russell Hochsc

    In private life we try to induce or suppress love, envy, and anger through deep acting or "emotional work," just as we manage our outer expressions through surface acting. But what happens when this system of adjusting emotions is adapted to commercial purposes? Hochschild examines the cost of this kind of "emotional labor." She vividly describes from a humanist and feminist perspective the process of estrangement from personal feelings and its role as an "occupational hazard" for one-third of America's workforce.
  • 人人时代

    作者:[美]克莱•舍基(Clay Shirky

    [内容简介] •一而再,再而三出现的公众事件,绝不仅是来自草根的随兴狂欢,而是在昭示着一种变革未来的力量之崛起!基于爱、正义、共同的喜好和经历,人和人可以超越传统社会的种种限制,灵活而有效地采用即时通信、移动电话、网络日志和维基百科等新的社会性工具联结起来,一起分享、合作乃至展开集体行动。人人时代已经到来。 •微软、诺基亚、宝洁、BBC、乐高、美国海军最推崇的咨询顾问,“互联网革命最伟大的思考者”为你直指商业模式变革和社会发展的宏大趋势,彻底改变你看待未来的角度和视野! [编辑推荐] •全球思想家正在读的20本书之一,“互联网革命最伟大的思考者”克莱•舍基最经典作品《未来是湿的》再版升级。 •在《人人时代》中,克莱•舍基作为一个新文化的最敏锐的观察者,对人人时代的到来给予了明晰而富有穿透力的解析,并思考了我们是谁,我们可以做什么。 •21世纪最有价值的未来学读本,获选《商业周刊》最佳商业书籍。 •洞察中国社会数字化进程第一人胡泳领衔翻译,《互联网周刊》主编姜奇平作序,腾讯董事会主席兼首席执行官马化腾,中国互联网发展的重要参与者、知名IT评论人谢文,《长尾理论》作者克里斯•安德森重磅推荐!
  • Why Men Rebel

    作者:Ted Robert Gurr

    Why Men Rebel was first published in 1970 on the heels of a decade of political violence and protest not only in remote corners of Africa and Southeast Asia, but also at home in the United States. Forty years later, the world is still concerned with conflicts in Africa and Asia, along with the Middle East, and the United States has been overtaken by a focus on international terrorism. Do the arguments of 1970 apply today? Ted Robert Gurr reintroduces us to his landmark work, putting it in context with research it spawned as well as with world events. The fact that Why Men Rebel has been recently translated into Arabic and Russian is telling, and its award-winning presentation compels a re-reading. Why Men Rebeln continues to be recognized as a classic because it helped lead the way to a systematic, people-based understanding of the causes of political protest and rebellion. With its close eye on the politics of group identity, grievances, and governmental response, Why Men Rebel lends new insight into contemporary challenges of transnational recruitment and organization, multimedia mobilization, and terrorism.
  • 哈佛沟通书


  • 污名: 管理受損身分的筆記

    作者:高夫曼 Goffman, Erving

    《污名》是一場極富啟發性的考察旅程,探索著一群無法符合社會所稱「正常」標準之人的生命情境。這群人由於不能得到社會的完整接納,於是成了被污名化的人。身體殘缺者、精神疾病患者、吸毒者、賣淫者、或因其他各種原因而遭放逐者,都必須不斷努力適應自己不穩定的身分認同。他們的自我形象始終對抗著別人強加在他們身上的形象。 社會學大師高夫曼廣泛運用各種自傳與案例研究的材料,分析被污名化之人對自身的感受,以及他們與「正常人」之間的關係。他探討這些人用來處理遭受他人排斥時的各式策略,以及他們所投射出的各種關於自身的訊息。這本經典之作提醒了我們:人人都可能成為蒙受污名者,也可能成為施加污名的共犯。此為高夫曼帶給我們最深遠的「社會學的想像」。
  • 如何做综述性研究


  • The Rational Optimist

    作者:Matt Ridley

    Life is getting better—and at an accelerating rate. Food availability, income, and life span are up; disease, child mortality, and violence are down — all across the globe. Though the world is far from perfect, necessities and luxuries alike are getting cheaper; population growth is slowing; Africa is following Asia out of poverty; the Internet, the mobile phone, and container shipping are enriching people’s lives as never before. The pessimists who dominate public discourse insist that we will soon reach a turning point and things will start to get worse. But they have been saying this for two hundred years. Yet Matt Ridley does more than describe how things are getting better. He explains why. Prosperity comes from everybody working for everybody else. The habit of exchange and specialization—which started more than 100,000 years ago—has created a collective brain that sets human living standards on a rising trend. The mutual dependence, trust, and sharing that result are causes for hope, not despair. This bold book covers the entire sweep of human history, from the Stone Age to the Internet, from the stagnation of the Ming empire to the invention of the steam engine, from the population explosion to the likely consequences of climate change. It ends with a confident assertion that thanks to the ceaseless capacity of the human race for innovative change, and despite inevitable disasters along the way, the twenty-first century will see both human prosperity and natural biodiversity enhanced. Acute, refreshing, and revelatory, The Rational Optimist will change your way of thinking about the world for the better.
  • Crazy Like Us

