

  • 社会选择与个人价值

    作者:Kenneth Arrow

    一、社会选择问题的类型和意义 资本主义民主本质上靠两种社会选择的方法来贯彻:政治决策上的投票机制和经济决策上的市场机制。此外,在其他社会形态中,社会决策有时由个人或小集团作出,有时则依赖于特定环境中的社会传统,如宗教信仰。这是另外两种社会选择的方法,即独裁和传统。 在理想的独裁制下,社会决策虽属一人之事,但他一人即代表着全体社会成员的意志;在理想的由传统维系的社会中,社会决策依据某种信仰或假定由全休社会成员的习俗所决定。因此这两种社会选择方法都不涉及个人意志相互冲突的问题。与此相反投票或市场的方法,一般总涉及如何把许多个人的不同偏好逻辑一致地汇总成单一社会选择的问题。应该说,从尊重个人选择意志的角度看,理想状态下的独裁和传统的方法始终是合乎理性的,但这种合理性对于涉及许多不同个人意志的集体选择过程也能同样有效么? 该问题的一个例子是下述著名的"投票悖论":假定某社会由3人组成,该社会必须在三种社会行动A.B.C中作出集体选择。又假定选择可以重复进行,但每次只对两个候选对象进行比较,则决定集体偏好的一个自然法则便是少数服从多数原则。现设3个人对三种社会行动的偏好顺序如下表所示: 个人社会行动偏好顺序 A>B>C C>A>B B>C>A显然,根据多数原则,社会选择结果将得出A>B,B>c,C>A的悖论,也即按多数决策原则,从三个合理的个人偏好顺序中将得不出单一合理的社会偏好顺序来。 …… …… 二、社会选择问题的表述形式和前提条件。 …… …… 三、一般可能性定理。 …… …… 四、对一般可能性定理的证明。 …… …… 五、对一般可能性定理的解释。 …… ……
  • 美国华人社会的变迁


    美国学术界研究当代移民的论著大多公认这样一个事实:亚裔移民是当今美国移民中增长最快的族裔群体。由于亚裔移民的整体教育水准高,创业能力强,仅仅经过一两代人的努力就攀上了美国主流经济的中层甚至高层的位置。华人移民美国已有一百五十多年的历史。自十九世纪中叶以来,华人移民美国虽大起大落,却源源不断。但其过去与今日在美国的遭遇和处境却大相径庭,不可同日而语。本书就美国华人社会的变迁进行了比较全面的分析。 这本书一方面呈现中国古典文学在“性别”与“家国”议题上的特殊风貌,一方面在书中也适时与西方理论及西方汉学家研究成果进行了对话。 本书收集了作者作为加州大学著名华裔社会学家和亚裔研究学家在美国一流的学术期刊和论著上发表的有关华人社会的15篇精选论文。美国社会学学会会长、普林斯顿大学社会学系系主任波特斯博士特为本书中文版作序。相信这本论文集也将会在中国学术界产生影响。
  • Why?

    作者:Charles Tilly

  • The Middle Class in Neoliberal China

    作者:Hai Ren

    Since the late 1970s, China’s move towards neoliberalism has made it not only one of the world’s fastest growing economies, but also one of the most polarised states. This economic, social and political transformation has led to the emergence of a new Chinese middle class, and understanding the development and the role of this new social group is crucial to understanding contemporary Chinese society. Investigating the new politics of the middle class in China, this book addresses three major questions. First, how does the Chinese state deal with problems of national sovereignty and political representation to create the middle class both as a legitimate category of the people and as an ideal norm of citizenship? Second, how does the recognition of the middle class norm take place in the practice of everyday life? Finally, what kind of risks does the politics of the middle class generate not only for middle class subjects but also for the disenfranchised? In answering these questions, this book examines a set of practices, bodies of knowledge, measures, and institutions that aim to manage, govern, control, and orient the behaviours, gestures, and thoughts of Chinese citizens. This investigation contributes not only to the understanding of the Chinese middle class society but also to the scholarly debate over the relationship between governmental apparatuses, subjectification, and life-building. Drawing on ethnographic information, historical archives, and the media, this book will be of great interest to students and scholars working in the fields of Chinese studies, Chinese politics, ethnic studies and urban studies, as well as those interested in culture, society, class and welfare.
  • 上帝与国家


  • The Power Elite

    作者:C. Wright Mills,Alan

    First published in 1956, The Power Elite stands as a contemporary classic of social science and social criticism. C. Wright Mills examines and critiques the organization of power in the United States, calling attention to three firmly interlocked prongs of power: the military, corporate, and political elite. The Power Elite can be read as a good account of what was taking place in America at the time it was written, but its underlying question of whether America is as democratic in practice as it is in theory continues to matter very much today. What The Power Elite informed readers of in 1956 was how much the organization of power in America had changed during their lifetimes, and Alan Wolfe's astute afterword to this new edition brings us up to date, illustrating how much more has changed since then. Wolfe sorts out what is helpful in Mills book and which of his predictions have not come to bear, laying out the radical changes in American capitalism, from intense global competition and the collapse of communism to rapid technological transformations and ever changing consumer tastes. The Power Elite has stimulated generations of readers to think about the kind of society they have and the kind of society they might want, and deserves to be read by every new generation.
  • Our Kids

