

  • 社会政策学十讲


    这是一本内容丰富、结构清晰、文字活泼的社会政策学简明读物。全书共分十章,每章探讨社会政策学的一个重要问题,如社会政策学的内涵,它的历史起源与未来发展,它的研究对象(社会政策、社会问题、福利国家、社会支出等),它的意识形态基础(自由主义、共和主义、平等主义、保守主义),它的经济学、政治学和社会学维度等。 全书通俗易懂、内容广泛,是一本很好的社会政策学入门读物,特别适合不同知识背景的人全面了解社会政策的基本知识。作者啥特利•迪安是伦敦经济与政治学院社会政策学系教授,以这样一位权威人物撰写的入门级读物,文字风格却十分活泼,读来引人入胜。
  • 大气候


  • Just One Child

    作者:Susan Greenhalgh

    China's one-child rule is unassailably one of the most controversial social policies of all time. In the first book of its kind, Susan Greenhalgh draws on twenty years of research into China's population politics to explain how the leaders of a nation of one billion decided to limit all couples to one child. Focusing on the historic period 1978-80, when China was just reentering the global capitalist system after decades of self-imposed isolation, Greenhalgh documents the extraordinary manner in which a handful of leading aerospace engineers hijacked the population policymaking process and formulated a strategy that treated people like missiles. Just One Child situates these science- and policymaking practices in their broader contexts--the scientization and statisticalization of sociopolitical life--and provides the most detailed and incisive account yet of the origins of the one-child policy.
  • 社会研究中的研究设计


    本书旨在向从事社会研究的读者呈现需要特别关注的研究设计议题。在进行社会研究时,一个重要的问题是研究设计与研究的实际过程相互不匹配,而一些研究方法教材又比较关注数据收集策略和统计分析。研究方法的核心内容应该是研究设计,故本书描述了社会研究中研究设计的主要类型,解释了研究设计的原理和目的,并提供了各项设计技术。 ------- 目录 前言 第一部分 什么是研究设计 第1章 研究设计的内容 第2章 研究设计的工具 第3章 因果关系与研究设计原理 第二部分 实验设计 第4章 实验设计的类型 第5章 实验设计议题 第6章 分析实验数据 第三部分 纵向设计 第四部分 截面设计 第五部分 个案研究设计 参考文献 索引 译后记
  • The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism

    作者:Weber, Max

    n The Protestant Ethic, Max Weber opposes the Marxist concept of dialectical materialism and relates the rise of the capitalist economy to the Calvinist belief in the moral value of hard work and the fulfillment of one's worldly duties. Based on the original 1905 edition, this volume includes, along with Weber's treatise, an illuminating introduction, a wealth of explanatory notes, and exemplary responses and remarks-both from Weber and his critics-sparked by publication of The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism. This is the first English translation of the 1905 German text and the first volume to include Weber's unexpurgated responses to his critics, which reveal important developments in and clarifications of Weber's argument.
  • The Lonely Crowd, Revised edition

    作者:David Riesman,Nathan

    The Lonely Crowd is considered by many to be the most influential book of the twentieth century. Its now-classic analysis of the 'new middle class' in terms of inner-directed and other-directed social character opened exciting new dimensions in our understanding of the psychological, political, and economic problems that confront the individual in contemporary American society. The 1969 abridged and revised edition of the book is now reissued with a new foreword by Todd Gitlin that explains why the book is still relevant to our own era.
  • 信仰、革命与权力秩序