    作者:Ethan Watters

    From Publishers Weekly: If you thought McDonald's and strip malls were the ugliest of America's cultural exports, think again. Western ideas about mental illness-from anorexia to post-traumatic stress disorder, schizophrenia, general anxiety and clinical depression-as well as Western treatments have been sweeping the globe with alarming speed, argues journalist Watters (Urban Tribes), and are doing far more damage than Big Macs and the Gap. In this well-traveled, deeply reported book, Watters takes readers from Hong Kong to Zanzibar, to Tsunami ravaged Sri Lanka, to illustrate how distinctly American psychological disorders have played in far-off locales, and how Western treatments, from experimental, unproven drugs to talk therapy, have clashed with local customs, understandings and religions. While the book emphasizes anthropological findings at the occasional expense of medical context, and at times skitters into a broad indictment of drug companies and Western science, Watters builds a powerful case. He argues convincingly that cultural differences belie any sort of western template for diagnosing and treating mental illness, and that the rapid spread of American culture threatens our very understanding of the human mind: "We should worry about the loss of diversity in the world's differing conceptions of treatments for mental illness in the same way we worry about the loss of biodiversity in nature."
  • 單面人


  • 同性恋在中国


    《同性恋在中国》无疑是一本很有价值的书。 本书介绍改革开放十多年,无论是医学界还是社会、心理学界,对同性恋问题都曾给予相当的关注。近年来,关于这方面的学术讨论乃至咨询医疗实践上都有过不少的文章,应当说对这一领域的研究是有一定进展和收获的,但像方刚先生这样亲临一线做实地调查,并撰写出如此丰富的第一手资料者尚少。
  • Generation Me

    作者:Jean M. Twenge

    Called "The Entitlement Generation" or Gen Y, they are storming into schools, colleges, and businesses all over the country. In this provocative new book, headline-making psychologist and social commentator Dr. Jean Twenge explores why the young people she calls "Generation Me" -- those born in the 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s -- are tolerant, confident, open-minded, and ambitious but also cynical, depressed, lonely, and anxious. Herself a member of Generation Me, Dr. Twenge uses findings from the largest intergenerational research study ever conducted -- with data from 1.3 million respondents spanning six decades -- to reveal how profoundly different today's young adults are. Here are the often shocking truths about this generation, including dramatic differences in sexual behavior, as well as controversial predictions about what the future holds for them and society as a whole. Her often humorous, eyebrow-raising stories about real people vividly bring to life the hopes and dreams, disappointments and challenges of Generation Me. GenMe has created a profound shift in the American character, changing what it means to be an individual in today's society. The collision of this generation's entitled self-focus and today's competitive marketplace will create one of the most daunting challenges of the new century. Engaging, controversial, prescriptive, funny, Generation Me will give Boomers new insight into their offspring, and help those in their teens, 20s, and 30s finally make sense of themselves and their goals and find their road to happiness.
  • 话语分析导论


  • 世界上最神奇的社会学定律


  • 做個有梗的人


    內容簡介 《點子都是偷來的》作者奧斯汀‧克隆說, 「如果有哪個思想家的構想值得偷,那一定是潔西卡‧哈吉。」 《富比士》專欄作家、《紐約時報》漫畫家、 兩屆威比獎得主、啟發全球百萬網友的潔西卡 教你人生瞬間變有梗的十個妙方 如果,每天放眼望去的世界看起來沒什麼不一樣, 也分辨不出事情的差異時,那麼, 你需要的是腦袋重開機,做個有梗的人。 如果你很有梗,人們會注意你, 希望和你共事、合作,你會因此得到回饋。 當你遇到困境時,也能用更好的解決方案脫困, 進入更高的層次和境界。 被譽為聰慧度排名世上前五名的潔西卡,2006年起開始分享她詼諧又不失睿智的插圖漫畫,結合了數據與幽默、洞察力和簡單的圖表,講述新鮮、精闢的人生課題,獲得《富比士》網站邀約創作「如何變得更有趣」專欄。因為提供創意,激發讀者思考的魔力使得網友爭相走告,大受好評,點閱率超過140萬,進一步催生本書,她的部落格也連續兩年得到有網路奧斯卡獎之稱的「威比獎」。 《做個有梗的人》就像創意活泉,打開書,許多滿不錯的想法便會流淌出來。 叔本華曾說:「當心!不要讓你的腦袋成為別人的跑馬場。」所以,如果人云亦云、無自己的主見,就只能出讓自己的腦袋當別人思想的跑馬場。在提案2:「分享心得」中,就鼓勵大家抒發自己的意見,並指出你觀察程度的多寡與你所提意見的獨特成正比,也會更看重批判性思考,而批判的題材就來自於平常的閱讀、冒險與其他。 提案3「做些什麼,什麼都好」中,則要你「丟掉垃圾」。要知道並非每一項活動都值得參加,並非每一件煩人的苦差事都是你的義務。潔西卡進一步忠告:避開那些會拖垮你、害你疲憊不堪的事。萬一非做不可,就精神抖擻地趕快做完,做完就拋諸腦後。這樣你就有更多空間容納重要的事、更多空間容納有趣的事。 提案6「別自以為是」更提醒人不要傲慢;它指出許多人活在頭銜的框架裡,事實上,不管你的頭銜是什麼,是國王、女王也好;是醫師、律師也罷;就算是教宗、市長、魚販、娼妓……重要的不是頭銜,而是頭銜背後的那個人。所以,拋開頭銜吧,不用自我貼標籤。 翻讀本書,時而會心一笑、時而掩卷沈思;10個讓你變得更有梗的提案向讀者偷渡了最有趣的概念,讓你跳出無聊、無力的生活,打通創意的任督二脈,更治癒你對走獨特的路、裹足不前的恐懼,讓你的人生更有意義。