    作者:Robert D. Putnam

    A groundbreaking examination of the growing inequality gap from the bestselling author of Bowling Alone: why fewer Americans today have the opportunity for upward mobility. It’s the American dream: get a good education, work hard, buy a house, and achieve prosperity and success. This is the America we believe in—a nation of opportunity, constrained only by ability and effort. But during the last twenty-five years we have seen a disturbing “opportunity gap” emerge. Americans have always believed in equality of opportunity, the idea that all kids, regardless of their family background, should have a decent chance to improve their lot in life. Now, this central tenet of the American dream seems no longer true or at the least, much less true than it was. Robert Putnam—about whom The Economist said, “his scholarship is wide-ranging, his intelligence luminous, his tone modest, his prose unpretentious and frequently funny”—offers a personal but also authoritative look at this new American crisis. Putnam begins with his high school class of 1959 in Port Clinton, Ohio. By and large the vast majority of those students—“our kids”—went on to lives better than those of their parents. But their children and grandchildren have had harder lives amid diminishing prospects. Putnam tells the tale of lessening opportunity through poignant life stories of rich and poor kids from cities and suburbs across the country, drawing on a formidable body of research done especially for this book. Our Kids is a rare combination of individual testimony and rigorous evidence. Putnam provides a disturbing account of the American dream that should initiate a deep examination of the future of our country.
  • 城市化的中国道路


    城市化俨然已成为中国改革与发展中的关键词,它一头连着土地制度和户籍制度,另一头连着经济转型和就业。因此,中国城市化道路的选择,是事关国家发展道路的战略问题。 遗憾的是,由于概念、意识形态以及少数人利益的遮蔽,中国城市化正走向激进。本书试图在尊重历史与国情的基础上,从另一个视角观察、解读中国城市化的真实现场及其背后的制度安排,提出一条保护农民返乡权利,避免中国落入中等收入陷阱的稳健的城市化道路。
  • 地权的逻辑Ⅱ


    房价居高不下、拆迁此起彼伏,腐败接连不断,土地制度因此被一次次推向舆论的风口浪尖,变革地权几乎成了泄洪的唯一通道。此时,我们希望听到和看到的,往往是自己想要的“真相”,而不是基于土地自身逻辑常识的真相,谬误便由此而生。 本书则是在全面认识土地属性,尊重土地制度历史渊源与现实语境的前提下,提供一种与时下主流的“黑板经济学”的“常识”大为不同的新常识,并从另一个视角还原了土地财政、征地拆迁等焦点问题的真相,并提出新型城镇化所需要的城乡统筹模式。 土地作为最重要的资源,关乎每个人的利益,也是几乎所有热点问题、焦点问题的“根”,但地权并不浪漫,地权变革如果迷信“浪漫主义想象”的逻辑推演,结果可能是中国社会转型之殇。
  • 权力与公正


  • 马克思归来(上下卷)

    作者:[瑞典] 福克斯 (Christian

  • 初识传播学(插图第7版)

    作者:[美]埃姆·格里芬(Em Griffin

    畅销全美20年的传播学经典入门书 ................... ※编辑推荐※ ☆ 人际沟通、影响力、团队决策、认知内心及外在世界……现代社会每个至关重要的领域,都离不开传播学的核心——信息解读与处理。 ☆ 在信息与人类生活须臾不可分离的今天,传播学是人人都必须 掌握的一门艺术。 ☆ 学界资深名师倾力打造,专为入门者定制的最佳学习框架。书中引入大量电影情节与生活案例,深入浅出,绝不枯燥。 ☆ 享誉全美的畅销经典教材,风行20余年,亚马逊网站长期五星好评。任可想要系统了解传播力的读者不可错过。 ................... ※内容简介※ 本书是一本享誉全美的畅销经典教材,由著名传媒学者埃姆·格里芬根据在美国惠顿学院浸淫数十年的教学经验撰写而成,在多次更新版本的过程中,反复征求、汲取学界权威以及上百万名读者的反馈意见。为使读者在短时间内迅速掌握传播学的精髓,本书精心遴选32种传播理论进行讲解,对近年大热的理论前沿亦有所涉猎。 与其他教材相比,本书最大特点在于强调读者体验,不但祛除了传播学理论的晦涩刻板,而且致力于将它们转换为普通人可以在生活中应用的工具。全书以深入浅出的方式,由信息、意义、语言、思维等最基本的概念入手,逐步过渡到如何认识与理解人际之间,乃至个人与群体、与社会及文化的纷纭复杂的关系。
  • 退出、呼吁与忠诚