  • 不平等经济学


    皮凯蒂在《不平等经济学》这本书中,解释了不平等的含义以及经济学家们如何测量不平等。他用数据分析了收入和资本的变化,展现了减少不平等的各种政策措施。在本书中,他论述了资本和劳动的关系、不同税收体系的效果、教育和科技变革对于不平等的影响、公平和效率之间的关系等一系列重要问题。 不平等问题已经成为当代经济领域的一个重要话题,对于想从基础开始,清晰、简明地了解这一问题的人来说,本书是极好的开端。 当我们发展到一定阶段,不再为增长速度操心时,皮凯蒂关心的问题成为我们也密切注意的问题。读懂这本《不平等经济学》有助于我们更好地理解经济发展是如何产生出社会不平等的,从而使我们能够对症下药,有的放矢地去校正这些问题。 ——丁一凡 国务院发展研究中心世界发展研究所研究员 经济增长速度的放缓本身并不值得担忧。值得担忧的是,在财富增长和经济增长之间的赛跑中,经济增长的速度低于财富增长的速度。 ——何帆 中国社会科学院世界经济与政治研究所研究员 皮凯蒂的《不平等经济学》和《21世纪资本论》一样,是一本非常优秀的著作。这本书把广泛的数据、理论的关注和政策的考量充分结合在了一起。 ——科学研究基金 如果皮凯蒂是对的,不平等没有办法由自由市场自身来解决,我们就必须真正理解这个问题并且知道该怎么办。对于每一个关心这个话题的人来说,《不平等经济学》一书都值得阅读。 ——《出版周刊》 皮凯蒂的《不平等经济学》是《21世纪资本论》的前传,对于想了解不平等问题的大众来说,最好从这本书开始。 ——《爱尔兰时报》
  • Inside China's Automobile Factories

    作者:Lu Zhang

    In Inside China's Automobile Factories, Lu Zhang explores the current conditions, subjectivity, and collective actions of autoworkers in the world's largest and fastest-growing automobile manufacturing nation. Based on years of fieldwork and extensive interviews conducted at seven large auto factories in various regions of China, Zhang provides an inside look at the daily factory life of autoworkers and a deeper understanding of the roots of rising labor unrest in the auto industry. Combining original empirical data and sophisticated analysis that moves from the shop floor to national political economy and global industry dynamics, the book develops a multilayered framework for understanding how labor relations in the auto industry and broader social economy can be expected to develop in China in the coming decades. • The first ethnographic study of Chinese autoworkers, based on years of fieldwork and extensive interviews • Sociological analysis paired with fine-grained ethnographic detail • Multilayered framework of interactions of shop-floor, national and global processes for understanding the major transformations taking place in China's labor front as well as its economic society
  • 逃离不平等


    人类的历史是一个不断向前的故事,也是一个造就不平等、不平等又促成平等,不断循环往复的故事。 这一点,在今日繁荣与平等已成对立之势的美国(中国尤其如此)非常明显。一少部分人大施拳脚,但多数人仍在奋力挣扎之中。在把全世界作为一个整体时,我们同样看到如此的规律:当一部分人从贫困、匮乏、疾病以及死亡之中逃脱时,另一部分人则继续被留在这些漩涡中。 《逃离不平等:健康财富及不平等的起源》充满历史纵深感,关注人类发展与不平等之间的复杂关联。发展导致了不平等,不平等却时常有益发展,比如它会为后进者指明发展方向,或者刺激后进者去迎头赶上。但不平等也时常会阻碍发展,因为既得利益者为了维护自身地位,会破坏追赶者的发展道路。 作者安格斯·迪顿用讲故事的方式,主要从健康和财富这两个角度来阐述这个问题。将经济学、历史学、人口学、心理学等诸多学科的知识融入其中,为我们讲述了生活和社会是如何越来越好,为什么进步会发生,以及进步和不平等之间的相互作用。 在《逃离不平等:健康财富及不平等的起源》中,作者讨论了如下诸多问题:不平等导致了哪些问题?不平等到底是有益发展还是有害发展?我们所谈论的各种不平等中,哪些是至关重要的?让少数人先富起来,是否对社会有好处?如果没有好处,那让一部分人先富起来的规则和制度是否正确?富人会不会限制穷人对社会运行管理的影响力,以达到伤害其它人利益之目的?健康上的不平等是否和收入的不平等有相似之处,或者说他们之间是否存在某些差别?这些不平等真的总是不公正的吗?还是它们会带来一种更高的善?
  • 誰把艾菲爾鐵塔搬到了中國?

