

  • 官僚制内幕


    在这部分析官员行为动机与官僚组织运行机制的经典之作中,作者用简明的语言为我们展现了一部美国版的《官场现形记》,让我们洞悉官员的心理与行为,把握官僚组织的决策机制,从而加深对官员和官僚组织的理解。   本书是剖析官员与官僚组织行为、透视官僚制内幕的经典力作。本书构建了一种有用的决策理论,该理论通过对官员动机、行为模式等方面的分析来帮助人们认识官僚组织的行为,从而提高决策质量。作者将官员分为权力攀登者、保守者、狂热者、倡导者、政治家等五种类型,在此基础上,分析官员的动机、目标和行为对官僚组织决策的影响,探讨官僚组织所承担的社会职能及其所处的环境对其结构、行为和决策的影响。
  • 关于阶级的冲突


  • Exit, Voice, and Loyalty

    作者:Albert O. Hirschman

    An innovator in contemporary thought on economic and political development looks here at decline rather than growth. Albert O. Hirschman makes a basic distinction between alternative ways of reacting to deterioration in business firms and, in general, to dissatisfaction with organizations: one, "exit," is for the member to quit the organization or for the customer to switch to the competing product, and the other, "voice," is for members or customers to agitate and exert influence for change "from within." The efficiency of the competitive mechanism, with its total reliance on exit, is questioned for certain important situations. As exit often undercuts voice while being unable to counteract decline, loyalty is seen in the function of retarding exit and of permitting voice to play its proper role. The interplay of the three concepts turns out to illuminate a wide range of economic, social, and political phenomena. As the author states in the preface, "having found my own unifying way of looking at issues as diverse as competition and the two-party system, divorce and the American character, black power and the failure of 'unhappy' top officials to resign over Vietnam, I decided to let myself go a little."
  • Critical Mass

    作者:Philip Ball

    Are there any "laws of nature" that influence the ways in which humans behave and organize themselves? In the seventeenth century, tired of the civil war ravaging England, Thomas Hobbes decided that he would work out what kind of government was needed for a stable society. His approach was based not on utopian wishful thinking but rather on Galileo's mechanics to construct a theory of government from first principles. His solution is unappealing to today's society, yet Hobbes had sparked a new way of thinking about human behavior in looking for the "scientific" rules of society. Adam Smith, Immanuel Kant, Auguste Comte, and John Stuart Mill pursued this idea from different political perspectives. Little by little, however, social and political philosophy abandoned a "scientific" approach. Today, physics is enjoying a revival in the social, political and economic sciences. Ball shows how much we can understand of human behavior when we cease to try to predict and analyze the behavior of individuals and instead look to the impact of individual decisions-whether in circumstances of cooperation or conflict-can have on our laws, institutions and customs. Lively and compelling, Critical Mass is the first book to bring these new ideas together and to show how they fit within the broader historical context of a rational search for better ways to live.
  • Questions of Cultural Identity

    作者:Hall, Stuart (EDT)/

    Why and how do contemporary questions of culture so readily become highly charged questions of identity? The question of cultural identity lies at the heart of current debates in cultural studies and social theory. At issue is whether those identities which defined the social and cultural world of modern societies for so long - distinctive identities of gender, sexuality, race, class and nationality - are in decline, giving rise to new forms of identification and fragmenting the modern individual as a unified subject. Questions of Cultural Identity offers a wide-ranging exploration of this issue. Stuart Hall firstly outlines the reasons why the question of identity is so compelling and yet so problematic. The cast of outstanding contributors then interrogate different dimensions of the crisis of identity; in so doing, they provide both theoretical and substantive insights into different approaches to understanding identity.
  • The Chinese Hospital

    作者:Gail E. Henderson,My

  • 统计学方法与数据分析引论(上下)

    作者:[美] R.L.奥特(R.Lyamn O

    本书据Duxbury Press第5版译出。内容分为8个部分,共20章,分上下两册。各章均有大量习题。作者使用实例来引入主题,并把统计概念和实际问题联系在一起进行讲解,介绍了统计数据的收集和分析过程,讨论了如何解释数据分析的结果,并专门讲述了如何写数据分析报告。
  • Frontiers in Social Movement Theory