    编辑推荐 艾伯特·O.赫希曼编著的《退出呼吁与忠诚(对企业组织和国家衰退的回应)》是一本具有很高学术价值的著作。例如:对垄断组织的重新认识;对利润最大化假定的质疑与修正;什么样的市场结构更有利于经济绩效的恢复;制度性的障碍能提高退出的成本,从而激活呼吁并使之发挥作用;联合抵制兼具退出和呼吁的功能;由于基本不存在退出障碍,多党制内部的民主制度鲜有获得发展的机会;等等。这些,对进一步深化我国政治经济体制改革都有一定的参考价值。 本书于1970年由哈佛出版社出版,多次重印,后被翻译成西班牙、葡萄牙、法、德、意大利、瑞士、日、匈牙利等多种语言公开出版。艾伯特·O.赫希曼的这部著作立意新颖,分析深刻,结构严谨,论述有致,自出版以来,好评如潮,影响甚广,引用率一直居高不下。
  • Chinese Politics in the Era of Xi Jinping

    作者:Willy Wo-Lap Lam

    Renowned for his coverage of China's elite politics and leadership transitions, veteran Sinologist Willy Lam has produced the first book-length study in English of the rise of Xi Jinping--General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) since November 2012. With rare insight, Lam describes Xi's personal history and his fascination with quasi-Maoist values, the factional politics through which he ascended, the configuration of power of the Fifth-Generation leadership, and the country's likely future directions under the charismatic "princeling." Despite an undistinguished career as a provincial administrator, Xi has rapidly amassed more power than his predecessors. He has overawed his rivals and shaken up the party-state hierarchy by launching large-scale anti-corruption and rectification campaigns. With a strong power base in the People's Liberation Army and a vision of China as an "awakening lion," Xi has been flexing China's military muscle in sovereignty rows with countries including Japan, Vietnam, and the Philippines while trying to undermine the influence of the United States in the Asia-Pacific region. While Xi is still fine-tuning his art of governance, his zero tolerance for dissent and his preoccupation with upholding the privileges of the "red aristocracy" and the CCP's status as "perennial ruling party" do not bode well for economic, political, or cultural reforms. Lam takes a close look at Xi's ideological and political profile and considers how his conservative outlook might shape what the new strongman calls "the Great Renaissance of the Chinese race."
  • 激进主义探源


  • 全球化

    作者:[美]阿尔君·阿帕杜莱 主编

    全球化是当今学界广为研究的一个主题。本书为凤凰文库当代思想前沿系列之一,汇集了世界各国知名学者对学科交叉研究的最新成果,对非洲、印尼、中国与西方政治经济文化的交流碰撞,进行了立体的透视,全面地展现了不同文化背景、地域背景下的学者对于全球化背景下的发展问题的思考,充满思想张力,兼具前沿性与文化积累价值。 全书涵盖全球化问题的各个领域,如领土争端、主权政治、地图制作、媒体言说、未来伦理、表象经济、世界音乐、妇女权利等,主题多样,写作范式独特。
  • 社会分层与不平等

    作者:[美] 哈罗德·克博,Harold R.

    《社会分层与不平等(历史比较全球视角下的阶级冲突第7版)/社会学人类学译丛》作者哈罗德·R.克博》 《社会分层与不平等:历史、比较、全球视角下的阶级冲突》一书的第七版为我们提供一项对人类社会的经济和社会分工领域的综合性的最新研究。本书的新颖之处在于通过广泛地比较,以及对社会阶层变迁和演化历程的概观,为读者展现了一种讨论阶层冲突问题的全球性视角。作者通过运用最新的统计数据,反映出社会学领域最新的研究趋势。本书的英文原著自出版以来,赢得了美国大学师生的广泛赞赏,成为社会学专业的经典入门教材,同时也受到关注社会问题的普通读者们的喜爱。
  • 美国实力的衰落


    美国在衰落吗?著名社会学家伊曼纽尔·沃勒斯坦从历史学、社会学、政治经济学等多种社会科学视角分析了美国霸权衰落的过程和内在逻辑,视野广阔,观点清晰。尤其值得重视的是,作者认为从20世纪70年代初开始,世界体系进入了大变迁的时代,并以此预见作为上个世纪称霸世界的美国将不可避免地走向衰落。 2l世纪世界前景如何?作者预测,世界进人了地缘政治力量结构相对失衡的多边分裂阶段,多个地区中心纵横捭阖,争夺优势,其中至少包括美国、欧盟、俄罗斯、中国、日本、印度、伊朗和巴西。
  • The Three Worlds of Welfare Capitalism

    作者:Esping-Andersen, Gos

    Few discussions in modern social science have occupied as much attention as the changing nature of welfare states in Western societies. Gosta Esping-Andersen, one of the foremost contributors to current debates on this issue, here provides a new analysis of the character and role of welfare states in the functioning of contemporary advanced Western societies. Esping-Andersen distinguishes three major types of welfare state, connecting these with variations in the historical development of different Western countries. He argues that current economic processes, such as those moving toward a postindustrial order, are shaped not by autonomous market forces but by the nature of states and state differences. Fully informed by comparative materials, this book will have great appeal to all those working on issues of economic development and postindustrialism. Its audience will include students of sociology, economics, and politics.
  • 社会黏合剂