    作者:碧安卡.博斯克(Bianca Boske

    ☆第一本以文化、歷史、時代性的角度探討中國山寨建築! 看中國如何複製全世界 從凡爾賽宮到白宮,從威尼斯小鎮到艾菲爾鐵塔、哥德式城堡…… 世界名建築原尺寸、等比例,原封不動地搬到了中國各地! 這樣的「山寨建築」現象,背後複製的動機到底是什麼?是因為缺乏自信,中國建築仿造成風?抑或是體現了中國人的生活方式與獨特的思考?本書為讀者帶來截然不同的中國觀點。 ●作者走訪中國各地,拍攝實景建築圖片、詳實紀錄● 作者碧安卡.博斯克走訪中國各地,紀錄並拍攝只有出現在中國的奇景── 大量以原尺寸、等比例複製,在中國土地上的法國凡爾賽宮、惠州市仿造成奧地利的哈修塔特村、杭州市仿造成義大利式的威尼斯建築、水道與平底船;上海的英式「泰晤士小鎮」、瀋陽的「新阿姆斯特丹」、法國巴黎鐵塔、德國新天鵝堡……仿效得維妙維肖,任何一絲細節都不放過,即使是巴黎鐵塔前的一盞紅綠燈亦然。 作者碧安卡.博斯克認為,「他們賣的不僅是山寨西方公寓,還有更美好生活的夢想……」不少建築並非簡單、單一的模仿,而是在其中加入了許多的中國元素,讓這些西方建築更符合中國的美學。這些仿造歐美式的建築當中,有不少帶有炫富的土豪成分,但在這些建築的背後,是一個個充滿活力與生機的社區。 作者在書中並沒有對中國這樣廣泛且普遍受到認可的山寨現象做膚淺的解讀。 在整本書當中,「庸俗」這個詞僅出現了三次。在博斯克的眼裡,這種「融西入中」的建築,卻也體現著當代中國人的「生活方式」和「獨特思考」,並對現象背後中國人的心理狀態,做了深刻的著墨及剖析。她認為對中國人來說,複製文化有其獨特的價值。 中國的急速發展給予中國人不小的壓力,也讓人們對西方社會更加嚮往,這些歐式住宅正是顯示他們的世界性和成功的表徵!不論你覺得這些建築是奢華、做作、庸俗,或者驚艷、美麗且神奇,你都不能不驚歎中國的「複製能力」! 驚歎推薦 作家.節目主持人 謝哲青 中央研究院社會學研究所所長 蕭新煌 臺灣大學城鄉所教授 畢恆達
  • 城市研究核心概念

    作者:[美] 马克·戈特迪纳[,英] 莱斯利·

  • 韦伯论大学


    “如果大学不仅提供知识和领悟(方法),而且还教以信仰和“理想”的话,这就超越了科学与学术的界限……”很多大学教师,大多数并不是“激进”的政界的人物,却要充当“政治家”式的政界的中介人,不能遵守作为义务的自律,把培养学生特定的政治信仰和世界观作为教育的特权和当然的任务,正是这样的傲慢自大,会导致大学走进死胡同……这就是马克斯·韦伯,以及他眼中的德国大学! 本书是韦伯的论文集,汇集的主要是当年他在《法兰克福报》等刊物上发表的文章。涉及韦伯自身参与的贝恩哈德事件、米歇尔斯事件争论、在德国大学教师会议上的言论以及“社会科学方法论”和“以学术为志业”两篇文章中的相关部分。
  • Language and Symbolic Power