    作者:Aldon D. Morris,Caro

  • 下一个百万富翁就是你


    《下一个百万富翁就是你》是一本惊世之作,它将改变你的命运,引导你迈向致富之路!《下一个百万富翁就是你》揭示了百万富翁的秘密:他们开源节流、量入为出。他们致力于财富的积累,尽可能合理地安排时间、精力和金钱。他们深信,经济上的自立远比外表的光鲜体面更加重要。他们的父母不会给予他们的经济援助。他们的成年子女都实现了经济自立。他们善于把握商机。他们选择了适合自己的职业。通过阅读《下一个百万富翁就是你》,你可以深入领会富翁的七大特质。我们也希望你能因此而有所收益。 《下一个百万富翁就是你》对谁才是真正的富翁和如何致富做了最全面的阐述,很多的成果都源于我们将近20年的调查研究。这包括对500位百万富翁的私人访谈和小组集中访谈,以及对11000位拥有巨额财富者和高收入人士的问卷调查。
  • 後殖民同志


    周華山應該是當今華人社會中研究同志愛、同志運動最有成就的學者。他結合社會學理論及實地調查,又以中西文化的比較觀點,來透視華人社會中同志愛的現象。因此,他的著作具有學術知性的廣度與深度。但又因周華山把同志愛視爲人性之一部分,所以他的研究特富人情、人味。 ——白先勇 本書是周華山研究同性戀現象的一部力作,在學術界享有盛名,社會學家李銀河先生對此書十分讚賞。
  • 民族社会学导论


    本书以社会为学科基础,吸收了人口学、政治学、种族与族群研究等领域的相关理论、方法和案例,结合了定性研究与定量分析,其理论来源涵盖了西方民族社会学、马列主义民族理论、中国民族关系演变史等内容,并介绍了大量国内外的研究实例。书后附有修订后的北京大学社会学系“课程教授大纲”,可供任课教师参考。 本书为作者已出版著作《民族社会学——社会学的族群关系研究》一书的简明版,针对本科生和少数民族地区高校师生的需求,保留了原书的结构和基本内容,删简了引证文献、数据案例和全部脚注,从而更加简明和实用。
  • 中国与全球化

    作者:黄平,崔之元 主编

    2004年5月,清华大学教授雷默发表《北京共识》后,引发国内外热烈讨论,反响很强烈。经过1年多的沉淀,我们收集了国内外这方面一些很有影响力的论文,并于2005年8月专门召开《“北京共识”与中国模式研讨会》,对这一问题做纵深探讨。 “北京共识”是国际上对中国发展经验的最新概括。它探讨中国这样一个发展中国家到底是如何组织的,以及中国经验对世界上其他国家的适用性问题。“北京共识”是指一系列的关于中国发展的新思想:“不仅设法弄清如何发展自己的国家,而且还想知道如何与国际秩序接轨”。“北京共识”正变得越来越流行并且给世界带来了希望,在这种情形下,中国承担着新的责任。今后五年将是中国塑造自己国际形象的重要契机,中国不仅要通过经济手段,而且还要通过典范作用来帮助和重塑这个世界。
  • City of Quartz

    作者:Davis, Mike

    Amazon.com Mike Davis peers into a looking glass to divine the future of Los Angeles, and what he sees is not encouraging: a city--or better, a concatenation of competing city states--torn by racial enmity, economic disparity, and social anomie. Looking backward, Davis suggests that Los Angeles has always been contested ground. In the 1840s, he writes, a combination of drought and industrial stock raising led to the destruction of small-scale Spanish farming in the region. In the 1910s, Los Angeles was the scene of a bitter conflict between management and industrial workers, so bitter that the publisher of the Los Angeles Times retreated to a heavily fortified home he called "The Bivouac." And in 1992, much of the city fell before flames and riot in a scenario Davis describes as thus: "Gangs are multiplying at a terrifying rate, cops are becoming more arrogant and trigger-happy, and a whole generation is being shunted toward some impossible Armageddon." Davis's voice-in-a-whirlwind approach to the past, present, and future of Los Angeles is alarming and arresting, and his book is essential reading for anyone interested in contemporary affairs. --Gregory MacNamee From Library Journal Eschewing the character study that comprises most Los Angeles history, Davis concentrates on the ongoing and ignored ethnic and class struggles, formerly manifested by booster (pro-growth) exploitation, now replaced by exclusionary (no-growth) neighborhood incorporation, and by police control of Afro-American and Latino neighborhoods. His analysis of recent Los Angeles history is often chilling and--sad to say--more true than false. Small inaccuracies sometimes afflict the narrative, and the breathlessness of Davis's writing will probably confuse readers who are unfamilar with the region. But these criticisms quibble with an otherwise important and necessary work. Recommended. - Tim Zindel, Hastings Coll . of the Law, San Francisco Copyright 1991 Reed Business Information, Inc.--This text refers to the Hardcover edition.
  • The Souls of Black Folk

    作者:W. E. B. Du Bois,Don

    This landmark book is a founding work in the literature of black protest. W. E. B. Du Bois (1868-1963) played a key role in developing the strategy and program that dominated early 20th-century black protest in America. In this collection of essays, first published together in 1903, he eloquently affirms that it is beneath the dignity of a human being to beg for those rights that belong inherently to all mankind. He also charges that the strategy of accommodation to white supremacy advanced by Booker T. Washington, then the most influential black leader in America, would only serve to perpetuate black oppression. Publication of The Souls of Black Folk was a dramatic event that helped to polarize black leaders into two groups: the more conservative followers of Washington and the more radical supporters of aggressive protest. Its influence cannot be overstated. It is essential reading for everyone interested in African-American history and the struggle for civil rights in America.
  • Making Social Science Matter : Why Social Inquiry Fails and How it Can Succeed Again

    作者:Bent Flyvbjerg,Steve

    Making Social Science Matter presents an exciting new approach to the social and behavioral sciences including theoretical argument, methodological guidelines, and examples of practical application. Why has social science failed in attempts to emulate natural science and produce normal theory? Bent Flyvbjerg argues that the strength of social sciences lies in its rich, reflexive analysis of values and power, essential to the social and economic development of any society. Richly informed, powerfully argued, and clearly written, this book opens up a new future for the social sciences. Its empowering message will make it required reading for students and academics across the social and behavioral sciences.
  • 冷暖人生


    《冷暖人生》在近三年的摸索中,从演播室走向更广阔的话语空间,从弱势人群走向更普遍的边际性人群,它的讲述宽度和深度正一步步拓展。正是在这种渐变的过程中,陈晓楠从一个非常理性的新闻主播转变成家喻户晓的兼具理性和感性的“社会观察者”,《冷暖人生》也成为“凤凰冲击播”的黄金栏目之一。 作为一个全球性的华语电视媒体,凤凰卫视的企业文化始终指向“拉近全球华人的距离”,这种距离不仅仅是空间的距离,也是心灵的距离,是不同生存状态的华的距离。所以我们关注全球局局势的风云变化,也关注世界范围内华人弱势群体的生存状态。《冷暖人生》就是体现凤凰卫视社会责任、媒体良知和人文关杯的一个常态节目。
  • 政治社会学


  • The Rules of Art

    作者:Pierre Bourdieu et a

    Written with verve and intensity (and a good bit of wordplay), this is the long-awaited study of Flaubert and the modern literary field that constitutes the definitive work on the sociology of art by one of the world's leading social theorists. Drawing upon the history of literature and art from the mid-nineteenth century to the present, Bourdieu develops an original theory of art conceived as an autonomous value. He argues powerfully against those who refuse to acknowledge the interconnection between art and the structures of social relations within which it is produced and received. As Bourdieu shows, art's new autonomy is one such structure, which complicates but does not eliminate the interconnection. The literary universe as we know it today took shape in the nineteenth century as a space set apart from the approved academies of the state. No one could any longer dictate what ought to be written or decree the canons of good taste. Recognition and consecration were produced in and through the struggle in which writers, critics, and publishers confronted one another.
  • The Gift

    作者:Marcel Mauss

    在线阅读本书 In this, his most famous work, Marcel Mauss (1872-1950) presented to the world a book which revolutionized our understanding of some of the basic structures of society. A renowned anthropologist, Mauss sought in this work to transcend empirical observation and reach deeper realities. In so doing, he inaugurated a new era for the social sciences. By identifying the complex web of exchange and obligation involved in the act of giving, Mauss called into question many of our social conventions and economic systems. As L'evi-Strauss remarked, "Few have managed to read it without feeling the whole gamut of the emotions: the pounding heart, the throbbing head, the mind flooded with the imperious, though not yet definable, certainty of being present at a decisive event in the evolution of science."