    作者:Pierre Bourdieu

    This volume brings together Bourdieu's highly original writings on language and on the relations among language, power, and politics. Bourdieu develops a forceful critique of traditional approaches to language, including the linguistic theories of Saussure and Chomsky and the theory of speech-acts elaborated by Austin and others. He argues that language should he viewed not only as a means of communication but also as a medium of power through which individuals pursue their own interests and display their practical competence. Drawing on the concepts that are part of his distinctive theoretical approach. Bourdieu maintains that linguistic utterances or expressions can be understood as the product of the relation between a linguistic market" and it "linguistic habitus." When individuals use language in particular ways, they deploy their accumulated linguistic resources and implicitly adapt their words to the demands of the social held or market that is their audience. Hence every linguistic interaction, however personal or insignificant it may seem, hears the traces of the social structure that it both expresses and helps to reproduce. Bourdieu's account sheds fresh light on the ways in which linguistic usage varies according to considerations such as class and gender. It also opens up a new approach to the ways in which language is used in the domain of politics. For politics is, among other things, the arena in which words are deeds and the symbolic character of power is at stake. This volume, by one of the leading social thinkers in the world today, represents a major contribution to the study of language and power. It will be of interest to students throughout the social sciences and humanities, especially in sociology, politics, anthropology, linguistics, and literature.
  • 权力与规则


    本书直接从组织现象中最广泛、最一般的属性出发,依据其动态本质把组织现象看作是对行动领域——集体行动得以发生的领域——进行构建和再构建的过程,以此去把握和分析组织,这也是本书所要寻求的新综合。 本书是法国杰出的组织社会学大师埃哈尔·费埃德伯格的经典著作之一,旨在探讨权力与规则的关系,研究并揭示行动层面的组织的性质、特征、结构、功能与运作方式。 作者超越相关研究中将组织与集体行动相互对立的二分法,认为组织本质上是动态的,是对行动领域进行构建和再构建的过程。通过将组织普遍化并视其为诸行动领域的一种,作者揭示了组织中的构造及秩序的本质所具有的不确定性,并透过行动的表面秩序,探索出现在其中的权力过程,协商过程和渐进的结构化过程。在书中,作者提出“局部秩序”的概念,认为它始终是社会结构的部分的,区域的和权变性的产物,社会结构则是秩序的产物和再造,对社会结构的解释可以从不同行动领域中具体的组织过程的分析和揭示中找到。
  • 三农问题与世纪反思


  • Reassembling the Social

    作者:Bruno Latour

    Reassembling the Social is a fundamental challenge from one of the world's leading social theorists to how we understand society and the 'social'. Bruno Latour's contention is that the word 'social' as used by Social Scientists has become laden with assumptions to the point where it has become a misnomer. When the adjective is applied to a phenomenon, it is used to indicate a stabilized state of affairs, a bundle of ties that in due course may be used to account for another phenomenon. Latour also finds the word used as if it described a type of material, in a comparable way to an adjective such as 'wooden' or 'steely'. Rather than simply indicating what is already assembled together, it is now used in a way that makes assumptions about the nature of what is assembled. It has become a word that designates two distinct things: a process of assembling: and a type of material, distinct from others. Latour shows why 'the social' cannot be thought of as a kind of material or domain, and disputes attempts to provide a 'social explanation' of other states of affairs. While these attempts have been productive (and probably necessary) in the past, the very success of the social sciences mean that they are largely no longer so. At the present stage it is no longer possible to inspect the precise constituents entering the social domain. Latour returns to the original meaning of 'the social' to redefine the notion and allow it to trace connections again. It will then be possible to resume the traditional goal of the social sciences, but using more refined tools. Drawing on his extensive work examining the 'assemblages' of nature, Latour finds it necessary to scrutinize thoroughly the exact content of what is assembled under the umbrella of Society. This approach, a 'sociology of associations' has become known as Actor-Network-Theory, and this book is an essential introduction both for those seeking to understand Actor-Network-Theory, or the ideas of one of its most influential proponents.
  • 风险社会及其超越


  • 城市社会学

    作者:R.E.帕克 E.N.伯吉斯 R.D

  • The Rise of the Creative Class

    作者:Richard Florida

    Gives us a provocative new way to think about why we live as we do today-and where we might be headed. Weaving storytelling with masses of new and updated research, Richard Florida traces the fundamental theme that runs through a host of seemingly unrelated changes in American society.